Feature Writer: PervofDox

Feature Title: HELL MATES 1

Published: 06.12.2023

Story Codes: Erotic Horror, Shemale Demon, NC, Sodomy

Synopsis: The slacker, the saint, and the big dick demon

Hell Mates 1

It was a warm Wednesday afternoon, basking in the cool air-conditioning, sprawled out on the couch without a care in the world. What more could, twenty-four-year-old Kelvin ask for on such a peaceful day? Well, besides a place of his own, so that he doesn’t have to act like he cares about the condition, of his twenty-two-year-old, “friend” Sara’s living room.

Being good friends and the occasional shoulder to cry on when things got hard. Sara didn’t even think twice when he needed a place to lay his head at for a bit. Little did she know the last four years had actually put Kelvin through the wringer. With dead-end jobs, failed attempts at schooling, and getting-rich-quick schemes. Kelvin found himself homeless relying on one of his last lifelines, Sara.

“You’re off today?” Sara asked with a bit of pep in her voice as she walked through the front door, taking off her work shoes.

“Huh? Oh yeah, they took me off the schedule for today you know how it is!” he retorted with a half-sleep tone raising himself into an upright position.

“Really? I’m sorry for asking then. I know they’ve been cutting your hours a lot lately, but I know they’ll see how hard you’ve been trying like I have,” she said sweetly as she sat beside him and ever so gently put her hand on his shoulder.

Without saying a word he placed his hand over hers as he looked away from her.

He could feel her lingering for a moment. Knowing already that she was sporting that damn bright smile everyone loved. It wasn’t long before she moved on to the kitchen to check the mail leaving Kelvin to reflect. As he laid back down a conflict of the mind seemed to plague him.

“Why does she do all this? What is it that she sees in me? It’s been like this for three months, how is she dealing with me?”

Just as quick as the thoughts came they left as he shot up right remembering that there were four more strips of bacon in the fridge. Bacon, pancakes, cereal, toast, and a bran muffin all the makings of a balanced breakfast in the early 2,000’s commercial filled his stomach. Just for him to retreat back to the living room leaving a full sink and taking a full belly. He was practically glued to the couch for the rest of the day.

Endlessly scrolling through social media with the television on as background noise at best. Making it much easier for him to drown out the sounds of Sara’s constant moving around him. Every nook and cranny of her apartment had an organizational system to it. Whether it was some form of “OCD” or just an attempt to keep order in her life she had been killing it. However, since Kelvin’s arrival, he’s had her running at double time cleaning behind him at every turn. Days like this she tends to enjoy more than others since he’s nested in one place out of the way.

Ten o’clock at night, roll around, as Sara washes the very last of the dishes. By the time she racked the last plate, she felt like she was just clocking out. Slowly she staggered out of the kitchen making her way through the living room to her room. Catching Kelvin’s attention in the process, he joyfully blurts out …

“Good night! I have breakfast for you in the morning. Three Sausage and Egg McMuffins with a well-done hash brown and McLatte right?”

“Of course just make sure three are in there when you get back,” she responded playfully with a weak smile on her face.

“It was one time you know that I was bulking up!” he said with a bit of a sour tone.

“Right! Good night to you too. Everything is going to be alright, just keep your head up for me,” she said followed by a soft giggle as she walked into her room.

While headed to the bathroom to make a much-needed leak, he once again finds himself lost in thought. He is nowhere near as oblivious as he lets on. The stress from her job was already eating away at her slowly. Now with him in the mix making things harder at home it was running her ragged. Looking in the mirror, all he sees is a shell of the person she first met.

A little beer belly poking its way through, the fat covering the arm and leg muscles he used to be so proud of, and don’t even get him started on the jelly ass he’s acquired from just sitting on it with his spare time. He sees the man who could’ve properly helped her as gone. Now all that’s left is this shell that is trying to show her firsthand the same way everyone in his life before showed him.

“That the only person you can truly trust is yourself!”

Little did he know that night that it was he who would be learning a lesson the hard way.

A shaky hand hesitates to cut off the television. Aka the only source of light illuminating the living room. Darkness doesn’t sound like a problem to a good many people who would still take the time to tolerate him. That thought would change if they took the time to hear the full story.

