LAMI PI PRODUCTIONS 31 – 35 by Regis

Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The content of the story is not representative of the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. The author does not condone or promote any unlawful activity such as is depicted in the story. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character that they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis

Feature Title: LAMI PI PRODUCTIONS 31 – 35

Published: 22.02.2024

Lami Pi Productions 31 – 35

CHAPTER 31 – Filly & Pony

Jackson and Billy continued their conversation as the deadly fight in the D-Ring in front of them progressed. The naked cunts in the ring were cautiously punching at each other, and giving the odd kick to the cunt, but were both tentative, knowing full well that their life was on the line. The bout was progressing slowly, as was wise.

“The Filly & Pony Stable is a good client of mine, a whorehouse that caters to wealthy oilmen, guys who prefer to engage in rough sex with teenage single mothers and their little girls. Due to the fact that they live in ranching country, they like to call the girls their pretty filles and the female kiddies their cute little ponies.

“These guys have very specific tastes. They want to ram their big pricks into the tight little cuntlets and rectums of pretty little girls who are non-white, uneducated, and don’t speak English. Foreign kids are relatively easy to obtain. I regularly bring in shipments of young females for sexual sport from around the fucking world. You’d know about that, as you haul them for me.

“In San Paulo, Brazil, off duty police hunt kids for sport, by shooting some, but will sell you all the great looking young girls you can haul away. None of the paupers speak any English. You can get a herd of a hundred handpicked little girls for US $400. That works out to $4 for a prime little cuntlet.

“My supplier collects international young women and kids, whatever age I specify, from Malaysia, The Philippians, Brazil, anywhere in Europe, or wherever I want them to come from. To get uneducated American kids, they simply pluck pretty little girls and their mothers from the back wood villages in the Ozarks. Their strange accent is so thick nobody knows what the fuck they say anyway.

“Every cunt he has sent me is total eye candy, gorgeous and shapely, regardless of age, and in clean health, no disease. He ships only very high quality product, even the local little cuntlets. Most pair I provide to the Filly & Pony are sixteen-year-old mothers and their four-year-old girls. They keep the moms for less than two years, then sell them to D-Ring to train as adult fighters to die in their ring.

“They keep the little ones for four years, until they’re eight, and then D-Ring takes them, and they go into their system. That means Filly & Pony needs me to provide them more, age sixteen and four. It keeps everybody happy. Now and again they want a younger mother and baby, but that’s only by special order.

“The three countries I mentioned have the best price for their amazingly cute kids. Columbia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, Honduras and Mexico also produce very acceptable females of all ages I acquire for very reasonable prices. We call them our Mexicunts, which pretty much says it all.

“Most Latina girls can get pregnant earlier than white kids. I sometimes get moms as young as ten, but their babies are newborn, so need a bit of development to be useful. In those countries girls are considered surplus. I also get pristine product from Peru, Israel and Argentina.

“The only moms and daughters he can’t get directly are Saudis and cunts from several other Arab countries, where the Sheikhs put them into their harems at the tender age of eight, and they’ll fuck them until they’re able to become pregnant. They love to fuck pregnant young girls, and then when they’re ready to pop, to have a live birthing show.

“Only their very special guests ever get to see those, with gorgeous Arab teenage swell-belly nudes dancing to the lash of a whip until they drop their fucking sprogs as a spectacular Arab form of entertainment. I’ve never seen it, but a friend has, and reports it’s well worth a trip to Saudi Arabia or wherever the invitation comes from, just to enjoy the sight.

“My supplier can readily provide girls from those countries, but he has to take them at twelve, smuggle them out, impregnate them, and then farm the infant kids until they’re four and old enough to fuck. If a girl delivers twins he pairs one of the kids up with another Arab girl who’s twelve-year-old, and sells the pair as if it was a real family unit. Nobody gives a shit about the authenticity of their genes.

“They all arrive clean and disease-free, and any old enough to grow hair on their groins and limbs are depilated through waxing, so that even the teenage moms are presented to the clients free of all body hair below the neck. Clients demand it. Sucking a young girl’s cunt should be like sucking a tit, not taking in hair pie.”


At this point in the fight Juanita gave up on the cuff spikes and went to work with her bare fists, pounding Chelsea’s head and face. Chelsea countered with blows to Juanita’s mid-section, and when she saw the opportunity, gave a powerful punch to Juanita’s solar plexus, knocking the wind out of her and causing her to heave forward.

That was exactly the reaction Chelsea was hoping for. She instantly drove her knee spike up hard into Juanita’s lower belly, using Juanita’s weight to help as she jerked her knee upward, putting the sharp edge to work gradually ripping open her struggling foe’s living bacon.

The audience went wild watching the young woman’s belly being split open, gradually revealing her inner pack of slick gleaming intestines. Tonight would be extra payout time for the gamblers. What they were witnessing was like watching an orange being peeled in slow motion.

It was clear that the audience found this to be sexually exciting and highly stimulating, judging by the cocks that came out, and the hand diving for pussies. Soon all of the cocks were out around the big room. It was jack off time, while the ladies masturbated like mad.

Juanita desperately pounded at Chelsea, but the British bitch got her fingers into the parted belly flesh, and began jerking it wide open. Then she got hold of a loop of Juanita’s slick viscera and began pulling the slippery tubes out of her, spreading great loops of the opened bitch’s throbbing gore over the mat.

When much of the bitch tripe was extracted she reached inside the fresh opening and grasping the dark liver, lurched back, and pulled the plump dark purple organ out. This triggered ejaculation for many in the audience, and others began to approach their personal climax at the excessively brutal action. This is what they had come to see.

Juanita gave up on punching and tried desperately to tuck her slippery loops of gleaming viscera back into herself. She was losing ground. Chelsea pulled out long coils of gut from the spread opening, disemboweling her already defeated foe, and then reached inside once more. This time she reached up, and grasping Juanita’s pounding heart, pulled it out of the nearly empty cavity.

Juanita was still standing, but she could only watch as Chelsea grasped her extracted heart in both hands and squeezed it with all her might. Her efforts were productive and decisive. Juanita’s legs folded, she sank to her knees, then pitch forward onto her face, dead as a dodo, successfully and ruthlessly killed for the enjoyment of the gamblers.

Jackson and Billy had pulled their penises out early in the fight for easy access, and with the brutal cunt killing, like the other men in the audience, were powerfully ejaculating jets of their hot semen into the air, in celebration of Juanita’s horrifying death. No one in the audience was horrified. They loved it.

The MC returned to the ring, forcefully pumping semen from his own erection. “The audience makes the call,” he shouted into the microphone. “Chelsea gave us the chance to witness one hell of a tasty cunt-kill,” he said, “but do you think this audacious Brit bitch is worth repairing, or do you think she will require the services of a Dispatcher?”

“DISPATCHER,” they enthusiastically responded.

“You called it,” he said gleefully, drawing his Colt 45. “Head or cunt?”

“BOTH” was the raucous response.

“Then let’s start with a lead deposit into the lovely lady’s pulsing pussy!” Chelsea was standing, her legs spread and knees bent, her jaw hanging, staring at the MC in shock. He cocked the gun, and then without ceremony or hesitation, thrust the barrel deep into the stunned bitch’s cunt.

“Are you ready, ladies and gentlemen?”


Are you ready, Chelsea?”

The battered bitch with the pistol up her cunt was incapable of delivering a response.

One, two, three.” BANG!

The big pistol barked loudly, and an expanding lead bullet ripped into her womb and well beyond, ripping apart whatever blocked it’s raging disruption of her internal continuity. It had torn through her uterus and reduced the reproductive organ to nothing but chopped meat. She dropped hard to her knees, but somehow remained upright.

“Let’s get the second shell into her while she’s still conscious!” he shouted, and the audience shouted their agreement. He pressed the blood-smeared barrel into her open mouth, pointed upward. The gravely injured girl quivered, knowing this was her last moment alive on earth.

BANG! The gun barked for a second time. This time the top of her skull blew off, in a splatter of brain and blood. The second kill to conclude this wild bitch-fight was easily as spectacular as the first. The audience was ecstatic, with even the losing gamblers getting their money’s worth. The thing is that D-Ring Casino always delivered, consistently exceeding any audience’s wildest expectations.

“That was one hell of a show,” Jackson said. “I’m going to sleep like a fucking baby tonight!”

“It was,” Billy said. “This is one of my favorite D-Ring casinos. That MC is one cruel dude, and he always delivers as the final Dispatcher when the girls don’t quite get it done. This wasn’t billed as a death fight, but they usually let them go until the damage is sufficient to justify a dispatch of the loser and sometimes both cunts in the ring. The audience always appreciates that.

“I mentioned earlier that buddy of mine with the bordello on the top 3 floors of a high rise. I told you about the guy who killed a kid by forcing his muscle-bound arm up her ass, right up between her lungs while he hanged her. That was a fucking spectacular kill.

