Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The content of the story is not representative of the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. The author does not condone or promote any unlawful activity such as is depicted in the story. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character that they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Amandablonde


Editor: Regis

Published: 21.08.2023

Story Codes: Torture, Rape, NC, Young

Synopsis: A child is raised specifically to satisfy the depraved tastes of a secret society

The Secret Society

The centuries-old “Thanatos Society” was founded to allow its wealthy members to witness the unrelenting suffering and degradation of innocent young women. Due to its highly unusual practices, the Society has remained secret and small, restricted to a single branch, whose activities take place in a stately Manor.

In addition to its slaves, the Society has its “Victims”. They are particularly attractive women, ranging in age from seven at the youngest up to twenty-two, beautiful specimens who are brought to the Manor for the sole purpose of humiliation, domination, bondage, ghastly torture, and potentially a creative death.

Many of the female subjects are runaways plucked from the hard streets of the world’s metropolises. Agents of the Society called procurers, dupe others into attending the Manor as guests. Little do these unfortunates know that they are entering into a hell from which death is the only escape. Even that relief comes after prolonged agony.

Society members are willing to go to great lengths and expenses to witness the cruel betrayal of innocence. To achieve this they arrange for a girl to be raised from birth for the sole purpose of becoming fodder for the insatiable beast that is the Thanatos Society.

Her raising will appear normal, but total control is exercised over her, so that she develops favorable political and religious opinions, with high moral values, and remains a virgin. She is can be delivered to the Society, according to their needs at the time.

Some begin their time in hell as young as seven, when the Society has special needs for young ones, but her delivery usually occurs by the time the virgin is fourteen or fifteen years old. This is the age at which her sexual and physical desirability are at their peak.

The members of the Society refer to her as “Ivy”, short for “Innocent Victim”. Vast sums of money are paid to unscrupulous sociopaths who are, or pretend to be, married and raise infants who have been kidnapped from their natural parents.

These monsters are excellent actors and ensure that “Ivy” is brought up under ideal conditions, usually in the relative seclusion of the rural areas of the United States or Canada. Europeans, Asians, or South Americans are brought over to be raised by their foster parents speaking only English.

The girl wants for nothing and thrives under the delusion that she is loved. She, in turn, loves her devoted parents and trusts them completely. The members’ greatest thrills come when they witness Ivy’s horror when she learns that “Mummy” and “Daddy” were raising her only to be virgin flesh for the sacrificial altar of the Thanatos Society.

Once she reaches her age for delivery, the Innocent Victim’s “Parents” secretly provide a report of the girl’s progress to a review committee of Society members. A similar report is submitted every six months and includes videotape so that the committee can keep track of the young beauty’s physical development.

Taking these videos raises no suspicion on the part of the daughter. Since she is the apple of her parent’s eyes, she suspects nothing malevolent in their desire to film her as she performs in the usual dance recital, swimming competition, or cheerleading event in which many privileged female adolescents participate.

It is important to the Society that the Innocent Victim remains chaste and naïve. As a result, the report provided by the “Parents” discusses Ivy’s moral development in great detail. She attends church regularly and goes to a religious school where “family values” and good moral training are emphasized.

During the summer, Ivy is sent to a “Christian” summer camp. While the young girl is enjoying this wholesome outdoor life, her parents visit Thanatos Manor to revel in its depravities and to confer with other “Parents” who are raising their Innocent Victims. At any given time around twenty young innocents are being raised by Thanato’s “Parents”.

Once the review committee determines that the virtuous young woman is “Ripe”, the wheels are set in motion for her betrayal. Ivy goes to sleep one night in the secure comfort of her familiar bed only to wake up from a drugged sleep to find herself chained to a torture table in the bowels of the Manor.

To make this young girl’s feeling of betrayal most profound, her “Parents” lead the first session of her sexual abuse and humiliation. Imagine Ivy’s confusion when the love and concern she usually sees in her parents’ eyes are replaced by lustful contempt.

Picture this guileless and nude child’s dismay and embarrassment when she sees her parents naked for the first time in her life. Envision her confusion and terror when the first erect penis she ever sees is that of her “Father” who intends to use it to brutally defile her.

Let us consider the fate of a typical Innocent Victim. The members of the review committee evaluate the videotape provided by the parents of the fourteen-year-old girl identified in the Society’s database simply as “Ivy #32”.

After reviewing the tape, they determined that she was ready to be harvested. The videocassette reveals a raven-haired beauty with flawless alabaster skin. Just over five feet tall, with a willowy body exhibiting the soft curves and developing breasts of a girl well on the way to becoming a woman.

A hidden camera caught young Ivy in the shower. She has perfect teacup-sized breasts crowned with well-defined pink nipples. The cold water of the shower had stimulated those nipples that swelled to hard points almost one-half inch in length. She is a visual delight.

Despite her quickly developing breasts, her pubic hair had not yet started to grow. Members of the committee were delighted to watch Ivy slowly soaping the mound and slit of her naked cunt. In addition to a beautiful young body, Ivy has a very pretty face with clear blue eyes, a fine straight nose and full red lips.

Ivy can be a poster girl for the clean-cut, well-scrubbed all-American teenager. She is transported by the Society’s private jet from her home in Kansas to the Manor, which has its own private airstrip. Its location cannot even be mentioned here, it is such a well-guarded secret.

