LAMI PI PRODUCTIONS 36 – 40 by Regis

Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The content of the story is not representative of the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. The author does not condone or promote any unlawful activity such as is depicted in the story. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character that they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis

Feature Title: LAMI PI PRODUCTIONS 36 – 40

Published: 22.02.2024

Lami Pi Productions 36 – 40

CHAPTER 36 – Playing Hardball

“As this new idea has grown,” Jackson said, “I’ve put my mind to what name we might give it. It needs to be something that infers what we’re about, without making it obvious to those who have no reason to know, and I think it should roll off the tongue comfortably.

“I think Lambie Pie Productions should do the trick,” suggested Martha.

“That’s cute,” Helen said, “but let’s shorten it by miss-spelling both words. I think Lami Pi Productions would be just a bit ambiguous and still look good. People in the know will have no doubt regarding what it’s all about.”

“I love it,” Martha contributed. “That name could cover both the domestic home parties and the bolder activities at the more unreserved retreat.”

“At the retreat we create,” Jackson added, giving his attention to Helen, “extra-special events will be the standard, which will by its very lethal nature mean a particularly high turnover of our young talent. We will require a disposal system that takes care of the carcasses of the girls and kids who don’t survive our sports. It might be fairly high volume, as it will have to work at the same rate as new children arrive.

“With the production of little girl carcasses with the inclusion of their death as part of the sport, Lami Pi Demolition could be a more descriptive new name,” Jackson suggested with a grin.

“That’s a great name, but probably a bit too out front,” Martha said. It sounds a bit too much like the destructive car derbies. I think Lami Pi Productions is going to be our best bet.”

“When a kiddie kill happens, we’ll want to make certain both blood and gore are a significant part of it, to maximize the impact for our guests, revealing ample freshly slain girlie meat. That’s what will sell. They’ll love seeing apparently innocent little girls destroying their peers.

That will be the major charm of the retreat, and also what attracts wealthy customers to enjoy a weekend with us. When everything they could imagine is immediately available, they will both spend and wager big time. We’ll need a financial officer to deal with the volume of gambling we create.

Jackson was on a roll. “The idea of nude little girls doing terminal damage to each other is not a new concept. I’ve heard D-Ring Inc. has kiddies put in lethal situations, killed for sport right in the main gambling hall in their eastern European and Far East casinos.

“In China, where little girls are of little value to a family, there are regions that have developed the killing of the little waifs as a sport. Also, I’m sure you’ve seen the ‘Honduran Toddler Killing Hardball’ video, or whatever it’s called, and know of what I’m speaking.”

“Everyone into the scene has a copy of Honduran Toddler Hardball,” Helen countered with a knowing smile, “and I’ve seen half a dozen non-snuff fight videos those same two young Hispanic girls participated in before that one, which was for obvious reasons their last.

That Hardball episode is widely considered to be a classic kiddie snuff video. The producer and director is a close acquaintance, and a brilliant woman. She is also a remarkable artist in the business, with a huge cunt on her she’s often used to engulf and smother a little girl.”

Jackson and Martha were surprised to hear that remarkable video was a female production. They were less surprised at her being also a performer.

“That video is not Honduran, you know,” Helen continued, “but American, made in Florida, in the jungle near Layton, down on the keys. The producer wanted to make it look like a foreign production. It was well conceived and produced, and certainly looked tropical. I worked on it.”

That was completely unexpected, and the flatly delivered but stunning statement floored Martha and Jackson.

“I don’t know how she got those two little girls,” Helen went on, “because neither of their mothers was present, and likely had no idea their little girls were going to be snuffed like that. The fathers were among the people hired as an audience, and in the warm-up video had willingly raped his children, as did the other men present.

The little girls’ dads had no idea they were going to witness a snuff video, and both puked when their daughters were killed. Then they stood with the others looking down into the pit, and I noticed both ejaculated at what they saw. The kids were perfect for the part, with lots of fight experience, although there was only a major struggle, not direct fighting involved in this one. I think I mentioned I’ve seen other work they were in.

“They were both from Miami, and were probably Cubans. The way the Cubans raise their kids, street fighting in the slums, they always turn out to be terrific scrappers, and those two little beauties were fearless. They had each done several kills in street fights, and had also killed other kids on videos.

“They just weren’t prepared to survive that kind of heinous tug-of-war, which was so well designed that remaining alive after a fall onto those vicious stakes would be impossible for either of the naked little participants. It was beautifully envisioned and perfectly executed. That producer is exceptional.”

“The production and the video were very professionally done,” Jackson commented. “Seeing those sharp stakes coming up through the bodies of those hapless little girls after an eight foot drop was an amazing sight. That was a very inspired death pit, well designed for the purpose, and clearly had been used to good effect before.”

“Yes, with the same producer, who owned the darknet paysite. It was only used on women and teens, but never before with children, never with a tug-of-war, and this was the first kiddie fight video made there. It also proved to be one of the most successful, and profitable.

“They usually staged nude female fights for snuff videos there, with the sole objective of pushing the opponent into the pit. I had attended a fight there in which a fourteen-year-old pushed her bigger but a year younger opponent down onto the stakes. It was spectacular ending, but it produced a single, not a double cunt kill.

“I was one of four women there for the Honduran kiddie kill video, all of us in the role of consultants,” Helen said, “but the two of us who are white had to stay behind the cameras. Our skin was wrong for the theme. We were brought along as advisors, so she had a pretty good-sized budget.

“We hired an audience of Mexican and Cuban American extras, all of them fans of naked kiddie fights, and none of them were Hondurans. We just picked the right physical profile for them. Most Hispanic Central American people look the same, at least to non-Hispanics.

Getting enough people who looked right and were willing to witness a kiddie-kill and be seen in the video proved to be much easier than I had thought. God knows what motivates these people. These extras were mostly recruited from Miami kiddie fight fans who had put their own daughters into the ring, to ensure both their interest and silence.

All except the girls’ dads knew it was going to be a snuff video. The producer had a wonderful vision, and wanted it to go perfectly. You only get one go at doing a kill scene like that. We were all clear and committed to her desired outcome, and as you saw, we made sure it was outstanding.

“Honduran Toddler Hardball was so successful that it inspired ‘The Spike Game’, a darknet streaming game show where a pair of eight-year-old girls are strung up naked, their arms and legs stretched wide, and a pair of contestants are supplied with a bunch of two-foot-long sharp rods.

“The guys or sometimes girls push the rods through the kids’ nude stretched bodies, just through their torsos, alternating insertions, and the loser is the one who’s little girl dies first. It’s simple, elegant, and the TV audience gets bigger every month, mostly spread by word of mouth, the most effect form of advertising. They love it.

“The little girl who hasn’t died is likely not recoverable, and has her head forced back, a pistol goes into her mouth, up her cunt or into her anus and she takes a slug, either down her throat, up through her gonads or directly into her pack of guts. The show is exciting and nearly bloodless.