“Another killing of a little girl I paid half price to witness at that same place that was just as amazing. I got it for half because I’m his supplier, and got him that lovely little cuntlet. I like to keep the producers in by debt, giving them more than they ask for, so that they’re always in my debt.

“It was another two guys at my buddy’s bordello, and these two also wanted to document what they did with photographs. One guy had this DSLR camera, an expensive one, and they used that same photography studio I mentioned, with all the high-end lighting gear.

“This time there were a couple of mattresses on the floor, and a side table with some very interesting sex toys on it. These two guys had a plan, and had come prepared for a very interesting session of extreme sexual violence, designed to cost their nude subject her young life.

“They had bought themselves a beautiful ten-year-old blonde girl named Louisa from the bordello, and what they were charged included a disposal fee. My buddy has a complete setup, and offers full services, no matter what kind of kinky things his clients want. That’s just smart business.

“He is, after all, in business to make money, regardless of what it takes, and he offers much more than sex with women or little girls if his customers want it. More than half his cunts come from me. He’s a good client, needing a couple of dozen fresh stock every month, regular as clockwork.

“Louisa knew how to entertain guys. She had been trained like that other younger kid I told you about. The owner’s wife and teenage daughter train the kids how to perform the way guys like, and I’ve always been impressed at how well they do. They come on like professionals, and this one did it well.

“She got out of her clothes in a provocative strip, without too much delay, getting herself buck naked, which I have to say was an incredible sight, and then the provocative little cunt got on her hands and knees, lowered her titless chest down onto the mattress so that her bum stuck up, with her cute little bum-hole and cunt fully presented to her audience.

“She reached back with both arms, and worked two fingers from each hand into her dry little rectum. This kid was acting like a well-trained and experienced whore. When she tugging hard, she pulled her puckered tight little asshole wide open like a real pro, so it was no longer little. This produced a sight to remember.

Stretching her tight little asshole open like that allowed all the guys behind the glass to see right up into her moist pink gleaming colon. Not too many ten-year-old kids can do a trick like that! This was the first time I’d ever seen a kid do that, and I’ve gotta tell you, it had my prick standing at full attention inside my pants.

“This gave the guys who were working her a terrific view so they could take pictures of her, right inside her open bum, which they did. Then she did the same thing with her little pussy, pulling it open as far as she could, and the guys got some more great shots of the brazen ten-year-old’s inner cunt, holding it open so wide they could even get a great view of her puckered little cervix.

“I never figured out how they ever managed to train what had been mild mannered and shy little girls to do that kind of obscene performance so eagerly and so well. These children produced remarkable full anatomical displays, bolder than any whore stripper working only for tips.”

CHAPTER 32 – Performing the Minor Splits

“Louisa had her back to the mirror we were watching through, so we all got a great view into her too. She knew we were there, and performed for us as well as the guys who’d bought her. She was very young, but her three years at the bordello had given her the experience to provide her best angles to every paying customer, which of course included those of us watching her from behind the mirror.

“Now the guys chose some of the special toys spread on top of the table. There was a little one-cup kettle, and they plugged it in to boil. Using boiling water inside a kid is a great torture technique, loaded with possibilities. I’d never seen boiling hot water used, not even on a woman.

“They started on Louisa by putting a large plastic specula into her, to open her cunt up even wider than she’d stretched it for them with her fingers. Using that device would be very painful, but it appeared she was used to this, because she knew better than to complain.

“The clear plastic vagina-spreading device was strong, made to give full access to a woman’s womb, and inside this kid I was amazed at how far they could stretch her open with it. An adult woman’s cunt is a thing to behold. A little girl’s cunt stretched that wide open is just as amazing, and believe me, her little vagina is equally beautiful and complex.

“They got her strained cock-holster to open wide enough to put a wine bottle into her, base first, so they did. Then they used a metal rod to tap on it so that it vibrated, giving the little cunt a thrill she didn’t expect. I don’t know what that would feel like, but she started to scream when she realized the possibility they might smash the fucking bottle inside her.

“Instead they got a little funnel, and poured some boiling water into the bottle. That had to be very painful, because the short gasps when they started turned to screams as the kettle was emptied. The guy with the camera refilled the kettle and plugged it in again. We cheered behind the glass when we saw there was more to come.

“They didn’t smash the bottle inside her, but probably only because they didn’t think of it. That would have ripped her greatly stretched fuck tube in shreds, causing extensive bleeding. Instead they pulled the bottle out and used it as a club to beat on her terrific looking hips and legs.

“I mentioned I’d never seen a kid get done before, but this kind of brutal foreplay, knowing how it would likely end, was really starting to turn me on. This was really different from the fights I was used to watching. I’ve seen bitches tortured to death by tough guys, but that’s more rare than the fights where cunts do it to cunts, which I find very satisfying.

“The cunt stretcher got her so wide open the guys could easily see all the way up to her cervix, and they gave her an indication of how rough they were going to play when they poked a pen right into that bulging dimple at the back of her fuck chute and kept on pushing until the whole thing disappeared up into the screaming kid’s fucking uterus!

“Can you imagine the sight? Who would think of stuffing a pen into a little kid’s uterus? These guys were having a blast, and were putting on an outrageous show. They were going to butcher the kid, I knew for sure, but couldn’t yet figure out how they would go about it.

“I’d seen an adult woman get her cunt stretched wide open like that, but this was really different on a kid. The woman I’d seen had a fucking turkey baster loaded with thick creamy cum stuck into her cervix, so they could impregnate her the hard way, but to jam a thick fucking pen up through her cervix and into the kid’s uterus all the way was something else!

“Then they used another specula in her rectum, a special one that had a longer, narrower shaft that looked like it was specially designed for the bung hole, and spread her pretty puckered asshole wide open so they could take lots of pictures of the walls of her colon, all pink, moist and rippled!

“I’d never seen anything like it. I’m guessing the bordello must have flushed the little slut clean before the guys got to work on her, because there was no sign of her crap inside her. Just gleaming lower gut, her colon, that’s bigger and more flexible than any of the other intestine, regardless of species. Hers was bright pink, stretched wide.

“This pretty little American bitch, somebody’s daughter and probably sister, was clean enough to eat, but I don’t think either of these guys were into cannibalism, although I’m guessing the bordello would take care of it if they wanted. I was surprised they didn’t take the time to fuck that expanded little fundament.

“Louisa was shaking and started to whimper, and I think it wasn’t because they were still hurting her. She was properly frightened out of her fucking mind. You can fool some people some times, but kids are very perceptive, and can often project what’s coming.

“I think she had figured out these two guys had paid the bordello full price for her, and guessed they were getting ready to kill her. The frightened little bitch, still with her cheek against the mattress and her ass spread and propped in the air, had no choice but to let them play their filthy games with her, right to the end.

“She was nothing but their pretty and sexy little sex toy, and although she had lots of experience in this position, she saw that this was likely to be her last ever involvement in pleasing a pair of cruel kiddie-loving men. An experienced little cunt like her realized she was now nothing but cuntmeat.

“They pulled the two specula out of her, got her down on the mattresses, face up, and the guy who was naked was handed a knife by the other guy with the camera. He pressed the tip of the blade into her pussy, bringing a horrific scream from the young prone young girl.

“With his other hand he gripped her blonde hair firmly to hold the little bitch steady. This delightful naked little cunt was now completely helpless and their special meat, quivering like a lamb at slaughter, just waiting to be butchered by this dude for our entertainment. My heart was pounding like I thought it was going to explode.

“Louisa was so traumatized by what was happening to her she couldn’t move, and that was good, because the way they had her down, we had a perfect view as he gradually thrust the big blade right into her clean cunt it’s full length, and then the guy surprised us when with a firm grip he lifted it and started to slice her open up the front.

“I couldn’t believe how sharp that knife was, and how strong the guy using it was, because with a single powerful thrust he cut clean through her pelvic bone, sliced neatly up through her tummy, and right through the middle of her navel. He was ripping the beautiful young girl right open! She was a living female fillet.

“She started to buck, but his grip on her hair held her firm, and he just kept on going, demonstrating more strength by opening the screaming little bitch’s breastbone while her shapely legs kicked, until he had made an opening that extended from her bald cunt right up to her fucking chin! Her entire torso was split like a boiled lobster ready for de-shelling.

“Her intestines were bulging out of her, and he started to pull them out, dumping them in a steaming pile behind him, cutting them free, until the pretty little bitch was completely cleaned out. He followed her entertaining evisceration by doing the same with her organs.

She was screaming and twisting insanely, but to little effect. He had gone too far by now for her to make it, and the exquisitely gutted kid was weakening fast. He finally killed the naked little cunt when he cut out her still-beating heart, held it high for everyone to admire his work, and then cut it free from its veins and arteries.