She remains in a deep, drug-induced sleep as her clothes are removed and destroyed. Ivy’s limp form is carried to a subterranean chamber and placed naked on her back on a waist-high, narrow and completely adjustable table.

The table is then manipulated so that it supports the girl from the tops of her shoulders to halfway along her firm, round bum. Her head is allowed to hang over one end of the table. Her legs would normally dangle from the other end, but instead are spread wide.

Her legs are held apart by chains that are attached to rough iron manacles welded to her ankles. The other end of each chain is fastened to three-foot-high posts rising from the floor of the chamber. Metal cuffs that are also chained to posts similarly adorn Ivy’s wrists.

Each post stands several feet from a corner of the table so that young Ivy is held in a permanent tight spread-eagle position. Still blissfully unconscious, it is now time for Ivy to wake up to the first day of her hellish life. Her “Mother” wakes her.

Her mother has until now done this sitting beside her sleeping daughter and gently stroking her face and whispering, “It’s time to get ready for school, dear.”

No. This time she arouses Ivy by plunging a long thick hypodermic needle filled with a strong stimulant into her thigh. The effect of the prick and discharge of the chemical is immediate and the young girl’s eyes fly open. Of course, she is utterly confused.

Ivy tries to sit up but is constrained by the chains. All she can do is raise her head to look with astonishment at what surrounds her. Instead of her bright and sunny bedroom, she is in a dank dungeon. She is bathed in bright light as two strange men point video cameras at her naked form.

Ivy’s heart is beating like the wings of a trapped bird, and she panics even more when she becomes aware of her embarrassing bound position.

“Mother!” she calls, “Where are you? What’s happening? Where in the world am I?!”

“I’m right here, Ivy,” her Mother gently replies as she steps out of the shadows.

The young nude prisoner is astonished to see that her mother is also naked, except for a pair of knee-length shiny black patent leather jackboots. Ivy had seen never before seen her mother naked. She remembers her mother’s lady friends teasing her about her extreme modesty.

Mummy is holding her daughter’s favorite stuffed animal “Bentley”, a pink teddy bear that her father gave Ivy twelve years ago when she was only two. The rather ordinary-looking toy is around eighteen inches high and shaped in the standard standing teddy bear pose. The teenager stares in shocked silence as her Mother lays Bentley on her flat belly.

“I brought you Bentley so that you won’t feel lonesome in your new home,” Mother sarcastically remarks.

She then reaches down and captures her daughter’s pink nipples between the thumb and forefinger of each hand. The woman she thought was her mother then gently squeezes them until they harden and grow to resemble the erasers found at the ends of school pencils. Ivy’s confusion and humiliation at her mother’s manipulation of the tips of her breasts in front of the two camera operators is multiplied one hundredfold when she hears her father’s voice emanating from the shadows.

“That’s it, dear. Prime the little bitch for me.”

As his astounded daughter looks towards the source of the remark, her father steps into the light.

“Daddy! Please make them let me up!” Ivy implores.

She is then stunned into silence when she realizes that, like her mother, Daddy is naked but for a pair of black jackboots. The teen can barely comprehend what she is seeing as her father slowly approaches her while stroking his engorged penis with his right hand.

The captive teen cannot tear her eyes away from his large cock. A gleaming bead of moisture has emerged from the open hole on the flared cock-head. As she stares in disbelief, the drop is pushed outward by another of the same gleaming thick liquid.

Until now, her only experience with the male sex organ was what she had seen in art galleries and on the little boys she had babysat. She had never seen a fully erect penis until now. Father advances and stands beside his wife who continues to pinch and rub her daughter’s nipples.

Daddy continues to stroke his cock while Ivy watches in stunned horror. More of the gleaming thick liquid emerges, and now Daddy is dribbling his creamy precum fluid onto the floor. Nobody seems to care. As she struggles against her bonds, her father’s voice invades her confused mind.

“You’ve never looked so beautiful, my dear,” he says as he continues to casually stroke his cock which he casually holds over his daughter’s abdomen.

She feels the warm liquid settle on her tummy.

Ivy cannot believe what she is seeing. The kindly, gentle Father who protected and nurtured her all her life now stares coldly into her eyes. He is clearly sexually stimulated by the sight of her nakedness. Surely this is some nightmare from which she will awaken.

More clear drops of precum drip from the tip of his dick to form a warm, spreading glistening puddle on Ivy’s belly. Mother smiles benignly and uses the head of Ivy’s teddy bear to wipe up the liquid.

“Let’s get started,” Daddy says, turning to his wife,

Without another word, Ivy’s parents leave her side. Left alone, the young teenager’s mind reels. How can her parents have turned into such callous monsters? Ivy sobs in despair. How can she have gone from a privileged life of comfort to one where she is bound naked in a medieval dungeon?

Desperately, Ivy tries to convince herself that this is only a nightmare and that she will soon wake up. The young girl’s frantic contemplation is interrupted by her Mother’s return. She is now standing between the wide-spread legs of her naked daughter.

In her hand, she is holding something Ivy once saw before. Her doctor had used it to spread open her vagina for an internal inspection. It was a bright shiny silver speculum. Her Mother kneels and beckons one of the video camera operators to move in beside her.

