Feature Writer: redrat7


Published: 09.03.2024

Story Codes: Demonic

Synopsis: A female adventurer is visited by an incubus.

Flora’s Nightmare

When you are a young adventurer constantly battling different adversaries, a good night’s rest is vital. And sleep is exactly what Flora needed after the hellish day she had been through. It was bad enough she had to deal with a dark magic user, but the battle lasted well into the evening.

After what seemed like eternity, Flora finally was able to retreat from the attack and make her way home all in one piece.

She was deep in the midst of a peaceful slumber, under the impression she would remain that way til the morning. Dressed in her most comfortable pajamas, Flora was laid out cavalierly on her bed, limbs splayed across the freshly cleaned bed sheets. She experienced a rather humiliating defeat, but still, she was able to fall asleep quite comfortably without a care in the world. In ignorant bliss, she began snoring, mouth wide open. She was stirring in her slumber, appearing to be experiencing a happy and pleasant dream. Delightfully unaware of the secondary presence in her room.

A crimson skinned male demon floated above Flora, suspended mid-air as he stared down at the heroine. He had a massive wingspan, twice as long as his height, with horns on top of each of his wings. He had identical horns that protruded from his forehead, sticking out from long and unkempt black hair. With a long spade ended tail that was as long as an anaconda, Vatro was the perfect example of an incubus.

Seductive, sly, and sadistic with a snake-like charm. His entire body throttled with a typical feeling of want that all incubi experience- the hunger they feel as they stare down their delectable victim.

Vatro smiled, quietly chuckling as he watched over Flora. The incubus bit his lip watching the pretty human girl in her sleep, so foolishly unaware. Just his luck for her to make it just all the more easy for him. He was told that this particular “hero” was rather pathetic, but he wasn’t expecting a golden opportunity like this as soon as he was summoned to her room. The witch he was contracted with had a bone to pick with Flora regardless, and Vatro was here on business. His target had pissed off the wrong witch, and now she was to suffer the consequences.

The demon wasn’t given specific instructions, simply to scare her and teach her a lesson. Just from looking at her, the perverted demon had more than a few ideas in mind. Being an incubus, Vatro had an affinity for human women, but he wasn’t here to rock Flora’s world with a night of passion, no, he was here to torment her. And he knew just how to do so while getting off to it as well.

Vatro’s stomach growled, a faint gurgling noise that alerted him that it was now or never. Taking flight, the demon effortlessly flew over Flora’s bed, his body hovering over her. He relaxed his figure as if he were laying on a hammock, his ass right above her face. Just as Flora reached the apex of her snore, where her mouth was wide open, Vatro unleashed the flatulent floodgates of Hell.


The insanely long fart fired right out of Vatro’s sweaty hot asshole, right into Flora’s mouth and nose. She unknowingly swallowed it all, choking on the excess as he continued to fart on her. Vatro moaned, he could feel his anus opening slightly as it let out the humongous fart. His stomach gurgled in unison with his gassy expulsions, reminding Vatro that he had a lot more than just gas brewing inside of him.

The demon smirked, enjoying Flora’s desperate choking. She gagged violently, writhing in her sheets until she finally woke up, hacking her lungs out. The thick green smog of farts surrounded Flora, obscuring Vatro’s appearance at first.

‘Do I have a sore throat, am I sick? No, no- something smells terrible. This isn’t normal. Something’s going on…’ Flora weakly raised her head to see the gas cloud slowly dissipating. She saw her bedroom, completely dark if not for the faint outline of moonlight on her furniture.

Flora felt an overwhelming sleepiness overcome her, and she slowly reclined back to her original sleeping position. She was about to fall right back asleep, before she felt the immense and sudden weight of pressure on her stomach. She opened her eyes to see the incubus, with his sweaty ass perched right on her chin. Flora gasped, a bodily reflex that she truly came to hate. She got a nasty whiff of the demon’s odor, and whined quite un-heroically.