I’d never seen a bitch’s heart removed before, and it was particularly spectacular, coming from a completely eviscerated cute little cunt only ten years old. He spread the adorable but now gutted little lady open like a cleaned fish, so we could see her ribs on the inside!

“Louisa was now spread flat like you sometimes see a rabbit in the window of a butcher shop, her beautiful inner meat on full display. Whenever I’ve seen a rabbit or a lamb displayed like that I often think of it being a beautiful naked woman, or maybe a little girl, but seeing it for real, and in this case the exposed meat being nothing but the evacuated interior of a cute little girl really made it for me.

“It was a truly spectacular kiddie-kill, and the guy with the knife produced a prodigious supply of jetting sperm from his big pulsing balls, basting her meat as he worked. Those of us behind the mirror all spurted thick gobs of our own cum onto the glass. It was a real cum-fest.

“I figured our semen spread on the glass would probably be visible from inside the studio, but the two guys doing their butcher thing on that little carcass were too busy getting more shots of their of their exquisite little cunt-kill to notice our liquid seed contribution.

“Life is good, and bringing it to an end for delightfully young cunts in such a creative and revealing fashion is always a worthwhile enterprise, no matter what your politics. That’s one thing I believe we can all agree on. After all, even little cunts were made for entertaining killing, and for us to enjoy their exciting deaths to the full.”

“How can anyone argue with that logic?” Jackson asked. “I’d like to accompany you to that bordello when we’re next in that region,” he said. “And perhaps meeting with some of the place’s clients who perform the kills. There might be one or two who would be interested in what I have planned.

“That would be entirely possible. The place ensures complete confidentiality, but they could let the guys know that you’re interested in meeting them. There could be a few takers. When you visit the place, are you thinking of doing a little bitch, or just watching?”

“I think observing would do for now. I’m not that much of a hands-on guy. Like you, I’m not into doing a murder, but on the other hand, seeing it done, particularly in such an entertaining fashion, is a quite acceptable, and likely also stimulating endeavor.”


“Back to our earlier discussion, Jackson, the reason I use you to handle all my transportation needs is because of complete reliability of your system, your international capability, I never have to delay an important and valuable shipment, and you never ask any questions. I like that.”

“Thanks. I’m looking at putting together a new enterprise, and might be able to use some of your product, and perhaps also your personal services. You could be a very good fit. I’ll have to firm the details before we talk further, but it’s great to know you’re available and can deliver.

“I’ll need some shapely fit ladies, either with an attitude or coachable, and relatively free of moral inhibitions. I suspect most of my need will be for some younger girls, twelve to fifteen. I’ll also be able to use lots of smaller, you know, the quite young girls, maybe five to ten, if this project unfolds as I expect it will.

“For serving girls, I’ll want lots of good looking and fit eleven and twelve-year-olds, not yet entering puberty, like those cute girls who served us dinner and warm wine. Maybe, if they’re tall enough, a few ten-year-olds would be great too. That was, by the way, spectacular, and a delightful treat. Thanks for thinking of it.

“I know a doctor who’s produced a special hormone treatment that delays the onset of puberty, to stretch out the time they’re useful. If we’re ever short of kids eleven or younger without tits, we could produce older girls with the same look, which would be quite satisfactory. The gamblers need them to look, not necessarily be, young.

“At the moment I’m just formulating the concept for the operation I want to set up, but I am definitely going to go ahead, one way or another. Those beautiful young waitress kids at dinner tonight were spectacular. I’ll want classy waitresses like those as my major staff. That can be trained into them.”

“Not a problem. I can provide lots of what you need, and if I can’t deliver on specific orders, I can put you in touch with some other suppliers of quality cunts who can provide any product you’re able to describe. Some of these guys are absolutely amazing.

“They can pluck six-year-old twin girls from a New York City park wading pool with the mother watching, and she’ll have no idea what happened, as if her little girls disappeared into thin air. I went shopping at an elementary school play in Denver, and my procurer accompanied me.

“He had collected the four little grade four girls I’d selected that night before noon the next day. He’d picked them up at school during recess, and just like the New York park waders, they had simply disappeared. Nobody had noticed the snatch. He’s got a great team, and is fucking amazing at collecting as many outstanding kids as you need, to order.

“The delightfully beautiful little girls he targets are as happy as pigs in poop, receiving promises of enduring love, candy and ice cream, and of course lots of sexual cuddling, if you get my drift. They love it. He has them, and within hours, I have them. He’s probably the best in the business. Of course, you wouldn’t have any use for girls that young.

“There’s no telling,” Jackson replied, “but it’s good to know a supply of younger, disposable pretty little girls are readily available if I need them. I probably will. As you know, I’m just working on a hypothesis right now, but give me a few weeks and I’ll be back to you with a more solid concept. Your unique services could be very valuable to me.

“Whatever I do will certainly be done on a large scale, but nothing like the scale of D-Ring. I want my operation to be more specialized, and attractive to a very specific market in terms of tastes. That will enable more effective word-of-mouth marketing. It’s all about bringing in wealthy people who want what I offer.

“My wife is at our Vegas home right now, and I’d like to get a measure of her response to producing this type of extreme adult entertainment featuring little ones. She would have to be on board for me to build this to the level I would need to make it worthwhile.

I’ve got to work out a non-disclosing way to do that. I need to get her on board as a participant, and not alienate her by hitting it too hard too fast. One carefully designed step at a time. It would be a shame to have come this far with the concept and fuck it up by blowing her mind.

“I’d also like to bring that cunt Helen Regent on board, to tap her expertise in the business. Martha tells me she’s got her fingers into private operations across the country, and she’s the kind of cunt we can use. Feeling our way where someone fully versed and connected is spinning our wheels.”

“In the meantime,” Billy said, “I’ll set up a meeting with the CEO of this branch of D-Ring, if you like, and probably get you some new transportation business. They ship their fighters to other casinos all over the world, with fairly high volume, and with regular shipments.

“That way the gamblers don’t get to know them too well. I’m sure they could profit from your expertise and capability with livestock transportation. They have a lot of cunts that could use shipping, and you’ve got the expertise at that they’re looking for.

“They are moving their entertainment personnel themselves at the moment, and probably average two shipments a week from each facility. I don’t know the current number, but they had something like eighty casinos worldwide as of two years ago. That’s nearly seven hundred shipments a month.

“My guess is that they would certainly profit from contracting out the transportation to you. Your record is flawless, and you give your shipments of live goods all the attention they deserve to keep it that way.”

“Thanks for that, Billy, Jackson said. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

CHAPTER 33 – Bringing Helen On Board

Helen Regent sipped on her single malt scotch as she reclined on one of three couches in one of three visiting areas of the vast living and party room of the Las Vegas Avery mansion. It was where some of the videos of the kiddie fights had been staged, those that Martha had hosted and Jackson had quietly taped during his recent absence.

This was her second visit in a week, the first was to attend the secretive and highly successful KidFight Club party Martha had arranged, that one a special national event, with a couple of European kids brought over by their mothers to fight each other. It was here she had introduced a little blonde girl with an amazing punch.

Martha’s house party had been huge, by kiddie fight standards, with a hundred women present, and as always, there were no men attending. It was one of the most balanced and well-organized events she had attended. Helen respected her friend Martha’s producing skills.

The resulting videos they had made were selling very well, and would substantially boost her income for the month. When Martha called her she said it was because her husband Jackson wanted to meet with them together, as he had an innovative business proposition.

Martha had said they might both be involved. And knowing her friend, that was certain to interest her. She was anxious to hear what Jackson had in mind. He was a very successful entrepreneur, and she was pleased to be invited to potentially join in on whatever new enterprise he was planning.

Helen wanted to make an impression on Jackson Avery, and had dressed accordingly. She was wearing a micro flesh-colored uplifting bra that covered nothing of her impressive bosom, and allowed her erect nipples to press any material over them forward.

She wore a see-through dress, presenting to great advantage her remarkable figure and bold nakedness of her outstanding flesh under it. The fine beige net garment was sufficiently transparent to make it clear to anyone who dared to look that under it and thinly disguised was her naked and cleanly waxed hairless vulva.

Just visible with the right angle of light was the bright red lipstick, the same she had put on her lips, that she had skillfully applied to the inner lips of her lovely vagina, declaring boldly to those who perceived it “I am a cunt!” She was expecting a business offer, and she knew that her body was a strong factor in upping the ante in any negotiations.

The beautiful wife of Harry Regent, the successful Washington lobbyist, was voluptuous, and she kept herself fit with regular daily physical workouts with a personal trainer. At fifty, she had the body and smooth complexion of a woman half her age. To Helen, taking meticulous care of her appearance was everything.

Her long shapely legs were bare, as cleanly waxed as was her groin area, and she wore five-inch spike heeled string sandals to enhance the impact of her already strikingly beautiful lower limbs. Her legs were crossed, not to disguise her groin area, but the upper leg was bobbing, a female way of unobtrusively masturbating.