“Dear,” she says to her daughter, “You may be wondering what these men with the video cameras are doing here. Well, this little welcoming ceremony is being preserved for the pleasure of members of the society that is responsible for you being here.

“One of the things we promised them is that when you were brought here you would be a virgin. We are going to do a visual inspection, to prove your father and I did our assignment properly, and that was to maintain your virginity for them.

“Not only must you be a virgin, but your maidenhead must be fully intact. Remember how your dad and I discouraged you from activities like horseback riding, and that we always made sure that you only rode a girl’s bike?

“That was because we wanted your maidenhead to remain intact, and not be accidentally broken. Now we are going to confirm that you have, indeed, arrived at the Manor undamaged. If you’re intact, we get a one hundred-thousand-dollar bonus.”

Mother observes the puzzled look on Ivy’s face.

“Yes, my dear. We raised you for money. As far as your Father and I are concerned you are nothing more than a farm animal. While some farmers raise beef cattle to provide McDonald’s with meat for their hamburgers, we have raised you to be meat for the Thanatos Society,” she smiled, “You have arrived, Welcome to the meat grinder.”

Ivy’s sobs of despair turned into a yelp of surprise as her mother uses the ice-cold speculum to spread wide the pink lips of her daughter’s hairless vagina. The camera operator moves in for a close-up that reveals her hymen.

“As we can see,” her mother addresses the camera, “Ivy’s cunt is adorned with a perfect maidenhead. The tender pink tissue looks like the crinkled top of a draw-string purse with just the tiniest opening.”

Mother removes the speculum and faces her shocked daughter.

“In a few moments,” the fake Mother says, “The video cameras will record his work as Daddy removes that little obstruction with his fine, large cock. Then you will, my sweet darling, be perfectly fucked!”

Suddenly Ivy’s head is pulled back by her father, who yanks her two long black braids so that she is looking at the ceiling. He stands so that the top of her head rests against the front of his thighs. He holds her head steady with a hand over each of her ears and moves his hips to direct his drooling cock onto the young teen’s face.

Daddy rests his balls on the fourteen-year-old’s forehead while the shaft of his cock rests on her nose. I Ivy inhales the sweet/sour musky odor of her father’s dick as more precum seeps from its tip onto her chin and neck. He then steps back and lets his daughter’s head fall.

Daddy grasps her head once again and presses the tip of his blood-engorged organ against her full lips. Ivy resists opening her mouth but her father pinches her nostrils so that she must open it to breathe. He is being a monster!

As soon as she opens her mouth, he slides four inches of his eight-inch long cock across her lips, across her tongue and pushes it down her throat.  Ivy shudders with revulsion as the salty taste of her father’s penis assaults her tongue. As the young teen gags and attempts to breathe around Daddy’s thick dick, her mother pinches the young girl’s labia.

“If you bite your Father, I’ll tear off your tender cunt lips! That’s my cock too, and I depend on it for sexual satisfaction!”

For five minutes the cameras of the Thanatos Society capture the image of the fourteen-year-old virgin’s father methodically sliding his cock in and out of her soft mouth, giving her a passionate face fuck that only a Father can give his daughter. Viewers can see Ivy’s slender throat expanding as her father pushes the full eight inches of his stout member into her mouth so deeply that his full testicle sack slaps her nose and eyes.

The young girl fights to breathe through her nose as her mouth and throat are completely blocked by her Father’s cock flesh. Ivy’s attempts to squirm away are futile for the chains to which her manacled legs and arms are attached allow no room for movement.

All the naked-bound teenager has achieved from her desperate struggles is to chafe her ankles and wrists so that tiny drops of blood ooze from her perfect white skin, to smear her wrist and ankle flesh. Her screams are choked off by her father’s prick in her throat.

While Father continues to rape his daughter’s mouth, Mother gets the juices of her spread-eagled naked daughter flowing by licking the confused teenager’s exposed vagina. Despite her discomfort and humiliation, Ivy cannot but respond to her mother’s skillful cunnilingus. Her virgin cunt begins to juice up and soon there is as much liquid flowing from her snatch as there is leaking from her mouth as her father’s precum mixes with her saliva to overflow from the corners of her mouth.

“Time to switch ends, dear,” Ivy’s father announces to his wife.

He abruptly pulls his glistening cock from his daughter’s warm mouth. Ivy coughs and spits and then takes a deep breath of air. Daddy pushes her head up severely so that her chin presses against her breast so that he can slide a narrow extension out of the table.

He then releases her head, which falls back, and is now supported by this extension, and no longer dangles over the end of the table. Ivy gasps with pain as her father ties her two long braids together beneath the board supporting her head. The young teen now cannot move her head.

Mother and father once again stand together at the side of their bound and sobbing daughter. Mummy smiles down at Ivy, pleased to see how well the child’s restraints contain any movement while presenting her total nakedness in its full beauty.

“It’s now time for your father to pop your cherry, Ivy. It’s an occasion like this when I truly suffer from penis envy. I wish I were able to fuck you,” she shrugged, “Instead, I’ll gain solace by letting you stimulate my cunt with your tongue.”

“Why are you doing this to me?”

Ivy’s pleas fall on deaf ears as both of her parents disappear into the gloom, only to reappear a moment later. Mother wastes no time and straddles her fourteen-year-old daughter’s head. She is facing Ivy’s feet and maneuvers herself so that her vagina is placed squarely on Ivy’s mouth, with the bound girl’s nose nuzzled against her anus.

