Feature Writer: Yshomastsu

Feature Title: Succubus Unleashed 3

Story Codes: Erotic Horror

Published: 14.10.2013 / Copyright (c) 2024 by Yshomatsu / All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this story or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. The following is meant for Adults only, if you are under the age of 18 leave now.

Synopsis: What happens when a Succubus is set loose in the world

Author’s Notes: This Story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Succubus Unleashed 3

Chapter One

An exhausted brown war horse with armored plates charged for the southern jungles. Miles of grassy planes stretched out in all directions. Foam had begun to form at its mouth as the noble animal pressed on. Trained for war, the animal would never stop, unless its heart gave out first. The veteran warrior upon its back named Vince struggled to stay awake. His heart also pounded hard, however, caused by a completely different reason. For the man had barely made it out alive. A creature that should not have existed had hunted his group down, eliminating them one by one.

Vince had served the Horadric Legion proudly for well over sixteen years. Their army had never known defeat. Until recently… unnatural forces spawned on the battlefield overwhelmed them. Many good men fell that day to an unfathomable, green fog. Vince and three others had been ordered to retreat. Tasked with a desperate mission to get reinforcements. Their General had to know it was already over when he ordered the last four riders to get away. A true hero in all meaning of the word; sacrificing himself to allow his surviving men time to escape.

The four men fled with fear and regret. They were riding without rest for days when a storm began to form overhead. Powerful winds forced the party to seek shelter that night. Unbeknownst to them, the unnatural demonic force had followed them. Only Vince survived the events that unfolded that horrific night. The veteran once again fled without rest; fearing that the demon still followed him.

The violent storm never dissipated. The strong winds threatened to throw Vince from his horse. The noble steed that had once belonged to a young soldier named Tommy–Vince didn’t know the animal’s name, but he could hear the painful gasps for breath. The poor animal had truly been through a lot the past several days.

Large trees formed on the horizon like a painted canvas. On any other day the man would have admired that beautiful sight. Desperation prevented such emotions from baring fruit, however. He felt a wave of remorse as he kicked the noble steed for a boost of speed. One thought kept repeating in his mind. ‘Make it into the tree line to hide and rest, just a little further.’

“Only a bit further, you can make it boy.” Vince called out after leaning forward; lightly patting the animal’s neck as it protested verbally. Regardless of the neighing in way of response the animal pressed on, all the harder. Truth be told, the veteran was frightened to look back. A cold shiver ran up his spine at the mere thought of seeing the demonic seductress flying after him.

Suddenly the horse halted, panting, wheezing for air. Vince’s body jerked forward. Almost tumbling over the animal’s head. It had finally pushed itself too far as its strong legs gave out and they fell hard onto the ground. The armored warrior rolled off into the dirt. Only to rise painfully, spitting out a mouthful of earth. They had almost made it to the tree line, now less than a quarter mile away.

Hundreds of trees that grew into all kinds of sizes were just part of the dense vegetation at the jungle’s border. Vibrant greens so thick they blocked the view passed, like a giant natural wall. The veteran’s people had called these lands home for longer than anyone could recall.

Vince wiped his greasy black hair back out of his dirty face. Patches of gray had formed over the years, making him feel old. The man watched the horse’s body spasm painfully; a single tear fell down his filthy face. Vince’s steel gray eyes began to water as guilt overwhelmed him. It’s not like he had a choice though, they had to escape. If the horse survived, he swore he’d find it a good home to live the rest of its life, in peace.

Thunder roared overhead, interrupting his thoughts. Slowly Vince rose to his feet when the white flashes lighting the area morphed to red. The loud, pounding thunder transformed until it sounded like a raging hell mouth, screaming bloody murder. He looked up in horror as the dark clouds appeared to explode, spitting fire and brimstone. A deep red circular silhouette quickly grew in size. The object burst out of the clouds in a fiery blaze, plummeting towards them.

Vince’s eyes opened wide as he threw his body over the horse’s head. His body wouldn’t provide much protection, but the horse deserved all he could give. The demoness had followed them after all! Fear filled his panicking heart as he thought of death. Having lived his life as a warrior he had always expected to die in battle, with honor… not like this.

The massive ball of fire raced towards the ground with a howling roar. On impact the ground shook violently. Vince swore he heard screaming before he realized the cries were coming from him. Chunks of earth flew out in all directions; spreading fires throughout the valley and jungle, sounds of splintering tree trunks echoed in his ringing ears. The intense heat began to burn his exposed skin as the horse cried out, knocking Vince to the side. The warhorse had found that one pain lessoned another and quickly chose to flee; leaving the armored man to fend for himself.


Large flames reached up for the sky, burning everything in their reach. Vegetation on the jungle floor melted to ash almost instantaneously. Vince squinted as he covered the rest of his face with his arms. From what he could tell the large object had impacted a few hundred yards within the jungle. He had attempted to run after the horse, but the spreading flames boxed him in. Reduced to panicking the warrior spun around, searching for a way out.

The tight armor he had ‘borrowed’ from Johnny–Tommy’s older brother, another that fled the great battle–began to burn. Its once polished sliver shine, glowed red. Vince stumbled and crawled in desperation, air became hard to breathe. Each breath became a gasping struggle as smoke filled his lungs, causing a coughing fit.

The storm continued raging as lightning sparked along the horizon. The fires had spread out into the jungle before rain started to fall. At first it felt like sharp needles stabbing his burnt flesh, adding to the horrendous pain he already felt. The glowing armor let loose a flurry of steam as the downpour rapidly cooled the metal. But once the sizzling had stopped, he felt the cold wet chill spread throughout his veins.

He watched with relief as the large flames slowly died. Nature it would seem had answered the jungle’s painful cries for help. The veteran sat there in the mud baffled. He felt defeated, exhausted, burnt, and now freezing. Almost cooked alive only to freeze to death moments later, what a way to go. A neigh and hoof slamming into the mud behind him caused the warrior to jump. The noble horse came back for him, a smile spread upon his chapped lips. He wiped the filth from his face since the rain loosened it.

Vince didn’t hear the animal approach and realized that he had been sitting there shivering for a while. Steam rose off of anything left standing. Massive trunks had been reduced to burnt carcasses of their former glory. The jungle floor had been turned black; its vegetation all but destroyed. Only small patches of the plants remained, appearing like skeletons among the surrounding jungle.

The veteran couldn’t quite see how far the damage had spread. But one thing did catch his eye. A massive crater with a large chunk of rock glowing within the soil. All this time he had feared that the demon had descended upon him. Yet he had remained motionless long enough to dispel that theory. The priceless mineral from the sky in front of him caused his mind to overload with thoughts.

Myths were told among his people of falling rocks composed of the strongest metals anyone had ever encountered. If this proved to be one of those; his luck may have just changed, for the better. The horse nudged his shoulder, snapping him out of his daze.

After that frightful night fighting a demon, he had pushed the animal to the breaking point. All in an attempt to escape. The falling rock had driven the poor steed away, and then it returned. Returning to his people would just have to wait but a moment longer. Less than a day’s ride along the jungle’s border, a group of people lived in a small village called Rotherham. This important rock that could possibly tilt the balance–between good and evil–in his favor would be of interest to a man in that village.

The veteran knew he couldn’t squander this rare opportunity. Reinforcements rushing to aid men already dead would only add more bodies to the battlefield. However, if they had a new weapon… now that might save the new army from sharing the same fate.

Carefully Vince climbed atop his horse, noticing small burns upon its thick hide. He let the animal set the pace once they started off in the right direction. Time could still be of the essence, but Vince refused to push the noble steed any harder. The two moved through the pouring rain steadily, but with newfound purpose.

Chapter Two

Both the horse and rider were exhausted, and the hours stretched. Vince wouldn’t force the tired animal to go any faster as he struggled to keep his eyes open. Several times he caught himself falling asleep just before he fell from the saddle.

Sounds carried on the wind kept him jumpy as he expected to see the demon flying towards him at any moment. On other occasions he found himself picturing her sexy body only to find it very uncomfortable to ride a horse with an erection. He had almost fallen prey to the demon and now he couldn’t stop thinking about her. Constantly imagining what it would have felt like to let her dominate him. The feel of her tight pussy riding his dick.

Vincent had to shake the thoughts from his mind on a regular basis during the final stretch of his journey. Since they weren’t sprinting any longer, he had a lot more time for his mind to wander, and wander it did, constantly.

Half a day later Vince arrived at the small village of Rotherham. He felt like the rain followed him yet luckily it had reduced to a lite drizzle. The village consisted of three roads that ran parallel with the jungle. Those three roads had all of the villagers’ homes built along them. The population had almost grown large enough to call it a small town.

The veteran traveled down the middle of the three roads. He squinted as he looked out at the buildings because of the rain, stinging his eyes. The homes weren’t anything extravagant. Just simple shelters that kept their owners dry and warm. It had been many years since Vince had lived in a home like these. Ever since he enlisted into the Legion. A part of him felt jealous of these villagers, but he had lived mostly regret free. In fact, besides the horrible week he had just had, he hadn’t thought about his past. The veteran had lived in the moment for so long he didn’t really remember how life had been before he enlisted.

He passed many buildings, each different from the last. Many of them were built from jungle wood and bamboo, others with clay. Vince recalled the large bamboo section that marked the Horadric Legion’s gates. Even though the Legion ruled all these lands, their army resided within the jungle, among the trees.

Some of the windows had candles lit. Vince tried not to react when they were blown out as he approached. He didn’t like what that represented. Weren’t these lands well protected by the main army? The veteran had been a part of the northern campaign for years, so he hadn’t been to Rotherham for a while. Had the demonic presence spread this far south already? He hoped not.

The end of the street couldn’t come any faster. The only other street in this village ran perpendicular with the rest. That road served as their main street with all their stores. Including the one he sought. The warrior just hoped that the same man owned the smithy. In the past Vince used to visit this village often. When the horse trotted onto the street, he spotted the sign with an anvil. He felt a ghost of a smile form on his lips. If the sign hadn’t changed then ownership most likely hadn’t either.

Vince headed straight for the main stables that everyone used. A young boy no older than eight greeted him within the large building, rubbing tired eyes.

“It’s awful late for you to be awake, isn’t it lad?” Vince inquired.

“T’was sleepin till you showed up sir.” The boy replied, “The boss lets me take care the animals so I can get food for me mum and lil’sista.”

Vince climbed down to the ground and walked over to the contained fire the boy had, rubbing his cold hands near the flames. “Where’s your father?”

“The army same as you.” The little guy replied as he gestured to Vince’s battle aged armor. “He ain’t send no money for a while now.” Once the boy took the horses’ reins, he spotted the wet burn marks, his eyes widened in shock. “What happened to the horsee?”

“We’ve both had a rough journey, can you get him some tasty food and take care of him for me?”

“O’course sir, poor thing is wheezing.”

“I know.” Vince replied, sadness entering his tired voice. He reached into his ‘borrowed’ armor, hoping Johnny had some coin within the pocket. A thin smile formed on his lips as he felt the rough edge of two coins. After inspecting them and finding them to be gold instead of sliver or copper his smile grew. “This should cover everything since I’ve interrupted your sleep young lad.”

The boy caught the money that was tossed to him. Once he realized how much he had been given he choked. Vince almost laughed when the little guy stared at him, completely speechless.

“Don’t waste it all at once and buy some good food for your family.” He didn’t want to bring up the fact that his father most likely wouldn’t be coming home.

“Th-this is too much sir!”

“My horse deserves the best treatment after what he has been through. See to it that he gets it for me, okay?”

“Yes sir!” The excitement erased all signs of how tired the boy had been moments before. The little guy led the overworked animal to a stall with a makeshift stool for the boy to stand on. Vince had promised to take care of the noble steed and perhaps he had just found a good home for it, he hoped.

The small fire had warmed Vince’s body, he had lingered long enough. He took a deep breath, preparing to walk out into the cold rain. Luckily the building he needed was only two down the street from where he stood. When he stepped outside the cold wind made him shiver. Yet thankfully, the building’s overhangs kept the rain from reaching him. “The little things in life,” he thought with a small smile.

The armored man approached the blacksmith’s building and heard loud slamming. That meant Robbert the blacksmith had already woken up and started his day. Vince opened the large wooden door and grinned when he saw the large man hammering away at a red-hot piece of metal. The veteran had hoped the man still owned the shop and was in luck. With his years of experience out in the field Vince had never found a man better at the craft.

Robbert looked up as the door creaked and latched shut. With all the noise he was making Vince had been surprised the man had heard the door. The larger man made a wait gesture along with a smile. The tired veteran nodded in way of response and sat down. The building’s forge had heated the place enough to be considered uncomfortable. But for Vince it’s exactly what his cold body needed. Once he sat down the full extent of his exhaustion overwhelmed him.