“Y-you!” Flora stammered, still affected by the demon’s powerful scents. The fact that she was awoken from her sleep didn’t make it any better. “You must be the source of that wretched smell!” Flora managed to croak out. “If you don’t leave my home, I’ll have to take you down! I know how to deal with you, demon!” Flora bluffed, feeling her thighs quaking. He had his entire body weight pressed against her chin, his cock against her neck. He was a naked man on top of her in her own room during the middle of the night. She had to choose her words carefully here.

“Oh, really?” Vatro laughed seductively, raising a relaxed hand to his chin as if to pose his face as he looked down on Flora. “And what would your methods of dealing with me be, hm? Why should I be scared of you?”

Just as flora opened her mouth to speak, to attempt to assert some sort of authority, Vatro flexed his asscheeks. Out came a steady stream of gaseous poison, directly hitting Flora in the nose. Vatro arched his back as he laughed cruelly, aiming his ass so her nose was perfectly downwind.

“You’re not going to do anything! I can smell the fear in you, human. I can feel the horror inside of you. You and I both know, you’re not getting out of this untainted.” He grinded his ass against Flora’s chin, as if marking his scent. Flora cringed, she could feel grime and muck being wiped onto her, as well as his pubic and anal hair.

“I’m sorry, Flora my dear. But there’s just no getting around it. You’re destined to be my meal for the night!” Vatro cackled, grabbing Flora by the thighs as he scooted his ass further down her face.

“Huh? How do you know my name?!” Flora panicked, staring down Vatro’s maroon starfish.

“I know a lot of things about you, Flora. Like how you’re a pathetic excuse for an adventurer.” Vatro used his tail to wrap around Flora and force her face first into his asscheeks. Her face submerged, Flora couldn’t speak at all. With Vatro’s anus now directly on her nose, he unleashed an unholy fiery rage of farts right down her nasal cavity. He yanked her by the hair painfully, giving her another guttural and bubbly fart into her mouth.

“You see, this, Flora, is what you’re MUCH better at! Muahahahua!” Vatro cackled maniacally, his tail constricting Flora’s neck tighter. He tightened his tail’s grip on her as much as he could, then he let out a sequence of farts, each one intensifying after the last.






Vatro moaned, unabashedly showing off how he was getting off to the absurd and disgusting nature of it all. His cock was hard and Flora felt like throwing up when she felt his erection pressed against her. The incubus grinded rapidly on top of her, letting out more and more farts. Each one Flora attempted to spit out, to no avail.

Flora felt violated in an entirely new way. She was truly unable to handle the threat at hand here, at least not in any physical capacity. A feeling of dread set over Flora as she ruminated on the possible outcomes. This was an incubus, immune to many mortal weapons. He was statuesque and well sculpted, with an athletic build that only made Flora more nervous of him. As much as she hated to admit it, she did find him attractive. But the circumstances in which he forced himself upon her only gave Flora flashbacks to the witch she fought earlier today.

“What a pathetic hero you are, hm? Can’t even fight back against a little gas?” Vatro taunted. “I’ve used many women as toilets, and I must say, you are the most pitiful of them all!” Vatro slid his ass down from Flora’s nostrils down to her mouth.

“N-no!” Flora shrieked, her eyes nearly bulging out of her head. “Please!”

“Beg all you want, bitch.” Vatro said venomously before suctioning his anus to Flora’s lips. “Just as long as you eat my farts while doing so!” He snickered, his slimy anus glued to her lips. Flora squirmed, her tongue being forced to taste Vatro’s putrid hole. She gagged underneath his imposing weight, tears streaming down her face. He was using her mouth as a seat, while his sweaty testicles and musky cock rubbed all over her chin and neck.

“That’s it, slut. Eat my ass and I’ll treat you gently!” Vatro teased her as he began bobbing himself up and down. Flora was forced to taste the inside of his rectum as he bounced on her tongue, using it as a dildo to ride on. “A girl’s mouth only has value when it’s filled with demon farts.” Vatro gave Flora’s breasts a playful squeeze, leading her to squeal quite loudly.