Bending slightly forward, Mother pinches each of Ivy’s nipples.

“Start licking my cunt, dear, or I’ll twist your sweet nipples off,” she orders.

The distraught teen has no choice but to obey. She slowly inserts the pink tip of her tongue into her Mother’s salty snatch and begins to lick its soft flesh.  Ivy can see only her mother’s buttocks, which are spread to accommodate her nose. She cannot see that Daddy is now standing between her spread-chained legs. However, she does feel the pressure of his left hand on her narrow right hip and knows that her virginity will soon be torn away. The man who played her father so well is a monster!

One of the camera operators moves to stand at Ivy’s head so that the expression in her eyes can be recorded during her defilement. It’s a tight angle, because of the Mother’s hips block most of the girl’s busy face. Mother continues to force her wet cunt onto her daughter’s mouth while Daddy guides the head of his cock so that it just touches the lips of Ivy’s vagina. Ivy moans and trembles, for she can feel the broad head of her daddy’s cock resting in the vestibule of her cunt.

At a signal from her husband, Ivy’s mother raises herself from her daughter’s face to help the cameras capture the expression of shock on Ivy’s face. Anchoring himself by grasping her hips with both hands, her dad pulls her hard towards himself. He then suddenly thrusts his hips forward to jam his engorged cock deep into the tight channel of his virgin daughter’s cunt, tearing away her hymen and any illusion of being loved. The video cam operator makes sure that he records the young victim’s expression of shock, humiliation, pain, and betrayal.

Ivy’s howl of pain is muffled when her mother resumes her seat on her daughter’s face. Daddy withdraws his cock so that only its head remains on her body. The glistening shaft is now coated with minor streaks of Ivy’s vaginal blood.

He slowly pushes his prick back into her and begins to repeat a slow, deep pistoning motion, in and out, in and out, while blood and cunt juice drip from Ivy onto the floor. For fifteen minutes Daddy ravages his petite raven-haired daughter while Mummy rides her face.

“I’m ready to cum now,” Daddy announces at last.

He withdraws his cock from Ivy’s tight cunt with a plopping sound. Mother dismounts her daughter and Father appears by her side. Mommy holds Ivy’s head steady as he clutches his cock only inches from the stunned teenager’s face. He looks deeply into Ivy’s eyes as he masturbates. In a few seconds, a great gob of pearly cum spurts from his prick and lands with a splat on Ivy’s cheek. She opens her mouth in surprise and Daddy launches a second ample stream of sperm into it, ejaculating continuously in steady bursts.

“A direct hit!” her mother laughs, “Aren’t you glad we didn’t screw for the past month,” she said to the father, “You should be able to produce enough sperm to bathe our cunt daughter’s entire face.”

Sure enough, Daddy continues pumping his pulsing penis, cumming on his bound daughter. Spasm after spasm of his cock lashes Ivy’s face with hot, sticky sperm. Her hair, forehead, and both eyes are spattered. Gobs of cum land on her cheeks and slide down to the pool near her ears. It seems like hours to Ivy but in only a few seconds, her Father’s cock stops spitting. Her mother continues to hold her head steady by her ears as one of the cameras comes in for a close-up of her cum-covered face.

Her alabaster skin is almost completely covered by Daddy’s pearly cock-slime. She blinks furiously in an attempt to clear the stinging sperm from her blue eyes. Ropes scum oozes out the corners of her mouth as Ivy pushes her father’s “direct hit” over her lips with her tongue.

“Time for a break,” Ivy’s mother cheerfully announces. Looking lovingly at her daughter she says, ”You must be starved. Let’s give you a snack. But first, we must see to the welfare and comfort of all of our dedicated camera operators. I can’t help but notice how aroused they have become by our little performance. Just look at those large bulges rising in the front of their pants. I think it’s only fair that we allow them to let off a little steam, and maybe some semen, before you eat.”

Ivy’s father takes the video camera from one of the men and records them as they open their flies and take out their penises. While Ivy’s mother continues to hold her steady, each man stands on either side of the teenager’s head. The young men point their erections at Ivy and begin to masturbate.

“Shall we bet on who comes first?” asks her mother as both men furiously jerk on their rods.

“Okay” replies her father, “I believe by the amount of precum leaking from our Afro-American friend on Ivy’s right, that he will go off first.”

Just as Father ends his statement, the black camera operator groans and fires a huge wad of sperm onto Ivy’s lips. Perhaps inspired by his colleague, the other man immediately begins to ejaculate too, spurting ribbons of thick cum.

They splash over those already deposited on the captive teen by her father and the black camera operator, who continues to ejaculate. The father amazes everyone by stroking his cock back to life so that he can once more ejaculate on Ivy’s face.

When they finish, the camera operators zip up and resume their duties. Sobbing, Ivy’s face is now covered with the malodorous deposits of three men. No spot on her face is not thickly coated. Every time the fourteen-year-old breaths out through her nose, she blows small bubbles of sperm over her lips.

Mummy and Daddy stand on either side of Ivy. Each is holding a sterling silver teaspoon.

“Now for that snack, I promised you,” says her mother sternly.

Ivy’s parents use their spoons to gather up the sperm from their daughter’s face.

“Open wide,” Daddy smirks.

