Silent Night. Unholy Night. by Sydhobart222

Feature Writer: Sydhobart222

Feature Title: Silent Night. Unholy Night.

Published: 08.01.2024

Story Codes: Incest, Bestiality. Young. Devil Worship. Supernatural.

Synopsis: Santa and Satan, all in one.

Silent Night. Unholy Night.

Santa guided the reindeer to land began. The family had left milk and cookies out for him. A traditional offering for Santa so many thoughtful households kindly left for him, to let him know he is welcome in their house, and that all his hard work is appreciated by the many millions of households that he will visit over Christmas. Accompanied by a little note, personally written in the scrawled writing of the child who lives in the house. How sweet, how thoughtful.

“If I see one more fucking mother fucking cookie tonight, I swear I will fucking throw up,” Santa growled to himself, in an uncharacteristically, ungrateful, low anger that he could not contain as he did not wake the rest of the household.

Outside, his elf, Bimbo 4, could sense his anger as he had had enough of cookies and milk that night, but his evil angry manner made her cunt drip.

Suddenly, something else caught Santa’s attention, the drinks cabinet.

”Real food,” he thought to himself.

Again using his powers, shot out his hand, and the drinks cabinet silently opened, and a bottle of good quality whiskey flew through the air right into Santa’s open palm, he flicked the top off and downed almost half a bottle in one long swig.

“Not bad, just what I wanted,” he whispered to himself.

He put the bottle down on the table, burped loudly, farted, and began the climb upwards, to the first floor, to the bedrooms.

Entering the well-furnished, luxurious master bedroom, Santa walked in, looking around, it was something else that gave him a little buzz, being in the master bedroom of strangers, especially after the mom and dad had been fucking, he looked at the attractive half-naked couple in the bed, laying in each other’s arms.

The room was comfortably warm, but gently breathing in Santa was able to distinguish not other smells that filled the air, he moved forward to the dad’s side where they were entwined in each other’s arms, warm, cozy, loving.

Santa sniffed again, catching familiar aromas, spunk that filled the mom’s pussy, the smell of pussy juice on Daddy’s breath where he had been eating out his wife’s wet cunt, spunk on Mommy’s breath, from the throat-fucking, that Daddy had given her.

Mommy’s cleavage was showing, so making sure they would not wake up, casting a minor spell that the parents would remain asleep. Santa moved the bedsheet down a little to fully expose the wife’s left breast.

“Nice titties you have there dear,” he chuckled to himself.

Pausing over the peacefully sleeping couple, staring intensely, Santa’s eyes suddenly became cold, black, then red. Santa was reading their minds, he had picked up their secret desires and secret fantasies, as he was able to invade the minds of many, many people throughout the year, and delve into their most depraved desires from the dark energy their lust emitted, Santa was able to feed off the depravity of the sexually deviants that inhabited the Earth. This was one of his favorite parts of the job.

Searching the husband’s mind for the secrets he kept from his wife, Santa discovered that the church-going family man had previously, before meeting his wife, been a serial rapist, going to various towns raping women and schoolgirls. He would still fantasize about raping different women even as he fucked his loving wife, a loving wife who before she was married was a regular churchgoer with her family.

But unknown to her parents when their daughter was alone, she would satisfy herself with the family dog, regularly sucking its hard cock and allowing the beast to fuck her until the dog filled her cunt with its animal sperm. She knew as a mother and church-goer, she should forget her sordid past, but she could not forget the thrill of that rutting dog using her open cunt as if she was his bitch. Her fantasies were full of dirty ungodly sex with rampant, hard beasts.

Santa stood up.

”Time for some fun for all the family,” he sniggered.

Walking to the end of the bed, he knew it was going to be a shock for this couple to be rudely woken in the middle of the night, by a complete … well actually he thought to himself.

”I’m no stranger. I’m probably the most well-known figure in modern history.”

He had to handle the situation well, and despite the initial shock when people realized who he was, there was always a happy outcome. Positioning himself at the end of the bed, looking down at the couple, the drone silently “droning” away above them, filming every moment, Santa took a deep breath.

”Wakey, wakey,” he said in a calm, firm, voice, “Folks, wakey, wakey. Time to wake up.”

Both Mr. and Mrs. Robinson woke together, both still not realizing what, or who woke them.

“Good, you’re both awake. I need your attention, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson.”