“There are several other kiddie-snuff videos out there on the market that are equally compelling. I got to work on a few of them. The best are those that are most shocking. Have you seen the urban dark alley video Romanian Kiddie Ripper? That one really is from Eastern Europe.

“The male actor, a real psychopath, did a cute ten-year-old kid in that one, using a surgical knife to ensure a clean slice of the kid’s belly. She was a feisty little bitch, and one of the prettiest European kids I’ve ever seen. Little girls from that part of the world also make great fighters, but at ten she was a bit old for the kiddie fight sport.

“She really put up a hell of a fight, but he got the better of her in a hold from behind. He got her naked and ripped her from cunt to breastbone. She screamed like a banshee. Her guts slid right out of her as she struggled, and covered the cobblestones of that alley.

“I think it was made in Budapest or Prague. Or it might have been done in Bucharest. The alleys in those old cities all look the same to me. Anyway, she has used that same guy in a number of kiddie-snuff videos, as he’s not only a contributor to the ideas, but doesn’t mind being shown at work.

“One of my favorites was made in New York, and I was again hired to be the recruiter, so got the see the little girl I’d found being butchered for the cameras. She was the child of a woman living on the street, and they had a cardboard box folded against a wall for cover of the filthy narrow mattress and blankets they shared to sleep on.

“Getting that kid was the only time I ever used my gun. I got a new silencer for it, and cleaned the pistol thoroughly before I left the house. I went out at 2:30 AM, when the streets are empty. The big sheet of folded cardboard was propped against the wall, as I knew it would be, with the mother and daughter sleeping under it.

“I parked my car just a hundred feet away, and approached it silently. The mother was snoring, so that even in the dark I knew which end were their heads, and that they were fast asleep. I leaned in, placed the silencer against the mother’s temple and popped her in the head. One shot was all it took with that 9mm special to blow her fucking brains out.

“I immediately grabbed the daughter, and wrapped the blanket around her head, gagging her so that she couldn’t scream. The last thing I needed was for someone to come to her rescue, but there was nobody in the street, and all of the shops around were empty and locked.

“There were two firsts for me that night. It was the first time I had either killed or abducted anyone. The producer was delighted with the little girl I had obtained for her. She had found the guy for the video herself. She had been in the regular hard-core porno business for years, and knew all of the players in the New York area.

“This guy had a normal size penis for width, but it was an unbelievable fourteen inches long when it was fully erect, and stiffer than a rubber hose. He had fucked some of the biggest stars in the business, and had fathered about a dozen kids, because at that time most producers required the guys to ride the girls bareback. Most still do.

“As you probably know, bareback means no condom is used, and in those days the grade six dropouts who became porno stars were unable to remember to take the pill regularly, so gave up on them. Pregnancy was so common that you often got to see cunts getting fucked from behind with a big belly swinging below them.

“When they were ready to whelp, the girls would be put into birthing competition videos, just for the big money those paid. It was a great time. Those videos were so hot that there are thousands of them still being shown on darknet video channels and they’re still bringing in big money.

“In the best of them the infants were killed, in what they called ‘post-partum-abortion’, which simply means the baby dies once it’s out, for the further amusement of the audience. They often rip the belly of the infant, decapitate it, or sometimes do both. In one show they actually stuffed the baby’s head back up into the loose cunt it had emerged from, suffocating it.

“The bareback videos always sold a lot better than those with the cocks showing rubbers, so everybody had to be certified to be clean by a doctor every ten days. Anyway, this guy had failed the gonorrhea test three times in a row, which meant the asshole was definitely a fucking carrier.

That kept him from work, which meant the prick had no income, and he was desperate when they approached him, so he agreed to do a quickie snuff film for the very persuasive producer. She had pointed out the girl he did wouldn’t ever have to worry about getting scabs from him since he had to kill the cunt, and he was in, for $600.

“What she had failed to mention was that he would be fucking and strangling to death was a pretty if tough little ten-year-old girl. When he saw her on the set, he nearly puked, but the producer carried her own pistol for such occasions, and became very persuasive. He complied, and did exactly what he told him to do, and because of his cooperation, he lived to see another day.

“The little girl proved to be a good fuck, as good and tight as any professional he’d porked, until he got half way in. Then his extra long rigid hard-thrust dick rammed its way through her little cervix, impossibly stretching it before entering her immature uterus. She was grandly stuffed for just a kid. His shaft was doing beautiful damage to her internally, and she was screaming like a banshee.

“Her screaming got to him, and he got his right hand around her slender neck, and then started to squeeze, to choke off the shrill screaming, and he did it right on cue. His cock was doing so much damage inside her that when he started to cum she started to fade.

“He tightened his grip on her throat, and her eyes rolled back. He was required to kill her with his fist, not his prick, and as she sagged he proved to be successful. The little cunt was done, just like her mother had been the night before. There was also a market for the snuffing of naked young women, and the mother had starred in her own video.

“There are lots of great kiddie snuff videos out there. Perhaps you’ve viewed Live Crock Bait? I was hired to find the three beautiful little girls whose gleaming guts were to be spilled by ravenous crocks. As you might imagine, the visuals for those videos are extremely graphic.

“I found them in a busy malt shop, using the old ruse ‘wanna see the puppies I have in my van?’ I’d rented a small delivery van, and put an old pair of out-of-state plates on it, and it worked perfectly. A little chloroform on a handkerchief kept them quiet while I delivered them to the videoing location, and the three little cunts were perfect for the part. They made incredible live screaming and thrashing crock food.

“The outcomes of these kiddie snuff videos are also quite predictable. That gory crock video was created with a male producer, up on the St. Johns River in north Florida. For this one we didn’t have to look far to find the ravenous crocks! Three of them showed up as if on cue.

“The girls were wide-awake when they stripped them naked, and one at a time threw them into the pond. The first naked young girl got grabbed by her waist in the jaws of a crock, and she was ripped within minutes, with ropes of her viscera slewing out of her, that one of the crocks immediately got into its big mouth and ravenously swallowed.

“The other two naked and hysterically screaming young girls were thrown into the water right away, one right after the other. It was spectacular. The hungry crocks got their vicious jaws into those kids promptly, and because they weren’t going anywhere, they stayed well within range of the cameras as they ripped open, tore apart and consumed the live naked little screamers, to great effect.”

Jackson’s penis stiffened an extra notch, visibly poking his pants outward. Those videos would have been located in the Terminus folder if Martha had seen them, and to the best of his knowledge they were not there, so he knew he and his wife were both in the dark on those two. How many more did she know about?

Helen was proving to be more developed in her tastes and experience than he had guessed. Having experience with the production of such violent kiddie snuff videos made the woman a much more valuable asset. She had what he needed to get plugged into the existing market, to take advantage of the production talent already developed. He would find a way to take everything a step farther.