Ivy hesitates, so each parent grabs a nipple and squeezes hard. More tears well from Ivy’s eyes as excruciating pain fires through her small, tender breasts. She has no choice but to open her mouth.

Mummy holds her cum-filled spoon inches from Ivy’s lips and tips it to let the slime slowly slide in a ribbon into the Innocent Victim’s pink tongue. Ivy resists the impulse to gag as Daddy empties his spoon into her mouth. Mummy and daddy alternately scrape the scum from their daughter’s face and empty their spoons into her mouth.

She cannot bring herself to swallow the disgusting mess and soon her mouth is full. The cameras capture an image of a beautiful teenager forced to hold her mouth open. The pointed tip of her tongue stands out like a tiny island in a small milky lake of jism.

“You’d better swallow,” orders Mother, “And if you spill even a drop, I’ll tear your nipple off!”

“And if you vomit, we’ll make you lick it up,” adds Daddy.

Ivy has no choice in the matter. Closing both her eyes and her lips, she swallows half of the slime they have put in her mouth. Her stomach heaves and she coughs, fighting the urge to throw up even as she swallows the rest of the ropy cum. Her coughing has caused some of the sperm in her mouth to shoot out her nose and onto her lips and chin. Mother uses her spoon to gather up this slime and once again, trickles it into Ivy’s mouth. After a few more swallows the young captive has consumed all of the sperm and lays gasping in her tight chains.

“Well now, that was fun, wasn’t it, dear,” mocks Ivy’s Mother, “But your Father and I are tired and I imagine you are too. So we’ll leave you comfortably where you are for a few hours before we introduce you to some of our friends who will arrive to meet you. I know how much you like to have Bentley with you when you nap, so we will let you hold him now. Unfortunately, you are in no position to cuddle him as you used to, but Daddy and I have figured out a way that you can hold onto him without having to use your arms like you usually do when you hug him.”

Having said this, Ivy’s mother bends down and retrieves the teddy bear from the floor where it fell during the rape of the young teen. Ivy watches closely as Mother takes her toy to her father who has just wheeled in a small cart with several tools and other items on it.

“Although you have slept with Bentley every night for the past twelve years, you never discovered one of his special features,” her father declares, “Watch.”

Ivy looks as her father takes a small utility knife and makes an incision in the front of the teddy bear between its legs. After putting down the knife, he uses both thumbs to separate the cloth covering and stuffing. He reveals a stainless-steel nut sewn into the base of the stuffed animal. Daddy turns his back on Ivy and reaches onto the table for something she cannot immediately see.

He turns around and proudly shows it to his captive a large pink dildo with a threaded shaft coming out of its base. He proceeds to screw the dildo onto the anchor nut sewn into the pink teddy bear. When he is finished Bentley sports a foot-long hard-on.

“That cock may look familiar to you,” Ivy’s Mother explains to her daughter, “It’s made from a plaster cast of your father’s rod. Craftsmen here at the Manor used the cast to create a dildo that is half again as long and almost half as wide around as your Father’s dick. They have also added some features that we find amusing although you probably won’t.”

Ivy’s Father has completed attaching the dildo to Bentley so that the bear appears to have a huge, pink erection, as well as a large swollen set of testicles.

”I remember how you used to clutch Bentley so tightly when you were sleeping,” he says holding the toy inches from her tear-streaked face, “That we could carry you out of your bed and you would not drop him. Since you cannot hold him with your arms, we added a special feature to his dick. Watch.”

As his trembling, naked daughter watches, her father presses a small button located near the base of the dildo. With an audible click, four small stainless steel razor-sharp studs spring out of the shaft just below the cock’s head.

Each stud is at right angles to its neighbor and stands out from the surface of the shaft by more than half an inch. Once embedded in the walls of a young girl’s vagina, They will serve very well as anchors. Ivy’s heart lurches when she sees that her beloved teddy bear has been turned into an instrument of torture.

She shrieks when she realizes how much pain there is in store for her. Daddy gives the obscene toy to his wife who is already standing between her daughter’s legs. She pushes the studs back into their holes until they lock in place.

She reaches to the wheeled table and lifts a paintbrush out of a small bowl. The brush is covered with a red, greasy substance. As she begins to slather this grease over the pink dildo, she explains to her daughter that she is covering her teddy’s penis with a special mixture of KY Jelly and a specially formulated itching powder. Once the rod is gleaming with this itching lubricant, Ivy’s mother returns the brush to the bowl. She holds the teddy bear in front of her so that the tip of the dildo rests against her daughter’s labia. There is no doubt about her mother’s intent.

Ever so slowly she pushes the huge dildo into the vestibule of Ivy’s ravaged cunt. The large plastic cock stretches the walls of her narrow love channel open, and it enters her. Her tender flesh begins to itch as soon as the dildo slides over it. Ivy shakes and moans as her mother continues to push the rod on her teddy bear into her freshly opened girlie cunt. She stops only when the end of the dildo bumps against Ivy’s cervix. The child is now filled with the teddy bear’s new evil penis.

Mummy ensures that the huge rod will stay put by pressing the trigger on its base. Ivy screams and convulses as the sharp stainless-steel studs dig into her tender internal cunt flesh. Ivy has been speared four times, and the penis is securely anchored.