Helen’s center of lustful erotic pleasure was anything that stimulated her cunt, which was also the center of her life. She was a tall, and definitely bisexual butch, leaning strongly toward her lesbian interests, and like many bi-sexual women, was totally cunt-centric.

In the hedonistic world of the women’s masturbating KidFight Club, this quintessential lesbian Helen Regent knew how to get any women turned on, using the overt aggression of naked little girls going at each other in an electrified ring to raise the ladies’ emerging passions.

A friend and lover had introduced Helen to kiddie fights years ago when her daughter Wanda, now twenty-0ne, had been four. The friend from her university years and the mother of a five-year-old daughter, was over having morning coffee in the heat of August when their cute little girls, playing naked in the back yard, got into a scrap over a doll.

Jennifer’s five-year-old, six months older than Helen’s smaller child, had punched Wanda in the nose, and caused it to bleed. The injured little girl ran screaming into the kitchen, yelling for her Mommy, moving rapidly to her mother and pressing her bleeding face into Helen’s lap.

Helen was startled to see her naked daughter’s bloody nose being purposefully and selfishly rubbed into the material of her expensive dress, and without thinking her anger emerged. She screamed at the top of her lungs at the child and slapped her hard on her face. The startled little one screamed and ran back outside.

“Good blow!” Jennifer observed. “I didn’t know you had it in you. Kids have the weirdest expectations. In her distress over taking a punch she had the foolish notion she was going to be comforted by her Mommy. What a pile of crap! These selfish kids think only about themselves.”

“Ha!” Helen responded, “you got that right. Look at what she did to my new dress! The thoughtless pint-size brat has totally ruined my expensive outfit! I’ll have to get my designer make me a new one. The selfish little cuntlet deserves worse than a face-slapping!”

“You gave her a pretty good shot,” her friend said. “That’s how I correct my kid too. It’s the only fucking way to teach them to behave. I have to give her a spanking almost every day. If she’s really bad I get her naked and spank her impudent little cunnie as well. A few good smacks on the cunt does the job.

“Did slapping Wanda’s face make you feel any better? It sure works for me. Try doing her cuntlet sometime. You’ll love the rush it gives you.”

“In fact it did,” Helen admitted. “Sometimes a good hard shot to the face is exactly what a snotty-nosed little kid like her needs to smarten her up. I made sure to catch her nose, because getting your nose hit as well as your cheek hurts like hell, and I really wanted to hurt the selfish little cuntlet.

“Maybe next time I’ll do her between the legs, getting her ass and her cunt at the same time. OMG! What a great idea!”

“If you believe that, I have a proposition that should interest you. There is an amusing kind of private party for women only with unusual games, and I’ve attended some, where little girls are involved. Child games. I find them delightful. They’re sort of like those plastic container parties, except you don’t have to buy anything, but you pay a fee to attend, once you’ve been properly vetted and then invited.

“At these special private tea parties mothers have their little girls fighting each other, naked, and what I love about it is the fighting little girls do all the hurting for you. It’s really exciting, and quite sexy and stimulating to watch. Mothers masturbate. Have you ever heard of KidFight Clubs?

“They call their events parties, they’re really house parties hosted mostly by mothers and grandmothers, who want to see their granddaughters put naked into a fight! I love that they make them fight bare naked in front of everyone. They fight in a little electrified fence, to make sure they stay in.

“The young mothers register their kids so that a fight card can be made up in advance. We bet on the little girls’ performance, and have a ball. We tried it serving wine a few times, thinking that would help draw a crowd, but quickly gave that up when some of the women got out of hand.”

“I’ve never heard of anything like that, but it sounds really exciting. Tell me about them,” Helen said, her hand still stinging from the slap she had given to her daughter’s face. She hoped the kid hurt more than she did. That selfish little cunt of hers had deserved it.

“I have to tell you,” Helen continued, “I find the idea of a bunch of mothers getting together for tea to watch their kids fighting bare naked sounds intriguing. How do I get to see one?”

“Let me invite you to one. They only have them occasionally, but they’re really a lot of fun. It’s always women invited only. It’s sort of like an afternoon tea, with all the regular gossip and shit, but with naked girls fighting, they’re also quite a bit different from your average tea party.

“The young daughters start by getting undressed for their fight. As they gain experience they become real show-offs. There’s a special ring set up in the hostess’s living room or family room. It’s just a little fence that’s electrified, a real electric fence that’s designed for outdoors, to keep horses or cows from breaking out of a pasture.

“It ensures the participants don’t spend too much time leaning on it, as it is capable of delivering substantial jolts, or if it is set for it, prolonged electric shocks. It’s a no-brainer to get women to enter their daughters. It gives the parent and her daughter a chance to let off some real steam, and maybe earn some cash at the same time.”

“Let me get this right; the little girls really get bare naked at a party in front of a lot of women, including their mothers and grandmothers, to fight each other?” she asked, incredulous. “That sounds amazing! I’ll bet the women, grandmothers and mothers get their jollies watching.”

“Pretty much. The smaller girls usually wear diapers, because when the going gets rough, they tend to pee and poo. The diapers prevent too much of a mess for the hostess to have to clean up afterwards. Our kiddie fights are not about scat or anything like that.

“However, the kids lose continence regularly when fighting, and I’ve got to admit that it does add to the excitement of the fight when we see the little girls get so distressed while they’re being hit that they piss on the floor, and when sufficiently distressed, drop fresh turds.”

“That’s really disgusting,” Helen commented, “kids old enough to know better being diapered and filling them in front of a crowd while fighting each other, but I guess it all adds to the ambiance. How old do the little girls have to be before they can be entered?”

“They usually start at five or six. Ours are exactly the right age to get started, and they’ve already shown us they have the inclination. I’ve got an idea. Why don’t we put our daughters forward to be in one of these organized matches? We could pair my daughter and yours for a rematch at the next party, if you’re interested.

“I think it would be exciting to see if they have what it takes, by letting them get at it in the ring, to see which one of them has the best punch!” Helen appeared hesitant. “Like don’t worry about the smell when they crap, we always feed them a whole role of tums before they get to the party, they think its candy, and it really reduces their production of methane, which is what smells.”

Helen was still working on the whole concept, needing more data to understand it. “Do the mothers ever fight?” Helen asked, trying to get her head around the entire concept. She was a detail person, and without more information she wasn’t ready to make a commitment.

“No, but we’re thinking of starting events for the young Moms to have nude fights, and also maybe mother/daughter fights, with two naked mothers and their daughters doing a team thing. Several of the younger women, and even some older ones, have asked for the organizers to make it possible.

“That introduces some new challenges, because although we keep it secret, we like to feed some speed into the kids when it gets more advanced, to make it more intense, and I’m pretty sure a pair of naked grown up women on speed could get pretty destructive.

“We did have a get-together one afternoon at a bar that was otherwise almost empty. Two of the young mothers had an ongoing disagreement, and we thought it would be fun to have them settle it with their fists. The bar proved the perfect place for that to happen.

“It was arranged that everyone was there when those who’d come for lunch left. We paid the bartender some sweet cash, and then when everyone was there and had their drinks, the place was locked, the two lovely young ladies about to entertain us with their pugilistic skills got naked and then got right at it.

“We’d told the bartender to let them roll, no matter what happened, and he kept out of it. They punched, pulled hair, and within ten minutes both were bleeding from nail scratches. I think we’d overdosed them on the speed, because they both got really violent, doing amazing damage, and we let it go on much too long.

“When the dust settled we realized that fighting mothers had some real potential. One of them had broken a chair, and jerked off a rung that she used to stab the other in the belly, just beside her hipbone. Their faces, tits and cunts were all bleeding from severe scratches, and all four eyes were nearly swollen shut. The pretty ladies weren’t so pretty any more!

“The problem is, once young women get at it, particularly with their moral restraints reduced by the speed and the cheering of the spectators, they might easily want not to stop, but to take it the whole distance, permanently damaging or even killing their opponent. Can you imagine how seriously exciting that would be, and to be part of it?”

“You’re fucking kidding! God that would be so exciting! Could you imagine watching a fight between nude girls where one of them actually killed the other, with an audience of their peers watching them going at it?” Helen’s hand was now getting active in her lap, and without missing a beat, she pulled up her skirt to get better access to her itching cunt.

“Listen, I’ve heard there’s a Casino somewhere in the South where women fight nude, and what’s so outrageous about that is they often intentionally let them go the whole way. I mean some of their fights are, at least by rumor, billed as a fight to the death, where they really expect one of the nude woman fighters to kill the other! That’s what they say the people gamble on.

Jennifer was getting as excited as Helen by telling about it. “It’s so wicked and outrageous I can’t imagine it could be possible, so it’s likely just rumor that they allow things to go that far. It would be amazing if they did. I think we should check it out. Apparently there’s one in Reno, one in Phoenix and another in LA, all 3 within reach. I’ve heard they’re called D-Ring or something like that.