“I have not seen those,” he said, “but look forward to you showing them to us. I’m glad to hear you are acquainted with that kind of extreme production. Once we get the ‘men welcome’ parties going, I will want you to arrange a few special home party pre-planned fatal “accidents” to occur, with the attendees all properly vetted and expecting the over-the-top terminal action. We’ll take care of the bereft mothers.

“Gamblers wanting extreme action won’t pay extra without expecting extra value. Also, we don’t want to alienate any existing fans, the kind who set limits, or are not yet ready for the real thing. The last thing we need is to have to deal with a bunch of disgruntled clients.

“You will have to select special performers for those events, and if you can’t find a pair of mothers williing to make that kind of permanent sacrifice, I will be in a position to provide suitable disposable little combatants and surrogate mothers for you. Or we can dispose of the mothers.

“You will have to plan very carefully, taking extra precautions, as you know that for the fights where there are kills, the blood of the little girl who dies will be only on your hands, not ours. Responsibility for the deaths, should they come into question, will be yours entirely, and we will make sure the rewards are in line with the risks you will definitely face.”

“I can handle such situations,” Helen said. “However, it won’t come cheap. I will require some costs to cover arrangements and any necessary carcass disposal, bodies of those that are killed in the fights, as well as suitable compensation. That’s a fair step past pampering swollen black eyes, bleeding noses and scratched and bruised little pussies.”

“Precisely,” Jackson responded. “I take it you accept. You will be answering directly to Martha, who will also be working with the manager of our special retreat, and with me. I’ll also want you to get onboard the people that make the killer videos for distribution. Some of them will require more training, but the basic product isn’t too bad.”

Helen said she could handle that. After all, she and Martha were good friends. It would mean giving up the moneymaking business she had already developed, but it was nearing its peak, with prospects for further expansion shrinking. This had far more potential for growth, and the possibility of making much more money as well.

This new direction would be worth the small risk in changing horses at this stage in her life. It wasn’t that big a shift, she decided. Jackson would be in complete control, but she liked to be close to power, and he was a very powerful man, who got is way in business deals.

“Your official title will be CEO of, what shall we call it, Sparkling Events?”

“Let’s be a bit more descriptive, without giving away entirely what we are doing. How does Elementary Disputes, or maybe Rumpus Rows sound? They won’t mean much to most people, but mothers of young children who like to scrap will know exactly what they’re about, particularly if they participate in the scene.”

“Elementary Disputes works for me. It covers the age range, up to eleven but usually much younger, and disputes speaks for itself. Rumpus sounds like too much fun. These are designed to be hurtful to the participants, not enjoyable. Do you agree with that, Martha?”

“I like it. The word Rows works for me too, but the image of Rumpus somehow suggests too much padding. Ring Rows is a bit goofy, and there’s no rule that we have to use alliteration in the name, it just seems to be in vogue right now, so let’s settle on Elementary Disputes.”

“Or Early Elementary Rows,” Helen replied, demonstrating her flexibility. She knew not to push things too hard. It would be wise to let Martha have her say. “The phrase Early Elementary covers the age group of most of the kids, and of course Rows is self-explanatory.”

“Perfect,” said Jackson. “And to compensate you for your time and troubles, how about a starting salary of $350 Thousand.” His tone made it a statement, not a question. His offer was both generous and non-negotiable. “Plus a travel and accommodation allowance, and justifiable costs. I think that should work.

“After a couple of successful growth years, with careful use of your budget, we can look at negotiating a nice increase for you, and if you do well, also expanding your responsibilities. There are some other areas I want to explore, but those will come after you’ve established your value to us.”

“I’m fine with that,” Helen said. That put her on strong ground with Harry, who drew just over half that much from his firm each year. The remainder went into an offshore account, as payment to a dummy firm he owned that entirely sheltered it from any form of American taxes.

The dummy firm, which was entirely his, owned the 3 houses he had acquired, and rented them back to him for $12 each per year. That was a buck a month, each. Not bad for a highflying lobbyist. Harry was very good at what he did, was very well compensated, and had developed a loyal clientele. He knew how to work the system, and make it work for him.

What he did better than anything was to beat the tax system, and over the years he had paid less than $100,000 when he had in fact accumulated enough wealth to owe the government over seventy-five million in taxes. His personal accountant had prepared his tax statements showing he was in the clear, owning nothing beyond what he had paid. CHAPTER 37 – Starting Instructions

“You will want to begin with a friendly take-over of all of the KidFight Clubs across America. That should take a few months, and require a staff. I’ll supply you with some, and you can bring in some of your own people, if you wish. You draw up the plan for acquiring all rights, and a timetable. My guess is it should take about 6 months.

“That sounds a bit tight, as some of the groups have an event less than once a month, but I’m sure it can be done. There could be some people who don’t want to let go, and they could create issues for us. There is a couple of grandparents I know, for example, with a total of nine daughters, all happily married, and they have between them twenty-two young daughters. The two grandmothers have a stranglehold on New Orleans. They could put up quite a fight.”

“My thought exactly.” Jackson agreed with her. “Getting it done may require their removal. I’m speaking of arranging the quiet disappearance of some of the key tea party organizers who may resist giving up power. My staff can manage that for you. You identify them, set it up, and we’ll take care of the rest. We’ll make sure they no longer pose a problem.

“The timing should be staggered by at least a couple of weeks to disguise any possible connection to the removals. Because these private kiddie fight parties are not visible to the public, it would be unlikely anyone would know the people who will disappear have any connection.

“You identify the people who will be a problem, and my staff will ensure the circumstances are quite different for each, carefully pointing them toward a variety of diverse criminal activities. Both will experience diverse fatal ‘accidents’. That will likely limit any linking of investigations. The last thing we need is the wrong people asking the wrong questions.”

Martha was forming a new respect for the depth and breadth of her husband’s knowledge and abilities. She was now convinced this was going to work. There need be no limits on what they could do. This was getting very exciting, and she could see Helen shared her new enthusiasm.

“Do you fully understand your position in our newly formed organization?” Jackson asked.

“I’m sure I do,” Helen answered. She had been around the block more than once, and she was confident she could handle this assignment.

“I’ll need you to demonstrate your acceptance of the position, reporting directly to Martha.” He turned to his wife. “Martha, I want you to raise your skirt and remove your panties.” Martha understood she was in her husband’s service, and without hesitation she readily complied.

“Helen, I need you on your hands and knees. I understand you favor women, and I have a feeling my dear wife Martha has an itch from our conversation, and she requires oral servicing to both her clit and her vagina. I need you to satisfy her. I require you to Perform cunnilingus on her NOW!”

Helen’s face blanched. She had never been forced to do anything in her life, and certainly nothing so degrading. She preferred her sexual activity to be as private as possible. She had been a pampered child, and she had married a man who pampered her. She was definitely not prepared for such a sudden and revolting change in treatment.

Her view of Jackson was that he was an intellectual, and she had never considered he might revert to this form of physical persuasion. When dealing with women who were getting cold feet, she would as a last resort use a mild form of coercion, but preferred to make the bitches crave more cruelty to their lovely little daughters.