Within seconds he had fallen asleep hunched over in the chair. The tattered armor kept him sitting, head resting on the shoulder pauldron.

Chapter Three

The armored soldier’s eyes were heavy and blurry as he looked around the room. A thick fog had formed all around him and panic caused his heart to skyrocket, pounding in his chest. Images of gorgeous feminine bodies swirled around in the fog just barely visible.

Before he could react, the demon stepped out of the fog like a dark goddess, smiling at him. Her blood red skin stood out like a beacon as the white fog swirled around her, long black hair flowing as if caught in the wind. Her bright yellow serpent-like eyes glared at him with triumphant seduction, hands stretching out towards him, beckoning. She licked her lips…

“Ahhhh!” Vince screamed, jumping awake in his seat just as A warm, sweaty hand softly shook his shoulder. Vince grabbed the hilt of his sword before realizing the large black-haired man before him was nothing like the demonic seductress.

“Calm down lad, it’s ok, you’re safe here.” The smith consoled him with a hand grasping each shoulder tightly. The man was ready to act if Vince unsheathed his weapon.

It took a moment for Vince to calm down before he yawned, stretching out his arms. “How long was I out?” he asked with a groggy voice, glancing around again as if he was still dreaming. When he glanced down, he blushed realizing he was standing there with an erection that thankfully the smith had not noticed. Just imagining the demon made his blood boil in his veins. And he wished it wasn’t out of desire for another chance to be in her presence.

“Only about an hour, looks like you needed it lad.” Vince opened his mouth to reply but Robbert kept talking. “I’m surprised to see you Vincent, we’ve all heard about the northern campaign’s fall. Word spread like wildfire. I’m glad you made it back, though your armor looks a little snug, eating too much?” The smith gave him a sad but comforting smile.

“Heh, not my armor, had little choice though. When I entered town people blew out their candles. Guess I know why now.”

“Everybody is whispering about the end of times, after that meteor fell from the sky. It has got people’s nerves twisted in a bunch.” The larger man looked back at Vince’s armor. “I can make adjustments for you, repairs even. It’s seen better days.”

“No, I’ve got something much better in mind. In exchange for a new set of gear you can keep the rest of the find.”

The blacksmith looked back over his shoulder at his young apprentice that kept working before looking back at Vince. “We don’t have much material to work with, I’m afraid… Unless you–”

“Yes, I know where it fell.” The veteran smirked. “The quality looked great my friend.” The smith’s expression beamed in acknowledgment.

“Boy! Put that aside, we’ve got a quarry to gather!” Robbert yelled to his apprentice, his voice rising above the hammering, filled with joy. “I’ve got a decent wagon for this, you tagging along or got your own ride?”

“I’ll tag along, I’ve given my exhausted horse to the sable boy for rest. Though, it’s time the poor animal retired from war.” The large man nodded as he gazed into the veteran’s steel gray eyes. There he saw lots of pain and sorrow; surprisingly Robbert didn’t see as much hate and revenge as he would have expected, if half the rumors were true.

“If even half of what I heard is true, I’d have to agree with you.”

“There’s things in this world that shouldn’t exist. I plan on correcting that, with your help.” Vince had realized that if word had already traveled this far south that his mission no longer held purpose. He had another plan, believing the meteor to be a blessing from the heavens.

For half a day they rode towards the crash site. Vince had given directions and gone to sleep in the back of the wagon. Robbert couldn’t believe the man could sleep with how rocky their route was. The man had desperately needed the long rest though. His battered chest plate had been removed and placed at his side.

Chapter Four

Vince rolled over, trying to tune out the constant bumps as the wagon kept moving along the rundown road. A warm body wrapped their arms around him, and he sighed contently, too tired to open his eyes. A part of him thought it was weird that one of his traveling companions joined him, but his exhausted mind couldn’t deal with it. He really needed to sleep.

Then the warm body almost purred, pulling him closer. Two soft pillows embraced his face as a long, smooth leg slid over his own. This didn’t feel like the large blacksmith or his rugged apprentice… this felt like a woman.

A warm woman… Vincent’s eyes shot open only to see darkness. The warm body had their arms around his neck, holding him in their embrace. He smelled cinnamon and brimstone. He felt his heart rate speed up as all the blood in his system traveled south.

She had found him! And his body was overjoyed, ready to submit. She squirmed, wiggling her hips, grinding against his growing member, making him groan, involuntarily. The soft, yet firm breasts smothering him made it difficult to form thoughts beyond knowing he was doomed. The tail that haunted him slid between his legs as he grew to full hardness. Pathetically he whimpered and she purred sexily into his ear.

“I’ve been looking forward to this sugar.” Her pussy slid along his length before her tail angled him just right. He groaned much louder as her tight nether lips swallowed him whole, squeezing with unnatural strength. In the same motion she rolled him onto his back, keeping his face smothered between her luscious breasts. Now on top of him her hips bounced slowly, savoring the way his dick pulsed in her grasp.

All the fighting and resisting he had done just made him crave this moment all the more, and now he couldn’t resist any longer. His hands slid around her waist, gripping her tight ass as he groaned once again.

“That’s it, show me how much you want me,” she cried out as she giggled. His lungs were burning, desperate for fresh air only to breathe in her potent pheromones, boiling his blood with lust.

Down below it felt like a thousand little tongues were massaging his dick as her inner walls squeezed and undulated along his length. The pleasure was so intense all he could do was hold on and enjoy the ride.

A part of him wished he had given in long ago instead of fleeing. The memory of her tail sucking him off hadn’t left his mind since that day and yet it paled in comparison to her pussy. The way she slowly arched her back, nether lips refusing to release his cock as she ascended, only to come crashing down, crashing back into his hips with an echoing slap, drove him wild.

His eyes rolled back, mouth gaped wide as he moaned, chest burning, mind melting. Without a thought his body reacted, hips bucking, hands squeezing. She had him and the only thing he could do was hold on and start kissing her warm flesh. She cooed encouragingly as he began to kiss and lick her breasts.

“There you go baby, get into it, enjoy it,” she moaned, holding the back of his scalp tightly with one hand. The other wrapped around his shoulders, king nails digging into his skin. “You’re so hard for me. Just the way I like it.”

Vincent managed to angle his head enough to flick her hard, puffy nipple with his tongue causing the demon to squeal with delight. Her pussy squeezed him extra tight as if a nerve directly connected it to that nipple and he flicked it like a switch.

His body twitched alarmingly since he hadn’t gotten a fresh breath of air in a while. His grip on her ass slipped as everything went numb. In response the demon finally released her hold, leaning back, sliding her hands down his chest, pressing all her weight onto his lap.

Vince sucked in a loud mouthful of desperately needed air and his body tingled, coming back to life. His groggy eyes looked young the demon and saw triple. Three identical demons staring down at him with sultry smirks upon their lips. Their images swam around his vision as he struggled to regain his senses. All the while her private parts kept working his erection with a mind of its own. He couldn’t tell if she was actually moving as her image blurred and her pussy undulated, feeling like hands and mouths all at once.

It was all too much; he felt his body twitch once again only this time with rising climatic surrender. He continued taking deep gasping breaths before the two extra demonic forms descended upon him. His eyes widened in shock as he watched the main succubus smile down at him. The other two caressed his flesh, confusing him. Multiple hands squeezed, scratched and rubbed his body proving to be real and not a figment of his imagination. But how could she be suddenly three instead of one?

The thought melted the moment it popped into his mind as the two lying at his sides started kissing either side of his neck. He groaned, hips bucking, back arching. The main version of the demon giggled, hands still on his chest, squeezing his pecs. She finally started moving her hips again. Not like it had mattered with how her pussy kept active all on its own. Yet now her hips slammed down into him with each movement, blowing his mind.

There were too many sensations all at once, he couldn’t focus on any particular one. Her bouncing hips would grab his attention only for one of the other two you bite his earlobe, or neck. His eyes rolled back for the umpteenth time before settling on the main demon’s bouncing breasts. He longed to reach out and grasp them but couldn’t feel his hands. were they pinned by the other two? He tried to focus and find out what his hands were doing but kept getting distracted.

His body wouldn’t be able to withstand much more as he felt his climax building. After all the resistance he couldn’t wait to feel the massive orgasm that was about to happen.

“Do you want to cum baby?” The demon questioned, tilting her head to the side. “Want to cum for me?” Her voice sent chills up his spine.

Without any hesitation Vince nodded quickly, “yes!” He cried out only to groan with frustration. For the moment he surrendered to the bliss and wanted nothing more than to fully give in… the demon stopped, planting herself in his lap, pussy gripping tightly but otherwise unmoving.

“Then why did you run away from me?” She pouted, puffing out her lower lip.

Vince couldn’t believe it and tried to squirm, anything to feel that last push he needed to get off. However, the two other forms held him tightly. “Please! I need it, I can’t take anymore.” Shaking his head side to side, trying his best to push himself past the edge.

“Why did you run away?” She repeated before calling out his name, “Vincent…”

The sound of his name felt wrong, like it hadn’t come from the demon at all. He squirmed what little he could and pleaded desperately, on the verge of madness, only to hear his name again.

“Vincent, wake up!”

The seductress smirked down at him knowingly. Then the two at his sides brought their mouths to his ears, whispering in unison, “shouldn’t have fled from us baby. You would have visited heaven between our legs.”

Vince groaned as their forms started to become see-through. He cried out trying to get them to stay but soon he laid there all alone, their laughter echoing in the wind.

All alone and desperate for release.

“Wake up Vince, we’re here.” His mind felt foggy and unsettled, confused and needy. Yet, everything felt off and unreal. But that voice kept calling for him despite how much he wanted to ignore it and bring the demon back.

Slowly his mind returned to reality, eyes opening to see a bright blue sky with fluffy while clouds floating above. The hard surface of the wagon materialized beneath him as he stretched out his aching limbs.

“Hey Vincent, come on man, we’re here.” Robbert called out, having found the meteor. “You okay back there?” The smith asked respectfully, not looking back. The knight had been making some odd sounds I’m his sleep after all.

“Yeah,” he finally answered, voice cracking. He covered his waist as he realized his erection was standing at attention, cheeks flushing brightly. It had just been a dream and yet he felt the need to cum so strongly.

Why did he flee from the gorgeous demon? He found himself questioning even though he knew better. His desperate body only wanted one thing and if he had been alone there would be no doubt that he’d rub himself to completion all while thinking of her sexy red skin, and yellow piercing eyes.

Chapter Five

The large blacksmith knew they found the right spot right away when they climbed the hill and spotted all of the burnt vegetation. The man stopped the horses near the largest sky metal quarry he had ever seen. The rock had imbedded itself into the ground. What could be seen of it might only be the tip of the iceberg as the saying went. Once he dismounted the wagon, he examined the rock, chipping away a piece by hitting a chisel with his hammer. “You weren’t kidding, I’ve never seen anything like this.”

Vince sat up in the wagon watching the blacksmith inspect their fine. “Think you can make a new set of armor with it?”

“Cha, I’ve had unique plans for something new, but we’ve never been able to make it work. This stuff just might make the cut. There’s so much of it, it’ll take us at least four trips, maybe more.” He paused, wiping his brow, “assuming no one else stumbles upon it before we’re done gathering it.”

“That’ll take a lot of traveling time, someone else would definitely discover it before we collected all of it.”

“We’d better not tarry then.” The large man replied. The apprentice walked over, his arms overflowing with tools. They set to work immediately, breaking off smaller chunks, filling the wagon, piece by piece.

Chapter Six

Days turned into weeks as they worked without stopping, taking turns sleeping during the time traveling. The smith’s storage behind his shop was quickly filling up.

On their fifth trip back, they saw someone watching them from within the jungle. The person stayed in the shadows, which worried Vince. He kept an eye on the tree line for the rest of the trip. However, it wasn’t until their return that they started to feel eyes on them more often. On more than one occasion they spotted bodies that melted back into the shadows, like wraith’s stalking their prey, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Vince kept a grip on his sword. The time had to come eventually. “Rob, think we might stop for the night and make camp?” He spoke loudly, the tension growing could be felt by all of them.

The smith looked at him, studying his grim expression, before whispering, “we’re being followed?”

“Fraid-so, best not to lead them to our goldmine.” The knight responded in kind, without moving his lips.

“I like the way you think.” Robbert glanced over his shoulder at his sleeping apprentice, “should we wake him?”

“Any good with a blade?”

The larger man laughed loudly, but whispered his response, “boy works with them daily, I’d say he can hold his own.”