“Don’t touch me, you disgusting pervert!” Flora managed to shriek, freeing her mouth from Vatro’s anal assault. “You hellish creature… you make me sick! Attacking me in my sleep… How cowardly!” Flora sneered, feeling genuine hatred towards the incubus.

“I’m the coward?” Vatro snickered. “You’re the one who keeps picking fights she can’t win. You should have known better than to interfere with those who deal with demons. Piss off a witch and you’ll have a legion of spirits at your doorstep. Consider yourself lucky that Lucien only sent me.” Vatro smiled, slamming his weight down on Flora and crushing her face with his fat ass.

Lucien! That smug witch jerk from earlier that day. Flora couldn’t believe he just had to take his wrath out on her a step further and target her even after she fled him in surrender. She struggled and whined loudly as Vatro continued smothering her rhythmically. He wiped his anus up and down her nose, swiping it like a credit card as his musky cock and balls were rubbed all over her mouth.

Flora whined, truly feeling like she was in Hell.

“Time for you to suck my farts directly from the source.” Vatro announced, shifting his body weight. His ass was once again right on top of Flora’s mouth, only this time he was sitting on top of her and putting as much pressure as he could on her. “I hope you’re hungry, bitch!” Vatro laughed sadistically, letting out a steaming hot fart right down Flora’s throat.

Flora screamed, unable to reject the fart as it built up in her throat. It was hot, wet, and more concentrated than the other farts.

“Oooh! That was a HOT one! Mm, I bet that burnt your tongue, didn’t it, human?” Vatro teased.


“Oh, my!” Vatro placed his hand over his mouth in faux embarrassment. “Excuse me! How ungentlemanly of me~” He grinded his ass roughly against Flora’s nose, violently humping her face with his ass right before moving back to her mouth. He used his prehensile tail to yank Flora’s mouth back open, and let out another wet and sloppy fart into her mouth.

“Oh dear, that felt wet!” Vatro had to hold back his laughter. “I hope I didn’t spray you back there, dear Flora!”


Another fart exploded out of Vatro, only this time it fizzled out with a more damp ending. Anal sweat spurted out of Vatro’s anus and spread all around Flora’s face. The girl whined with horror and disgust, her struggling resuming once she felt the hot liquid spraying her.

“Oh, was that a little too sloppy? My bad. I promise, it won’t happen again!” Vatro said, right before letting out another greasy fart. It was hotter and wetter, and Flora whined loudly when she was forced to swallow the residue from the wet fart. Vatro’s stomach churned and gurgled, each groan getting louder as he released one fart after another. His farts increased in frequency, growing less loud and more deep and rumbly.

Vatro’s stomach sloshed, his guts working overtime to compensate for the sheer amount of gas stored in his body.

Vatro moaned, his stomach feeling heavier and heavier, like he couldn’t control his bowels any longer. Letting out one final sloppy fart, he could feel his anus dampen as he squirted out a faint shart. The light brown liquid spurted out of him and slapped Flora right in the face. It trickled down Flora’s cheeks, some getting in her hair.

“Ah~” Vatro sighed peacefully, while Flora shrieked to the high heavens.

He SHIT on her! He fucking SHIT on her face! Flora was used to being used like a chair, like a cushion, like a piece of furniture with no dignity. But to be not only farted on, but shat on, it was truly a slap to the face.

A crap to the face, really.

She didn’t care that when she opened her mouth to scream, it only led to the shit getting into her mouth. There was no turning back now.

“Get OFF!” Flora yelled, writhing like a wild animal.

“Uh, uh, uh.” We aren’t done yet, beautiful! My bathroom breaks last a lot longer than human ones! Please be patient with me, darling~” Vatro said with a sly grin, grunting. He sharted out an explosive mudslide all over Flora’s face. She was covered from forehead to chin in sticky, hot shit. The heat from the shit felt like it could melt Flora’s skin right off, the smell enough to make her tear up.



“Ah~!” Vatro sighed, eyes half lidded as he smiled happily. “Human women and their mouths make the best bidets!” Vatro chuckled, sliding his ass up and down Flora’s face. He used his own slimy shart juice as lube, rocking himself up and down her face with glee.

