Samonios by 999lcf

Writer: 999lcf  / @witchcraftsa

Subject: Samonios

Link: Tumblr / 09.01.2023

About Author: Lover of death I make love to death and darkness


It is dedicated to the meeting between the inhabitants of this world and those of Sidh, the Other World. This is an intermediate world adjacent to ours. Its inhabitants can leave or enter and even invite humans. But in mythology, humans who enter Sidh cannot return and die if they attempt to do so. It is a sacred world, and those who live there are immortal and can move anywhere and at any time, the Sidh is this mysterious world where all human beings go after death and from which no one leaves. Death, however, was feared only in accepting his teaching.

The fear of the apparent end awakens the awareness of the duality of life, and this awareness represents the first step towards the search for Knowledge G: particular, outside of time, a moment between two years in which time no longer exists. At this moment, all the forces of nature are descending and converging towards the center of the Earth. This moment — when everything dies in nature — is the best time to connect with death.

The ritual of Samonios takes place at night. The Druids symbolize the necessary passage through death by extinguishing the sacred fire and feeding it. In this moment in which the fire goes out, the darkness is total, which makes it possible to become aware of what we can call absence. Thus immersed in darkness it is also possible for us to feel the reality and consistency of the Night (our inner night). But it is also through the fire lit in the darkness that we can perceive our reborn inner Fire.

The Samonios ceremony aims to honor the Ancestors, and to establish contact with the deceased. It is considered a source of advice, wisdom, and inspiration. This is because, to cross the dark period we will need a light that illuminates our steps. This is why, at this moment, when the door is open, we can ask to receive answers from Higher Souls. It is also a good time to provide our spiritual assistance to those who have left this world.

However, the journey of deceased souls into the spiritual world depends on the state of consciousness achieved during their lifetime. The more their consciousness is separated from the spiritual world, the more lost they are. Their attention is entirely focused on Only from the earth can we help them take flight towards the spiritual world. However, it is useful to clarify that in these two casts (request for inspiration and help), it is a spiritual practice that has nothing to do with Spintism.

On the other hand, since the rite of Samonios is particular, it is traditionally reserved for the Dnaids, it is not open to the outside world as other ceremonies can sometimes be French 82%. This timeless moment is a threshold between the old and the new year. It allows us to free ourselves from what hinders us, our dead branches.We can bury something that symbolizes what we want to rid ourselves or cry about. Returning to Earth, our “dead branches” thus return to the great cycle-of-life.

Today, mourning is often presented as a fatalistic resignation, a renunciation, or a deliberate desire to forget a painful event, and it seems that behind this refusal there is a notion of guilt, mourning, however, is the conscious acceptance of one of the great Laws of Life, the one according to which everything that is born is called to monize, that one day we will lose our loved ones and that we will disappear in turn. This is the first great Law to learn because the entire direction of our life depends on the concept we have of death (da Celtic free)

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