Vincent reached back slowly, shaking the boy’s shoulder before whispering, “stay low, on alert, we got company.” The apprentice barely moved but Vince saw his hand close on his own weapon. “We’re stopping, see if they make a move, or move on.”

Once they stopped, Vince put on his former college’s snug armor, tying his sword belt around his waist. A lot had happened since four of them fled the battle with an important mission. Guilt filled his heart at the brief memory of how he failed those men. Not to mention the whole army he left behind.

A make-shift camp which was really just a stick propped up with a large blanket stretched between it’s top and the wagon. A small fire made it look like they were letting their guard down as they waited. They sat down, preparing some salted meat over the fire. Vince positioned himself to face the jungle then Robbert bumped his foot with his own, subtly pointing towards the nearby hill. From the direction they had come from.

Vincent glanced in that direction without turning his head. A lone rider was there watching them and for a split second he thought he recognized the man. However, before he could think about it, he heard bird sounds from the jungle.

“It’s time,” he whispered, gripping his weapon. Having spent so much time in the military he knew the types of sounds humans could and couldn’t make. Those not attuned wouldn’t think twice, believing they were animals.

Luckily his company didn’t hesitate in believing him, grabbing their own weapons.

Half a dozen men rose from their hiding spots and charged their camp, screaming their war cries, like rabid animals. Their clothing and armor were more like rags than anything military equivalent. However, their desperation could be just as dangerous as well-trained men, if not more so. They pushed into each other as they rushed their already alert prey. The element of surprise was not theirs on this day. Yet, none were smart enough to figure that out as they rushed blindly into combat.

The three men around the small fire stood as one, unsheathing their blades, standing back-to-back. They acted as a single unit which shocked Vince, in a good way. He let a small smile form on his lips as they stood ready to face the bandits.

Their attackers however, while unified, attacked clumsy and untrained. The numbers were the real threat though as the three were quickly surrounded by the violent, screaming bandits. The three men held their own and Vince was about to counterattack when a loud feminine giggle echoed, flowing on the wind from the far-off hill.

Her voice was loud enough for everyone to pause and glance toward the lone rider. They witnessed the air around him shimmer, then expand upward, as if his shadow had broken free, and headed for them. A feminine form glided above him as if carried by the wind itself. Vincent’s worst fears had come true. They had found him, he panicked, turning towards his friend.

“Robbert, we need to get out of here, now! Get back to your shop and start on that armor.” The large man turned to protest but Vince wouldn’t hear it, “now, run!”

The smith and apprentice weaved through the stunned bandits, heading for the wagon, quickly climbing up. Robbert called out and the horses obeyed his command without hesitation, launching forward. The sheet tore free, ruining their make-shift camp.

Vince almost made it onto the wagon before something hit his back hard, sending him down into the mud. He glanced up as the world spun and watched the wagon take off without him. His soundless cry to the smith went unheard as the wind had been completely knocked from his chest. He rolled onto his back just in time as the weapon that cowardly struck him from behind descended for the killing blow.

He braced for impact, his weapon too far away to reach in time. The descending blade slashed through the air only for a great gust of wind to blow by, knocking the man clean off his feet. Vince froze in shock, only witnessing a blur pass by, but he knew what it had been instantly. The air elemental that had ensnared one of his fellow soldiers had moved on them alarmingly fast. The giggles alone gave Vincent chills, but he laid there trying to catch his breath, unable to act just yet. The tight armor didn’t help any and he found himself wishing he had allowed Robbert to adjust it back when the smith had offered.

If the elemental had found them, he imagined the demon wouldn’t be far behind. He needed to get away before his body betrayed him. He could already feel his traitorous member growing in his pants at the mere thought of seeing the gorgeous, red-skinned woman again. It was bad enough he couldn’t stop dreaming about her every time he closed his eyes. That luscious black hair that shined brightly in fire light. Or the way her eyes sparkled with mischief and lewd intent.

Damn it, he really needed to stop letting his mind think of her, it was distracting! His muscles burned and demanded he stay out, laying in the mud. His mind eager to listen to his body’s wishes. He could just lay back, catch his breath and dream of her. He remembered how good her tail had felt and longed to feel her pussy. He imagined it would be warm and tight. His member twitched at the thought.

It would be so easy to relax and let the bandits deal with the elemental themselves. Alas, he knew better than that. He closed his eyes tightly for but a moment, taking a deep breath before willing himself to get on the move.

With all of his effort he inched backwards with his arms. Instead of rolling onto his belly, he scanned the area, expecting to see the winged demon. Instead, he saw the air blow like a tornado, bunching the bandits up, in the “storm’s center.” They had no idea what was about to happen to them. A part of Vincent wanted to watch, with curiosity, no other reason, honest!

He watched as the elemental hovered above the men. She looked almost solid with but a shimmer that came and went, as if she struggled to remain corporeal long-term. Her long blond hair flowed in front and behind her and once in a while he saw her unnaturally bright blue eyes shining like hypnotic beacons. He remembered seeing her riding Sean in that abandoned mansion. A time that felt long ago and at the same time as if yesterday. It didn’t appear like she had any clothes on, but her hair covered too much of her to be sure. Not that he was trying to get a clear look at her body or anything. Even though one look at his erection would make you think otherwise.

“Naughty boys shouldn’t be harming my mistress’ lost pet,” she purred, her voice echoing on the air as the tornado calmed and then settled with all the bandits in a pile at its center. Her voice sent chills down Vincent’s spine the moment she called him a pet. Yet his erection pulsed with joy at exact the same moment. The woman had confirmed both his greatest nightmare and darkest fantasy. The demon hadn’t forgotten about him after all. He had to bite his lip to control the urge that surged through his body. “Naughty boys should be punished.”

She squealed before swinging her hand from side to side, and the wind obeyed her unspoken command, lashing out. The bandit’s screamed as hands formed out of thin air and the slaps echoed out across the valley. Men crawled over each other trying to get away, but the wind couldn’t be stopped or blocked. Vince watched as the elemental crackled like a mad woman at their expense.

He heard the subtle whine of a group of nervous horses coming from the jungle, just out of sight. Ever slowly he inched backwards in that direction. He knew he had to act before the animals broke free and fled, imagining them tied to trees by the reins. Alas he couldn’t take his eyes off the being that shouldn’t exist as she floated before him. He studied what little he could see through the long flowing hair. He didn’t know what exactly she was. A ghost given life? The way she controlled the air gave him pause. Did he really care enough to find out?

The elemental cried out between laughs as she tormented the bandits all at once. She sounded like a siren had mixed with a banshee, voice both alluring and terrifying. Despite knowing better Vincent’s body betrayed him, growing hard and eager.

He made it to the tree line, trying his best, to will his body to continue. Then the strangest thing happened. The woman’s head turned completely around as her body remained facing the bandits. Her hands continued waving through the air, sending blasts of winds at them. Yet her head turned to look directly at him, eyes shining brightly.

“Don’t go anywhere sweetheart, I’ve got a message for you.” She smiled ear to ear. Vincent froze, unable to move as the whole sight unnerved him. Once she turned back to face the screaming men he bolted, hunting for the horses he heard. While curious about the message he was more frightened about how she had moved as she floated in the air. He didn’t want to fall prey to one of the demon’s agents. Nor did he wish to wait for the demoness herself to arrive.

Each echoing slap struck a nerve with him as if they had a direct connection to his nether region. His body kept responding as if wishing it was receiving the punishment for daring to run from the mistress. He had to shake his head to refocus. The bandit’s screams kept getting louder and lewder, but Vince tried to ignore it. He didn’t want to imagine what she was doing to them now as their screams were turning into moans.

It didn’t take him long to find the horses since they were struggling to free themselves, loudly. Their reins looked ready to snap and Vince approached slowly with his hands outstretched. He calmly spoke to the nearest one as he moved closer.

Vincent grabbed the reins and jumped onto his new steed after letting the rest go free. The poor frightened animals sped off the moment they were able. He guided his to go the opposite direction, towards Robbert and his apprentice. They shot out of the tree line, heading for the horizon, which Vince instantly regretted. For he forgot about the lone figure posed atop the hill.

Vince glanced behind him and noticed the woman had her attention on the bandits, so he kept going. He wished he still had his sword in case he headed for a fight. The closer he got, the more he recognized the man, his old friend and comrade in arms, Sean. A wave of guilt filled Vincent’s heart as he looked at the man. His skin was pale, ghostly so, and shimmered. Once in a while Vince could see right through him, just like the woman. His friend had been changed and he saw no recognition in the man’s expression as he closed in.

A part of him had wished to greet an old friend, but alas all Vince saw was darkness in those dull eyes, as they glared at him. He had little time to think so he spurred his steed onward and charged right at the man he once knew and trusted with his life. The man reached for something at his belt, a weapon no doubt. Yet Vincent charged faster with no intent of stopping.

Sean’s horse panicked and bucked just as Vince closed the distance and shot past them. He had expected to see Sean thrown off the saddle, onto the ground. However, the man simply faded and reformed standing, facing him. Vince felt the color fade from his face as he glanced over his shoulder witnessing it happen. Sean’s expression never changed, glaring as Vince galloped away.

Down the valley behind Sean, Vince saw a small glimpse of the woman splitting into several bodies and each descended towards the bandits. He had chosen wisely in fleeing for his body reacted with just that small glimpse, growing rock hard, and throbbing. The saddle no longer felt comfortable as he rocked in it, awkwardly.

The only thing Vincent could think was that he really hoped the sky metal would forge a set of armor capable of facing these supernatural threats. He didn’t slow down and before long he could see the wagon off in the distance. Once he rejoined his friends their journey was thankfully uneventful despite each of them constantly looking behind. If they were lucky, they wouldn’t be followed but Vince knew it would only be a matter of time before he was found again. And he vowed to be ready for them by then.

But would he be?

Chapter Seven

Far north where a proud monastery once stood, the red-skinned demon barked orders at the once strong, and formidable army, now reduced to her slaves. Countless deliveries of obsidian stone blocks were being dropped off from a long dormant volcano. She forced them to work with no end in sight. No breaks were weakening them by the day, and yet, she pushed them on. No matter how much they wanted to resist, all it took was a single look from the gorgeous demon to bring them in line.

The volcano had become a quarry and she intended to corrupt the volcanic glass and construct her base of operations. The first step to conquering the world she found herself in.

Once she had enslaved the army and taken their general’s soul, she had bound it to the volcano. Her magic would twist and mold the soul, corrupting the very ground she sought to claim. The lava would flow once again and burn hotter than ever before, turning more of the land into the glass she sought. An entire mountain of it, all for her.

Her fortress would have a living presence that she alone controlled. What better defenses could one form than living walls? No invader would know how to handle an entire structure that fought back.

An all too familiar sound caught Meridiana’s attention as she turned around, hips swaying with each step.

“Yes, that’s the spot!” A feminine voice cried out.

“Amber,” she spoke softly only to be ignored, “daughter…” she said more sternly.

A strawberry blond woman paused, caught in the act, cheeks flushing, “yes mother?” She sat upon one of the workers, hips still rolling, although slower. The younger demon bit her lip, glancing up at her mother, in annoyance.

“How many times have I told you not to eat the help?” The red-skinned woman tisked from above.

“But they’re so tasty, I couldn’t help it” she giggled, quickly covering her mouth, cheeks going bright red, eyes rolling back. The man beneath her cried out, bucking his hips. “They’re so goood!”

“You’re insatiable,” Meridiana rolled her eyes as the slave withered away with a giant smile on his lips. Another enslaved soul wasted to her uncontrollable daughter. The demon had consumed an entire village of souls in the creation of the lesser succubus. It was Meridiana’s first act once she gained freedom, and she didn’t regret it, but she didn’t want to repeat the experiment even again. She’d stick to converting the world’s women from now on. They were easier to control.

“Oh! It’s sooo filling!” Amber cried out, holding the dying man tightly. His soul made her porcelain skin glow and all the anger Meridiana felt melted away. She could always get more slaves. The world was filled with humans after all. She just had to be careful and not spread herself too thin before her power base was solid. Until then she had to use the army wisely and that meant trying to get her daughter to stop wasting them daily!

Perhaps she would send Amber out into the world in pursuit of Yshomatsu’s apprentice. The man had escaped the monastery and if the memories she saw within Ysho’s head were true, then that man had the same abilities as he. Making him a major threat to her plans. The elder monk was easily controlled after she left him in a state of bliss. She smiled at the memory of her very first creation, twisting the man’s lover into the first of many monster-girls. She had left the woman behind to keep the monk distracted while she herself roamed free.