Both suddenly were awake, both aware they were in their bedroom, being woken by someone they were not at all familiar with. There was a stranger in their bedroom. Santa flicked on the lights, the room was filled with light so the sleepy couple could take a look at who had disturbed them. What did he want? Was he a burglar? Was he a killer? So many questions filled their sleepy heads as they struggled to focus on the man, the stranger standing at the foot of the bed, wearing a Santa Claus outfit. What did it all mean? What is going to happen now?

“Who the hell are you? What the fuck are you doing in our home?”

Realizing the stranger in the Santa outfit didn’t seem to carry a gun, Mr. Robinson’s protective instincts kicked in, quickly turned to the small bedside cabinet beside his bed, and reached for the loaded gun he kept there.

”Oops, forgot about that one?” Santa blurted out realizing he had forgotten to locate any weapons.

Thrusting his hand out again, just as Mr. Robinson had pulled the gun from the top drawer, using his powers, Santa wrenched the gun from Mr. Robinson’s hand and the gun flew into the palm of Santa’s outstretched hand.

“I’ll take that. I mean you no harm but I can’t have you firing your weapon, well at least not yet,” Santa sniggered at yet another lousy pun.

Shocked by what seemed to Mr. and Mrs. Robinson to be some magical trick, they realized this situation may be out of their control. Santa knew he had to gain control of the situation, so he waved the gun in the direction of the couple and told them not to move. Then, to their shock, Santa pulled out his cock.

“No please, leave my wife alone !” yelled Mr. Robinson, putting his arms around his wife as they both stared at his ten inches of stiff meat.

“My dear Mr. Robinson, what makes you think I’m going to fuck your lovely wife ?”

Santa looked at the husband coldly, enjoying the tension and unease he was causing.

“W-what do you mean? Do you mean, me? You’re going to rape, me?”

Mr. Robinson looked at the middle-aged Santa with the bushy beard, red outfit, and stiff cock.”

No, no, I assure you Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, don’t jump to unhelpful conclusions, no, no, no, I’m not going to rape either of you.”

“Well, what the hell is this ridiculous charade about? Why are you here? What do you want from us? Just take what you want and leave us,” Mr. Robinson yelled at the stranger at the bottom of their bed.

Both he and his wife, were still very scared, still very confused.

“Oh dear, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, I’m not here to hurt you, no, on the contrary, I’m here to help free you, free the pair of you from the guilt you have both secretly suffered, to release you both from the secrets you both hide from each other and have hidden from each other all your married lives. So you see dear friends, I’m not here to hurt you, and I’m certainly not going to rape either of you, but I am going to rape your daughter.”

Santa looked at them with cold, black eyes as he coldly told the parents of his evil intentions. Looking down at them, almost as if he was studying them, studying their reaction as they continued pleading with him not to hurt their daughter.

Raising the gun again, Santa continued.

”Now look here you two. I have other homes to go to, other fuckers to fuck and suck. I know all about you two and I’m going to get to the point.”

Looking Mr. Robinson straight in the eyes, Santa continued.

”You, Mr. Robinson, before you met your wife, you were a serial rapist. You attacked about half a dozen sluts in parks and even in their own homes. You forced yourself on innocent women and girls, beating them when they resisted, ripping their clothes off, forcing your stiff, hard cock into their pussies, their arse holes even forcing your cock into their mouths, throat fucking them, calling them filthy names and degrading them as much as you could. You laughed at them Mr. Robinson, you hit them, you made them cry, you degraded them you broke them, Mr. Robinson. Didn’t you?”

Santa spat out the true crimes of Mr. Robinson, almost as if they were in a court of law, and Mr. Robinson was facing the prosecution. But how could this stranger know the truth about Mr. Robinson’s past life? He could not understand how this Santa clown could know. His wife looked just as shocked by what they both heard.

“Don’t feel bad about what you did in the past, Mr. Robinson,” Santa said to him.

IT seemed as if Santa was on his side.

“What does this mean darling?” His wife pleaded with him, looking deep into her husband’s eyes for an answer.

“Mrs. Robinson,” Santa caught her attention.

She looked straight at the mysterious stranger, he was now stroking his stiff cock, it was hard, and she couldn’t take her eyes off it.

“Mrs. Robinson, you also had a secret life before you and Mr. Robinson met, didn’t you?”

His cold eyes looked deep into her soul.

“What could this stranger possibly know about her?” she thought to herself.

“Remember Barney?” Santa asked.

