Richard Dawkins And The Satanic Monkeys by Silviaz

Writer: Silviaz

Subject: Richard Dawkins And The Satanic Monkeys

Link: Tumblr / 14.04.2024

Associated Links: Watch Richard Dawkins read his hate mail: “I hope you do get sodomized by satanic monkeys in hell.”

Richard Dawkins And The Satanic Monkeys

Anonymous asked: Richard Dawkins a well-known new atheist said he is a cultural Christian what do you think about that?

I am not surprised by his statement most of the so-called Atheists in the West aren’t Atheists they are just Christians who just reject the bible as a fairy tale book. The simple Truth is for one thousand years Christianity wasn’t dominant because of the bible or its teachings people just loved the aesthetics of it and its rituals like the Latin mass, the bible turned people off to the Christian faith.

This fact might shock you but even during the so-called Middle Ages Europe was a Haven of Atheism They just saw Christianity as the Imperial religion of the Roman Empire which they could use for their Holy Roman Empire state.

So in short people like Dawkins are nothing new to them Christianity is a cultural choice which is why they like its castles knights and holy paladins, they don’t want any of the faith aspects of it and I’m fine with that cause I love Hellenism (Paganism of Greeks) aesthetics but I’m not like them. You can love the ascetics of faith and not be a believer in it.

Watch Richard Dawkins read his hate mail: “I hope you do get sodomized by satanic monkeys in hell.”

The evolutionary biologist performs a selection of his finest burns. Richard Dawkins’ staunchly atheist views on evolutionary biology have long angered the religious. In particular, in his 2006 bestseller “The God Delusion,” in which he argues that a supernatural creator almost certainly does not exist and that those who hold such beliefs in a personal god are fantasists. As such, he frequently receives hate mail. He is mostly homophobic(he’s married to Dr Who actress Lalla Ward) and littered with expletives. So he’s decided to read a selection of the finest aloud and has posted the evidence on YouTube.

Warning: The below video contains Richard Dawkins swearing. A lot. And may be considered offensive.

“You don’t think God is real because you’re gay and stupid,” he begins on another. “Why don’t you stop being gay and stupid and go have sexy time.” … “Oh, and your science books are shit,” a third letter reads midway through … “Not as shit as God Delusion. Dude, it was so poorly written, it was a waste of toilet paper. Mother fucker.” … “I think they’re all just rather fun,” he said of why he decided to read the collection.


“You don’t think God is real because you’re gay and stupid,” he begins on another. “Why don’t you stop being gay and stupid and go have sexy time.” … “Oh, and your science books are shit,” a third letter reads midway through … “Not as shit as God Delusion. Dude, it was so poorly written, it was a waste of toilet paper. Mother fucker.” … “I think they’re all just rather fun,” he said of why he decided to read the collection.

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