Flora was sobbing, crying hysterically as the shit got in her mouth, her nostrils, her hair, and even her ears. She was utterly coated in his demon dookie. Vatro took notice of it and gave her a loving pat on the shoulders. “There, there, sweetheart. You’re still beautiful even with shit all over your face. In fact, I’d say it’s an improvement!” Vatro cackled, letting out another hot and steamy shart. The bitter brown fluid sprayed all over her, contaminating Flora and weakening her.

He then grabbed Flora by the hair, painfully holding her in place as he grinded his ass up and down her nose and mouth. He carefully planned out his sharts as he grinded on her, aiming them right as he made the grinding motion towards her mouth.


A tsunami of shit erupted from Vatro’s ass as he farted out a violent shart. It coated Flora completely, physically dominating her with its putrid presence.

“Ah~” Vatro yawned, stretching his arms above his head, still using Flora’s feces-covered face as a chair. “Nothing better than covering a pretty human girl with rancid bodily fluids. I usually don’t do it with shit though…” Vatro laughed, changing his position so he could relax on Flora’s bed. The one he had gotten his shit and fart smell all over.

Laying on his stomach, Vatro rested his head comfortably in his arms as he stuck out his well sculpted booty for Flora to see. Using his tail, he grabbed the girl in her weakened state, wrapping it around her neck to drag her back to his ass. She was forced to lay down with her face in his ass, unable to move. Snapping his fingers, Vatro summoned the bedsheets to wrap around the two of them, creating the perfect dutch oven set up.

Flora was overheating, wrapped up with a blanket over her head and her face right back in Vatro’s slimy asshole. She tried to break free from his sweaty asscheeks, but his tail forced her face first back into them.

“Tell me beautiful, have you ever had a meal from a Dutch oven before?” Vatro winked, right before letting out a concentrated puff of ass gas into Flora’s nose. Flora never thought she would be thankful for a fart to the face, but she was truly glad the sharting was over. Now she was being subjected to a new kind of torment- the Dutch oven, and in her own bed nonetheless! His demon odors would definitely permeate the fabric and permanently taint them. This entire bed set would have to be incinerated as well. Damn it, not even Flora’s possessions were safe from monster boy booty!

“You…are such a sick freak!” Flora managed to cough out, and Vatro used his tail to force her back face first into his ass.

“An apt descriptor, I’d say.” Vatro nodded his head in confirmation. “It’s too bad we couldn’t have met under different circumstances, Flora. You’re a very beautiful young woman. If you hadn’t caused so much trouble with my friend, maybe I could have treated you to a night of pleasure instead of…”


Flora whined, the smells were quickly building up. “Like I’d ever want to be touched by a- by a sick jerk like you! There is no way I’d let that happen!”

“Oh? Like how you’re letting this happen right now?” Vatro chuckled, letting out an effortless fart. His stomach grumbled, alerting him that more heavier flow farts were on the way. “Face it, Flora. I can do whatever I want with you. I could drag you back to Hell and make you my permanent fart slave. Or I could have you tortured for all of eternity… the power in this relationship all remains with me, darling. So I suggest you make peace with that.”

“I will never willingly submit to you.” Flora sneered, bitter tears flowing down her face. His ass crack was so much more greasy and putrid when she was forced under the blankets.

“Very well, make things harder than they need to be. You’ve certainly succeeded in doing so with my cock.” Vatro snickered. “Tormenting you has been extremely erotic, I might even say I get off on your stubbornness. It’s truly pathetic just how naive you are in thinking there’s a way out of this.”

Vatro continued his gassy tirade, unloading various farts right into Flora’s mouth and nose. Flora felt herself fading in and out of consciousness, hoping that she would pass out and be done with Vatro. All she wanted was to fall back asleep and when she would wake up, no demons would be in her room to torment her.

But things were never that easy for Flora.

Picking himself up, Vatro stood next to Flora as she lay on the bed. She looked utterly defeated, too weak to take on a single fart more. The demon smirked, hands on his hips.