”Barney, who’s Barney? Who’s this Barney honey?” her husband asked.

Mrs. Robinson froze. There was only one Barney in her life before she met her husband.

“Barney was your secret lover, wasn’t he, slut.”

Santa was demanding by now, his voice lower, almost becoming a growl.

“What does he mean? The only Barney you ever told me about was that big pet dog you had when you were still at school”

Mr. Robinson looked at Santa, he saw Santa’s lips curl and his eyebrows raised.

“Was Barney your pet dog and also your secret lover? Is that the Barney this guy is talking about? Is it? Is it honey?” he demanded an answer from his wife whose head was still looking down at the bed by this time.

Mr. Robinson’s eyes were wide open by now. Santa continued.

“You’re right Mr. Robinson, Barney was one horny dog, and your wife was an insatiable bitch, couldn’t get enough dog cock and dog cum, could you Mrs. Robinson? Loved to feel that big dog cock, loved to suck it and ride it until it filled her greedy mouth with dog cum. Isn’t that right Mrs. Robinson?

Mrs. Robinson simply did not know where to look. Shame, guilt, she reckoned this stranger was after something, maybe his reason for being there was blackmail. Mr. Robinson who at first was utterly shocked to hear his wife sucked and fucked dogs, was realising that maybe his guilt was not so bad after all. If his wife had done those acts, she certainly could not take the moral high ground in any future argument, if she wanted to point the accusing finger at him, her deeds were just as perverted as his. He took his wife’s hand in his, but she still could not look him in the eye, though slowly she was realising both their secrets were perverted and nasty.

Santa spoke.

“You see folks, I’m not hear to judge you, and I’m not going to share your secrets with anyone else. I’m here to liberate you, to release you from your guilt, and now you must come with me. Follow me downstairs and you will both indulge your desires until you are both satisfied, and you will both become more open and honest, and help each other to fulfill your most depraved lusts, over time you must bring others into your circle, corrupt them, defile their righteousness, and lead happier lives. Now, follow me, I have surprises for you both, exciting, sexy surprises.”

Santa leads them out of their bedroom, followed by the drone hovering overhead. Down the stairs, he leads them until they go out the back yard where he introduces them to Bimbo 4 and the six reindeer that pull his sack full of presents. Using his magic, Santa insulates the couple from the chilly air.

As soon as Mr. Robinson sees Bimbo he immediately gets a stiffy, which is evident by the bulge in the front of his pants. First Santa takes Mrs. Robinson to the reindeer.

“Wait here dear, if you stroke the reindeer he will like that.”

Putting his strong arms on her shoulders grips her firmly as she strokes the rough fur of the reindeer, he whispers lowly in her ear.

”Keep stroking him until I get back, you can watch his big cock grow from your stroking.”

“Did Santa say his cock will grow? What does he mean?” Mrs. Robinson asked herself, enjoying the feel of the rough fur under her palm, but quickly she did notice the reindeer cock growing.

Mesmerized she bent forward slightly to get a better look, forgetting she was outside, in her back yard, one or two nearby neighbors could see what was going on if they were to look out their window, but she didn’t care, though she didn’t know it, whenever Santa arrives in any neighbourhood, his magic spells automatically ensure no prying eyes see him and his helpers.

The reindeer cock continued to grow, thick, and veiny, it looked shiny in the moonlight, it looked inviting, it looked delicious she thought as she became consumed by lust and those old urges for dirty sex with horny animals flooded back invading her mind and body. The fact her husband was mere feet away meant nothing to her, all she could look at was that reindeer cock, and how she desired it.

If she had looked over, she would have seen her hubby with a stiff cock, leering at Bimbo 4 who was standing beside the sled by the seats where she and the other helpers would sit, behind Santa.

“Look at her Mr. Robinson, isn’t she just a sexy slut that you have to have, whether she wants you or not isn’t important. Remember all those whores you lusted after, those you violated and raped, Bimbo 4 is like them Mr. Robinson, just trash, a fuck toy for you to do as you wish Mr. Robinson, anything you want to do with her, anything you want to use her for, she’s yours. Also Mr. Robinson, my fuck toys mean nothing to me, they should mean nothing to you either, she’s disposable. Enjoy her Mr. Robinson, while I go back upstairs, and rape your daughter.”