“It would take a day or two to check them out, but I’m sure it would be worth it, just to see for sure. Their casinos are all over the world, with lots in America. I’ve heard that children are allowed to fight in their South American and SE Asia casinos, as well as some in Eastern Europe. Whatever, they go way past what’s legal.

“Really extreme fighting introduces all kinds of new issues. Some of us are investigating the idea of secretly arranging more adult fights, carefully selecting the right women to take part, and if we get it right, leasing or buying up failed training gyms for staging these totally serious fights.

“As exciting as it sounds, dealing with allowing a female fighter to take another woman permanently out of the scene is a challenge. Like finding young cunts willing to get in the ring for a fight to the death isn’t nearly as hard as it sounds, once they get stoked.

“It’s entirely possible, but loaded with problems, like how do we dump the carcass, and what do we have to do to keep it all secret? It would take a foolproof plan, and someone to properly manage it. Several of us find the idea thrilling, so you won’t believe it, but we’re actively pursuing it.

“First of all, both women would have to disappear before the fight, unrelated to the other’s disappearance, and then only one would come back. If we arranged it really well, I’m sure it could be done. Can you imagine becoming a ‘disappeared’ woman, and then killing the other one in a nude fight? God, I’m going to piss myself if I keep talking about it.

“Anyway, these kiddie fights we are now doing are just for the little kids, just five, six and seven. We’ve heard there are parties where they allow eight- and nine-year-old girls to fight because their mothers insist, and I’ve seen videos of them. I can assure you, they confirm our concerns kids that old might be able to do too much damage.

“We’d love that, of course, if they really beat the crap out of each other, so to speak, because that’s what it’s all about, but then how the hell would we mask it? As you might understand, some of the mothers are hesitant to let their kids get too badly hurt, and we need them to enter their younger kids. That way its just friendly nosebleeds, scratched cunts and split lips.

“To make it interesting for the mothers and audience, the kids get into the ring bare naked and duke it out, joined by a short chain to their collars, and other than that, there’s no rules. The idea is they give each other bruises, scrapes and scratches, and usually also a bloody nose or black eye.

“The chain makes it so that even the reluctant kids have to fight, with no retreat. It’s really exciting. Once they get on to it, kids seem to love it! Their mothers and invited friends love it from the get-go. When the going gets hot, it really becomes a hands on masturbation party!”

“Sounds amazing,” Helen said, not sure she had the full picture. If the mothers condoned and even encouraged their daughter to fight, particularly bare naked in front of a bunch of women, it would have to be completely private. All of them would have to take part to ensure they all kept their mouths closed, and it stayed totally private.

“Only women are allowed to attend our parties, not men, and only little girls are allowed to fight. One rule is their mother must be present, so nobody can ever accuse us of abusing the kids.” She chuckled. “Moms love to see the kids abusing each other, so in practice that’s never a problem.

“Men have only prurient interests and lustful thoughts, and have to get their cocks out to masturbate properly. It’s disgusting the way they get when they watch naked little girls fight. We had men to one party, but never again. Women are more mature, and we fully appreciate the sexual implications of naked little girls fighting and hurting each other.

“From our point of view the kids can go at the other’s groin to hurt her as much as possible, without making it dirty. In the fights, the kiddie cunt is a beautiful target to be punched and kicked, to produce outrageous screams, but the kids never treat it as a sex organ. Its just an amazing target.

“The last thing we need is the degradation of our special sport by including men! There’s no telling what changes men would demand. They’d probably insist the kids be fucked first, and that they all get to fuck the loser. That’s the way men think, and it’s definitely not for us.

“The children are not intimidated being naked for the fight when only women are watching, but having men present would probably ruin it for everyone. We have it pretty much perfect as it stands, and there’s no need for change. It’s really an exciting sport we’ve designed!

“Usually we only let little girls five to seven fight, because we need to maintain a minimum standard of body shaping, so only the younger girls who qualify physically are entered. They’ve got to be shapely and pretty to take part. We also found out early along that older girls can get far too aggressive.

“If a kid is too young but has a good reason, and is past four and half, and is developing shapely limbs, like your little girl, and of course is pretty, like yours, she’s allowed to get it on in the ring, kicking, scratching, pulling hair and punching it out with another naked little girl. It’s really charming when they’re that small. They really love it.

“It’s really quite exciting! Why don’t you and I enter our daughters in a fight at the next party? I’ve heard there’s one planned in a couple of weeks.” She watched for a reaction, and continued, “You haven’t even attended one of these parties without your daughter, to see what it’s all about, but when you want to get involved in something this exciting, the best way is to dive right in.”

Instead of replying, Helen moved in close to Jennifer, reached a hand up to embrace the slender neck, and then pulled her close enough to engage in a passionate French kiss. Jennifer readily accepted the embrace, and soon both tongues were active in each other’s mouth, and their breasts bulged to the side as they were pressed together.

Jennifer took her hand and led her to her bedroom, where they quickly got naked, and for the next two hours engaged in a thorough exploration of each other’s body and erotic physical prowess and tastes. Having initiated the tryst, Helen realized to a new extent the depth of her bisexuality. This was a round of classic lesbian sex. CHAPTER 34 – Wanda becomes a fighter

As bizarre as it sounded, Helen was in. Being barely out of her teens at the time, her hormones were raging, and things sexual took precedence over everything. She felt a stirring deep in her gut as she thought of the possibilities of little Wanda in the ring. It would be interesting to see her the impudent child get herself straightened out with a few well-aimed punches by the older girl who had already nailed her.

What did she have to lose? A good beating would do the little bitch good. It was curious to think of her little girl as a bitch. Who knew, Wanda might even get in a haymaker of her own. Stranger things had happened, and she thought her little daughter might enjoy showing off her nakedness in front of a bunch of strange women.

Helen attended the party soon after she received her invitation, and while there she entered Wanda, who was curious and agreed to go into the ring, simply because the other little girls were going to. As her friend Jennifer had described, Helen found the tea party truly amazing. The kiddie fights proved to be everything she had been promised and more.

When Wanda’s turn came for her first fight, she lost, of course, and she shit in her diaper when she was decked by a punch to her chest, and a stream of fresh pee ran from her thin diaper when she pulled herself to her feet, just to get decked again by Jennifer’s experienced daughter.

Helen was not in the least deterred by her naked little girl being clobbered, and entered her again, and then again, until finally, little Wanda got sick of getting beaten in every fight. She caught on, and she learned to land telling blows that won her some bouts by the time she turned five.

Wanda was entered in a new fight every three weeks, always with girls older and more experienced than she was, a strategy which provided for her the best learning experience, and with her mother’s coaching on a daily basis, the scrappy little bitch continued to improve.

They would both get naked in the family’s recreation room, and Helen would get down on her hands and knees. She would get Wanda to circle her, punching her on the buttocks, on her cleanly waxed pubic mound, on her breasts, shoulders and even on her chin.

Wanda got most excited and landed the hardest blows when she was punching Helen’s swinging breasts and landing direct blows to her Mother’s bare cunt. Training with Mom proved to be exciting, and the child became an accomplished puncher. She also learned the art of delivering stinging kicks with her bare feet.

Her first win came just before her fifth birthday, and it was against Jennifer’s daughter, the friend who had introduced her Mom to the erotic kiddie sport. It was sweet to deck the girl who had beaten her in her first fight. She threw her arms in the air and screamed in delight at her success.

They now had enough experienced they were ready to be entered in a fight at an advanced party, one in which scrappy little girls fought entirely nude, without the encumbrance of floppy diapers. In these the kiddies are permitted to continue to punch a girl who is down and defenseless.

The advanced tea parties were held in larger homes, had more ladies in attendance, cost more and had professional videos made. The online live streaming videos sold much better when cute naked little scrappers’ cunts and bare bums were on full display to the audience and the cameras.

The women who hosted them either had special carpet installed or staged them on hardwood floors, so that kiddie pee, poop, and even blood could be spotlessly removed. Only girls from five to seven fought in the special advanced fights, as they did not have the hard punches that could crack ribs or cause a concussion.

Hitting a kid really hard could cause concussions if when they fell their head hit the floor, but those were rare, unless her opponent got on top of her, grasped her by the hair, battering her head against the floor repeatedly. That was considered cool, and there were always smelling salts nearby to revive a loser whose bell was rung.

Wanda had learned the older girl’s weaknesses, and after a prolonged bout, was finally able to land a blow to her jaw that knocked her out cold. To Helen’s satisfaction, the anus of the girl Wanda decked ejected a firm stool as she dropped to the carpet. Wanda would be able to accurately brag she had beat the shit out of her opponent.

As she became a hardcore fight mom, Helen gained credibility in the sport, and had done such a good job in training Wanda that other women approached her regularly to have her train their kids for the ring. Most mothers wanted their kid to have just enough skill to get fights with girls who would bet the crap out of them.