The first two weeks he had gotten some of the most immaculate sleep he had in a long while. Sara’s positive energy felt like it flowed through every room in her apartment even after she left. Yet one night as Kelvin started getting ready for bed, Sara rushed through the door looking utterly exhausted. With a quick good night, she made her way to her room and he shut his eyes for another good night’s sleep.

Almost immediately an uncomfortable shiver crept up his spine. It was as if someone were in the room with him just watching. Part of him wanted to look around and prove that he was being ridiculous, but he had seen way too many horror movies to want to test that theory. Cautiously he forced his body to sleep praying that he was just imagining this. The morning after he awoke as if nothing had happened and not wanting to worry Sara he didn’t mention any of it to her. This however was just the beginning.

Each night the feeling seemed to return stronger than the last. It had evolved from a simple watching feeling to a presence that was getting closer. The aura of this thing felt like raw malice that seemed to weigh down on his chest. For the last month he’s been here it felt as though it’s been directly behind him.

Every instinct he had told him to run but this living situation was way too ideal to be ruined by a dumb-ass superstition. Nightly he endured this with a couple of deep breaths, cocooning himself in two thick blankets, and he had even taken to praying like he used to as a child. This night would be no different as he had finished his nightly ritual and all that was left was to press the button.

In an instant, everything goes black as he tries to get comfortable lying on his stomach. Even breaths were the only thing keeping his mind afloat. Little by little he could feel himself start to drift off to sleep. That was until an all too familiar feeling ran down his spine. However, this time it was accompanied by an unusual weight on his back. Slowly it crept its way down his lower back and up towards his shoulders.

To his utter horror that’s when he felt a sharp pain like claws coming down his forearms. Attempting to wriggle away and shout, Kelvin quickly found one of the clawed hands gripping his right shoulder. While the other found its way over his mouth. He didn’t even need to see to feel that its size dwarfed his by a long shot. Easily being able to identify two large breasts on his upper back and her whole weight was able to keep him completely pinned to the couch.

“Shh … Shh … Shhh … We have to talk, and I can’t have you waking my sweet girl, now can I?”

A distorted yet slightly feminine voice said into his ear. Hoping beyond hope that this is just some sort of very vivid nightmare about an ex-fling of his. He closed his eyes trying to wake himself up with a quickness. However the mind may have been in denial, but the body knew better.

This whole time he had not stopped trying to escape with all his might. Or that was until he felt something begin to move on his back. Eyes wide open he brings his whole body to a halt. Although the feeling may have been foreign, there was no mistaking what was slowly beginning to harden on his back. Straining to see out of the corner of his eyes, Kelvin was met with the sight of two fiery red orbs beaming looking back at him.

“Ah, so you do have common sense. Guess you just needed the right incentive. If you wouldn’t antagonize him anymore. My friend and I would’ve had to just claim our prize early. Luckily for you, I’m in a generous mood tonight. You have guts I’ll give you that. Even though you look about ready to spill them all over the floor. I’ve encountered grown men who’ve felt my presence and run for the hills immediately. Unfortunately, whether you are incredibly brave or stupid you have to pay for not heeding my warning.”

The being whispered into his ear with an air of excitement in its voice.

As it leans in to nibble on his left ear, it begins to slowly grind itself into its helpless victim. The extra appendage that truly caused worry began to make itself known. Running a clawed hand from his shoulder down his back.

The creature quietly moans out.

“Oh, Hell yes! As much as I’ve seen you sit on it. You wouldn’t mind me getting a feel for myself would you?”

Muffled pleas were all that could be mustered at the moment. They didn’t stop it from tearing off his underwear. After a little bit of adjusting Kelvin’s biggest fear of all this had been realized. What was currently resting between his fluffy ass cheeks and grazing his virgin brown eye, was unmistakably a ridiculously large penis.

Long enough to go halfway up his back. He could feel the drops of precum decorating his back like he no longer owned it. With both hands free he immediately tried to pry the hand of his mouth, yet all that seemed to result in was exciting the creature even more.

“That’s it! I may save this hole for later, but I have to feel this ass for myself.”

Slowly the grinding turned into strokes through his jello-ass-pillows. Each one filled him with dread at the thought of having to take the whole thing inside of him. For the first couple of minutes, he fought for his already-taken pride. After what felt like an hour, not a single digit moved and the thing was thrusting at an even more rapid pace. Multiple times Kelvin tried hiding his face not wanting to accept the same, but each time the creature pulled his head back up with a devious giggle.