Expecting her hesitation, Jackson said, “Are you telling me you don’t want your new job, along with your subservient role to Martha? I’m afraid the only way to remove yourself from this situation, now that you are party to our plans, is for me to have my people arrange for and promptly execute your permanent disappearance. You will always have that choice.”

Helen was reluctant but not stupid. She knew Jackson would not hesitate in eliminating her permanently if she refused his demand. She set her glass, now empty, on the side table, got to her knees between Martha’s spread legs, and put her mouth to Martha’s offered vagina. Thank God the bitch showers regularly, and keeps her cunt shaved clean, she thought. Eating hair pie is sickening!

“And I’ll need you to spread your legs and lift your pretty ass,” Jackson said. She reluctantly complied, assuming he wanted to admire her beautiful vagina and cute puckered rectum seated deep in the hollow of her groin. When he lifted her skirt he was pleased to see she wore no panties.

Dykes like this one seldom wore underwear, as they found it inconvenient when grasping an impromptu chance for a tryst with another woman. Sexual pleasure was everything to a woman like Helen, and she had built a coveted reputation of taking any woman that pleased her, and making sure the bitch enjoyed their time together.

“Remember, both of you cunts report to me. I’m going to demonstrate my dominance.” He opened his fly, spit on her anus, and pressed the flared head of his penis against the warmth of her tightly closed rectum. He could feel her anal sphincter being squeezing closed, as if she thought she had the power to prevent what was coming.

Helen had never experienced anal sex in her life, although it was her husband Harry’s favorite form of intercourse. He had never suggested it, as he preferred, as she well knew, plowing his penis in the tight rectums of little boys. She relented, and could not contain a squeal as his stiff shaft pressed painfully into her.

He could readily feel, with satisfaction, that she had not had forewarning of this, and had not flushed her colon. He was doing what he referred to as a muck fuck, plowing his penis into her crap-filled colon. He preferred doing women this way, as it added another dimension of interest.

For nearly ten minutes Jackson pumped his penis, working it slowly in to its full depth, and then pulled it back so that the flared head encountered the inside of the sphincter ring of her rectum. He continued with the slow piston movement for the whole time, until at last he pulled his cock until it popped free of her rear grip.

“Are you satisfied yet, Martha?” he asked his wife.

“That will have to do for now,” she answered. Helen gratefully removed her face from Martha’s crotch. The bitch appeared to be subdued, but there was still the look of defiance and power in her eyes. This was something she definitely did not relish, and although she had enjoyed the highly sexual nature of the encounter, she was glad that part was completed.

Helen was wrong in thinking the humiliating ordeal was over. Jackson was enjoying this, and was just getting started with his new bitch. He knew how to work a woman, and to extend her misery as he prolonged his own sexual satisfaction. She was ripe for the picking.

“I don’t know if you have any interest in having your vagina plumbed with a penis, but you do have one other convenient fuck hole, and I found it to be quite satisfactory. However, you’ve had the impudence to mess me. Turn your beautiful face to me.”

Helen was filled with disgust, loathing and shame. She had not prepared her colon by flushing it before she had accepted Martha’s unexpected invitation. Jackson wanted her to take his crap-covered penis into her mouth, which was smeared from end to end with her own offal.

In the case she disobeyed him, she was fully aware of the likely consequences. Her mysterious disappearance, caused by her violent and untimely death at the hands of his henchmen, was not for her a viable option. She had much more she wanted to do in her lifetime, and cutting it short because of pride or vanity did not fit.

“Now you’re my bitch, Helen. Get your mouth wide open, and do it now!”

Closing her eyes, she opened her mouth and took in his penis, holding her breath and pressing her tongue down as flat as she could, trying desperately not to let the crud-covered cock touch the inside of her gaping oral cavity. Jackson grasped the back of her head with both hands, and forced her mouth onto him with enough intensity to drive the large head of his firm erection down into the narrowness of her throat.

Now her shit on his shaft was the least of her worries. His penis blocked her access to air. Unless she quickly pleased him, she would promptly suffocate, die from lack of air. She thought of biting his penis, but fortunately realized she did not have the strength to sever it, and if she did it would still block her throat. She was in a desperate situation.

Jackson thrust his erection rapidly, and not wanting his new bitch to suffocate, he promptly began to ejaculate down Helen’s throat, jetting his flow of semen directly into her stomach, a symbolism that would not escape her. She had no recourse but to swallow his spunk, unless she wanted this surprisingly powerful man to ejaculate it into her lungs.

Her new boss had now taken full command, and gave her no doubt she had, with this obscene act, been made into a totally mastered woman. Her sexual preferences meant nothing to him. He had taken complete control of her. Now she was in every respect his bitch.

“You’ll want a refill on that scotch,” he said as he pulled out of her throat. She gagged, coughed, made a disgusted look from the taste of her own muck in her mouth, and then got up and walked to a washroom. Jackson and Martha watched her go, reading her body language.

There was the usual swagger to her walk that said she was back in control of her body. She was still wearing her spike heels, and her buttocks had the familiar sway with each step. Her shapely, still tight ass moved in the manner of a highly sexual woman who is used to being watched, decidedly erotic, but with some of the spring gone from her step.

This was the apparently confident but also slightly hesitant walk of a confirmed subdued bitch. Jackson had taken her measure, and had been on target in the way he took control of the capable cunt. She was now his bitch, as much as was his wife, and the couple now both had control of the woman who had just become their willing associate.

Martha nodded her approval, and Jackson smiled at her. They were both quite satisfied. Helen was a find, and they knew she would make them a lot of money. They were confident that the home party division of their new and exciting enterprise Lami Pi Productions was going to be in good hands.

CHAPTER 38 – Lea & Leanne

Lea liked her name, because it was musical, very short, and yet had two syllables. Her mother told her so. Lee-yah. That was special to her. It was the perfect name for a pretty little girl who was 6-years-old. She had been given it as a tribute to her mother, Leanne, a seventeen-year-old who had been her only parent as she began her short life.

Her mother lived with Uncle Meanguy, a miserable man whose real name she didn’t know because he never told her anything. What she knew of him was that her mother hated him, and that he was not nice. He always tried to get her alone and get his rough hands onto her, but she was smart enough to make it very difficult for him, and always told her mother about his unwelcome advances.

Her mother had no idea the name she had given her daughter would make her seem to older boys to be a very sexual being, which the sensual child felt she was, but she became a target of both teasing and physical groping. At kindergarten the boys would sit beside her, slip a hand through the waist of her skirt and stick a finger into the moist vestibule of her as-of-yet untapped little cuntlet.

Their teacher was an open-minded woman who recognized sexuality in children was quite natural, and she enjoyed watching the boys and girls exploring their physicality. In preparation for their morning nap, she would have the children slip their shorts down to expose their genitals to each other, for an intimate show and tell.