Helen obliged, charging handsomely for her services, training naked little girls to swing effectively and to defend against incoming kicks and punches. She was so good at it she soon had a growing clientele around the country. The little girls she trained had a much better than average winning record, and she took full credit for that.

She was soon well known as a coach in the major American centers, and her services were in demand in cities around the country, which is where most of the kiddie fight tea parties took place. Wanda and others she had trained began to dominate the sport, and it became prestigious to be matched in a fight with one of Helen’s protégées, even in a losing role.

That experience and exposure allowed Helen to become a fight producer. She bought her own electric fence ring from the only man who made them, who had her sign a form that stated her only use of the ring was to contain baby goats. Goat hair was a good insulator, so equipment that produced extra strong jolts was made available.

She put her new fence into the homes of women who were her clients and accepted the role of hostess for fights. When Helen became the producer of kiddie fight tea parties, she took the $100 per person gate, and paid the hostesses a $400 stipend for their troubles. Within a year she had jacked up the ticket price to $125, and the fee to enter a little girl on a fight card was moved up to $250.

The stipend to hostesses was reduced to $200 per occasion, but she put them into a draw to be selected to host a special terminal fight, the extremely risky event for mothers and kids, where there was a good chance one of the little fighters would die, should she ever start to produce those. Most of the women believed she would.

In the case they got to host a terminal, she promised them they would be paid $600, and disposal of little carcasses would be taken care of. The mother of the child killed would be sold to a conglomerate she had heard of that ran casinos in which nude women were made to fight to the death.

She suspected it was the infamous D-Ring chain Jennifer had referred to, which they had never taken the time to check out. That was still on her agenda, and needed to be moved up, to put her in the loop on what was currently happening in the area of extreme adult entertainment.

She would only accept homes for the tea parties that had a good space to set up a ring, could accommodate at least forty guests, the size of audience needed to provided her a minimum gross of $40,000 before the entry fees. She set that as her mark. If she couldn’t make great money from the beginning, she wasn’t interested.

It was a small but real risk arranging these fight parties, and also hosting a few at one of her own three homes. Her husband was often away working in Washington with his lobbying and the running of his law firm, giving her full use of their three houses without his interference.

If she were going to make real money arranging these fights, why not be the producer, to earn the big bucks she deserved for her knowledge, experience and efforts? After costs, she was bringing in $140,000 a month before the internet sales of the fights she produced.

The darknet kiddie fight pay site she operated was producing more than a quarter million a month, and was still in growth mode. She had a trusted high school boy who was a computer nerd operate the site for her to begin with, and because he was really into it, she allowed the sixteen-year-old boy edit the videos to include shots by slow motion cameras to highlight details. He had to work slowly, as he jacked off at the action.

Life was good, and risking the bare cuntlets of other women’s children, women who were happy to allow their pretty little girls to fight nude, were paying her big dividends. The number of women involved grew, she purchased two more electrified rings, and gave some responsibility to trusted lieutenants while building herself a viable empire.

She also went to night school to learn to make and edit video herself, and soon she was a competent producer of kiddie fight videos. She let the boy who had been helping her go, but instead of firing him, she arranged that driving home one night, he was in a fatal car crash when he breaks failed. The police discovered the brake hydraulic cables had been cut, and could not find who was responsible.

With her own pay site on Usenet, she was soon making serious money for her efforts. Helen had become very successful in this novel form of child pornography without having that kind of outcome as her starting goal. Sometimes shit happens, but also sometimes things work out perfectly.


Although she had never got to know him well, Helen knew Jackson Avery was a man who got things done, a consummate achiever. She was more than happy to accept Martha’s surprise invitation. If he had anything to propose to her, she was all ears, and eager to hear what this highly successful businessman had in mind.

Helen Regent was a woman who got what she wanted by playing and leveraging other people’s ideas, and she knew for certain Jackson Avery was an ideas man. She knew that in business he played large, and large interested her. Jackson had her full attention.

Martha was seated on the couch between them, while Jackson was reclining on the plush sofa at the end. He and Martha were sipping martinis, while Helen drank scotch. The conversation had been casual as they settled in, and she still had no idea why she had been invited over for a drink this afternoon.

Perhaps Jackson was going to try to wrestle away from her part of the business she had worked so hard to build. She knew Martha well enough to doubt that. He likely had bigger things in mind for her. He was always open to developing new directions, and she knew he liked to put others’ ideas to work to enhance his own.

“Does Harry know what you’re up to?” Jackson asked, as if he were enquiring about the weather. Helen gave him a strange look. What did he know about her and her husband, beyond their casual acquaintanceship? She became more alert, and saw she would have to tread with caution.

“I’m not sure I know what you mean,” Helen replied, almost defensively. “Harry’s a very busy man, and we sometimes lead separate lives. Much of his business is out of town, practicing law or running his lobbying firm in Washington. Also, he has his own favorite pastimes.”

“I’d never thought of buggering little boys as simply a pastime,” Jackson said evenly, “but I suppose it does keep his penis busy while you’re out doing your thing.”

Helen was shocked. How could Avery know of Harry’s side activities? He was always very discrete about his personal life, and in particular about muck-fucking little boys.

“That’s really a side issue,” Jackson continued, “I’m not in the least interested in Harry’s homosexual hobbies. I’m sure his extra-curricular activities take his full attention when he’s not working in his law practice.

“What I want to talk to you about is you giving you a role in taking control of all the kiddie fight house parties, taking in all such operations, merging organizations, North America wide, and ramping up your private video business at the same time. I’d also like you to expand the scope, if you get my meaning, take some of the events on up to the next level.”

Helen was stunned. Martha kept a poker face. She had no idea the Avery’s had any knowledge of her video and Internet business. Certainly Martha couldn’t have told him, because she’d never divulged that information to her friend. She knew Martha produced some house parties, had been to one in this very home, but was sure her friend was not in too deep.

“As you well know, the parties you produce and those you attend barely scratch the surface of what is happening at similar such parties around the world. I can see that there is great potential for growth in this industry, with the base already established. The fruit is ripe, ready for picking.”

Helen was speechless, and sat quietly with her arms folded. She listened intently. This was of immense interest. He was talking about her taking total control of what was quickly moving from a casual if interesting phenomenon to a radical new business. This sounded like a great opportunity, and she didn’t want it to slip away.

“I want you to supervise a full network of house parties, right across America, right down to the regional and local level, with most of them as they are now, with only a few minor changes. I also want to have you commence a few separate higher end events where men are invited, but I’ll get to that later.

“I know you don’t want to pollute the ‘females only’ format already established, and I respect that. I mentioned there will need to be a few minor changes. The one necessary change that comes to mind at the moment is a full ban on the insane, ridiculous use of diapers.

“No exceptions. The fucking diapers are nothing but a screen, blocking visibility, and are an unnecessary nuisance. They fuck up the audience involvement. The kids will all have to fight stark naked, their puffy cunnies and little starfish rectums on full display at all times.

That is not negotiable. One of the things so attractive about this sport is the un-obscured views given of the kiddies’ naked groins, and that’s got to be a guaranteed part of it. The value of the videos we make will go up tenfold if all of the little girls fighting, pissing and shitting are stark naked.

“I’ve taken the liberty to inspect your bank records and deposit slips, and think we’ll keep the prices where you have them for now. As we grow we’ll up-scale them, and use only larger homes, that will enable larger attendance. These parties should soon clear us twelve thousand each.

“That’s $800,000 if there are twenty per week around the country. I’d like you to double that number in the next two years. The other thing is growing the video audience around the world. No downloads, pay per view only. We can’t afford to give this shit away.

“If interest is to be developed and those who want the best, then we not only lose the diapers, but also add a camera for extra closeups of naked groins. It’s not just the kiddie violence, but the open display of little cuntlets peeing and spread bare bottoms pooping that will draw and help us build our audience.

“Hiding their little pussies is a flaw in the system, regardless of the purpose. The kiddies’ little cuntlets and puckered bum holes, highly visible when they bend forward, have got to be on full display, full time. That’s what the customers want, and that’s what we’ll give them, in spades.

“And I like the use of hot pepper juice to make the pretty little beaks at the bottom of their bellies sting, swell and stand open. A touch of lipstick on them should help with the visuals too, even though the peppers cause substantial reddening. Every little bit helps with the visuals.”

Helen was starting to like this guy, his attitudes and his tastes. They appeared to be surprisingly well in line with her own, which was very unusual in a man. She could get along quite well working with someone like this, or even, if it came to that, working for him.

Helen at last joined in. “We can even look at placing some large decorative piercings of some of the children’s pretty little puds,” she said, “ the kind teen girls and young professionals dancing in strip clubs, or even in business, that they commonly wear in their nether-lips, by which I mean pierced cunt-meat.