She couldn’t risk the possibly immortal man realizing that he had failed to banish her and instead set her loose into his world. Just then she worried that his apprentice might seek him out since she destroyed their home, and family. She’d have to send Amber to warn what’s her name, Bree, was it? Meridiana couldn’t remember, she had tricked him into summoning her, converted his lover and left, into the night. The world would be her oyster.

Could she trust her daughter with a matter so important though? How could she guarantee the lesser succubus wouldn’t just eat every soul she came across, the elder monk included? Was that even possible? She had felt the divine in the monk, something special and very powerful, unlike any other mortal soul. Well, besides his apprentice that is. The two men were unique, and unlike anything she experienced in a mortal, across all the worlds she visited. She had been to many worlds, and dimensions, conquered quite a few of them too and yet never encountered another of their like. It intrigued and frightened her.

She first encountered him in the dream where she hunted. The moment would forever be on her mind. It was the first time she tasted a mortal that wasn’t mortal or at least didn’t taste like one. She planted herself in his head, playing tricks on him, seducing him, slowly. In the end she convinced him that the only way to get rid of her would be to summon her into his world and banish her out of it. Which would have actually worked if she didn’t corrupt his lover in the same moment. She smiled at the memory, licking her lips. That darling girl had been so easily corrupted.

Once she built her fortress, she would seek the monk out again and see if she could control him. Possibly even corrupt him fully. Oh, that would be so amazing, having the powerful man at her side as she conquered his world. The sex they’d have in celebration, her body quivered at the thought. First, she had to make sure Ysho didn’t rejoin his apprentice. She doubted she could win a fight against both of them. She even hesitated at the thought of fighting one on one. Seduction would be her first choice of action before a lan actual fight.

“I have something important to talk to you about,” she gestured to the side and Amber rose to her feet, adjusting her black gown. The man’s body was discarded to be forgotten like all the others she fed from.

Things had to be set in motion, before it was too late. Meridiana couldn’t let Amber ruin things for her here.

Chapter Eight

A month later…

Vincent, with the help of his blacksmith friend put the newly forged armor on for the first time. The strange, reflective metal hummed and tingled through the softer undergarments he had on. It felt strange but powerful, he liked it, smiling at his friend. With each plate put in place the hum got stronger, as if charging up.

The design was similar to a Knight’s suit of heavy plate armor. Only it was much lighter without compromising the strength. For the chest piece Vincent decided to have a horse engraved on the center in honor of the steed that carried him to safety. That and coming back for him after the meteor struck. The design left no space between vambrace and gauntlet but a gap between vambrace and pauldrons. At first, they thought it would be a problem, but weapons made of iron or steel seemed to be pulled towards the sky metal.

Robbert planned on making more designs anyways, just in case. For now, though, they’d stick with the gap. For the waist they kept with the classic design of baltea–dangling metal strands–tied together with a belt and placed over a tunic. Along with simple but important greaves for the shins.

The final piece, a solid helmet with a T shape visor viewpoint. Just enough rage of view without leaving his face wide open to attack.

The moment the padded helmet slid onto his head the armor’s him solidified in harmony. Vince didn’t know how to describe it. For it felt like it attuned to his heartbeat, which steadily increased, with excitement.

“This feels unreal,” Vince’s voice cracked, feeling the power surge through him as the last piece slid into place. The metal shimmered, reflecting the light of the forge’s fire.

Robbert backed up, the worry shown clearly on his face. “Maybe we should have tested it more before…”

The energy weaved around Vince like a strong aura, visibly pulsing with each breath the man took.

“Yeah, or at least stepped outside,” the second Vince said it the suit pulsed, and he burst through the back door. One moment he stood in the smith’s shop, the next he laid on his back in the yard. The wind had been completely blown from him as he stayed there in complete shock. Robbert rushed outside calling for him, but it sounded muffled to Vince’s ears.

Vince watched the smith and his apprentice run towards him as if they were in slow motion. The energy felt like it settled as he centered himself and regained his breath. The world around him returned to normal the moment his friends reached him. The armor calmed as Vince’s heart rate slowed down.

“Are you alright?” Robbert reached down hesitantly, feeling the suit’s hum. Vince nodded before smiling wide. “Are you sure? Cause you kind of put a hole in my door.”

“That was awesome, we need to test this baby out!”

“I’m afraid you won’t get the chance.”

The three men froze before turning towards the new voice. Vince recognized it instantly even though it was more monotone than he remembered. “Sean…” the soldier spat out, rising to his feet with help from his friends.

His old comrade stood there with his hood masking his face in shadow. A hand rested on the sheathed sword at his hip. His body solid one moment and see-through the next.

“Get me a weapon and then get out of here.” Vince whispered without moving his lips. The hope that his words weren’t heard faded as Sean tilted his head at the same moment. The changed, and corrupted man lunged forward with a snarl just as Robbert retreated into his shop.

Sean’s sword slid from its sheath with an echo before he slashed at the apprentice. Vince reacted without thinking as if the suit melded with his instincts. He stepped between the boy and his demise only to feel the suit’s energy build around him. The metal sword froze in mid swing before violently repelling backwards, flinging out of Sean’s hands.

The two warriors stared at each other in shock while the apprentice ran into the shop after the smith.

Chapter Nine

“Master!” The apprentice shouted, entering the forge only to see the large man lying on his anvil, a dazed expression on his face. A stunning beauty stood above him, a hand on the smith’s neck. She turned towards the young man, long blond hair flowing in nonexistent wind.

“Mmm, what do we have here?” The woman purred and the apprentice froze. The very air around him suddenly felt tight and restricting as if wrapping around his limbs like restraints. “My orders don’t say anything about your young friend here.”

She licked her lips, smiling before glancing down at the larger man. “You however, I have strict orders for.”

“Leave him alone!” The smith spat despite being unable to move. The moment he entered his shop the woman pounced, knocking him over like he was weightless. Now the air felt like strands of robe, binding his limbs together around his own anvil.

The smirk she gave him sent chills down his spine. “No, I don’t think I will. I’m hungry and he looks, divine.”

A sweeter scent entered the room and both men’s eyes turned towards the front of the shop. A red-skinned goddess strolled into the shop. Her long, black gown flowed before her, revealing long, blood red legs. Robbert’s protests ceased as he couldn’t find the willpower to look away from the demon. Instead, his eyes wandered up her legs to her large cleavage on display in that tight dress. His mouth watered as he kept looking up, to her gorgeous face, high cheek bones, luscious lips, and the long black hair framing it all. He barely noticed the horns or wings, too distracted by the alluring beauty of her stunning yellow eyes, slit like a cat or serpent’s.

“We’ve been watching you,” the red woman spoke, voice flowing like molten honey. She brought her hand to caress Robbert’s blushing cheek. “I have need of your skills darling, won’t you come with me?”

Her voice echoed in his head with multiple layers. Between the woman’s intoxicating scent and her unnatural beauty, he couldn’t resist slowly nodding. His heart swelled with joy as her lips spread into a smile. The bindings made of air whisked away at the flick of a wrist as she beaconed him to come to her, he obeyed, like a puppet on strings.

“Mistress,” the elemental bowed her head, “what of this one?”

The demon didn’t even look their way, eyes locked on the smith’s, “do as you wish with him, but bring the knight to me when you’re finished, alive.” The demon stepped backwards, out of the shop, with the smith following like a devoted puppy.

The blond woman’s grin spread ear to ear. Her head turned back towards the apprentice, body hovering in the air, slowly turning after her eyes had already locked on. “I did say I was hungry.”

The young man gulped even as his body reacted to the sexy woman’s leering gaze. Pants becoming awfully tight.

“Like what you see, hmmm?” She asked with a tilt of her head, hands going out to her sides. The wind picked up and her long hair blew away from her naked body, revealing all to his eyes. To him she looked like a model from his deepest desires. Standing there with a sultry look on her face as nothing is left to the imagination, her modest breasts like beacons in the night, pulling his gaze towards them. He gulped again, unable to act or speak. She simply giggled in response, stepping towards him, hips swaying. It never occurred to the apprentice that she wasn’t walking on the ground, rather floating above it, stepping on air.

He had caught a glimpse of her that time in the valley while he fled with his master back to the shop. She had plagued his dreams ever since and here she was walking towards him with lust shining in those bright blue eyes. He craved her more than anything in the world.

“One of us is over dressed for this song and dance, wouldn’t you agree?” She purred all sweet like. The air responded to her words, filling his clothing with a loving caress, tickling his flesh, only to expand suddenly. The young man yelped as his clothing shredded into a thousand pieces, leaving him naked, like his temptress.

“There, isn’t that better?” She winked before looking down, biting her lip. “And I’m liking what I’m seeing too, so eager for me.”

His member twitched at her words as he groaned with need. She was right, he was beyond simple desire now as she stood in front of him.

She lowered her hand, about to touch him. His stomach fluttered with butterflies, and she paused, glancing back up at him. “How old are you?”

“E-eighteen…” he stuttered nervously.

“You’re shivering, darling, are you, a virgin?” She cupped his cheeks with both hands, angling his head to look her in the eyes. She watched his cheeks flush brightly, “oh that’s lovely, I’ve always wanted to take someone’s virginity.”

The woman licked her lips as her body quivered, going see-through for a couple seconds. Her blue eyes glowed brightly in that moment, pulling, and holding the young man’s attention.

“Once you’ve had a taste of me, no other human will ever come close.” She spoke softly, voice all but a whisper as she leaned in. When they kissed the air surged around him suddenly, pulling the breath from his lungs. It felt like he was caught in a whirlwind that would blow him away if he didn’t grab hold of something fast. Each time he reached out to touch her though, his hands wound pass through her body.

Out of breath and completely captivated he felt his feet lift off the ground. He could tell somehow that the air surging around him was all part of the woman. For it felt like she ran her hands all over his naked flesh, rubbing all stress from his muscles. She kissed his lips and yet it felt like her lips were all around him. Those breath stealing lips were at his neck, ears, and lower. Oh gods did they feel great below his waist!

No dream could have prepared him for the actual experience engaging with this woman. It made perfect sense how she handled all those bandits at once. But he didn’t want to think of them, only her. He never wanted to think of anyone else for the rest of his life.

Floating there on cloud nine. He never understood that reference, but he imagined it would feel something like this. Actually floating on the air. At some point she had leaned him back and climbed on top of him? It felt odd to describe, she was at once above and below him. Those bright blue eyes never broke contact, filling his world and making all the sensations feel beyond this world. All of her being surged around his entire body.

Multiple times he felt like he would cum, only to feel the pressure hold. She had complete control, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. He moaned and whimpered in her embrace. Oblivious of the sounds of fighting just outside the shop. He should have remembered leaving the knight behind. But frankly, he didn’t care, not anymore.

He squirmed and bucked his hips in desperation of the only thing on his mind, climax. Would she push him over the edge or keep teasing him? He wanted to ask but she kept him breathless, literally.

“You are the appetizer before the main course.” She cried out, voice echoing all around him. “The one outside will be fun to break, slowly.”

She moaned louder as his body quivered strongly. “Sometimes though, an appetizer surprises you. The pure energy you’re giving off is intoxicating, I want more, give me everything!”

He screamed, mouth open wide, yet no sound was made. His body shook as she finally allowed him the release he so desperately sought. His entire world shattered; lights exploded before his eyes. The blond woman glowed as if a goddess from the very heavens, sent to bring him home.

Once the flow ended, she felt bored and almost tossed him to the side. The virgin had satisfied her temporary desires, but she craved much more. However, she resisted that primal urge and instead, lowered him down slowly. The floor felt cold and uninviting, but she laid with him as his heart rate slowed. She could have consumed his entire being, like she did the bandits. But why waste an opportunity for another devoted follower? He’d replenish energy and come crawling back to her. No other human would compare to the high she just gave him.

The air settled as her body reformed, laying on top of the slumbering young man. She admired his face, so young, so easy to manipulate. A small smile formed on her lips. She had allowed the distraction to occupy her long enough but for some reason she just wanted to linger a bit longer.

Chapter Ten

Meanwhile, outside a war raged on between two former friends. Fists we’re thrown with devastating damage to the surrounding area. Vince’s new suit felt like it was absorbing Sean’s attacks. The corrupted man would bend the very air to his will only for the suit to counter it each time. Vince didn’t know how to explain it. They didn’t get a chance to test the suit after all. Moments after placing the final piece on his body, they were attacked.

Robbert and his apprentice had fled into the shop, never to return. Vince had told them to flee but hadn’t he asked for the large man to retrieve a weapon for him first? Luckily Vince had been able to disarm his adversary easily because Sean struck furiously, without end. One hit after another, leaving little time for Vincent to think. The man reacted and the suit learned from his instincts. At least that’s how it felt to him.