Slight twitches came from the monster of a meat stick causing ripples through his sore cheeks. Followed by ever-growing moans escaping the creature’s ears.

“Ah, knew it! I knew you’d be worth the time I spent watching and waiting. I haven’t had a chance to sample a human like this in a long time. Can’t resist myself at this. Ah, yes! Point. Gonna give you a little taste of what’s to come with your real punishment.”

Teeth digging deep enough to draw blood, its gentle approach had completely disappeared. With the poor man’s starfish turned raw from the friction, all he could do at this point was hope he knew what was coming next. It grabbed the top of his head and his neck with both arms. Its cum sprayed the young man’s back like a water hose. The last remaining thrust felt agonizing as he could feel both he, the blankets, and the couch get drenched in the thick goo. The air supply is being restricted a little more with each grunt.

The creature, although lost in its bliss, bites down on its lip to keep from shouting out loud. Two light splashes on the ground and a couple more finishing strokes later. Kelvin slowly drifts into unconsciousness and wants so badly for all this to end. That’s when he is met with a hard slam back onto the couch. This time leaving him pinned with his head down and his ass tooted up.

“Like I said, that wasn’t your real punishment. To make me cum without even having me inside you! That just means that I like you. Having you properly marked as mine too definitely doesn’t hurt either. Now buckle up you’re gonna be in for a ri —”

It tried to say as it was interrupted by a bright light. With a screech, the creature retreated into the darkness. The first time Kelvin had been pinned facing the couch. When it pinned his head down the second time he had been facing the television, slowly reaching for his phone as it spoke. He wasn’t sure whether or not the light would do anything, but he found his answer. With a trembling breath, he put his phone on the strobe. His first thought was to get the fuck out of there as fast as possible. He knew it wouldn’t make it that easy.

Falling to the ground, he almost vomited at the puddle of cum preventing him from bolting out the room. Still attempting to make his escape, he slid down the hallway to Sara’s room was his best bet. It had not hurt her in all this time. Even sounded a bit protective, so if anyone could help him it was her.

“Sara! Sara! Wake up, please! wa-” he shouted heading toward her door until noticed the slight blue glow surrounding the door frame wasn’t coming from the inside, “I thought we’d have a little more time before the grand reveal. Oh well, it can’t be helped! You humans nowadays are some damn impatient for no reason!”

Its voice bellowed followed by two claps.

Blue lights decorating Sara’s hallway walls like Christmas lights slowly start to turn themselves on. Each row left an elaborate design that he could take days to follow. It wasn’t long before he saw what it meant by the grand reveal. The creature stood in the middle of the hallway staring down at Kelvin sporting a devilish grin full of spiked red teeth.

Although it blended in with the darkness well, only the blotched spots going up its body were black while the rest of its body took on the same color as the lights around it. Six-foot-two inches without a drop of fat in sight. The lean muscle seemed ready to tear through its skin at any moment. 38DD perky than a white girl trying to recruit pledges on Spirit Week. Among all of that none of it compared to coming face to face with his new friend from the living. A dick as thick as the four Loko cans he leaves everywhere and dangling a little past its knee was borderline staring him in the face with it.

With a deliberately slow first step, the moment its sole touched the ground. They went out placing him once again in almost complete darkness. That’s all he needed to see to make him turn back to continue banging and shouting on Sara’s door. The footsteps got closer as he kept on with all his might. Illuminated by every color in the rainbow he only stopped when the footsteps did and everything was pitch black. He didn’t have to check as he recognized the feeling of her cock pressing on his back, with her breath on the back of his neck. With a final stomp yellow lights shone as he refused to turn away from the door.

“Sara could never hear me, right? At the couch, you went out of your way to make it seem like you had to keep quiet.”

“Nope, not a peep! You might be used to the rustle and bustle life brings but I gotta make sure my sweetie gets some proper sleep.”

“Why?! What did you gain?!” Kelvin shouted now looking down to the floor with tears in his eyes.

The creature pressed itself forward, pinning him up against the door. Once again the man is helpless as the creature parks its shaft between his cheeks. Admiring the work it had already done earlier, but also dipping again thinking about what’s to cum.

“Your hope. That’s all. To see it die because I know you’d cling to it for dear life. It is humans like you who believe they are doing right or have a noble cause during their wrongdoings. It excites me! It’s like a drug that attracts me to you! However, I have a job to do, so sorry if earlier caused any misunderstandings.