Each child had to not only show their little vagina or penis, but were also required to tell a story about it. If they had ever been sexually abused, that information came out in the first week, and she built a file on each child, in case she could find a way to put it to work in earning hush-money from the perpetrator, usually the father or an uncle of the child.

She had put out a row of potties, each child having their own, so that the throughout the day the children pulled down their panties and used the little porcelain-lined metal containers when they had to go, publicly urinating or pooping in front of the others, and then wiping up, so that in her classroom there were no personal secrets.

The teacher said she believed doing such natural things in public was the best way for young people to develop good attitudes about the human body. Lea learned this early sex education was important to her teacher. It must have been, because she always photographed them as they did their thing in front of the others.

She made them squat several inches above the potty so that everyone could see exactly and in detail what they were doing. They had no idea what she did with the photos, but they never got to see them. She told the children she was building a file or something. They had no idea what that meant.

One day when the others were napping, Lea watched teacher downloading her pictures, organizing them on her computer, and then doing an upload to a website. She knew that was strange, because her Momma told her bad men liked to look at bare-naked little girls and boys in pictures, and that things like that were against the law, and very naughty.

Their teacher was most of the time very permissive. However, when two boys at once sat on either side of Lea and got their inquisitive fingers into her, pulled them out and licked them, then stuck them back in, the teacher intervened, and felt it necessary to inform all of their mothers.

The last thing she needed in her daycare was the scandal of a punctured hymen occurring at her kindergarten. It would put her out of business, and remove the source of kiddie porn she had worked so hard and effectively to develop. She had a big beautiful home, and drove a very expensive car thanks to the images of the little one’s playing naked and exploring each other’s genitalia.

When Lea graduated from kindergarten, Leanne was worried for the safety of her daughter, and decided that instead of exposing her to the attention of more aggressive boys at public school, she would home school her daughter. Perhaps Lea was too beautiful for her own good.

She wore designer clothes because her mother could afford them, and had a hairdresser visit their home every week to make sure she always looked her best. Her mom taught her how to use lipstick, and how to stand with her shapely legs in a provocative position so that her bum and tummy stood out like a little girl’s should.

Leanne had lost her parents in a house fire when she was only eleven, and the family lawyer had become her foster parent, so that he would have control of her inheritance until she reached the age of majority. He promptly fathered Lea, who was born when her mother was twelve, and just as quickly the lawyer, upset by the surprise early pregnancy, put his young ward on the pill to avoid a recurrence.

The last thing the confirmed bachelor needed was to have a girl and two infants in his household. He was a practicing Roman Catholic, and could not countenance his adopted daughter having an abortion. Using the pill for the girl was tolerable only because Leanne was not Catholic.

He had no interest in bringing her to the attention to the Church or its priests. When at weekly confession he professed to having sex with a girl, he did not mention either her name or her age, nor that she was not Roman Catholic, even when he confessed he had squired a daughter.

The priests who took his confessions had no interest in details, other than in the fact he had enjoyed his coitus with the girl, and requiring through relentless probing to hear details of his sexual experience with her. They were open minded about such things, and realized men would be men, as sinful as was their behavior.

His only interest in Leanne was in her soft, warm, welcoming vagina, which he measured regularly, using his stiff probing penis as a yardstick. He kept strict control of everything about her life, registering her in a private girls school, so that she had no opportunity to engage in any outside social life, excluding her from any other access to sexual activity.

He would have given his left nut for sexual access to the little infant Lea, but her mother ensured the daughter remained sound. The private daycare and then the kindergarten that took care of the little one while Leanne was in school had a strict policy that grandparents had no access to the children in their care. Leanne had chosen them because of that.

Only Lea’s mother could pick her up when she was ready to return home from school. The middle-aged woman who ran the kindergarten wanted complete control of the children in her care, and grandparents were inveterate meddlers. Little Lea referred to the man who, until then, the owner assumed was her grandfather, as Uncle Meanguy. The child had no idea of their true relationship.


On her eighteenth birthday Leanne was finished with being a minor, and received her full inheritance. It consisted of seven million dollars in stocks and bonds in a well-managed portfolio, and more than twelve million in upscale real estate holdings. At its current value, it ensured her an income of at least fourteen thousand dollars monthly for the rest of her life. Not bad for a teenage single mother.

She immediately moved out of the lawyer’s home. The sale of a few minor stocks had little impact on the power of her portfolio of investments, and provided for all of her major purchases, with no impact on her monthly income. She was guaranteed she would never have to work. The beautiful teenage mother was now fully independent.

Leanne promptly bought a penthouse condominium in the best apartment condo in Augusta, with an undisturbed view of the riverfront. The realtor was surprised that a girl her age would be able to consider such a top end unit, but when she bypassed a mortgage and paid in full, there was no argument. He had sold a top end unit to an eighteen-year-old single mother, the kind of sale that was unheard of.

Two weeks later Lea’s father the lawyer was found in his Jaguar slumped over the steering wheel, with a neat bullet hole in the side of his skull, an inch above the ear. The larger exit wound on the other side of his head was covered because that was where his head rested against the seat. The gun sat on the passenger seat, but the bullet had burst through the glass of the side window, making it clear to the police the brutal killing was an assassination, not a suicide.

Every indication said a professional had carried out the killing of the lawyer. Gloves had ensured there were no fingerprints, not even on the shells in the gun or on the spent casing. The lawyer had several clients who would like to see him dead, any one of which could have arranged for his murder, but there was no evidence pointing to any suspects.

Within a month his death had become a cold case, with many far more serious issues to take the attention of the police. Half of the deceased lawyer’s $30 million estate went straight to the Government, the other half to his only surviving relative, who had been his ward, Leanne.

It was easily learned that she had taken out a large amount of cash the day before the killing, but being a newly rich young woman, she was spending money like it was going out of style. There was no evidence pointing to her, and the beautiful teen had a perfect alibi.

She was at the church, sitting in the confessional, telling the priest information he could never disclose; she had arranged for the murder of a member of his flock. She did not ask him to forgive her, nor for absolution. Leanne told him she did not want forgiveness, and did so just to let him know she was aware that was always an open option for her.

The eighteen-year-old single mother knew it would be necessary she join the church to qualify for absolution of her sins, and she had no interest in doing so. She had taken her parent’s degenerate lawyer’s nightly sexual abuse and protected her baby daughter from him for long enough. By commissioning his killing, she had taken care of the problem.

Leanne had endured enough experience with a devout but now deceased member of the Holy Roman Church to last her a lifetime. She had no remorse about arranging for his death. Some things that had happened in her short life would inform how she went forward, but this was certainly not one of those. Her conscience was clear.

CHAPTER 39 – A Brand New Start

Now that Leanne was financially independent, all of her time was free time. It was a strange situation to not have to do anything, but she had finished high school, was highly adaptive, and had always been a responsible and organized girl. She took to her new freedom like a duck to water.