“What a sad excuse for an adventurer you are. You call yourself a hero? Ha, don’t make me laugh!” Vatro flicked her on the nose. “If anything, you need a hero to come save you.” With that, Vatro snapped his fingers, and lightning struck inside Flora’s room, snapping her out of her stupor. She shook her head to see the new group of demons that Vatro had summoned.

One, two, three, four, too many to count. Flora’s bedroom was filled with demon spawn.

“Oooh ooh ooh, look what we have here!” One incubus grinned, showing off his yellowed fangs.

“Nice, cute human girl~” A different incubus chimed in.

“How nice of you to share your meal with us, Vatro.” Another one purred.

“Looks like he had some fun with her already!” Another incubus snickered cruelly. “She’s coated in his shit!”

Flora’s heart pounded, her senses sharpening as the lightning strike jolted her back to reality. She pushed herself up, defiantly meeting the gazes of the new arrivals.

“I was just about to finish her off, but I figured it wouldn’t be fair if I couldn’t share her with you guys.” Vatro winked. “She’s all yours, boys.”

Flora’s heart raced, knowing that she needed to find a way out of this dire situation. She scanned the room for any potential means of escape, her mind racing with possibilities. She looked at the demons, all of their stares burning deep into her soul.

Vatro’s summoned companions were a motley crew, each bearing their own sinister air. All of them were tall, muscular, handsome men with beautiful faces and long hair. But Flora knew from experience that the prettier the face, the more evil the personality.

“Your hospitality knows no bounds, Vatro,” one of them said, eyes gleaming with malevolence as he glared down at Flora.

Flora clenched her jaw, summoning the last of her strength. She refused to let these demons see her fear.

“Save your breath, demons,” she spat, her voice laced with determination. “I won’t be your plaything, nor your meal.”

The incubi exchanged glances, amusement dancing in their eyes.

“Oh, the little hero still thinks she has fight left in her,” One sneered.

Flora’s gaze darted between them, assessing her options. Could she make a break for it and run?

“Don’t listen to her, she’s all talk.” Vatro interjected. “She simply laid there and took it when I dominated her with my ass. She’s no fighter, she just cried like a baby!”

The other incubi hooted and hollered with laughter. Flora’s face flushed with a mixture of anger and humiliation. She knew Vatro was trying to break her spirit, to make her feel powerless. But she refused to give him the satisfaction.

“I may have been caught off guard, but that doesn’t mean I’ll stay down,” she retorted, her voice steadier than before.

The other incubi exchanged amused glances, clearly entertained by the verbal sparring.

“Enough banter,” one of them finally spoke up, a sinister grin stretching across his face.

“Shall we get to the main event, Vatro?”

“Oh, I think we’ve waited long enough. Gentlemen, assume the position!” Vatro confirmed with glee. On cue, the group of a dozen incubi surrounded Flora on all sides, their bodies forming an airtight barricade. To her horror, Flora’s face was in the same line of fire as all of their backsides. All of the demon’s bare naked asses were on full display as they aimed them proudly at Flora’s face.

“W-wait! No! Not all at once! Please!” Flora begged, but it was of no use.





“Noooo!!” Flora gasped, gagging and choking. She was being assaulted on all four sides of the mattress, with no end in sight of all the demon ass that faced her. The poor girl was trapped on her own bed, a fortress of farting Demon butts keeping her prisoner.

“Ahh! Ooh, that feels good!” One incubus remarked cheekily as he bent over, airing out his asshole.

“Hey Flora, I hope you like spicy food!” Another demon laughed as a burst of fire erupted from his farting asshole. The flaming fart nearly singed Flora’s pajama pants.

“Have you ever taken this much demon ass at once, slut?” Another demon asked. “You’re a pro at it!”

“Ugh… no… Please…” Flora gagged, tears streaming down her voice.

Two incubi took Flora’s legs and forced them apart roughly. To her horror, she watched as a tall, broad shouldered incubi with large horns sat down on top of her pussy, farting right on her clit! He grunted and let out a loud belch as he grinded his anus against her pussy, letting out a slimy shart all over her pussy.