Before long Vince ducked low, avoiding a strike. He took the opportunity to make his own attack. For the first time since they engaged Vince went on the offensive and the suit seemed to pull from the air the same way Sean was, as if mimicking. Wind surged around his arms as he punched, expecting his fist to pass right through his former comrade only for the wind to hit solid mass.

Sean gasped, bending forward and collapsing onto the ground.

“What has that woman done to you?” Vince pleaded, trying to reach the man he once knew.

“Empowered me beyond anything you could possible imagine!” Sean screamed, launching forward with an uppercut. Vince saw it coming but couldn’t react fast enough. The blow struck and Sean’s arm exploded into thin air, wind gushing away from them. The suit hummed only to pulse and Sean screamed, his remaining hand going to one of his ears, a vain attempt to block the high-pitched sound that vibrated through his body.

“I’m not impressed,” Vince said softly, “you sold your soul, now pay the price.” Both hands surged forward, powered by the armor and Sean went flying backwards. The shop wall took the hit, shaking violently. Yet after a moment Sean’s body passed through the wall as if he had never been there.

Vince ran, realizing he might have just made things worse. If Robbert was still inside, worry filled the knight’s heart. Had he just sent the enemy right into his friend’s path?

However, once he burst through the ruined door he had flown through earlier, the sight before him gave him pause. Sean was there on the floor, reaching out for that mysterious woman. The blond laid on the ground atop the young apprentice, both naked. Vince didn’t need to be told what they had been up to. Ever since he encountered the demon he’d been exposed to their sexual ways.

Even knowing what happened when one submitted to them didn’t save his body from reacting at the sight of such a beautiful, naked woman. She sat up from the apprentice and smiled at Vince, her long hair dangling over her shoulders and just barely hiding her breasts from sight.

Vince gulped as he gave her the once over, finally meeting her eyes. The forge around them melted and a blue glow filled his world, blurring all but the blond before him. The air around her moved as if she was standing in a swift breeze, hair lifting, exposing her body. He struggled to blink or look away as if caught on a lure and being pulled in. The lure itself felt like it was wrapped around a certain body part and pulled with a gentle tug. One step and then another he took before he managed to blink and shake his head.

The effect faded but the lure remained, and he still looked upon the other worldly goddess.

Sean’s cries became too distracting, and both Vince and the woman turned to glance at him. The man’s body struggled to reform itself. It appeared like he was both melting and vanishing before their eyes. The seductive look the woman had the entire time faded and was replaced with sorrow.

“My love?” she said, voice echoing around the room, carried by her own wind that still blew around her.

The sky metal armor Vince wore hummed and the energy melting off Sean surged towards the knight, absorbed by the suit. He felt the energy building as the armor made his skin tingle.

The woman turned back to Vince, both frightened and angry. “What are you doing to him?”

Vince felt the sorrow in her voice and in that moment his heart felt for her. “I don’t know, we only just put this suit together. We didn’t get a chance to test anything.”

Sean had once been Vince’s friend and comrade in arms. He never wanted to hurt the man. But she had corrupted him, taken who he was and changed him. He only had to remember that, and anger filled his heart, “you are the one to blame here, you serve a demon! An abomination!”

He wanted to rush forward and continue attacking but the apprentice gave him pause. The young man was unconscious but looked alive. He couldn’t risk hurting him if there was any chance, she hadn’t fully corrupted him yet.

The blond bombshell stood up, head tilting. Vince could see they she wanted to attack him just as much as he wanted to strike her. Yet she glanced back at Sean and how he slowly faded from existence. She eyed Vince much more cautiously, recognizing the threat he posed.

He could see the moment she forced her anger to dissipate, turning on the charm once again. Her head tilted and she smiled, “you wouldn’t harm a lady, would you?”

He laughed and wanted to retort that she was no lady. However, the moment Vince looked back into her eyes the world again melted away. His heart pounded faster as all blood surged down south. He couldn’t let this temptress get to him, but his body had been betraying him ever since meeting the demon. He gulped and tried to steel his nerves even as she began walking towards him, a full foot above the ground, making her match his height.

The suit still hummed but Vince felt a subtle change in it. As if it responded to how he felt. When Sean attacked, Vince felt betrayed and angry, and the armor surged with his wrath. Now however, he couldn’t help but be turned on and the sky metal was resonating with that erotic energy.

Her eyes glowed ever brighter as he stared into their bottomless abyss, feeling himself being pulled into the void, mind, body and soul.

“That’s right, stare into my eyes handsome.” Her voice met his ears and sent a shiver down his spine. His hard-on pulsed in his suddenly tight trousers under the armored tunic. “I know you saw me in that abandoned building. Didn’t you wish it had been you under me?”

His heart melted as he wanted to agree with her. But something nagged him about it. “You so easily discard my friend?”

Her smile faded as she tilted her head in the other direction. “I’m not the one that,” she paused, glancing back at the man crying in agony on the floor, body all but melted away.

The powerful, hypnotic pull faded the moment she looked away. Vince inhaled a deep, relieved breath. Blinking rapidly to ward off the after-affect that lingered.

“Whatever you did to him, you won’t repeat with me.” She said in a muffled whisper. They both watched as Sean vanished before their eyes. The suit absorbed the last of Vince’s friend without a second thought. And for a moment both adversaries shared their sorrow.

“He attacked me,” Vince’s voice cracked as he fell to his knees. “I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.” Tears rolled down his cheeks. He removed the helmet that suddenly felt too heavy to bare, dropping it. The reflective metal helmet rolled away, the hum of the suit now felt weakened, as if not complete.

A warm hand cupped his check, and he glanced up despite knowing better. The blue of eyes shined bright as ever, filling his vision yet again. Only this time her seductive smile had a touch of warmth to it. Like she shared in his heart break.

“It’s ok, you don’t have to worry about anything ever again.” She leaned down and softly kissed him. The connection he felt almost made him forget everything as he leaned into the kiss with a longing he had long forgotten. She smiled sweetly at him after one more light, quick peck on the lips. “Let’s take the rest of this off.”

Her hand slid down his neck, making him visibly shiver. Only to have static electricity shock her hand away, “oh!”

The elemental sucked on her finger after backing up a step. A fire burned behind her eyes, but it wasn’t rage, instead, it was lust. Pure uncontrollable lust. Her chest heaved with each shallow breath as she stared at the man on his knees with newfound hunger.

The shock woke Vincent up, albeit barely. His eyes were still glassy as he kept looking at the beauty in front of him. He could feel the powerful energy building around him. The suit was up to something he didn’t understand. Not to mention the look she was giving him was doing something inside of him. He bit his lower lip, savoring the lingering taste of her.

This was an enemy… he shouldn’t be giving in to his own lust. But he couldn’t help it. The star metal armor was powering up, using their mutual energy and influencing them to act on their desires. He had no idea building a suit would have these kinds of consequences. He had only wanted an edge to fight and resist the demon’s influence and pheromones. Now he had crafted something that was making him want to give in.

The smoldering look she gave him was the final thread of his resistance. He lunged forward as she leapt into his arms. Their lips crushed together passionately with deep hunger. Their hands tried to remove his armor, but the sparks kept flying each time they touched the seams or straps. Each time fueling their lust that much greater.

The more they touched each other the louder the suit hummed. Before long it started to glow, as if mimicking the elemental’s hypnotic aura. The air surged around him, merging with the suit’s static field. The two conflicting energy fields were dancing around their bodies, instead of repelling against the opposite fields.

It was like the suit had attuned to the elemental when it consumed Sean’s essence.

She used her powers to send air into his clothing, caressing his flesh. Sparks flew at each moment her essence touched the metal, but it no longer stopped her, instead it drove her mad with insane levels of lust. Vince could feel the passion rolling off her as she got more aggressive with her lips and the finger-like air pulses heading lower, seeking something hard.

Vincent moaned, pulling back from her insistent lips once she found her mark. She squeezed and angled him up within his trousers since she couldn’t get the plates of humming metal off him. As if reading her intentions, the suit pulsed brightly, and the elemental yelped in shock.

One second, she had been “standing” before him and the next he felt her all around him like a warm blanket, wrapping tightly around his hot skin, beneath the armor. Her voice purred in both ears at once and it caused his body to buck. He fell forward onto his hands, landing on the ground hard.

“Wh-what just happened?” He mumbled between deep breaths. Gasping for air while on his hands and knees.

“Your armor,” she whispered all sultry like, nibbling on his ear. “The power, it’s so intoxicating, can’t you feel it?”

When she spoke, he felt the armor mold and shift around him. It pressed against his hard-on and for some reason it felt yielding, almost as if it had become softer.

“I don’t know what happened, but baby, I like it.” She kept sucking on his earlobe, which wasn’t helping him focus. The armor rubbed against him as if her body was pressed against him, dry humping his erection with desperate, quick motions. Vince couldn’t help but groan, arms shaking.

Had everything backfired? He wanted the armor to fight against them and now Robbert was missing. And to top everything off he was on his hands and knees getting rubbed off. He didn’t have the strength to resist after his intense fight with Sean. Even though he won that fight it all just made him putty in the elemental’s hands.


“Yeah, that’s it, baby, don’t fight it, I’ll make you feel really good.”

“I shouldn’t…” he groaned, shaking his head, body betraying his mind yet again.

“Why not?” She purred sultry like in his ear, “where’s the harm in letting go and feeling good?” The suit combined with her control of the air squeezed him as if giving him a big hug. “Don’t think about it, just cum.”

He groaned louder, body twitching.

“That’s it, let loose,” she bit his ear and pulled, mumbling, “cum.”

Vince couldn’t take it, the pressure rubbing against him felt so perfect, rubbing in the right way. His hips bucked and he cried out, arms giving out. He fell face first onto the floor as his body twitched and came so hard his vision blurred black, on the verge of unconsciousness.

The suit vibrated and hummed loudly, shunning brighter than the sun. Vaguely he could hear the elemental screaming as if having her own orgasm. A part of him hoped the suit was finishing her off like it did with Sean, turning his failure into victory. Alas he couldn’t focus on that thought since his body was still twitching. The post orgasmic glow made his entire body tingle.

And then, the black consumed him, and he passed out with one last loud grunt. The clang of armor hitting the floor echoed like a hurricane before everything went silent.

When he woke, he expected to be enthralled or soulless. But he rolled onto his back, body stiff, and groaned. He felt good, a smile forming on his lips. If only he had given in sooner, body was still tingling.

That thought woke him up with a start. Pleasure couldn’t take priority over his mission. But he had already failed in that aspect. Robbert had already told him word had spread like wildfire. The army had fallen, and reinforcements were useless now.

He took notice of his surroundings, the forge. Tools and half made weapons and armor were scattered about the room. The apprentice was unconscious across the floor from Vince. A distant but lingering scent caught his attention and he remembered vividly of the demoness, the temptress, and focus of all his dreams. His body yearned to feel her touch again despite how he felt about it.

Then he remembered the sexy elemental. The side kick or whatever she was. He had been “engaged” with her mere moments ago. Yet, his soul was intact. If they were real, he didn’t feel any different. In fact, the suit felt subtle, almost an unnoticeable hum. He didn’t see any sign of the gorgeous blond around the room. Speaking of her, he didn’t feel “sticky” either. Which was odd considering how he was just rubbed off.

Vince sat up, still expecting her to jump out at any moment. The room remained still, not even a rodent stirred. As he stood, he noticed the armor was a lot easier to move in. The hum was still present and pleasant, but the metal plates shifted with him now, as if a part of his body. He remembered what had happened when they tried to remove the pieces and he was hesitant to try again.

He noticed a reflective shine off to his side. The helmet left displaced in his sorrow. He looked at it with confusion. How was he able to remove the helmet but nothing else? Should he even risk putting it back on? What if he couldn’t ever take it off again?

Eventually he grabbed the helmet and tucked it under his arm. He would decide later if he was ever willing to risk placing it back on his head. For now, he had an apprentice to wake and fallout to sort through. If the apprentice wasn’t corrupted, they would have to come up with a plan to rescue their friend the blacksmith. If the young man was too far gone however, Vince would have to deal with him before moving on.

Chapter Eleven

Robbert struggled to open his tired eyes before rubbing dried sleepies from his lashes. His back ached from laying on the cold, hard ground. His grumbling caught some attention as someone came over to help him sit up.

A worn-down man with battle scars on his face gave the blacksmith a grim smile before speaking to him.

“Been a long time since we’ve seen a new face.”

“Where am I?” Robbert asked, rubbing his neck with his large hand. He got a good look at the man and noticed he was practically skin and bones. They discussed everything that had happened since the army fell, when they became slaves. “Word spread that the army had fallen. Everyone south thinks you’re all dead!”