Leanne spent much of her newly found free time pursuing research, which she found she enjoyed, as whatever she found would be for her personal benefit. She was primarily looking for a place she would like to use as a getaway. Because she lived in Augusta, she began her search in the southeastern United States, Mexico, the Caribbean Islands and Central America. She was quite happy able to do it all online from the comfort of her den.

Travel to tropical islands was not an issue for her, from a financial perspective, but she didn’t want to spend a lot of time in travel. She hated flying, and that was the only way to get to most of the attractive places. She wanted privacy, and to be around people she could get along with, who had no interest in her money. She was well aware the sugar daddy syndrome worked backwards, and wanted none of it.

As is often the case, it was by accident she stumbled across the site while browsing. A key-word search brought her to the special page, embedded in an up-scale real estate website. It was the last place she would expect to find such a listing. She knew that some of the best finds show up in places you would least expect to find them.

This listing was for a luxury suite vacation residence at a new private retreat not far from coast, located on Cole Island in Jasper County on the Harbor River, 20 miles from the ocean, between Savannah and Charleston. It was quite central and yet very secluded. She found saw it on Google Earth. Had she been searching on the ground, she would have driven for years and never found it.

The retreat that interested her was just a two-hour drive from her home, and she promptly made an appointment for a visit. She and Lea drove over to see the property the next day. A developer had bought the island when his land titles search had revealed all of the land on the island was in the hands of only four owners.

There was a small farm on the west side of the island, and a luxurious private residence owned by an elderly couple on the northwest corner. The developer visited a local church one sunny Sunday morning, intimated he was the CEO of a mining company, and quietly started a rumor that the Harbor River was highly polluted with dangerous metals by years of mining activity upstream.

There were no mines located upstream or downstream, but truth was never a factor when providing negative information, the type that spreads most quickly and thoroughly. He was simply following the lead set by the Country’s last federal administration.

Other than the cleared farmland south of the farmhouse, the land was mostly wooded. Two weeks after starting the rumor he offered thirty per cent of the real value of the land, and all of his offers were accepted. It was amazing the power of rumor by spoken word, which the developer well understood.

The purchaser took over the luxurious private residence to live in, bulldozed the farmhouse, then built an opulent vacation resort, designed exclusively for wealthy young people with young children who bought units. He had no time for vacation renters. This was for people to use regularly, and he made that clear with their first visit.

The entrepreneur had a second development for those who wished to rent, on another island on another part of the river. He had a grander purpose for those who answered his ad, and it drew them in like flies. The other rental development was for the young people who were not able to afford a purchase, but craved the lifestyle he made possible. It was all honey for his elaborate trap.

His advertising was carefully designed to attract the young people he was looking to identify, and it worked perfectly. He also let purchasers know that the resort would have no dress restrictions, and that for most of the year it was warm enough that clothes would be unnecessary.

He had identified an unsatisfied need, and by filling it, found his units sold well at a premium price. What he had built was an exclusive private nudist colony, featuring fit young adults and their attractive children. The island was roughly round in shape, and about three quarters of a mile across. It was ideal for people who preferred privacy.

His buyers were in, and all for the same reason. It was a new and very exclusive resort. More than half of the units had sold, and Leanne was pleased to see that most of the buyers were beautiful, wealthy young families, including single mothers, all of them with small children. Most of them had female children, in the range of Lea’s age.

It was presented as a holiday and weekend retreat, and life there was very casual. Most of the owners were from Raleigh, Savannah, Charleston, Atlanta, Jacksonville, Charlotte and Columbus, with a few from Augusta. The owners prepared their own breakfast and lunch, but early every evening the developer hosted a lavish meal, usually a barbecue.

With no town or village in the area, the condo had a well-stocked grocery store with some basic clothing such as sox and underwear, and carried staple goods available as well. There was, just off the common area, a comfortable lounge with full-length windows overlooking the staffed playground where children frolicked nude. It would be the ideal place to relax and keep her eye on Lea.

Teen girls, daughters of residents, watched the children in the securely fenced playground. These girls, who also worked nude, were well paid to ensure disputes among the children brought no harm to any of them. They kept the kids supplied with cookies, lemonade and fruit punch, and broke up any occasional minor scraps.

The girls also kept a sharp eye for any imminent ‘accidents’ the naked children might have. They moved the kiddies over to a special sandbox filled with kitty litter whenever one of them had to go potty. It was very convenient, and very public, so that anyone interested could watch. Many did.

Leanne was thrilled with the nudist aspect of the retreat. She had never had the freedom to go naked, and growing up with that lawyer asshole, she had little interest in doing so. Now she felt she would have the freedom to do whatever she wished, however she wished, and she closed the deal on a prime unit during that first trip.

From that day forward she spent at least a week every month at her new retreat. Her favorite pastime was watching Lea playing and scampering naked in the play area with the other children, most of them a year or two older than her. She was surprised that she found the sight of children, including her daughter, cavorting naked to be so stimulating.

The two teenage supervisors who lounged by the wading pool also found the sight of their consignments stimulating. They were often masturbating, with little to do when there were none of the infrequent scraps between the frolicking and squealing naked children to resolve.

People did not gawk at her, as she thought they would, and she felt quite comfortable to walk around her unit and the entire complex wearing only her flip-flops and a few slender gold chains. In addition to her necklaces, she liked to wear half a dozen loose gold chains around her slender waist.

When she was thirteen, she and a friend, on a dare, agreed to have their inner labia pierced, and had a set of rings installed, which had the unexpected effect of stretching them, so that they hung out from their outer labia and were quite apparent. To be impudent at the nudist apartment, sne attached short chains that visibly swung as she walked.

The trendy thing for nude appearance was to fully remove all body hair below the neck. To avoid the inconvenience of daily shaving, the developer had installed a special shower for his clients. It required users to wear a tightly fitting shower cap, because instead of water, a warm gel was sprayed on the person in the enclosure.

Leanne loved it, because she hated shaving regularly. The shower of gel was followed by a brief wait and then a warm water rinse. The special gel was a solvent, and after 5 daily showers in the unit, body hair would not even begin to grow for at least half a year. It left her groin and vulva as clean as her young daughter’s.

One morning after breakfast while sitting in the bright 2nd floor bar, watching Lea playing with other naked kids below her in the enclosed playground, she noticed the thirteen to fifteen-year-old girls lounging below her in the play area were doing more than to keep an eye on the frolicking children.

Each had a video camera, and they were recording the naked kids while they played. When they weren’t shooting, they were lounging naked with one knee raised so that their entire groin area was on full display, and she noticed that like the owners of suites here, their pubic hair had also been cleanly removed. What was the video for? Was it even legal?

Their vagina lips were engorged, full and spread, as they had been masturbating, and she wondered why she hadn’t noticed the cameras before. While they distracted her, she noticed her hand had found its way to her own groin, and her fingers were sliding smoothly in the moist slot of her hairless vagina. Her clit and labia were damp from just watching them.