Mummy lets go of Bentley and steps away. Viewers at the Manor are treated to the bizarre sight of a beautiful young teenager spread wide open on her back. A cute pink teddy bear appears to be raping this unfortunate captive with a thick greasy shaft that extends four inches out of the tortured teen’s ravaged cunt. Taut chains hold her arms and legs in place. She trembles and moans as the diabolical itching cream alternately tickles and burns every inch of her cunt lining.

“We’ll leave you now, dear,” her mother tenderly says, “But before we go I just noticed that your face is still covered with a thin coating of cum. I guess our spoons couldn’t clean you completely. I’ll just hold one of the cameras while Daddy and these two other gentlemen wash your face.”

The three men approach Ivy who is trying will little success to squirm on the table in a futile attempt to ease the ever-growing insatiable itching in her vagina. Her father stands about two feet from her head and is flanked by the two other men.

Daddy unties her braids and pushes the small platform supporting Ivy’s head back into the body of the table. Her head falls back. She is too weak to lift it. She stares at the three men. Each man smiles malevolently and grasps his now flaccid penis.

They point their organs at the naked fourteen-year-old and together, begin to piss on her. The acrid yellow streams hit her directly on the face. She opens her mouth to scream and gags as her father directs his golden shower into it.

The two camera operators move toward her so they can spray her breasts and belly with the bitter, hot liquid. It seems like forever to Ivy, but they finally stop. Her face and hair are saturated with piss. Her small, perfect breasts are slick with urine and a small puddle of piss has pooled in her belly button.

“That’s much better,” says her mother, “We really must toddle off now, dear, We’ll leave you to ‘rest’.”

As she is speaking, the camera operators set their cameras on tripods.

“We’ll continue to film you while you rest,” adds Mother, “We want to capture your reaction as the itching inside your dildo-stuffed cunny increases. Moreover, with that lovely coating of piss all over you, you’ve become a cockroach magnet. I know there are no bugs in here now, but if you exercise just a little patience while we take care of that, you’ll see how we’re now going to rectify that situation.”

So saying, Mother places a wooden box on the floor beneath Ivy’s head. Ivy can hear a muffled hissing sound emanating from inside the container.

“Inside this box are over one thousand Madagascar hissing cockroaches,” she declares.

“The lid of the box is opened by a spring-loaded timer. A few minutes after we leave, the lid will fly open and the charming but ravenous insects will be released. I hope you enjoy their company. I guarantee you’ll get their full attention. Ta-ta for now.”

The grown-ups leave and Ivy is alone. The excruciating itching in her vagina is getting worse by the minute. Suddenly there is a loud snapping sound and the lid of the box pops open. The camera captures the sight of two-inch long shit-brown cockroaches swarming out of the container and onto the floor.

Attracted by the smell of piss, warmed by her body emanating from the bound teen on the table, they quickly climb up the legs of the torture table and begin crawling onto the bound victim. The sight of the huge bugs disgusts Ivy.

They are obscenely large, noisy things. Dozens of them swarm over her piss-soaked breasts and belly and dozens more try to gain purchase on her face and in her hair. Ivy can only shake her head furiously to dislodge the bugs on her face. She can do nothing about those on the rest of her body. Soon her torso is completely covered by the huge insects. Their tiny feet tickle and scratch her flesh, and sh finds the sound of their loud cat-like hissing maddening.

Ivy has already been driven half-mad by the brutal betrayal by her parents. Her ravaged body aches and itches from the rape of her mouth and cunt. Her humiliation is without bounds as she imagines how she must appear.

A naked teenager chained spread-eagle in a dungeon while her beloved teddy Buckley “fucks” her with a huge model of her own father’s cock, locked in her with nefarious blades. Meanwhile, thousands of disgusting giant cockroaches crawl over her alabaster, piss-soaked skin.

Ivy raised her head in an attempt to dislodge some flies that were trying to crawl into her nostrils. She sobs with despair when she notices for the first time a sign painted on the ceiling directly above her — It says “Welcome to Thanatos Manor, Ivy. Be certain it doesn’t get any better than this.”

For three agonizing hours, the fourteen-year-old prisoner suffers as never before. The torn, bruised flesh of her cunt felt like it was on fire. Try as she might, using muscles she never knew she had, Ivy tries unsuccessfully to expel the large dildo anchored in her girl-flesh by those wicked steel blades.

Her chained arms and legs are racked with painful muscle cramps. Ruby-red drops of blood drip from the chaffed flesh of her wrists and ankles to form small puddles on the stone floor of the dungeon. The roaches continue to torment her.

Just as she is about to lose her mind, nozzles hidden in the ceiling of the cell spray the room briefly with a deadly insecticide — Ivy gags and coughs as she inhales the fumes. The insects die quickly. Hundreds of insect carcasses rest on the teenager’s body.

After a few minutes, the air is free of bug spray and her parents enter the room. Mother and father are fully clothed and are leading on leashes, two naked teenage girls not much older than Ivy. She can see they are identical twins.

Both of the girls are gorgeous blondes, tall and slim, their breasts further developed than hers, with silver manacles around wrists and ankles. Small silver rings have been inserted through the pink upturned nipples of their shapely firm breasts.

One of the girls has an inch-wide ring inserted through the left inner lip of her hairless cunt, while her twin sister has one through the right lip of hers. The leashes that Ivy’s parents hold to lead them are attached to these cunt rings.

