Lucifer Represents … by Oreolucifermonster

Writer: Oreolucifermonster

Subject: Lucifer Represents …

Link: Tumblr / 10.01.2024

Lucifer Represents …

  • Lucifer represents wisdom found through self-exploration
  • Lucifer represents rebellion with a purpose
  • Lucifer represents balance; spiritually and physically; dark and light
  • Lucifer represents self-deification
  • Lucifer represents the earned compassion of loved one; you must earn their compassion and they must earn yours
  • Lucifer represents the spirit of motivation and self empowerment
  • Lucifer represents human perfection; the illuminated mind
  • Lucifer represents the bravery you need to stand alone or outnumbered
  • Lucifer represents the right to think different; think better;
  • Lucifer represents our instinct to survive; preserve ourselves and those we love
  • Lucifer represents the ability to say “No” when everyone else says “Yes” and to say “Yes” when everyone says “No”
  • Lucifer represents self sacrifice for ones ideas
  • Lucifer represents free thought; knowledge; understanding
  • Lucifer represents Order and when needed Chaos
  • Lucifer represents power and strength
  • Lucifer represents luxury, abundance, and finesse
  • Lucifer represents what Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are not
  • Lucifer Is the Light bringer; the Fire; the Torch

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