What I’m suggesting is the use of metal quite a bit brighter, larger and heavier put into the cuntlets of the little fighting girls. Can you imagine how charming it would be to see some decorative heavy metal suspended from the tender genitalia of these cute little naked girls, five to seven years old? I believe it would be quite charming.

“I’m certain it would thrill their young mothers, who most likely have a set of metal rings piercing their own vaginas, just to have cunny-piercing of their little daughters suggested. People don’t usually talk about such things, but today women commonly have intimate body piercing.

“We’ll need to put together a network of some piercing artists and skilled specialists in the field of body metal around the country to take care of that aspect. As you can imagine, kiddie cuntlets can be so charming when enticingly decorated. I think it would add greatly to their sexual appeal.

“Although they’ve probably never had the chance to do it, these dudes will get a kick out of punching holes in delicate little cuntlets to hang substantial heavy metal. If they specialize, it could become another lucrative and steady source of revenue for them, which I’m sure they’d appreciate.

“Building up a comprehensive package around the thousands of little girls who we’ll have participate in this delightful underground sport will be the secret of our success. We could also put together teams of hair and makeup artists to make the little girls more charming, to make the events look even more professional.

“We’ll also have to find a shoemaker, a craftsman, possibly a small businessman offshore, who could construct slender spike-heeled shoes in child sizes. We could likely get them made in good quality with premium leather by top craftsmen in Argentina for about $10 each, I’d guess, and charge the mothers $250 a pair.

“My kid Wanda was a fighter when she was young, and if they’d been available, I would have paid $250 to make her look extra sexy fighting stark naked in spike heeled shoes. I know the little cunt would have definitely looked outstanding in them. That’s a no brainer.”

Jackson picked it up. “If kiddies make a mess on the floor, the audience has got to be able to see it, see the bulge and spread of their pert little rectums and watch their dark little lumps of shit sliding out. Kiddies losing it is something that’s quite amusing about these fights, and entertaining.

“The fucking hostess will just have to deal with the mess the kids might make. Tums in the kids and Febreze spray takes care of any offensive odor. Hardwood seems like a good idea to me, and if the odd little girl’s head manages to get itself cracked, that’s just a risk of the sport.

“Floor covers on expensive carpet seem to be working well, but it’s more interesting to know the hostess is going to have to clean her carpets herself. When something gets a piss or shit stain, well, tough titty, that’s part of the price of being a tea party hostess. It looks like the hostesses gain status by being permitted to host an exciting afternoon of nude kiddie fights and adult orgasms.

“Any hostess who complains should be taken off the list, and probably even banned from the sport. A small poop and pee stain on an expensive carpet can become a badge of honor. People will think her dog messed her carpet, even if she doesn’t have one.

“I think you’ll find women will leave traces of the stains as a status symbol to those who know that naked fighting little girls, not a dog, made it. The offal from little girls and dogs is quite similar, and I don’t think anyone could tell the difference from the mess left behind.

“While you’re busy setting the new standards and developing control of the entire sport, Martha and I will set up a new offshore retreat where we take it to the next level, a place without restraints, where everything is possible, with limitless rare performances.

“The outcomes happen that will regularly terminate little girls’ lives, the way clients want it. Our young human livestock will be permanent residents, and of necessity fully disposable. The sports and fights will become so brutal that survival is not always possible for the lovely little creatures.”

Helen was now shamelessly masturbating her engorged cunt with every word Jackson fed her. He was impressed at how she engaged the subject. What they had discussed had been right down the middle for her. This was a cunt he could use. She would be quite satisfactory.

“Our retreat will be on an island with its own harbor and airport. We’ve decided on that to maximize interest, what we can allow, and of course our profits. Also, the retreat will of necessity be open to both women and men. Reducing the potential audience by half also reduces potential revenue. This enterprise is going to be a major moneymaker.

“Unlike the much tamer home parties, where risks must be measured and reduced to easily manageable levels, the special new resort will be a place where risk to us is reduced to zero, meaning there will be no limits to what happens there, where the most extreme outcome becomes what the gamblers expect. For this reason alone it must be invisible to the law, and its location a mystery to the guests.

“It will be well outside the reach of the inconvenience of law agencies, and flying entirely under the radar. Guests will have no idea where they are. Their first cocktail on the last leg of the flight will ensure that. No clocks, GPS devices or smartphones will be permitted. Guests will have no idea how far they have flown, or in what direction. It’s quite elegant, really.

“We will maintain a staff who will be permanent residents of our island, and as they gain trust, some will earn the right for accompanied shore excursions. I’ll have a trusted psychologist monitor the staff regularly and chart their progress. She’ll be part of the hiring process, and a principal greeter of our new young female stock.

“She’s a young woman, and looks great, so she will work on site as one of the nude waitresses, so that staff won’t think of her as part of management. That will also give her an inside look at the role of waitresses, so that she can provide input on how we can better manage the pretty young cunts, and perhaps fine new ways do present them.

“As you can imagine, keeping eleven-year-old girls under control and fully compliant will likely be a challenge. That’s normally the age of rebellion, just before entering puberty, which we’ll delay with hormone therapy to keep the young girls titless and hairless, so looking younger than they are. They will have to be well managed the whole time.

“Part of your role with the onshore urban parties will be to identify and recruit eligible mothers and children from the participants in the parties you organize. You’ll be on the lookout for young mothers who are fully hooked on the sport as they know it, and appear to be insatiable. We’ll take it from there in procuring and satiating their lust.

CHAPTER 35 – The Organization’s Shrink

“My Psychologist’s name is Jeannie Collins, who at 28 is the youngest of my senior staff. Through self-managed hormone therapy, she appears to be, and has learned to act, fifteen. She has a good sense of her role, and to the right people, speaks of herself as my corporate cunt.

“Jeannie has been with me long enough to have earned herself a promotion. I knew of her interest in deviance, which was the subject of her outrageous and also very interesting Doctoral Thesis, provided to me by a friend. It made a very interesting and stimulating read.

“She had a professional photographer work with her on her research, and had profusely illustrated the most kinky and abnormal sexual events you could imagine. As a graphic demonstration, he had personally stripped, bound and tortured her mother, forcing a large plastic doll up into her mother’s womb, burying it.

She had then forced her mother to give birth to the thing, an obscenity that was fully captured on video, and ot complete the session, took her right to the brink of death, revived her, and then had induced a heart attack in the forty-five-year-old cunt that finished the job, with a legally natural death.

“She was a promising recruit from the moment I met her. I checked out the range of her interests a couple of months ago by taking her to an underground New York club that exceeds all normal social and sexual boundaries. What they offered proved to be exactly the kind of thing she liked most.

“Not many people know of or have access to the Dire Deeds Club, but those who do have a penchant for sadism. On special occasions the Club will even produce a snuff night event for the preferred clients, but it takes some time to gain an invitation to one of those evenings, and this event I took her to was more like their normal fare.

“Three gorgeous twenty-year-old photography models, all of them single mothers of beautiful seven-year-old daughters, were ‘hired’ to be the entertainment. In New York anything can be procured, for a price. These young ladies, we were told, used the same child-care service, and so were easily identified. The rest was simple.

“They were hired to work nude, which is commonplace in the modeling industry. This special engagement was not unusual for the mothers, and when they were told the job required their daughters to join them on stage, nude, they thought nothing of involving their pretty little girls, of course for the right price.

“Nothing had been mentioned about them doing a show, or about it becoming rough for them all. That information was need-to-know, and expecting that could have compromised their ready cooperation. They knew only that there would be an audience, and both they and their little daughters would be modeling on a stage, nude.

“This condition was not new to them. Frequently fine art photographers like to do sessions with mothers and daughters, and clothing is never part of that art form. Connoisseurs will pay top prices for a large framed print of a quality photograph of naked children, immodestly posed.

“In the most valuable of these works photographic of art, the women’s and their nude daughter’s gender identifier is on full display, with the assumption that inclusion of the mother precludes any sense of wrong doing, validates the image, to ensure it is not considered pornography, and that factor alone accounts for the higher fee.

“At the beginning of the show the three young women and their pretty little daughters were all present on stage. The excited, gorgeous mothers were required to begin the show by undressing completely, with the exception that their spike heels must remain on.

“Heels are standard dress for models, unless otherwise stated, whether nude or in clothing, and professional models always wear expensive very high open spikes for work. These ladies, used to being asked to work naked, had all painted the curled dangling lips of their vaginas the same color as their lips.

“As photography models, they automatically kept their pubic area and armpits free of any sign of hair with regular waxing. The beautiful and poised young women were instructed to remove their clothing first. Music was provided, and they all did an improvised striptease.

“Once they were naked, they had to undress their cute little daughters, who ended up both naked and barefoot. Both the mothers and daughters had sufficient experience to know they must keep their bared vaginas visible to the audience. Their mothers, knowing they’d all appear naked, had also painted their girls’ lips and cuntlips as theirs were.

