Ode To Sister ChristFuck by Ynotsatan

Writer: Ynotsatan

Subject: Ode To Sister ChristFuck

Link: Tumblr / 30.12.2023 / Sister ChristFuck Breaks The First Commandment

Ode To Sister ChristFuck

My Story: Where It All Began

It was a typical night just like any other; I was bored and horny.

So, I went surfing through porn sites looking for a little stimulation when I stumbled across one of her videos. The title was extremely profane, but out of curiosity, I clicked on it anyway thinking how bad could it possibly be. Well, to say the least, it was unlike anything I had ever seen.

As a Catholic, I was shocked and aghast at how she spewed her blasphemies and venom at my savior and messiah, yet somehow, I was surprised and alarmed at how incredibly aroused I was getting.

After an initial burst of heart-pounding excitement, a wave of fear and terror overtook me. Out of shame and guilt, I exited out after a minute or two. I called out to god to forgive me for this momentary lapse of control and judgment, and I vowed to myself that I would never go back to it.

However, I mentally fixated on that video for several days. I just couldn’t shake free of the mystical power it was having on me, and despite my best efforts and intentions, I couldn’t resist the temptation to go back and watch. It was an itch that had to be scratched.

Flushed with a tidal wave of heightened intensity and with a cock stiffer than I could ever remember, I fiercely stroked in delight as I mouthed the words along with her …

“fuck god, fuck the bastard Christ, fuck the whore Mary and fuck the motherfucking holy ghost.”

It was an out-of-body experience and I couldn’t believe it was me parroting these despicable atrocities. Perhaps it was out of some deep-seated resentment of my faith that I found myself perversely loving every second of it. And when it came time to blow my load I took out my crucifix and erupted a volcanic torrent of my molten lava onto the face of Christ. I never climaxed as hard as I did at that moment.

Alas, the euphoria came and went. I repented again and again and was in a state of depression for weeks. I prayed every night for god to give me the strength to combat the evil that was attacking my soul.

My abstention lasted a month before the urge struck again. I found more videos of her and I started using my bible as a Fleshlight and found a whore Mary statue and rosary beads to enhance the orgasmic experience. Out of my lips, I even uttered my first “Hail Satan”.

I went through this rinse-and-repeat cycle several times while questioning my faith at every turn. Even after all my prayers how could a caring and all-powerful god allow this to happen? And what about the holy spirit? Why was my soul not being protected and defended?

After much introspection, a light finally went on in my head. I’m not forsaking god, he is forsaking me! I realized then and there that he was worthless and weak and it was Satan who was mightier than the holy trinity of my baptism.

Events, circumstances, and other influences eventually led me to my current state, and I know that it was our Lord who was the guiding force behind this all. Nevertheless, I am forever grateful and indebted to her.

I sometimes wonder how many other lives were impacted and affected by her videos, and I wonder if she was even aware of how glorious her service was to our Father. Satanic blessings to you Sister Christfuck, wherever you may be.

2 thoughts on “Ode To Sister ChristFuck by Ynotsatan”

  1. She was a key influence on me cumming to Satan, one of the first, if not THE first, to start the corruption of my soul.

    Anyone know the circumstances of her earthly death?

    BTW, the rinse-and-repeat-until-final-surrender cycle is what many of us experience, including me. Very well put.

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