Robbert tried to rise but his body refused to obey. His legs shook before giving out on him, landing painfully back on his ass.

“You need to rest. The demon brought you in and plopped you on the ground almost a day ago.” He went on further to explain the work she had them doing. Digging at an old volcano and transporting blocks of obsidian.

The smith glanced around the area, noticing a bunch of other soldiers sitting around the dark room. He couldn’t make out much, but he imagined since they sat on the ground that they were in some type of cellar or barn. Only time would tell if his assumption was accurate or not. He let himself lay back down as his mind raced with worry for his apprentice and friend, Vincent.

At some point he had drifted back to sleep until he felt a soft hand cup his cheek. His eyes opened to yellow serpent-like eyes, and he started to scream, only for her hand to cover his mouth. The demon smiled at him, revealing sharp teeth that shined in the night like a Cheshire Cat.

“Good morning darling,” her voice flowed over him like honey. He felt his heart skip a beat despite his effort to resist her charms. In his peripheral vision he noticed the angry glares the ex-soldiers were giving him. Some were staring at the demon with love-sick, devoted admiration. “Listen carefully craftsman.”

Her words wormed their way into his head and the longer she spoke the more he couldn’t resist staring into her glowing eyes. Her large-slitted eyes become his world, bright and all consuming. It felt as if they pulsed along with his heartbeat.

She had an important task for him, and it would mean the world to her if he could dedicate his life to completing it for her.

A part of the large man felt sick as he tried to break from from her control. For but a moment it looked like he would succeed, but then her eyes shined ever brighter. The world around her began to melt away, then he felt her words solidify within his soul. He couldn’t disobey his mistress and there was work to be done. He eagerly agreed with a dopey smile, eyes completely glassy and unfocused.

He had a building to construct and many workers to order around. Time was of the essence!

Chapter Twelve

In the coming weeks he worked as if in a trance, drawing up several designs hoping to please the demon, his new, glorious goddess. A part of his being kept trying to snap him out of it, but she kept reinforcing her will upon him every couple of days. She’d dangle the reward of pleasure at him like a carrot on a stick.

One moment Robbert stood alone surrounded by stacked blocks of obsidian. He had to adjust to being near them because they gave off a strange aura his tranced mind couldn’t comprehend. It was unlike anything the man had ever experienced, like living stone. It called out to him, as if begging to be used. To be molded into being.

He stood, swaying side to side as the aura overwhelmed him. The hairs on the back of his neck stood, tingling distractingly. Images appeared to him in the stone. Dozens of women calling out to him, all beautiful. All he had to do was build and they would reward him. The same reward from his goddess only more so? With a wolfish grin he issued orders like a commander in the army. The ex-soldiers obeyed him but never without hateful glares. They weren’t happy with his arrival, especially how quickly he acted like their boss. As time went on their hate only grew for the man never seemed to notice their anger.

Robbert spent most of his time in a trance and never heard the angry whispers woken around him. He was lucky in the context that none of the men angry with him would act in fear of upsetting the demon they all sought to please. One way or another they all worshiped the same woman.

Several more weeks passed, and a foundation had been built. Meridiana often chanted near the obsidian blocks as they were placed. The result being a strange molding between the blocks. As if they were connecting, becoming one.

By the time the base layer had been built Robbert began to see things in the shadows. Always feminine in shape, teasing him, encouraging him to continue. The corrupt spirit of the general was changing into something much greater.

The plans for a grand castle started with a tower of the inner keep. The largest of four towers that would be built. However, delivery of the obsidian blocks had slowed. Robbert continued building the main tower as the mistress left to remedy the situation. With her gone the trance she kept him under began to slip. His sleep started to be interrupted by bad dreams, dark and threatening nightmares.

He kept working even as confusion replaced his earlier drive. The tower was almost complete and yet he felt the need to destroy it. He stood there at the base, looking up at the heavens. The tower rose up before him like a beacon of evil. A threat to all he held dear in life. He started to notice the glares he received from all those around him. Men dragging obsidian whispered behind his back.

Fully awake and eager to flee Robbert started to sweat. How far would he get before she returned? If he stayed how long before he was stabbed in his sleep?

Another feeling nagged at him from the nightmares. He felt a presence any time he entered the tower. It didn’t feel evil per-say but he felt it calling to him, almost teasingly. Slowly he walked into the tower and all the hairs on his body stood on edge, as if electrically charged. He door within the large entrance before glancing back. What had happened to Vincent or his apprentice? Were they okay?

A feminine giggle made him jump but before he could step back outside the entrance closed. Which should have been impossible because no door was installed yet. It was just a wide, arched entranceway, and yet it closed. Obsidian slid from both sides until the light of day was shut out.

Robbert rushed forward, reaching out in a futile effort to get through. The moment his hand touched the surface he felt a strong pulse of lustful energy fill his being. He gasped in equal shock and forbidden excitement.

“Master architect…”

A chilling voice purred from the shadows. Robbert turned, expecting to see the horrors from his nightmares but instead saw nothing. Torches on the walls provided enough light he should have seen whoever spoke. Yet only the walls met his gaze.

Why did he step inside when he should have fled the area? He swore at himself for being so stupid. He remembered how it felt as he spent weeks in trance, and it unnerved him. A part of him craved the peacefulness of it. But he knew better than to give into such feelings. He had been under control of a demon and in that time, he had constructed something sinister for her.

Now he was stuck inside it. He wouldn’t allow himself to be captured again without a fight. The tower had to be destroyed!

“Such conviction…” the voice purred, sounding over his shoulder. However, when he spun around, no one was there.

“What are you?” He shouted, hearing his voice echo and twist as it bounced of the strange glass looking walls.

“Your creation, your desires, your fantasies. I am anything you wish me to be.”

Each sentence came from somewhere else yet was the same voice. Robbert glanced in every direction, feeling like a mouse in a giant trap.

“Well…” his voice cracked, “I wish to be free.”

“And so, you shall be…” the voice giggled, “careful what you wish for…”

The walls pulsed with the same energy he felt when he touched the obsidian. He felt his blood boil as his breath became quick and shallow. In the shadows of flickering torch light, he swore he saw figures dancing within the walls. Gorgeous, temptresses reaching out to him.

Sweat formed on his brow as he struggled to rationalize what he saw. The women were actually reaching out of the walls. The obsidian of their forms moved and stretched as if the walls were a type of portal. He had to shake himself as the growing need between his legs begged him to walk forward and embrace them. For now, only their hands and arms were stretching out to him.

In the haze of his lust, he knew one thing. The abomination of his own construction had to be destroyed. And he spun on his heels, running down the hall. The walls giggled and laughed all while calling out to him to stop resisting. He ran, lungs aching for fresh air. Until he reached the stairs. He ran into the chamber only to freeze. He built the tower; he distinctively remembered the blueprints. And yet the sight before him baffled him. For where the stairs should be there was a massive bed instead. On that black as night bed sat the woman of his dreams. Only, instead of pale flesh, she was no different than the walls around him, solid obsidian, yet fluid, and moving.

She lounged on her elbow, giving him a sexy pout. “Wouldn’t you rather reap the rewards you’ve been promised?” Her voice flowed both from her sexy mouth and from the walls themselves.

Robbert backed up, intending on backtracking. He must have made a wrong turn in his haste. A solid glassy surface greeted him instead. When his body pressed back against the wall that shouldn’t have been there, he felt another powerful burst of lust enter his entire body. His eyes went wide as he gasped and felt his pants become painfully tight.

The woman licked her lips and crawled to the edge of the bed. “Indulge in me, master.”

That word sent a chill down his spine, directly into his cock. Suddenly the room became very small as he gained tunnel vision for the woman of his dreams. The fact she was solid obsidian no longer mattered to him. Images flashed inside his mind of rushing over to the bed, taking her in his large hands and… he blinked rapidly to stop them. He couldn’t, he had to destroy what he created, not play with it!

The woman tilted her head, smiling knowingly before crawling from bed to floor and slowly over to him.

Robbert stayed against the wall frozen and wished he could say it was out of fright. In truth he was more afraid of what he’d do if he gave in to the intense lust flowing through his veins. So, he stood there, watching. The way she swayed her hips, slowly closing in on him… it made his knees weak.

His eyes remained locked on the temptress approaching him but movement around the room caught his attention. When he looked up, he realized all those images he saw within the walls were coming to life, stretching out, reaching for him. Any woman he ever dreamed of pulled free from the wall. Several of them looked just like the demon, his most recent obsession.

While many of them were in various stages of undress, most of them were naked.

Robbert’s breath caught in his throat as he stared in disbelief. The warm wall behind him kept whispering that all his desires were about to come true. The part of his mind screaming for him to resist and destroy the building was battered down by his boiling pulse, throbbing between his legs.

He was so distracted that he forgot all about the one crawling to him until her hands caressed their way up his thighs. The large man jumped, looking down in time to watch her undo his pants with a ravenous expression on her determined face. In mere moments his large member plopped out, slapping her in the face, causing her to squeal with glee.

Countless other women closed in on him, pinning him against the wall. They ripped the remaining clothing from his body, rubbing, kissing his flesh. The unusual warmth the obsidian women gave off made it difficult for Robbert to think. He groaned, eyes rolling back as the sensations overwhelmed him.

“Yours forever…”

Their voices flowed around the room, echoing strangely. There were so many touching him that he barely registered when hands reached out from the wall behind him, messaging his back and shoulders.

Robbert groaned again, louder than before as the one between his legs took his length into her hot mouth. Her lips felt so soft and that tongue… oh he was in heaven. Though he couldn’t see her since too many women were surrounding him, he could only focus on the intense feeling. Her warm hands stroking and squeezing as she bobbed her head on his dick.

“How could you ever think of getting rid of us?” One of them whispered into his ear.

So many lips kissed and sucked on his flesh he could barely stand it. But those important thoughts wouldn’t go away. He needed to destroy the tower. The demon couldn’t be given such a powerful base. She’d be unstoppable with a living structure that would bring out attacker’s lust and use it against them. Just like… it was doing to him. He had broken from the demon’s trance only to lose himself to his own creation.

Robbert cried out, hips bucking forward as the woman took him deep into her throat and hummed, playing him like an instrument. The sensation tipped him over the edge before he even realized he had been on the verge of climax. A powerful orgasm burst from his body in strong waves. All of which the woman swallowed without trouble. He was left gasping for breath as they all started to giggle around him. Any strength he had before was drained from his body completely.

The room became blurry, his knees were weak. Then he realized he was moving as they carried his limp body across the room. All while whispering sweet nothings, promises of greater pleasures. He was too tired to resist, and he would be lying if he tried to deny that he wanted to experience every tempting desire they promised him.

The softness of the bed met his sweating flesh, giving him the chills. Alas he couldn’t focus on anything but the dozen women climbing onto the bed to join him. Although tired, his erection was ready for round two. Eagerly he accepted a passionate kiss from one as he cupped the breasts of another.

For hours he would be occupied, held captive, climaxing time and time again. Meridiana had nothing to worry about while she was away.

Chapter Thirteen

Meanwhile … Meridiana glided along a strong air current as she approached the volcano. Delivery of the obsidian blocks had slowed, and she was determined to find out why. Her lovely new slave Robbert had begun construction of her grand castle, only to run out of supplies. The demon knew she had to act for word had spread of the army’s defeat. Although she was sure her presence was still unknown to the world, she didn’t want to take risks. Until she had a strong foundation in place that is.

Her large red wings folded in as she soared down to the ground. Moments from impacting she opened her wings and elegantly landed on her feet. She landed right in front of one of her slaves, an ex-soldier. However, he didn’t react to her presence. It only took her a moment to realize the man wasn’t breathing.

Bodies laid motionless all around her, for as far as she could see, yet none had visible wounds. It was as if they had dropped dead all at once. The demon knew she had worked them hard, but she never noticed any signs to worry about. Had she been too focused on controlling the blacksmith? All of her masterful plans were falling apart. She wanted a grand castle and ended up with a lone tower. She wanted to discipline her slaves to work faster, only to find them rotting on the ground.

The scene before her made it look like they had been obeying her commands and died while working. Had she not fed them enough? No, they would have looked emaciated, frail and all skin and bones. She grimaced at the mere thought of seeing her food reduced to such a state. Even though that’s how her meals always ended up in the end. She still desired to see them healthy before she gave them the ultimate climatic end to their lives.

A strong scent flew by on the wind. Meridiana took a deep breath and sighed as she exhaled, suddenly reminded of home. A harsh and toxic place that reeked of sulfur from various natural vents in the ground. She looked up at the volcano she had cursed, bellowing out black smoke and ash. Then she looked back at all her dead servants and cursed at herself. Of course, her own actions had caused their deaths. She rolled her eyes and kicked at the ground like a toddler having a temper tantrum.