“Ivy dear,” says Mother as she introduces the naked twin beauties, “I’d like you to meet Lara and Oksana. These two little trollops were brought to the Manor from Russia a year ago at the time they, like you, were Innocent Victims of the Thanatos Society.

“After their initiation, a Society member purchased them at auction, and they now live with him on his estate in South America. They are here today because their Master is visiting the Manor to buy additional slaves at an upcoming auction.

“The Argentinian has graciously lent them to your father and me so you can have some idea of how you will be expected to behave from now on. You will be happy to learn that the first thing they will do is help us get you off that table. Both of these sluts have been trained as body slaves and will clean you up before they release you.”

Turning to the twins Ivy’s mother orders, “Begin, whores, and make sure that Ivy is nice and clean.”

She and her husband then disconnect the leashes from the girls’ cunt rings.

The two blonde beauties immediately walk over to Ivy so that they stand on either side of her. They bend over and without hesitation begin licking several of the dead cockroaches from Ivy’s belly and breasts, including the coating of urine on her skin.

“Make sure you swallow all of the bugs, sluts,” Ivy’s Father orders.

Lara and Oksana use their tongues to flick the dead insects into their mouths as easily as teenagers in more normal circumstances would eat popcorn at the movies. Despite her extreme discomfort, Ivy cannot help but stare with shocked astonishment.

The two naked Russian teens crunched down on their mouthful of dead bugs and then swallowed them, only to return to their six-legged feast. Soon Ivy’s body is insect-free and the two slaves then proceed to wash every inch of it with their tongues.

As they lick off the last traces of cum and piss from the fourteen-year-old, Ivy’s father stands between his daughter’s legs and removes Bentley and the pink dildo from her cunt. The extraction is extremely painful as the blades are retracted back into the dildo.

Ivy’s relief is overwhelming. Her mother then washes out her vagina with a douche of pleasantly scented soapy water while daddy unfastens the chains from her wrist and ankle manacles. She cries with relief as the itching in her cunt finally stops although her entire love channel is one large bruise.

The twin slaves have completed their tongue-bathing of Ivy, and they help her from the table. She is too weak to stand by herself, so they support her. The twin Russian beauties are fit, very strong and they hold her easily.

Ivy trembles with fatigue and shock as a small rivulet of blood trickles from her hairless cunt and meanders slowly down the inside of her left thigh. Mother stands before her, puts her hand under her chin, and raises her face so that she can gaze directly into her defiled daughter’s eyes.

“It’s time for you to learn some fundamental truths,” she says, “First of all, let me assure you that this is not a bad dream. You will not wake up to find yourself in your warm bed. No fucking way, dear Ivy. You see, we get paid well by the Thanatos Society to raise little girls like you for their use. Once you’re ripe, we hand you over to it. The Society has owned you since birth. You just never knew it. You’re not alone. There are more than a hundred pairs of surrogate ‘parents’ like us located around the world so there are usually seven or eight new ‘innocent victims’ fed into the Society each year. You are just one of them.”

Ivy listens in shocked silence as her mother continues.

“We’re done with you, and not a moment too soon. In a month we are going to pick up a beautiful little two-year-old girl who will replace you in our new home in Europe. We’ll raise her like we raised you, speaking only English.

“In twelve or thirteen years we will bring her here where she will suffer a delightful, from our perspective, fate similar to yours. This sort of thing has been going on for centuries and will continue for centuries more, according to plan. Nothing can interrupt it.

“You have no idea how relieved your father and I are not to have to pretend with you anymore. It’s not easy raising an innocent little cunt like you in today’s society, but we are modern people with modern values, unfettered by artificial ‘societal norms’.

“Now that we are finished with you, let me explain what will happen to you now. We are in the lower level of the Manor of the Thanatos Society. In a few minutes, you will be chained between two stone pillars in the lobby of the Manor.

“You will remain nude and will be positioned with your legs spread, kneeling on the marble floor. A large television set will be set up adjacent to you so that members can watch an edited tape of the initiation you’ve just experienced.

“By the way, you may be interested in watching it yourself, dear. After all, it isn’t every young woman who is lucky enough to see a film of her Father as he violates her mouth and takes her virginity. Nor does she often get to watch herself eating sperm and then getting a thorough piss shower.

“You will hang there for twenty-four hours while members of the Society bid for you in a silent auction. Bidders will write their bid on a large sheet of paper fastened to one of the pillars so you can see what they think you’re worth. You might be proud to know that the bidding will start at $150,000.

“Members of the Society who are interested in buying you can inspect you if they wish, but they can only ‘feel the merchandise’, not fuck it. That means they may fondle you, inside and out, but are not allowed to have coitus with you.

“They can however test your mouth with their cocks. After all, anyone willing to spend so much money for you should at least be assured that your mouth is a warm and pleasant receptacle for his sex organ, and that’s the least they should expect.

“About eighty members are staying at the Manor today. I would imagine every one of them would have you suck his cock. I would advise you to swallow every drop of their sperm, as their semen is the only nourishment you will get.

“By the way, if you resist or, God forbid, bite any of the Members, you will immediately become the star of a snuff film. Because we raised you, I’m certain you have no idea what a snuff film is, but the only thing you need to know is you will be killed in it.”

