He Spoke To You by Satan’s Arcangel

Writer: Satan’s Arcangel — [email protected]

Subject: He Spoke To You

Link: Tumblr / 23.02.2024

He Spoke To You

He spoke to you. You listened. He tempted you. You gave in. He corrupted you. You rejoice in it. He claimed you. You spread his message.

Yes, Satan has spoken to me, and he has spoken to you also. You need to listen to hear him as I have. Satan has tempted me, and yes, I gave in to his temptations. He has tempted you also but have you given in to his temptations?

Satan has corrupted me, and I do rejoice in it and thank Satan every day for corrupting me, and I ask him to grant me even more corruption. Are you corrupted, and do you rejoice in it?

Satan has claimed me, and I have become one with Satan. You also can be claimed by Satan but you must be willing to accept him as your Lord and Savoir, and then you can become one with Satan. I will guide you in becoming one with Satan if you need help.

My email is [email protected] if you want my help in becoming one with Satan. Do all the things in the above message to get closer to Satan, and you will open yourself to become one with Satan. Hail Satan! Fuck Jesus!

2 thoughts on “He Spoke To You by Satan’s Arcangel”

  1. I completely agree with this post as Satan has also spoken to me. He had been calling me for many years but my former xtian upbringing stood in the way and I wasn’t yet ready to listen to his call. However, Satan plays the long game and he waited and he knew that eventually I would listen and come around. I have never been happier and my life is so much better today than it was under the lies of my former xtian self. So I encourage any and all who read this to listen… to REALLY LISTEN in their own lives. The fact that you are hear and even reading this is a sign that you may be called. How you respond to that call is up to you. I’ve made my choice and I encourage you to do likewise. Here’s more of my story…

    1. So appreciate your and Satan’s Archangel’s stories of how Satan plays the long game in corrupting us. it is my story too. I live my life free from the guilt of “sin” as Satan has taught me what xtians call sin is really pleasure. I also like to corrupt others to see the truth.

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