The sheer horror of that last remark by the mysterious Santa character didn’t even register with Mr. Robinson. The only thing that mattered was sating this sexual urge within himself. s Santa left Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, he glanced over to Mrs. Robinson who was now on her knees, fingers of one hand furiously frigging her soaking wet cunt, the other hand wrapped around the stiff cock of the reindeer as her mouth desperately tried to get the animals cock into her wet mouth.

She sucked and licked as hard as she could, memories of sucking her pet dog flooding back, the sheer thrill of animal sex sending a rush of perverted desire through her body, making her forget about her husband, the only thing she cared about now was animal cock.

“Hi, I’m Bimbo 4, how would you like to do me, Mr. Robinson ?”

The slutty whorish elf smiled at the man, her sensuous body inviting his lustful attention, her boobs straining to be free, her sensuous lips ready to accommodate any sex organ, any time: male, female, beast, this dirty fuck slut had done it all, fucked it all, she didn’t care, as long as she was being used like the whore she is.

Mr. Robinson by now felt as he had done in his days as a serial rapist consumed by lust, cock stiff as a rock, lust filling every pore, evil eyes fixed on his prey, and fist clenched by his side. Looking at the docile piece of fuck meat before him, he grinned slightly, then hammered his fist into the whore bimbo’s face, knocking her backward against the side of the sled, she still stood but blacked out.

Mr. Robinson pulled her hair and yanked her head back, he spat into her face. Taking a step up onto the carriage he yanked on Bimbo’s hair pulling her up, though she was still unconscious from such a violent blow, he hauled her up by her hair and dropped her onto the seat, ripping her blouse open Bimbo’s large tits fell out as Mr. Robinson forced her legs open, pulled his pants off, and got between her legs ramming his cock into the cunts gash, no consideration, no respect, she was nothing but a sex object, for his satisfaction.

While Mr. Robinson raped the worthless Bimbo cunt, and Mrs. Robinson still sucked on reindeer cock, Santa once again climbed the stairs, this time passing by the parent’s bedroom, with the present in hand, he slowly pushed open the daughter’s door.

Another typical bedroom, he turned on the light and the young daughter was fast asleep, silently snoozing, peacefully unaware of what was happening with her parents, the perversions they were indulging in, below her bedroom window in their backyard. Or the horror that will soon consume her bedroom.

“Look at her, so sweet, so innocent, so fucking sexy, sexy fucking trash. Fucking worthless cum dump. After tonight, when my necessary, evil deed is done, your filthy depraved family will be much happier. Wake up little one, wake up, Santa is here, he brings you presents.”

She stirs, still sleepy, and she opens her eyes. Before her stands Santa Claus. She looks up at the stranger in her bedroom. He looks down at her and smiles.

“Daddy, is it you? Are you Santa Claus?”

“No baby slut. I’m not your daddy. I’m the real Santa Claus, and I’ve come to give you some very special presents,” Santa tells her, the word slut is new to her young mind and doesn’t even register.

“Are you really Santa Claus?”

“Yes cum rag, I’m him, look beard, red outfit, I even have my reindeer outside in your yard.”

Again, the naughty adult word went straight over her head, evil Santa knew this of course, but he just enjoyed dropping these filthy phrases into the chat when he was in the process of corrupting the innocent.

The little girl then noticed the small drone. hovering above them.

Pointing above his head, she asked Santa, “What’s that Santa?”

“That my child, is a drone. You see, every Christmas I have to pick one very special young person, a girl or a boy. It doesn’t matter. That young person is part of an ancient ritual, a ceremony which I as Santa must perform on Christmas night every year, if I don’t do this special and important ceremony, I will die, and all the little boys and girls like yourself, won’t get your presents. Also, if your parents are perverted and depraved like your parents, it’s a fucking big mother fucking bonus.”

Again he enjoyed slipping in the expletive, but she knew this time it was a very bad, word.

“Santa, you swore. You’re not supposed to swear. Only bad people swear.”

He looked at her and ran his hand through her hair.

”My dear, I’m Santa, I can do and say anything I want. Would you like to say a naughty word, child?” he asked her, still brushing her hair with his hand.

“I’m not supposed to swear Santa, Mommy, and Daddy tell me not to swear ever.”

“Well child, I’m Santa, I can permit you to swear. Say fuck.”

“Fuck,” she says to him, though it’s a bad word if Santa tells her it’s okay, it’s okay.

“Good girl,” he tells her. ”Now say, fuck me hard.”

She takes a breath.