Flora let out a horrified gasp, the pleasure thrusting her into a rather unpleasant sensation of humiliating euphoria. Her cunt was coated in hot, wet shart juice, the vibration of a fart rattling her thighs.

As one incubi sat on her pussy, another sat on her mouth, farting out a creamy turd all over her mouth and nose.

When the two men were done with her, more soon replaced them.

Flora’s pleas echoed in the room, desperation lacing her voice. But the encircling incubi paid no heed, their sinister intent clear. All of the men bent over, exposing their assholes out in the open. Flora’s eyes widened with horror when she saw their anuses contracting, blowing out horrid and powerful winds. The gassing took place on all sides of Flora, leaving no room for mercy.

“Agh!” Flora cried out, attempting to shield herself from the horrid gas. It was no use, the gas surrounded her virtually on all sides. One of the incubi used his tail to grab Flora by the neck, and brought her towards his farting asshole. He sprayed her with his juices, his fart slowly getting wetter and wetter as it went on.

Each of the demons followed suit, using their tail to roughly grab Flora and force her face first into their bubbly asscheeks. They all giggled and snorted as they passed Flora around like a joint, except they were blowing hot air through a different hole on their body.

Eventually Flora was tossed to the side, and she landed right in the middle of her bed. Sputtering, she looked up to see that all the incubi had raised their tails, their anuses exposed and aimed right at her. Flora’s eyes widened, and she had no time to react before the next part of her torture took place. A sultry symphony of sanguine farts erupted from each of the demons, each fart unique in pitch and sound. Flora yelped, the massive quantity of farting that was happening all at once created a super sonic sound wave. The intensity of the sound built up, putting pressure on Flora’s small body.




Each incubus let out a sinister laugh after they blasted Flora with their individual stinks. Some of them even high fived and complemented each other on their noxious gasses.

“See boys? I told you she had no fight left in her. She’s just laying there and taking it!” Vatro said with pride. “And she’s taking it quite well, too~” Vatro bit his lip as he eyed Flora seductively. She was sprawled out weakly on her bed, unable to fight back against the all out attack on her.

Using his powers, he extended his arm, levitating her body so Flora was no longer slumped over, and instead, at eye level with the incubi’s backsides.

“Oh God- No, please! Please, just let me rest, I can’t take anymore!”

“Oh, but you will my dear Flora, you’ll take all of it and some more!” Vatro cackled. “Let it rip, boys! Finish her off!”




Flora shrieked when she was assaulted by a 360 degree battalion of demon farts. The stinky fog became worse and more dense, the humidity rising. Flora could feel herself choking on the thickening air, the gas was slowly becoming more and more…









Flora felt the wet, mulchy texture splatter against her. She let out a scream, feeling like she was being attacked by paintballs as the incubi aimed their brown butt batter at her. Goopy gallons of gelatinous gunk gurgled out of the demon boy’s glutes. It completely drenched Flora like a sloppy shit sundae, the shart liquid dripping down her face. She was covered head to toe in the demonic dung, and sobbed when she felt the hands of the incubi reaching out, rubbing the filth all over her body.

“No!” Flora cried. “Don’t rub it all over me- Ah!” Her cries were cut short by one demon shoveling a handful of shit down her throat.

“Ha! That’s it, spread it all over her!” Another demon cheered on.

“Not so pretty anymore now that you’re covered in our scat, huh?”

“Get it into all the nooks and crannies!~”

“HA! I sharted right in that dumb bitch’s eye! Score!”

“She has such pretty, long hair… It would make perfect toilet paper, I bet!”

“You can use her hair, I’ll use her tongue as my toilet paper!”

“Ugh, she’s so cute. I just want to wrap my legs around her and fart till she passes out.”

“Uh oh, looks like the sun’s about to rise, guys.” One of the demons said, peeking out the window.

“We should wrap this up then. Alright boys, say goodbye to Flora!” Vatro instructed.