“I need servants that don’t need to breathe.” She huffed, annoyed with her situation before lifting off the ground with one strong thrust of her wings. She needed to think things through now that her mind was on darker arts of magic. As a succubus she excelled at dream magic and walking the astral plane–the same place the monks of this world called the Dream State–however, darker arts that walked the fine line between life and death she knew little of. She would need an expert… or? Could she create an expert? She had fooled around with conversion magic, corrupting a soul with demonic energies. That’s how she turned Bree, a horny maid, into a lovely Kitsune.

She thought about all the things she could do and ways to alter a soul conversion while flying back to her tower. She was fuming since it still upset her that her building wasn’t a castle yet.

All of her anger would unfortunately be taken out on Robbert the blacksmith. Her army of slaves were dead, and she had one powerful soul in her possession, she intended to use it.

Chapter Fourteen

Vince crouched in the shadow of a large tree overlooking the massive black tower. Since the demon could fly, he found it impossible to track her. However, he decided it was worth a shot to return to where his comrades had fallen. He had expected to find a field covered with his old friend’s rotting corpses. Instead, he found no bodies and the large, reflective black structure.

The man had no prior experience with demons but still he wasn’t overly shocked. Had she been more elusive he might have been taken off guard. But ever since he met her, she had been quite forward as if she enjoyed displaying her power and sexual allure. Even now just thinking about her made his loins twitch. Vince had to forcibly stop himself from reached down and…

On the other hand, the tower could just be a side effect of her corruptive presence. She had presumably taken many souls that night. Maybe the structure grew out of the ground. He rolled his eyes at the stupidity of that.

As he tried thinking of other ideas, a shape dove out of the clouds, causing him to flinch, even though he was far enough away. His breath caught in his throat as he stared at her red form diving towards the tower. The suit of armor started to squirm as his thoughts drifted to the naughtier kind. He swore he could hear whispers in the wind but clearly, he was just being paranoid. In fact, the armor did feel like it had a mind of its own ever since the fight with the elemental. Before that encounter it had felt attuned to his mind and reacted with him. Now however, it seemed to act out whenever he got horny. As if the mere thought of the demon had been enough to corrupt his newly forged armor.

He just had to get things worked out before attempting to rescue his friend. That was of course assuming Robbert was even inside. She could have taken him anywhere. Vince didn’t want to think about all the things she might have done to his friend.

The demon dove like a falcon, cloud residue swirled around her elegant form. Then suddenly she disappeared when she should have struck the tower’s surface. She had to have gone inside, that meant Vince had to follow, discreetly.

He crept to the base of the tower and felt weirded out. It was hard to explain but he felt a strange aura that grew as he got closer.

There were no guards of any kind that he could see. Vince half expected to see demons all over or even various forms of creatures like he had seen at the abandoned mansion. A horrible night that felt like a lifetime ago. He had retreated with three comrades with orders to get reinforcements. The demon and her ilk caught up with them at that old building and only Vince had managed to escape.

Now he stood just outside the demon’s make-shift home with plans to walk right into her grasp. Was he a fool? Most likely, but one thing was for sure, he was loyal to his friends. And right now, a friend was in need. He wouldn’t cower or flee again. This time he would bring the fight to her. The element of surprise might just give him an edge.

He strolled right up to the massive doors and paused. He noticed quite early that the tower was completely black, but he hadn’t expected to find the entire thing made out of the same material. The outer walls were shinny glass-like blocks of stone. He had expected to find some type of wood or metal framed doors. Instead, he looked upon the same reflective stone, in the shape of an arched door. If it wasn’t for the glass-like steps leading up to it, he wouldn’t have noticed the door at all.

Slowly he climbed the steps, expecting something or someone to jump out at any moment. When he reached the twenty-foot door he stopped, confused. For no handle or knocker was present. He reached out a gloved hand and touched the smooth surface, warmth pulsed through to his hand. He felt a jolt suddenly that shot straight down between his legs. Vincent gasped, knees buckling.

An image of the demoness herself flashed before his mind. Her yellow-slitted eyes glaring at him smugly, a smirk upon her lips, revealing one lone fang. His body reacted as it felt like all his blood rushed between his legs. He tried to pull his hand back but suddenly the door melted, reforming. An open space formed within the doorframe and Vince fell forward. He would have screamed but the sudden arousal had distracted him and the next thing he knew, he was on all fours and the light of the sun behind him was fading.

Vincent turned, glancing over his shoulder just as the door reformed behind him, closing the gap that had formed. He shot up and raced towards it before the darkness consumed him. His fist pounded upon the smooth surface, to no avail. Even the sound of his strikes was muffled, as if the strange stone absorbed every hit.

The warmth he felt increased with each punch he threw. In moments his brow was covered in sweat and his blood felt on fire. But the pulsing through his system kept ending up flowing in one direction. He felt his erection pulsing in tune with his strikes and before long he couldn’t continue. His hands braced himself up against the door. It felt like hands were caressing his back. Yet when he glanced over his shoulder, no one was there.

Exhausted and dripping sweat, he leaned against the obsidian surface and basked in the warmth the flowed through him. Images flashed and he found himself closing his eyes to let them play out. The demon strolled into the room, hips swaying, a predatory look on her face that made Vince want to swoon. He had walked into her domain and now she came to collect what was owed. His cock twitched with eagerness to give himself over. To let her claim him finally, body and soul.

The thought snapped him out of his daze. He would never give up his soul so easily! He shot up to his feet despite his body’s urge to linger in the warmth. A faint whine met his ears but once again he was alone. Something wasn’t quite right with this building. Was this what demonic corruption felt like? Warm, sweaty and breathless?

Each step he took felt like he was grinding himself against his armor, keeping him on edge. He chuckled to himself thinking it was a cruel joke to keep him ready for the demon. As if he’d just rush into her embrace because he had a hardon… her sexy bosom just begging to smother him as she wrapped her red arms around his neck, purring sweet nothings into his ear. He could feel one of her hands messaging his length slowly, as if teasingly.

Vince’s breath caught in his throat as he realized the daydream had completely distracted him from walking. He looked down to find the armor shifting against his dick just like the image of Meridiana had been. When he slapped at the armor, he swore he could hear a familiar giggle just over his shoulder. It sounded just like the elemental he had defeated. Vince spun around expecting to catch her red handed. However, he stood in a long hallway, all alone.

“What is going on!” He shouted despite his need to be stealthy.

His voices echoed down the hall, and he clamped his hand against his mouth in a panic. Why had he done that? He stood there frozen, expecting to hear bells or alarms going off, bringing in the cavalry.

After a couple minutes of nothing he finally allowed himself to relax, letting out a deep breath. For such a large tower, it felt truly empty. Was the demon still building her strength? Had she sent those other women he had seen at the mansion somewhere else? Why was the building so empty?

He continued slowly walking. The star metal armor never ceased its constant squirming, keeping him from truly focusing. He wandered the halls for what felt like hours. Until finally, he heard moans that weren’t figments of his imagination. He heard Robbert’s voice. Admittedly it was in a tone he had never wanted to hear in his life. The large man was grunting, and Vince didn’t want to interrupt.

Then again, he knew what happened when a mortal man gave in to their desires with these types of women. He couldn’t let his friend succumb to the same fate. And so, he kept moving. Mixed in with the blacksmith’s grunts of pleasure was the sound of several women. Vincent’s mind tried to picture the women from their voices despite himself. The armor felt tighter now than before, and it kept a constant pressure against his loins.

The voices were much louder now, and Vince was about to turn a corner. Then he heard a rage fueled howl and froze.

“I leave for one day!” The demon shouted. For Vince would recognize her voice anywhere. She had found his friend fooling around and was upset? He found himself puzzled but none the less, he had a friend to save. His hand went for his weapon only to grasp at empty air. His eyes widened as he looked down. The belt had slipped loose at some point!

That annoying giggle sounded yet again and this time when Vince went to spin around his armor locked up and went stiff suddenly. The hands he felt earlier wrapped around his chest and squeezed. A mouth closed in on his ear and kissed before giggling, “missed me, baby?”

Vince’s blood went cold as his cock throbbed.

Chapter Fifteen

Meridiana soared through the air with plans forming in her mind. She wouldn’t let the setback of losing her slaves stall her efforts. She knew what she needed to do, before it was too late.

The world looked divine and ripe for the taking from above the clouds. She flew over towns filled with unsuspecting humans going about their day. They looked like ants from her vantage point. Soon they would all bow to her. One way or another.

The tower’s power grew as she closed in on it. She felt it like a beacon, warming her heart. She had started something big, despite setbacks. Her wings folded around her body like a blanket, and she plummeted down into the clouds. Bursting out the other side with her target insight. The tower grew larger by the millisecond, and she angled herself right at it. Without any fear she soared right into the tower’s edge and the structure opened before her at the last second. Her wings unfolded and her momentum halted instantly. The thought of seeing a human’s neck snap at the forces she had just endured made her giddy inside, and hungry.

When was the last time she fed?

The thought of lying with the one soul she had left made her wet. She had landed inside her grand bedroom and decided she had a moment to change into something sexy. She had great plans for the smith’s soul. She wasn’t going to waste this opportunity to turn her luck around.

Meridiana slipped out of her favorite formfitting black dress and flicked her wrist. The wardrobe opened at her will and several options floated out before her.

She smiled at a black, lace negligee that was knee length for her. And the others floated back into the wardrobe. It had matching elbow length gloves. The demon held out her arms and the lingerie slid against her warm body, tingling her flesh as it covered her.

She felt ready to seduce.

“Take me to him” she spoke as if a butler was standing there waiting for her. She turned towards the door and the very walls shifted, creating a pathway to her desire, the blacksmith and architect of her tower. Granted he wasn’t everything she had hoped for. He had built a wonderful tower, but she had wanted a castle. She had a grand castle in the astral plane and had wanted to recreate it here. Could he have delivered if her army of slaves hadn’t died suddenly on her? Perhaps… she’ll never know now. For his usefulness was at an end and she intended to shift his worth into something greater.

The thought of the creature she would create with his soul made shivers run up her spine, she couldn’t wait. She strolled down the hallway with her signature hip swaying, a smile upon her luscious lips. She was made for seducing mortals and the act gave her pleasure like no other activity. Not to mention sustained her wellbeing as well.

Traveling down the reflective halls gave her plenty of opportunity to admire herself. It felt like the tower was trying to impress her with all the perfect angles. If she wasn’t so determined she might have let herself get distracted by the images it showed. For the reflections didn’t truly show her actual movements. It was as if her image had a mind of its own.

She didn’t have time to investigate the matter though. Instead, she turned a corner and her jaw dropped. She had kept Robbert in a constant state of trance the entire time he worked on her tower. Working for her, always trying to please her. That’s how she liked her men… but she left for a bit to see why obsidian blocks had stopped being delivered and this is what she returned to?

Rage built within her chest until it had no room to grow, exploding out of her lungs in a howl of pure anger.

“I leave for one day!”

Robbert froze amongst several obsidian women. Their bodies intertwined, in mid sexual acts. His large hands cupping the breasts of a mirror image of Meridiana herself.

“I leave you for one day and you stop working on my castle to… to fuck it? The demon’s wings were outstretched, and her tail whipped from side to side.

The smith was speechless and pale in the face.

“Leave!” She shouted and the women around her servant retreated, melting back into the walls.

One of them started to speak and faltered when Meridiana’s hateful glare turned towards it. “H-he tried to… l-le-leave.”

The demon glared back at the smith as the last obsidian woman had just her head left, “he wanted to destroy us.”

She screamed and the walls shook before becoming solid once again.

“Have I not been generous to you?” Meridiana’s rage came off her in waves of heat.

“I-I can’t remember,” he spat out with a deadpanned expression on his face. “It’s all a blur. You’ve done something to me.”

“And you thought you’d get your revenge by sleeping with the building you created?”

Robbert’s face went paler, “I had other plans.”

“Clearly!” Meridiana stepped forward, hip cocked. Her eyes went half-lidded as her voice lowered into a sultry purr. “Since you’re so eager to fornicate…” her tail whipped around her, snagging her negligee and tearing it. Her breasts jiggled as she was left naked, wearing only the lace gloves.

Robbert’s body betrayed him with a twitch in excitement. However, he tried to resist his urges. “I don’t know what you’ve done to me or why the building did what it did, but I’ve had enough!”

He stood up from the bed and despite his attempt to stand his ground, his member stood proud and eager.

“You’ve had enough, have you?” Her voice purred like molten honey and Robbert visibly shivered as she closed the distance between them. Her warm body slid against his large, sweat covered body. “Because it looks like you’ve only just begun.”