“Fuck me hard.”

“Excellent, cum rag,” he tells her, “Let’s try one or two more. I fuck homeless cock.”

Smiling up at him, she repeats, “I fuck homeless cock.”

“Well done child. Give Santa a big hug.”

Moving forward he scoops up the child in his arms, as he holds her, she wraps her arms around his neck.”The pervert Santa breathes in the smell of the hair she had washed earlier. Looking into each other’s eyes, Santa begins to playfully lick her face, which she finds ticklish but gives him a boner.

“Tell you what honey, I have a special present for my special girl. Would you like to open it now? But if I give it to you now, you have to give Santa a big kiss? How about it?”

“Sure Santa, what is it ?”

“Well, if I told you what it is, it wouldn’t be a surprise, would it?”

“Okay Santa, where is it ?”

Santa pulls a wrapped gift from behind him and presents it to the little girl.

“Open it, child,” he tells her.

It’s quite large and she takes it and in her excitement, tears the wrapping off. it’s a doll, but nothing cute or pretty it’s quite an unusual doll, not what she or her parents would have given her. It’s about sixteen inches tall, but any adult would believe it would be the kind of doll used in Devil worship.

“Ugh, Santa, it’s ugly, it’s horrible,” she told him straight with a little face that she had contorted to show her disapproval.

“No child, it’s a very special doll. Hold it for a moment, look at it, you will love it.”

The little girl looked at the doll, still not liking it, but she felt something strange that was coming from the doll, making her fingers tingle, and making her feel strange and warm, and within moments, her whole body tingled, and she began to like this new sensation.

“How do you feel now baby? Do you like the doll now ?” he asked her, stroking her face.

“Yes Santa, now I feel a bit tingly and warm,” she told him, still holding the doll, and her expression changed.

“Good, slut-face.”

He told her, then removed the bedclothes, she was wearing her bright pajamas, and he could see the doll was affecting her. He gently pushed the doll to her crotch and rested it over her pajamas.

“Leave it there for a moment, tell me if you feel anything.”

Something from the doll was affecting her, it was creating images in her mind. The feeling and the images made her feel good, they excited her. Her breathing became heavier.

“How do you feel child?” he asked, watching her carefully.

“Santa, I feel strange, but good. I love this doll now. It speaks to me. It shows me Mommy and Daddy, naked, with lots of other men and women, and boys and girls. Santa, they’re doing dirty things to each other, but everyone is happy. They’re kissing, and some are peeing over other people.”

“Good child, very good, come with me to the window, I will show you your parents. Come, take my hand.”

They go to the window. Santa pulls back the curtain. Santa stands behind her, pressing his cock into her lower back, he is gently moving against her, becoming stiff.

The girl’s eyes adjust, at first, she realizes there are real reindeer, with a sled full of sacks of presents below her window. She can hardly believe her eyes. Then her eyes begin to adjust to the whole scene in her yard. She gasps as she recognizes her father, on top of a half-conscious blonde woman, he is ramming his cock right into her pussy.

These things she now slightly understands due to the influence of the mysterious idol she still holds, which somehow reaches into her young mind, and enables her to understand the unreal scenes in front of her eyes. Another of which is her mother, who by now is on all fours, being fucked by the reindeer’s big, hard cock. It’s all new to her, but she is somehow making sense of it all, and liking what she sees.

“You see child,” Santa breathes in her ear, ”You see the wonderful experiences you will have. Take the idol in your young hands and it will guide you, and teach you. It will show you the pleasures you will enjoy with your family, and later with your friends.

“Tomorrow you will slowly remember what you have seen and experienced tonight, but in time you will learn to be guided by the idol in your hands. Next week you will invite your friends over for a sleepover. You will be guided to corrupt your friends that night, and then when you have shared and explored each other’s bodies, you will take them to your parents’ room, so your parents will further corrupt them.

“Then you will sleep over at their home, and corrupt the rest of their family, the idol will guide you. Now it is time to fulfill the reason I’m here, so I can exist and return next year.”

With that, Santa pushes the young girl’s pajamas down and instructs her to step out of them. Next, he removes her little panties, holds them to his face, sniffs them, then puts them in his pocket. He pulls down his red pants to reveal to her his thick stiff cock.

“After tonight child, you will enjoy many, many erect cocks like mine. You will give yourself willingly to men, boys beasts, to enjoy them and for them to enjoy you. Now turn around and continue watching your deviant parents, prepare to become the whore you were born to be.”