“The precocious children had not been dressed for modeling, since their mothers had been told in advance that they and their pretty young daughters were going to be working completely nude. Knowing the business, the young mothers were aware that demanding producers had a primary interest in their vaginas, hence the paint.

“Once naked, the grade 2 daughters were lifted onto their mother’s back, and each was given a cat of nine tails. The kids were excited at first, and readily did as they were told, each lashing at the other two girls, until they realized that they too were targets.

“To aid their daughters in the violent competition, their naked human mounts constantly repositioned themselves to allow their nude little girl on their back better access to the others. This strategy worked well, and the little girls took full advantage of the help to get at their opponents.

“The children whipped the other two hysterically screaming kids, and in the course of the action, their adult nude mounts received extensive collateral damage. They kept up the bizarre fight for nearly twenty minutes, until first one and then the second little girl finally dropped to the stage.

“Both of naked tots had lost their tentative grip on their naked human ‘horses’, their mothers, now owned women that some people familiar with the practice of making nude girls into mounts, usually called Equestricunts. Those two failures produced a winner.

“The next part of the evening was quite different. They attached strap-on dildos, adult size, to the young mothers, and two stagehands came on stage, armed with pistols, to encourage the women to do as they were bid. These men were deadly serious, and the three young mothers, all of them too familiar with this kind of coercion, felt compelled to do as they were told.

“They were forced to mount their kneeling little grade two daughters, gradually driving the inch-thick, seven inch long plastic dongs into the little virgin cuntlets of their sharply screaming naked children, painfully deflowering their little girls before an appreciative audience.

“The spectators were shouting encouragement as they watched the sobbing young mothers fucking their little girls with the monstrous dildos. It was a highly stimulating and outrageous act, exactly the kind of degrading spectacle the jaded audience had come to see.

“Some members of the audience were new, as was my guest, but many of them were regulars, wealthy yuppies who viewed this kind of bizarre weekend entertainment as a rewarding way to spend money that came easily to them. We were happy to provide the wherewithal for that kind of outlet.

“Whenever gross and sadistic sexual performances were made available, dehumanizing and harming the usually innocent performers, then these privileged yuppies were willing to pay the price to witness it. In New York an eager audience can be found for any kind of degenerate act.”

Jackson noticed that Helen’s breathing was shallow and her respiration rate accelerated as she listened. She was getting turned on listening to him. Her ruby lips were parted, and she licked them frequently. He was pleased to see that he had gained her full attention.

From what he knew of her, his story took Helen well beyond anything she had experienced to date, but if that proved to be the case, he was equally certain he would be able to extend her interests substantially. From what he had just learned of her, she was a piece of work in the making, and was ready for much deeper molding of her interests.

“When all three women had driven the pink plastic dongs into their children’s vaginas the full length, they withdrew them and were required to now use the same devices to bugger their little girls with a deep anal fucking.” Helen was now on the edge of her chair, leaning in to the story.

“The children’s rectums were dry, but their cunt fluids and blood from their just-completed deflowering greased the long curved dildos to some degree. That was going to have to be sufficient lubrication for the shocking task at hand. Their young mothers were sobbing, but knew there was nothing to be gained by resisting.

“All of the women were hesitant to make the anal insertion of the large dildos into the virgin bum holes of their pretty little naked daughters, as none of this was part of their agreement with the club. The stagehand who had done the lifting now put a horsewhip to work on them, raising much more visible welts on the tender meat of the highly distressed ladies.

“Their knees were spread and bent as they were beautifully straining in their heels with nowhere to run, taking fresh blows from the whips, which were raising much larger angry welts on their exposed flesh than their daughters had managed. This fresh, more aggressive assault on their fully exposed lady-meat promptly changed their minds.

“It was a contest to see which of the three young women could bury the dildo its full length through the tight openings into the hysterically screaming little girl colons. Because of gradual tapers on the plastic shafts, half depth was the best they could manage without a struggle.

“From that point onward the whip was liberally applied to the ass of the hindmost model, removing any resistant from the sobbing nude child-humping mothers, and the merciless brutality of the whips brought the required cooperation. The invading artificial penises were rammed forcefully, and one by one found their way the full distance home in their daughter’s radically stretched immature rectums and colons.

“When all dildos were seated to their full depth, the women were instructed to unstrap them, leaving them buried, jammed between the slender buttocks of their little girls, with the straps hanging loose like disorganized tails. Now the youngsters got a well-deserved chance to rest, for what it was worth while colon-stuffed, while their mothers were given a new and equally distressing task.

“A pair of stagehands strapped the women to posts, with their arms overhead and a 4-foot rod strapped to their ankles to hold them wide apart. The women received what was essentially a severe belly whipping, a New York specialty called Bacon Discipline, with care taken to include their beautifully presented breasts and vaginas in the hot flailing living meat tenderizing action.

“After fifteen minutes of merciless whipping, all three of the ladies had screamed their throats raw. They were now provided with some protection, but not the kind they would have wished for. Their daughters were now bound to them, their backs to their mothers’ brutally whipped tummies so that their own tender bellies and gaping little cuntlets were fully exposed.

“With three pair of screaming targets, it was time to involve the audience. When I had enquired about how the evening would unfold, I had arranged that Jeannie would be among the first to participate. She was thrilled for the opportunity, and climbed onto the stage along with two other participants; each was given a whip.

“Each participant was given a triangle shaped pirate hat and spike-heeled leather boots. My guest Jeannie undid the buttons on the front of her blouse to allow freedom of her ample firm breasts, and undid the zipper on her slacks. It was a special pair of pants she wore that evening, with a zipper that went all the way back to her rectum, to reveal to the audience her vagina, which was hairless thanks to her self-administered hormone therapy.

“She and the other two eager audience members were instructed to begin. They lashed their whips at the exposed bare tummies of the little girls, discovering how to effectively use the weapons as they went. The flesh of the small daughters was much tenderer than the battered meat on their mothers, and angry welts were quickly raised on the naked and stretched little girls.

“Jeannie found that a vertical blow to the child’s cuntlet also caught the horror-opened and swollen cunt of the young mother. She found that by cross striking the already angry raised welts, she could easily break skin and meat with sufficiently strong blows.

“She was eminently capable of delivering severe punishment, which she did with relish. It was clear she reveled in delivering extreme chastisement to the little girl she was assigned to,, painfully flogging her tender meat with the whip while revealing not the slightest sense of remorse.

“She was displaying her level of passion for the despicable undertaking, bringing unspeakable pain to the naked woman and her child. This was precisely what I was looking for in a psychologist for my special retreat. I realized I had found myself a natural sadist.

“The bound duo’s instantaneous screams told her she had hit pay dirt as she laid into their cunts. The mother and daughter screams became more shrill, more piercing than either of those other two pair being whipped. I was pleased to see the degree of satisfaction my gorgeous psychologist guest was enjoying, and that she was reluctant to give up the whip when at last the next person’s turn arrived.

“Grudgingly accepting the disruption to her fun, Jeannie was happy she had been given the chance to realize a life-long fantasy, as she described it to me when she returned to our table. I now had an excellent measure of her interests, standards and moral values. She was going to be more useful to me than I had at first thought.

“The gorgeous young psychiatrist had no qualms about actively participating in the torture of pretty little girls and their mothers. In her time with me I would gain a much stronger sense of her ability to deliver when working with the kind of shows I was about to produce.

“The next necessary step in her development required no action on my part, but would be automatic. She told me that night, with her knowing grin, that her only regret was that she was not able go the distance on that stage, and take the life of one of the three charming seven-year-old girls.

“She was in the right Club, but was there on the wrong night. The semi-private New York club was known to do occasional super secret snuff shows, but only when a well-vetted audience had paid a hefty premium to attend. I had never attended one, but a friend had filled me in.

“This torture show she participated in had been billed as a Whipper Snappers Night, and audience participation was always part of such shows, but limited to non-terminal torture. When they performed a snuff, it was usually just a single adult or perhaps teen that was done.

“They would usually bring in a street woman or pretty under-age hooker with no ties. An official snuffer would do the entire show, and there was never audience involvement. This particular event where she participated had not been set up, or ticketed, as a snuff evening. Having enjoyed the violent action, I shared her regret, and promised the opportunity to witness some entertainment killing would present itself before long.”

Helen had given up on any pretense of decorum as she listened intently to him, and her hand was under her belt. Her fingers were busy working her moistened clit, bringing herself to orgasm, her lust exceeding any pretext of self-control. She was proving to be the cunt he had expected, and he was very pleased with his selection.

Jackson was also pleased to see the woman he had selected to head the domestic house-party kiddie fights derived sexual satisfaction from the merciless treatment of little girls, and with his encouragement and permission, whichever was necessary, would be certain to soon increase the scale, violence and cruelty of the bouts.


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