Leanne felt a sudden wave of carnal pleasure with the contact of her fingers with the fringes of her moist tender sex-flesh. She ran her middle and index fingers along the firm edges of her lower lips, and then she slid them upward to gently massage her sex-swollen clitoris. Her vagina was as flared as those of the teen girls.

Her mind spun. Had she turned lesbian? She had no idea she could be so readily turned on by observing nude teenage girls masturbating. She had never noticed others at the resort masturbating, and assumed it was not cool to bring herself off in public, or even to tease her cleanly depilated vagina to the level she would want to experience an orgasm.

Embarrassed by her involuntary behavior, she got up and walked toward the lounge’s exit. Just before the archway there was another to the side, and she saw for the first time a second part of the lounge. Seated on burgundy leather-covered benches were three young men, drinking beer and openly masturbating as they watched the naked children cavorting in the playground below.

She was at once both shocked and fascinated, that watching her little Lea frolicking nude in the courtyard playground would turn men on like this, and so openly. It was as if it were perfectly normal for adults to find naked children so sexually stimulating that they had to increase their pleasure by openly masturbating.

She stood watching in amazement as the men, the only owners present in the lounge, smoothly stroked their rigid penises. Other than that disgusting lawyer who had controlled her teen years, she had never witnessed a man jacking off, which he did to get into the mood to rape her. She knew it was a common practice for men, but expected giving themselves a fist fuck was always done only in private.

Two of them acknowledged her presence and waved to her while continuing to give themselves sexual pleasure with their fists. Her eyes were wide as one by one, two if them reached orgasm and ejaculated shamelessly onto the hardwood floor, as if doing so was perfectly natural. Where else would you shoot your semen, without having a woman’s cunt or asshole to absorb it.

The nude teen female bartender in her spike heels brought over a spray bottle and a mop. She had them handy, and it appeared to Leanne that what had just happened was common, and something the serving girl had expected. Leanne was pleased to see how free of unreasonable moral restraint things were at her new retreat.

“First cum of the day, guys?” the attractive fifteen-year-old nude girl asked them as she sprayed cleaner on their spilled spunk and then mopped it up. She knew what she was doing, and was careful to turn as she bent forward, to provide them a clear view of her hairless groin with her beautiful flared vagina and slightly open rectum. It appeared to Leanne she had been masturbating behind the bar.

Leanne was surprised to see a beautiful girl so young behaving so casually in the nude with wealthy young professionals while acting like a truly proficient servant. This great place was so amazing. This young female bartender was both an employee and a delightful sex object, understanding and fulfilling her dual roles perfectly.

The shameless teen girl leaned forward and skillfully licked clean the residual semen from the flared head of the penis of the young man who had just ejaculated. She appeared to fully accept and enjoy her role as nothing more than a sensual piece of sex meat.

She was of course prostituting herself, but the beautiful teen did not act in the least like a prostitute. Leanne felt privileged to have found this retreat, and to not only own one of the best units, but to be accepted into the social scene here while she was herself still a teen.

Her education continued when the man who had not yet shot his spunk got up, and moving behind the stimulating teen, he pressed the flared head of his engorged penis against the ring of her anus, moistening it with his pre-ejaculation fluid. She pressed back against him as he thrust his long dong smoothly into her, filling her colon.

He was completely ready from his earlier masturbation, and with only a few powerful strokes, ejaculated into her. The young nude waitress happily took his seed into her intimate depths. Leanne realized the young girl was not a slut, but was a properly re-educated American middle school dropout, a professional sex toy, working here on staff for the pleasure of the unit owners.

On impulse, when the young man humping into her withdrew from her rectum, Leanne sat on a stool, her legs spread, and said “I’m feeling hot, and need your mouth to bring me off.” The girl showed no surprise, but promptly knelt on the floor and put her mouth to work, demonstrating experience in the intimate mouth-to-cunt servicing.

Leanne at that moment decided she needed to hire a full time personal service maid to live in her unit to take care of her sexual needs when she got hot. A warm, skilled mouth on her pussy was far superior to her hand in bringing herself to orgasm. Masturbating was so pedestrian when she could enjoy a skilled mouth of a servant girl stimulating her.

The developer had been so nice in helping her to get settled, and had given special attention to Lea to make sure she felt welcome here as well. The people here were very friendly, so fully open to brazen sexual activity. She felt fully accepted. Within a short time several of them she barely knew had invited her to their homes to enjoy some outstanding threesomes.

She had all the free sex she could wish for here, and best of all, nobody tried to hit on Lea, who watched fascinated with other children while her young mother engaged in amazing group sex. Her six-year-old daughter was receiving an education not usually included in the Georgia home schooling curriculum. This was a very special place, and Leanne felt almost as if she had come home.

CHAPTER 40 – Introduction to a New Sport

Leanne had made some friends at the nightly barbecues, and a couple of months after buying her unit, she was invited along with several other young owners to the suite of a couple she had met and liked. Rick and Jan’s daughters were five and seven, and Lea at age six got along well with both of them, as well as with most of the other youngsters.

The kids were left wearing only their panties, which were all off within minutes, in the master bedroom to play ‘doctor spanking’, a naughty game the children often played, one of sharp slapping of naked cuntlets and little penises, their favorite game, while the adults, who approved and encouraged the children to play that naughty game, sat in comfortable sofas and recliners in the large family room.

The bedroom where they played was equipped with several inconspicuous cameras, which Rick explained were placed to keep an eye on the children’s impish shenanigans. Leanne thought it was cute the way the naked little ones got the one to be spanked on the floor, usually face down with knees spread and buttocks raised.

The kids instinctively struck a pose that presented not only the buttocks but also the naked genitalia. They took turns slapping the buttocks and tiny pussies of the little girls with shrieks of delight. Leanne was glad to see that Lia was fitting in, and surprised that those being slapped were having as much fun as the children doing the hitting.

The little boys had their penises spanked as well, but their testicles were too small and under developed to give them the excruciating pain a male adult would experience with a similar blow. The children loved their sexual sport, and gave their parents pleasure watching them learning the pleasures and excitement of violent play.

Rick and Jan had invited the group to view a video they had been sent by friends in Atlanta. They told those they invited that they had discovered an interesting new pastime for young parents with children, and as strange as it sounded, these were parties not dissimilar to the sexually-based play of their children in the next room.

At the parties, designed for and by their parents and friends, they saw that little girls were encouraged to actually fight each other for the amusement of those in attendance. Astonishingly, the children were required to fight each other bare naked, with the objective, as in any fight, of hurting each other so that they screamed, to give a thrill to the watching mothers. This was a very daring and perhaps risky kind of activity to host, and even to attend.

That brought a buzz of surprised response. It sounded both peculiar and somehow cool. The guests were anxious to see the video he described. It sounded like it would be sexually stimulating to watch. ‘God,’ Leanne thought, ‘wouldn’t it be amazing to watch Lea beating on another naked kid! She’d be such an aggressive little hellcat, I’d probably piss myself watching!’