“The Society regularly has to deal with disobedient girls, and therefore regularly produces snuff videos,” observing the puzzled look on her defeated daughter’s face, Mother explains, “It’s simply one in which the star, which in this case would be you, is raped — That’s not the end of it — Then she’s beaten, humiliated, and slowly tortured until she dies. Producing snuff films is one of the specialties of the Thanatos Society and is a major source of its income. You are probably worth more to the Society, as a snuff film star than as a slave — so watch your behavior.

“Now aside from the cock-sucking and the odd finger probing you in your cunt or deep up your ass, the next twenty-four hours will probably be the best rest you are to get in a very long time. Once you are sold, your new owner can do anything he or she wants with you.

“He can keep you as a slave, have you tortured to death for entertainment, or torture you himself. The only thing he cannot do is let you go free. If you’re lucky you’ll end up like Oksana and Lara here, and believe me, these two are very lucky.

“Of the seven other girls initiated into the Society last year, two were tortured to death by their new owners one week after they were bought, four were dead within six months and the seventh one is still alive but wishes she weren’t. I can’t remember the exact details. Daddy, do you remember exactly what happened to her? I think her name was Cindy.”

“Cindy, Cindy, let me think,” Ivy’s father ponders, “Oh yes. I remember now. She was that little redheaded vixen that was brought here last summer when Ivy was at camp and we were here at the Manor. Oh yes, indeed do. Cindy was a cute little thing.

“She was barely five feet tall. She couldn’t have been more than twelve years old. Nice little tits though, with a cute ass and, just like you Ivy, hardly any cunt hair at all. Well anyhow, after she was fucked over by her parents a Kentucky horse breeder bought her.

“He was generous enough to let all seventy guests staying at the Manor at the time have a go at her before he took her home. That was one hell of a party. I seem to recall that this little girl, who had been a virgin the day before was at one point servicing five men simultaneously.”

“Oh yes, dear. I remember,” chimes in Ivy’s mother, “Cindy was laying back against the belly and chest of one man who had his dick up her ass while another man was fucking her cunt “missionary” style. A third and fourth were forcing her to give the jobs.

“They achieved this by pulling on the fishing lines that were attached by slide knots to each of her nipples. If she stopped stroking their cocks they simply pulled and the line would tighten around her nipple. It was an elegant arrangement, but not for Cindy.

“If I’m not mistaken, dear,” she continued, “You were the fifth man. As I recall, you had your cock buried down her throat.”

“I was indeed,” replies Daddy, “Do you remember what Cindy looked like when all seventy of us were finished with her? She was just a mass of cum and blood and bruises. Her ass, tits, and cunny were bleeding,” he reminisced fondly.

“Her cunt was bleeding a lot more than yours is now,” he says to Ivy.

He reaches out to dip his finger in the rivulet of blood drooling from her cunt. He smiles at her and places his finger into the mouth of Oksana who dutifully licks off his daughter’s blood.

“Anyhow, as I was saying,” he continued, “Little Cindy was a mess. Her lips were swollen so badly that when she opened her mouth it appeared to be closed, and she had a black eye, that was so bad it was swollen shut. She also could hardly walk.

“The next day she was shipped off to her Master’s stud farm. I understand that every day she must either fuck or suck off one or two of his stallions. You see, it was an experiment. Her owner thought that if Cindy got the horses off regularly, they would be easier to handle.

“As it turned out, she cannot be kept near the stallions, for the mere sight of her excites them. So her owner keeps her chained up in a stall with the mares. I guess his theory that stallions would be more manageable if a girl fucked and sucked them regularly has now been disproved.

“Needless to say, little Cindy’s cunt is rather large, badly stretched, and well-worn after taking on the horses for a year. Now her owner and his three sons only bum-fuck her. After her work with the stallions, she’s much too sloppy to squeeze the cock of a man with her cunt.”

“As it happens,” Father continues as he smiles at his suffering daughter, “Cindy’s owner is in the Manor today. You’ll probably meet him and get to suck his cock while you’re chained up in the lobby. He’s looking for a new slave to replace Cindy.

“You see, he doesn’t expect her to live much longer since she became the subject of his latest experiment. He wants to see how long Cindy can live on a diet consisting exclusively of horse semen. I’d guess not too long, Maybe he’ll buy you.”

Ivy almost swoons and is kept from collapsing by Oksana and her sister.

“By the way, dear. Do you have to go to the bathroom?” asks Mummy as if nothing had happened.

“Yes, I do,” Ivy whimpers as she recovers.

“Well just hold on until you are chained to the pillars upstairs,” Mother responds, “Lara and Oksana have both been trained as Toilet-Slaves. If you have to pee or dump a load of shit, just let loose. These two blondes will lick or eat it up as necessary, leaving the floor sparkling clean. Watch their technique carefully, Ivy, I’m sure you will certainly have to do the same before too long.”

With that, the mother indicates to the two Russians that Ivy is to be taken away.

“Well goodbye Ivy,” Mother says, as her stunned daughter is led out of the chamber, “It’s been a slice. Through the trials and tribulations of your future, remember to keep this thought in mind, your father and I never loved you. As far as we are concerned, you are just meat. We both wish you a short, horror, terror, and pain-filled life.


3 thoughts on “THE SECRET SOCIETY”

  1. One of my favorite stories. I love evil parents who put their own pleasure above the life or well being of a child.

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