Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The content of the story is not representative of the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. The author does not condone or promote any unlawful activity such as is depicted in the story. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character that they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Mick Carter


Published: 03.01.2024

Story Codes: Religious, Young, Underwear Fetish, Incest.

Synopsis: Father Pete meets Daisy and her two children — he’d heard many rumors about their inbred family

Father Pete Is Satanized 1

Father Pete’s church was a hundred-year-old building in the heart of the city. He was at the altar in the process of tidying away the trappings of the evensong communion he’d just held for his regular parishioners, drinking what remained of the communion wine and feeling very satisfied with the short service he had led.

The main door at the back of the church creaked open and Father Pete quickly downed what remained in the glass, gazing incredulously at the three figures that approached him down the central aisle.

A woman, a girl, and a boy. She was about twenty-six years old, with long, straight black hair, straggly and dirty-looking. The filthy once-white miniskirt she wore was short enough to reveal the “V” of her knickers. She had a bare belly and a skimpy, torn, equally stained, and filthy top showing large, dark teats and the stubs of her nipples through the fabric.

The girl, about thirteen, same hair, and the same state as her mothers. Also wearing a micro skirt showing the “V” of a pair of filthy-white knickers, bare belly, and little top with tits poking through. The boy, about fourteen, was naked except for a pair of short-shorts, the sort worn by boys in the sixties-seventies and these looked as if they had been worn since that time and never been washed. The three of them wore old, stained, and torn trainers on their feet.

The woman smiled at him, a flash of white in the dark surround of her face — Father Pete felt a stirring in his loins and just had time to whisper a prayer.

“Oh Lord, forgive me for my unholy thoughts,” to himself, as the threesome came to a halt in front of the altar table.

“Are you Father Pete?” the woman asked.

There was something about those eyes, they were wild and flickered as if possessed and that smile sent a surge of lust through his nether parts. He felt like he was melting.

“Yes, I’m Pete, you’re a little late for the service tonight, it’s over.”

The woman brushed by him, climbed the three steps to the altar table reached for the half-full jug of wine, lifted it, and drank deeply. Father Pete would have stopped her except that as she went up the steps his eyes and brain were fixed on the dirty scrap of her knickers, pulled into the cleft of an ass which was streaked with dirty fingermarks.

The girl and the boy skipped up the steps to join the harlot and she passed the boy the wine jug, he drank and passed it to the girl who lifted it to her lips and with her head tilted back, finished it off.

Father Pete knew he should have shouted, intervened, and taken the consecrated wine off of them but he couldn’t. His eyes were now transfixed on the crotch of the girl where a pair of greasy cotton knickers were slicked into an open, cameltoe cunt. The cleft itself was filthy indicating a host of fingers had been poking those knickers into the cunt of the girl.

The woman was grinning, the girl was smiling and so was the boy and Pete was staring where it was clear that a rather fat erection was present within the confines of the boy’s tight short-shorts.

“We came to see you, Father. I’m Daisy and these are two of my kids, Lisa and Sam. We have a — let’s call him a friend — who said he had heard that you had been in a bit of bother recently, Father? Something about women’s and children’s underwear disappearing from laundry baskets after you had done home visits?”

She paused and waited, staring intently.

So far, throughout the brief incident, Pete’s cock had been hardening and had been at full erection, on hearing her words his erection — and his cock — sank.

“A mistake … a misunderstanding …”

“Well, no matter. So what did we come here for, Father? It wasn’t the wine although that was good, we came here to see if you would help us. You see, we are part of a big family living out in the hills and we have no religion. We’d like you to visit on Friday and see if you can give us any advice on your Christianity. I think you will have heard the rumors about us?”

He had heard the rumors. They were the Golers, a family of inbreds living in squalor, and suspicions were rife in the city.

Pete had agreed and they had left. He was shaking and opened another bottle of wine and drank heavily. He was cursed by an addiction to alcohol and impure thoughts. He had grown from being a young priest to what he was now, an alcoholic wreck taunted and tainted, fighting his addictions in a battle of “Christ verses Evil”. He made up his mind he could not visit on Friday and finished the tidying.

He went to the main doors to close them and found a little pile of fabric. His heart was racing as he bent to pick up the pile and found the woman’s and the girl’s knickers, together with the boy’s underpants.

Five minutes later he was in the confessional, an almost empty bottle of wine was on the seat beside him. His was laid back, robes gathered up on his chest, revealing a fit, naked, hairy, lithe body with a raging cock. He started by smelling Lisa’s knickers, ripe with the girl’s cunt juices and what was more than just secretions, there was a lot of old semen here. Also, another vile stink he recognized from his youth cock-cheese.

He imagined where the crotch of them had been ten minutes ago, snucking deep into the girl’s cameltoe of a cunt. That’s as far as he got. His jizz spurted high into the air, some of it smearing his face, the rest falling in ropes over his hairy belly.

“Fuck you Jesus”, he whispered, the wine fuddling his mind, “Just fuck you. You never give me pleasure like this. I’m taking a night off from you on Friday. I’m going visiting, to find out what the rest of this unholy family are like …”


In chapter two, Father Pete visits the family, convincing himself he is going to convert them, but knowing he won’t have the strength to resist …

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