They all filed down into the party room on a lower level. There were a number of TV screens placed around the room so they could keep an eye on the rude activities of their children, who now could not see them. There were large comfortable chairs for everyone.

Cold beers were distributed, and when everyone was settled, the lights were dimmed and the video they had come to watch was started. On the large screen TV they saw the setting was the basement party room in a private home, with the furniture cleared to the side.

A dozen young women sat in a circle of chairs around the center of the room, in which stood two six-year-old girls wearing only small boxing gloves. Leanne was surprised to see this was about very little kids fighting, and although she had heard it announced, she was shocked that the little girls were stark naked in a little fight ring, in front if strange women. This was really over the top.

On the screen one of the women moved in front of the camera. She was, Leanne guessed, certainly not yet thirty. The small group of her female friends she had invited to see the video demonstration had the same age demographic. They were all watching her attentively. She lifted a microphone, smiled and addressed the camera.

“Hi, everybody,” she said nervously. “I’m Emily. A couple of weeks ago my friend Annie and I were invited to the most amazing party, right here in Atlanta, for women only, and the whole thing was all about little daughters fighting. Like, the little girls were bare naked, and I’ve got to tell you, they fought each other wildly, like a pair of angry shrews. The whole thing was absolutely incredible!

“They had put up a ring in the middle of the room that was really an electric fence to keep the girls in the middle. Their little fists were taped, but they didn’t wear boxing gloves or anything. It was really filthy, like the mothers, totally foul-mouthed, made their little girls swear at each other and call each other really dirty names and everything.

“The mothers whose daughters would fight really wanted their kids to fight each other, and slapped their faces really hard at the beginning, to get them both crying and in the mood for some really hard hitting, kicking and scratching!” Leanne had trouble getting her head around mothers displaying their kids nude, and hitting them just to make them get angry enough to fight. It was totally edgy!

“You had to be there to realize how hot this exciting sport really was,” Emily said to the camera, “and of course none of you were, so we’ve decided to make this little video to give select friends an idea of what it was like. We loved it. If you think what I’ve told you is disgusting, then please turn the video off now.

“We don’t want to shock anyone, but we were so surprised that this amazing sport is sooooo cool!” Leanne knew from what she had already heard that Lea would love it. Her daughter got so excited showing herself off, and loved people admiring her nakedness whenever she could be nude where others were watching. She was a brazen little hussy when naked, a natural cock-teaser.

Her daughter also enjoyed the ‘doctor spanking’ game the kids played, and she had noticed Lea hit the girls’ cuntlets harder than any of the other, unafraid of retaliation, and was the only one in the game that caused other children to scream from the pain of her hard slaps.

Emily continued, “Those little kids we saw fighting really did hurt each other, and they had collars with a short chain joining them, so neither of the small girls could back away from the fight. It went just like the ladies wanted, and they all yelled at them to hit the other as hard as they could!

“With this video we want to show you what it was like without the damage to them we saw, like scratches, black swollen eyes and bloody noses you get when the fight is really serious. Our kids are not experience at all with fighting, but we persuaded them to try this out for our video.

“I mean seeing what went on was really hot, but it was also pretty shocking for a first time. We’re definitely both going to the next party, now that we know what it’s all about, and this time we’ll be ready, and won’t be surprised. Anyway, we both decided to make this video because we want to introduce this kind of sport to you in a safe way, and also to our friends we’ve invited here to watch.

“We found these cute little boxing gloves for them, so they won’t really hurt each other, and there’s no electric ring that can give them a shock, like they had at that other real party we attended. If you have a little girl, you’ll probably want to take it one step at a time, right?

“I mean of course if you’re as interested as we are. I can’t wait to go to the next kidfight party! Like these ladies reduced their kids to nothing more than naked little monkeys without tails, and their naked little girls acted as ferocious and cruel as any wild animals! It was amazing to see!”

Emily’s hand went to her groin, pressing her dress in as she rubbed herself, and then self-consciously withdrew it. What she and her friend had arranged had sexually aroused her, and Leanne found she too was getting sexually stimulated just by the thought of the two kids being naked in a ring and hitting each other.

“I’ve got to tell you it was ‘way more exciting being there than I thought it would be. That’s why I want you all to see this unrehearsed demonstration with our own kids. From what I saw, when you give them permission, little girls really do like to get it on in a fight.

I mean, pre-school and early grade schoolgirls are quite happy to beat up on each other, aren’t they. I’ll bet your kids do it when they think they can. The other kids will form a ring around them to watch, preventing one from escaping the fight. Everybody’s seen that, right?

“These two girls you’re going to see today don’t know each other, and we were told at the real fight party that’s usually the case in the real organized kiddie fight parties. It turns out they mostly like to fight either their very best friends or else fight with complete strangers. In both cases they get really angry when they get hit, and hit back harder.

“I’m not sure what that’s about, like I’m no child psychologist, but we’ve decided to use our girls because they don’t know each other. Annie and I talked this over quite a bit, and decided to make this video for you. As you see, we invited some friends who have never seen this kind of thing, but promised they are all really open-minded.

“The blonde is my daughter Junie, and the other one is Annie’s girl Tricia. Annie and I met each other in the maternity ward at St. Bartholomew Hospital when we had our babies, and they were born the same day, delivered by the same doctor. They both turned six a couple of months ago.

“Annie and I are friends, and we both attended that little girl fight party I mentioned, but our daughters have never met each other. Both of them, like most little girls, like to get it on with another girl now and again, when something makes them angry, but this is going to be their first organized fight.

“I mean of course their first fight authorized by their Moms, and one we’ve promised each other we’re not going to try to stop, because we want you to see what these naked kiddie fight parties are really like. They’re really quite sexual, because we all find we get excited in a sexual way watching them getting hot with the passion of it.

“We’re all really excited to see how it goes, because both of our daughters said they’d be really happy to be in a fight, and we’d like you to see it. Anyway, everything’s all ready, and of course the camera is on, recording everything, so let’s see if Junie and Tricia will really get it on! They’d better!”

The two naked little girls standing in the middle of the ring of enthusiastic women were trembling, and it was not because they were stark naked, wearing only a pair of tight-fitting little boxing gloves. Leanne had never heard of such a thing as a kiddie fight, particularly one organized and staged by their own mothers.

She found the idea of little girls fighting naked in front of an adult audience outrageous, and wondered why their hosts would invite people to see this obscenity. She thought it was all probably totally illegal. The police would break this up so fast and charge the parents, and likely the guests as well.

On the other hand there were no police, as this was a private demonstration in a family home basement. Leanne felt a stirring deep in her gut, with an anxiety she realized was growing excitement with what was about to happen. Little girls trying to hurt each other!

These mini leather boxing gloves the nude little girls wore were small, but had a bit of padding, probably enough to prevent any real damage. They were both so young, just tots. Leanne was anxious to see if the naked little kids would purposefully pound on each other.


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