Her gloved hand wrapped around his pulsing length and squeezed. His grunt made her giggle before she added a twist of her wrist, slowly stroking.

“You’ve been my loyal servant for weeks.” She whispered hotly into his ear, lightly kissing his neck. “Have I not treated you kindly?”

Robbert’s mind kept going fuzzy between her touch, voice, and scent. He tried not to fall under her spell, but she had been keeping him in trance for so long. It felt so natural to drift off in her presence. He found himself leaning into her, taking a deep breath. Her normal sweet pheromones had a sour touch to it, and it itched his nostrils.

Her visit to the volcano left her smelling like sulfur. And that alone helped Robbert from fully falling under her spell. His hands grabbed her waist–making her purr in delight–and he pushed her back.

The sweet, seductive expression on her face twisted with rage as she snarled. Her pearly white fangs shined, catching his attention. Though she never ceased stroking him with her lace gloved hand, before squeezing hard and making him grunt in pain. With her other hand she slapped his chest. His actions only caused her to step backwards while hers made his legs hit the mattress, and he fell back onto it, bouncing upon the bed.

The gorgeous demon pounced on him before his body hit the mattress the second time. She landed on his erection masterfully and all the pain he had felt melted away into pure bliss. He had just had a marathon session with the obsidian women and yet he couldn’t resist Meridiana’s body. Though he fought falling into trance, she was just too sexy to deny. Even when she was angry with him, she fueled that anger into one of the hottest sexual acts he’d ever been a part of.

Robbert’s hands returned to her hips, this time to hold on, rather than push away. His eyes locked onto her bouncing breasts and all his resistance melted away like butter over an open fire pit.

“Fuck, I needed this!” She cried out, bouncing harder with each thrust onto his lap. Their bodies slapped together loudly; the sound echoing round them.

Chapter Sixteen

Meanwhile Vince stood frozen in the hallway. The solid wall before him had turned translucent, revealing the demon and his friend. Although he couldn’t see all their details, he understood their actions fully.

He had risked everything to rescue his friend only to get so close and be unable to act. He had fled to save his own life the last time three of his comrades had fallen to these temptresses. This time he had the will and desire to fight, entering the demon’s lair, like a hero of old.

Alas he had been fooled. For the air elemental had not been defeated and instead had somehow fused herself with his newly forged star-metal armor. Only to reveal herself at the last moment. She turned his advantage against him by locking it up on him, halting his ability to move.

“You’ve been pent up for a while love. What’s been on your mind?” She teased, whispering into his ear. Now he knew it had been her manipulating the armor, keeping him on edge this entire time. Rubbing it against him.

Ever since their fight at Robbert’s blacksmith shop Vince had had a strange feeling and hadn’t placed his helmet back on. Instead, he kept it tied to his hip, opposite his sword sheath. As he stood there unable to move, he felt the weight of it slip from his hip. Only moments later it slid over his head and a warm buzzing emerged from the entire suit of armor, now complete. His jaw dropped as everything went fuzzy and a strange tunnel vision formed. She kept whispering into his ear as Meridiana became his enter focus, riding his dear friend.

The blurred image before him cleared and he couldn’t take his eyes off the demon’s perfect body. Her hips rolled as she bounced, muscles taunt and flawless. But the motion that captured his attention were those large red breasts jiggling with her motions. She was utter perfection. So gorgeous the mind didn’t raise any flags towards the red skin, wings, tail or horns. In fact, they almost enhanced her eternal beauty.

Besides her glorious looks, that voice… her moans and climatic screams were like music to his ears. Making him feel like he was experiencing her body upon his. In reality it was the air elemental he felt, using the armor and air around him to caress every inch of his body.

“Such a good boy, watching, wishing it was you underneath the mistress. Isn’t she divine?”

She was, and he did, he wished that more than anything. He had fled her embrace at the mansion and ever since he longed to correct that mistake. To feel her warm flesh that bordered on burning him with one touch. He could see the pleasure written on Robbert’s face. Did Vincent’s face mirror his friends?

“He must be so close to the ultimate orgasm. Just as I feel you are close lover.” He felt several hands form out of air and wind, that focused all their attention between his legs. He wanted to cum with the mistress so badly. If only she would notice him standing there watching her. Just one glance in his direction would set him off, he was that close.

His mind felt fuzzy as the elemental’s words entered his head only to be lost to the void. Deep down he knew whatever she was saying was going straight to his subconscious. Making his body more attuned to her erotic touch.

Had the armor not gone stiff he would have collapsed to the ground like a wet noodle. His entire body felt loose and relaxed, on the brink and kept there expertly. Every time he started to think, the buzz from the armor would increase and those thoughts floated away into the haze. His eyes never left the demon’s body, watching every move she made like a hawk stalking a mouse.

Why did he refuse her offer of eternal bliss back at the mansion? He basked in the pleasure as images flashed in his mind. Images of “what ifs,” what if he had embraced the demon. Would he be at her side like his comrade had been at the elemental’s? Suddenly a wave of guilt washed over him. His friend… he had slayed his friend only to take his place as her plaything. She showed no sign of remorse, moving on so easily to Vince. But really, he hadn’t taken his comrades place, not yet. A part of him still resisted. Even though that part of him was trapped deep within his mind, he still felt it, fighting to resist.

Pleasure melted away his thoughts as they formed but those thoughts still fought to be heard.

“She’s got the big stud wrapped around her finger. Look at how his body quivers with desire. Oh, he’s so close now. Are you ready baby? I want you to cum with them, to feel an ounce of the pleasure they’re feeling.”

As if the elemental had manifested it, the demon’s head fell back, and she screamed the sexiest moan he had ever heard. Her hips shook as she cupped her breasts and squeezed them together. Robbert’s back arched as his eyes rolled back. His hips bucked as if trying to throw the demon off.

At that exact moment the armor around Vince squeezed and the air vibrated. “Do it baby, cum with them! Cum hard for me!”

His body had been kept on edge for so long that the moment she told him to, he flew over the edge. His jaw refused to close as his climax rocked his world. However, despite all desire his eyes didn’t roll back, instead, they remained locked on the scene before him. A strange blue light shined from their sex. And Robbert’s large body convulsed violently. Now it truly looked like a bull trying desperately to knock the demon from him. His strong muscles started to flex and… wither away before Vincent’s eyes.

Time slowed as he watched the life drain from his friend’s body until only a husk of the man he knew remained.

Vincent felt the fog lift from his mind even as his body went through an after-glow from his strong climax. Would this have been his fate if he embraced the demon? Pleasure and death? Fear returned to his heart as he heard the elemental bask with his climax. Did she eat the same as the demon? He didn’t feel any different, more like buzzed, and still horny.

When the demon touched her lower stomach like a pregnant woman would Vince didn’t know what to think. But then she pulled at something within herself, and that same blue light emerged from within her, until a ball of light and/or energy rested in the palm of her hand.

Was that Robbert’s soul? He had seen enough, his friend was dead, and he feared he would be next. The sorrow of losing his friend would weigh heavy on him for a long time, he had failed another. Ever since the army first encountered the demon, he had lost so many people that he cared about. Her unnatural beauty and allure meant nothing in comparison to all that loss.

The ground shook and a large opening formed from the far wall that Meridiana faced. Two beings stepped into the room and Vincent’s heart dropped. He barely recognized his old comrade Tommy but would never forget the woman that took him. Now Tommy wore cloth wrappings just like the mummy that stood beside him.

His heart raced within his chest, and flashbacks of the mansion flooded his mind. If the elemental was with him and the mummy just walked in. Was the vampire close by too? He ignored the light kisses the elemental gave to his neck, he needed to leave, now! He had to ignore all her sweet whispers that made his body shiver.

Vincent ignored the pleas of the air elemental as strength returned to his body. He refused to linger and fall under the demon’s spell. Like his friend Robbert had. He needed help and he knew just where he needed to go to get it. The armor shifted under his reforged command, and he raced off, back down the hall. He had to get out before the demon realized he had been there, watching her.

He ran, ignoring the voices that cried after him coming from the very walls themselves. The air elemental might have bonded herself to the armor, but she didn’t control him, not completely. Or his fear simply outweighed her level of control over the suit. He didn’t have time to think about it, escape was all that mattered.

Chapter Seventeen

Meridiana’s body glowed as the smith’s soul rejuvenated her. Feeding in the astral plane never compared to feeding in the flesh. Her body tingled all over. But she couldn’t linger and bask in the bliss she felt. She had other plans for Robbert than simply a meal to sustain her gorgeous body.

The succubus brought a hand to her belly and concentrated. She reached out with her mind, connecting to the spirit she had just consumed and pulled. A blue light shined brightly at her core only to have the obsidian walls absorb the light like a black hole, instead of reflecting.

She smiled, looking down at the powerful soul in her hands. “I’m sorry it came to this; I know you could have been of more use to me alive. I messed up though and need to remedy the situation.” She spoke calmly, not knowing if the soul could hear her or not. She didn’t feel guilty per-say, she felt more sad than any other emotion. She had hoped the man would have built her the castle of her dreams, like the one in the astral plane she built. Her home away from home. A place she had forged that connected to many realms, her hunting grounds.

Invading other worlds wasn’t new to her, she’d done so many times. However, this world had powerful guardians. The like of which she had never encountered before. And for that reason, she had gone about things differently. Making mistakes along the way, like losing all of her servants. Overlooking the hazards of humans working in the toxic fumes of an active volcano.

With such a loss she had to act before it was too late. She needed an edge that could turn the tides back in her favor. And for that, a sacrifice had to be made. The castle would have to wait or be forgotten all together. Instead, she needed a daughter that mastered the dark arts, a necromancer. One able to create a work force that never tired or hungered. One that could work or fight if needed.

The ground rumbled and shook but her concentration never faltered. In her peripheral vision she saw the wall open up and two large, cloth wrapped beings’ step into the room. However, Meridiana did not greet them, she remained focused on the task at hand. They could wait, and watch.

She concentrated all of her energy on the soul in her hands, rubbing it, molding it. Purple and green veins lit up within the ball of blue light. She pictured what she wanted and focused on making it a reality.

With Bree she had converted the energy of a living soul, without consuming it, creating a Kitsune. For Amber she had consumed an entire village to create a daughter closest to her own being. A lesser succubus that could grow to even eclipse Meridiana herself. Now, she needed to do the same with Robbert’s soul, converting it into the being she wished to create. The blue light grew brighter, blinding all that saw it. Before long the energy started to become a storm, crackling like lightning and pounding like thunder.

The blinding light distracted her for but a moment. Meridiana found herself wondering how her other two daughters were faring. She had sent Amber to Bree to prevent the two unique monks from reuniting.

By the time the light dimmed a gorgeous, young woman with pale, flawless skin that shined like marble stood where the bright, powerful soul had been. The woman’s veins lit up like blue lightning suddenly as her eyes opened and the bright blue light of her eyes shined like twin suns.

Meridiana smiled and started to chant, continuing her magic spell with the final touches. Molding Robbert’s soul had turned out to be easier than she thought.

Black hair grew rapidly from her new daughter’s head and flowed until it reached her lower back, framing her doll-like face. When the demon finished her spell the twin suns of pure blue light darkened, becoming violet. Her bright veins shifted at the same moment the darker light flowing from her neck to her toes, before melting into her flawless skin, hidden from view.

“Lena,” Meridiana whispered, and her daughter let out a pleased sigh. Her delicate hands roamed her body with delight. The demon could sense Robbert’s intellect but also a playful, mischievous energy coming from her daughter. She would become something great, if allowed to grow, and learn.

Finally, the demon acknowledged the mummies standing before her. “I charge you two with raising my daughter as your own. Keep her hidden and hone her powers. Build me an army to fight anything the mortals may throw at us.”

“Yes, mistress,” they both said in unison, bowing. Lena turned towards them, smiling ear to ear. The mummy’s golden eyes instantly locked onto the young woman’s bright, violet orbs as they began to swirl in on themselves. The larger beings stared as if lost in thought, eyes glazing over.

Meridiana smiled as she watched her newly formed daughter show such power already.

No more words were spoken before the three of them left the room, Lena skipped as she followed the two beings she would view as her parents.

Meridiana planned on using Lena’s gifts to finish what Robbert had started. But that would have to wait for the young woman to master the gifts she had been forged with. In the meantime, she needed more defenses.

As if reading her mind, the very walls reached out to her, whispering their desires. She smiled, knowing that Robbert hadn’t failed her in the end. The structure he built with the corrupted obsidian would be one of her greatest defenses against any intruder. Even if he had only managed to build a tower, instead of a castle.


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