The tall, muscular incubi lined up in a queue, each one waiting to say their final goodbye to Flora. The first incubi, a more purplish-red colored one, yanked her by the hair painfully. He hiked up one leg and let out a monster of a fart, which eventually transformed, like a caterpillar to a butterfly, into a magnificent shart. The brown liquid spurted out of his anus rapidly, exploding all over Flora’s face like a bank robber opening up a dye pack.

He cruelly tossed her to the floor, only to be picked up by the next incubi. He smirked as he glared at her, licking his sharp teeth seductively. He forced her face first into his sweaty asscheeks, and let out a rumbling and raucous set of raunchy farts. Flora found her lips right up against his anus, giving his anus an unwilling French kiss. As she was tongueing the demon’s donut hole, he began moaning, letting out a soft and creamy turd as it bubbled out of him in a deep fart.

He then turned around, using his cock to smear the shit all over her face. Flora attempted to spit out the shit that he left in her mouth, but the next demon picked it back up and slapped poor Flora right in the face with it.

“You dumb bitch, don’t play with your food!” He sneered, smothering the feces across her face with the palm of her hand. After giving Flora a few more smacks to the face, he used his tail to shove her into his ass, and he let out a nasty BRAAAP right on impact.

Another incubus followed, using his tail to force her mouth wide open, so he could sit his full body weight on her and use her as his toilet. Treating her face like a stool, the demon casually let out a stinky toot right into poor Flora’s mouth. More farts followed, eventually morphing into wet, stinky hot sharts. The shart juice was so hot and steamy, it burned Flora’s throat as it went down.

The next incubus replaced him. He sat on Flora’s forehead, letting out a greasy shart all over her hair as he rubbed his cock all over her filth covered face. His sweaty balls sat on her eyes heavily. He grunted, emptying his bowels as he finished the lengthy shart.

Two more demons joined as he left. The duo both aimed their asses at Flora, both farting at the same time. Flora gagged, leaving the perfect opportunity for rogue shart juice to hit her in the mouth. Soon the two male demons began outright shitting all over Flora, their loud farts overpowering her cries for mercy.


A large dollop of creamy shit fell right on Flora’s lips as the demon boy let out a particularly nasty shart. Flora could only cry silently, not wanting the shit to fall in her mouth.

More demons replaced them. A trio of demons whipped their cocks out, urinating all over Flora to mark their territory. Flora cringed, the stringent liquid sizzling against her skin.

“Ugh…” Flora whined, her skin sticking together rather unpleasantly.

“Well well, seems like we really put her through the ringer, eh boys?” Vatro snickered, looking down at the gunk covered girl. “We oughta get going. Let’s say one last goodbye!” With that, Vatro and the other incubi bent over, all aiming their asses at Flora. This was it: the final fart bukkake. All of the demons began farting, their large bulbous asses completely removing any chance Flora had for breathing in clean air. She couldn’t see her bedroom any more, all she could see was differing shades of red demon boy booty.

As Flora was assaulted by a chorus of greasy, poisonous farts, the fecal floodgates truly began to begin when all of the demon’s farts began transitioning into Flora’s new worst enemy: the great brown shart.

Fountains of shit erupted from the gassy incubi’s asses, all of it splattering all over Flora in a flatulent and frothy act of fart fueled feces.

“Ah~” One of the demon boys moaned.

“Ooh~” Another one gasped, his back arching with ecstasy.

“Mmm!~” Vatro sighed dreamily, unloading the very last of his vile shart onto Flora’s breasts.

Head to toe, Flora was covered in shart fluids. Demonic diarrhea. Fart juice. Creamy caca. She sobbed as she saw Vatro squatting over her stomach, letting out one final fart. Out came a messy dribble of a shart, the thick poo coming out of his asshole like a creeping snake. It landed on top of Flora with a loud, sickening plop. The poop laid on her stomach, feeling heavy.

The demons all leered down at her, admiring their handiwork.

“Well Flora, it’s been nice spending time with you… but we really ought to go. It seems you messed the bed.” Vatro snickered. “Ciao, darling!” And just like that, the troupe of demons disappeared from Flora’s room.

Leaving Flora to sit, covered in shit, thinking about her life choices.


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