With that the little girl turned back to the window, looking out at her parents committing acts of debauchery that she had never seen before, but such depravity would become a way of life for her. With what seemed like superhuman strength, the dirty old Santa pervert picked her up in his arms and roughly handling her, positioned her above his cock.

Gripping her firmly, he slowly lowered her onto his cock tip, then lowering her bit by bit he placed the tip of his cock between her lips. Then without warning, he forcefully impaled her with his cock. Intense burning, agonizing pain raced through her young body not ready for such extreme violation, nothing could have prepared her for this, this violent assault rape made her scream in agony, trying to dislodge herself from the cock was impossible as the pervert thrust hard into her which seemed to stretch her insides with burning fire.

“That’s it, child, scream, feel my cock, feel it you fucking whore. Scream all you like, nobody will come, your whore mother is rutting with the reindeer and your very own father is too preoccupied with his wonderful rape of that worthless bimbo. Fuck child, you’re so tight, feels fucking glorious. Yes, whore, scream for Santa.”

Screaming she did as the old man kept thrusting deep into her bowels without a thought for her comfort or well-being. Her lungs gasped for relief with every thrust as the monster fucked her violently, fucking hard with every thrust, she could feel every inch, there was no let-up, and the agony seemed to go on and on until finally, she could feel hot cream filling her.

The old man grunted obscenely, breathing heavily, more like growling as eventually with her cunt spurting out all his cream over her thighs and dripping to the floor, the agony for her began to subside, his violent thrusting slowing, his cock becoming softer.

The pain lessening, her ordeal seemed to be about to end. Still sobbing as his cock plopped out of her cunt, he carried her over to the bed, and threw her on top of it, along with her new toy, the idol. Santa pulled up his pants, looked at the young girl one last time, said a little spell to put her to sleep until the morning, and left the bedroom, and went downstairs stairs.

Outside in the backyard, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson had both been thoroughly satisfied. Mrs. Robinson had been well fucked by the beast and told herself she would demand her husband buy them a nice big sexy dog, no, two dogs to fuck her and keep her satisfied.

Mr. Robinson was standing beside the sled, looking at the well-used and abused Bimbo her had just fucked and beaten. He dragged her off the sled, over to a reindeer, and tied her to the belly of one of the beasts, positioned to every time the beast moved, its stiff cock would penetrate the bimbo.

“Nice touch, hope you both had a great time with your toys,” Santa smirked as he exited the house, just as the rest of the bimbo elves arrived back from delivering the presents to the neighborhood.

”Now go sleep,” turning to Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, “You will no longer feel guilt about your desires I guarantee you both, from tonight onwards you and your daughter will be a much closer family, in more ways than one. Tomorrow you will slowly remember the details of what took place tonight. We have left a memento under the tree to help you remember and to make you realize that tonight was not a dream. Now we must be off. Go to bed, rest, and have fun in the future.”

With that Santa, the elves, plus the one secured to the belly of one of them, got into the sled, and in an instant, were gone.

Mr. and Mrs. Robinson went to bed, not believing what took place. Even in their sleep, their perversions didn’t stop. Now their dreams were filled with sex acts that only the most depraved would think about, but that made them horny even more.

They awoke the next morning, December 25, both Mr. and Mrs. Robinson lay in bed, stunned, not able to explain it, was the night before just a dream they both had? They asked themselves if they simply imagined it. Just then their daughter entered in an excited rush, holding what looked like a rag doll that they hadn’t seen before.

“Mommy, Daddy, look what I found under the Christmas tree, they have our names on them.”

Their daughter stood beside the bed holding what looked like three DVDs, each had a name on it, Mommy, Daddy, Daughter.

“Darling, where did these come from?” Mr. Robinson asked his daughter.

“Under the Christmas tree Daddy,” she replied.

“But who put them there ?” he asked.

“Why Daddy, have you forgotten what happened last night, Santa Claus put them there.”


11 thoughts on “Silent Night. Unholy Night. by Sydhobart222”

  1. What a delicious story. Not quite the Santa Claus my parents told me about, but i like this one better. Thanks for posting

    1. Ever wondered why Santa only visits when we’re all asleep , what a dirty fucker he and his elves really are .

    1. Yes , those reindeer have to strong to pull those presents all night long , apart from that , the bimbo elves fuck them , dirty bitches .

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