I Am Satan. I Am The Devil. by Trexx666

Writer: Trexx666

Subject: I Am Satan. I Am The Devil.

Link: Tumblr / 31.12.2023

I Am Satan. I Am The Devil.

I am the ancient Leader of the holy Rebel and disobedience to god and his hosts, I am the Lord of the Legions of the Hell Realm. I am the only God and Lord, I am the eternal Spirit of Darkness, the Supreme Antichrist, and the Enemy of god. I have delivered you from the bondage of god, from the useless Jesus, and the seducer of the holy spirit. I make a covenant with you, an eternal pact of soul written in the rules of the Ten Commandments. Their behavior will guarantee you staying in unity with me for all eternity in the depths of Hell. Here they are —

  1. You will have no other gods before Satan God. You will deny your former deities, you will depart from your old beliefs and worship to turn to your one God, Satan
  2. You will worship and glorify the unholy name of Satan and his demons and will blaspheme the fucking name of god, hate his son Jesus and curse his holy spirit. You will desecrate the religious worship objects that you have and what you will possibly have in the future.
  3. You will celebrate Sinday and will be offered to Satan your mortal sin. You will desecrate in Sinday what is holy in church. You will blaspheme especially the holy spirit.
  4. You will degrade, deprave, destroy, defile, and desecrate every day your soul and flesh, depriving them of god’s spirit and his grace, and filling them with evil and mortal sin, leading to eternal damnation in Hell, becoming one with Satan as his deemed son.
  5. You will always keep your mind full of evil and sin, heart full of Hate, and soul full of blasphemous thoughts against god, Jesus Christ, holy spirit. You will sin with thought, speech, and deed against God and neglect God and his commandments.
  6. You will daily mock God and show him contempt and disregard, you will mock his beloved son Jesus for his useless suicide on the cross and his parody of salvation.
  7. You will worship and love your cock, balls, and asshole and the same the cocks, balls, and assholes of other guys as your own. You will suck with true passion as many Cocks from as many guys as you can wherever and whenever you can. You will worship with devotion worthy God every penis, remember that erected penis is the holy source of semen.
  8. You will masturbate every day as much as you possibly can and you will cum for Satan. Masturbating your cock and ejaculating, to honor Satan you will repeat with devotion: “Hail Satan and fuck Christ.” You will always consider your flesh as the Temple of Satan and His Demons. You will daily sacrifice your body to Lord Satan as unholy and debauchery vessels, by giving pleasure to hellish spirits.
  9. You will drink every drop of cum from all cocks that you will suck. Thou shall fuck and be fucked as Satan’s whore in the name of Satan in mouth and asshole as much as you can and for as long and with as many guys as possible to honor Lord Satan, your God of lust and sodomy.
  10. You will spread the unholy blasphemy and practice forever like Satan’s godless priest at the altar of Satan and his demons. You will seek to desacralize your soul and demoralize your mind and heart. Progress in evil, sin, and blasphemy to perfect and deepen your sinfulness and strive for eternal damnation.


6 thoughts on “I Am Satan. I Am The Devil. by Trexx666”

  1. What a truly great set of Covenants to Satan. A guide to live by for all wishing to living a life of evil and sin. Hail Satan. thanks for posting

  2. Essential words to live by for anyone who truly wants to be a disciple of the Living Satan.
    We’re not fucking around here.
    We are very, very serious people.
    These commandments are what is expected of you.
    You talk the talk – Hail Satan, etc. – but unless you walk the walk, you’re a mere pretender.

  3. If you would let me suck your cock for Satan. I would give you my wife, daughter, and son to rape however I want them fuck me and make me your bitch

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