“I give myself one golden rule. I only take out these urges on those like you who insert themselves into her life. Literally, since the first day you came, my instincts said devour you. However, I gave you ample opportunity to leave and you chose not to. Unfortunately, actions have consequences and yours my little toy is dire!”

Kelvin sobbed as the reality truly set in for him. Slowly the creature leaned toward his ear and licked a little of the dried blood off before nibbling at it again.

“I know. I know. It feels unfair and everything seems like it’s the worst. Save those tears for when the real fun begins!”

It whispered through its fangs as it swiftly threw him over its shoulder. His struggles once again are in vain, he attempts one final time to reach out and shout for Sara as he knows that the fate that awaits him is one he wouldn’t wish on his worst enemy.

Flashing lights, heavy footsteps, and his sobs overstimulate Kelvin while being carried back into the living room. Thoughts racing on the impending “Punishment” that this demon has in store for him. Suddenly it flung him across the room like a bag of clothes. The landing was rough, to say the least. The raspy breathing that came afterward let off a few flares in his head.

“Now you get yourself comfortable and take a load off. I know I sure will,” it said sounding as though its voice was surrounding him.

His eyes shut tight, while gripping his chest, not certain where exactly the pain was coming from. Kelvin slowly opened his eyes to see the lights had taken a solid red color, dying everything in the living room. Even worse, it was just standing in the doorway of the hall. Eyes burning red meeting his own.

Once again his instincts were on fire screaming for him to move. He had noticed that the cum from earlier was nowhere to be found. Mind racing at what to do with no obstruction he was sure he’d be able to make it to the door. Right as his foot found the strength to move an inch, he realized he was in the air with its hand wrapped around his throat. Grinning from ear to ear with the giddiest expression simply said …

“Hehehe! I love it! Even with fresh tears in your eyes, you still try to find the strength to glare at me.”

“I do — I still don’t understand completely. Please! Just give me a reason to make it right. Trust m—” was all he could get out before something launched into his mouth.

Wiggling in his mouth with purpose and determination. To his absolute horror, he could not only feel the worm-like appendage going deep, but it was coming out of its mouth. With both hands, he tried pulling it out, but the slime coming off of it made it impossible to grip.

Taking one of his slippery hands off the tongue, and placing it on the thing’s chest, he attempted to push it back. It seemed to only amuse it as it made an obstructed giggle just before effortlessly slapping his hand away and pulling his body in closer. His legs and arms swayed frantically in the air as its arms trapped him.

“Hurkkk akkhkhkh!” is the only sound he could get out before their lips met.

This might have been an enjoyable experience if not for the tongue making its way to his stomach. Slowly it began thrusting; he could feel its member slowly grow as it momentarily collided with his own, while the tongue began bulging his throat. Kelvin slowly begins to lose the will to fight as the thing begins to dominate him.

Its rough hand rubbing down his back sent uncomfortable chills down his spine. The other hand aggressively ran through his unkempt bedhead. The thing turned to sit on the couch. Never releasing Kelvin in the process forcing him to straddle it. Not once letting up on the thorough throat scrubbing she was giving him.

Gripping the back of his head it slowly pulled its tongue from his mouth. Nearly convulsing every agonizing second it treated his uvula as a punching bag. As the last agonizing inch left he retched with everything he had nearly thrown up on the side of its leg.

“Damn, you learned to breathe through your nose a lot faster than I thought you would. Honestly, I thought It’d be hours before you learned, but to be fair with a throat as tight as yours that may still be true. Oh but how rude of me I interrupted your lies. Please do go on, it’s kinda doing it for me,” she said still holding the helpless man on her lap.

It took him a moment to come back from his coughing spell. Up close eye contact felt like pure torture as a genuine heat seemed to radiate off it. Combined with the skin like black leather and those damn teeth.

Yet he kept it together enough to respond, “I’m — I’m not lying — I’m not lying. Please, I swear, whatever I’ve done to deserve this, I’ll do anything to make it right. If you want me out of here, consider me gone! Right hand to go—”

“Don’t test my patience by uttering that bastard’s name in front of me! I will say though you have piqued my interest. Be grateful for once in a long career of this I’ll so you mercy on two conditions. Unfortunately for you, my scared, fragile, and oh-so-succulent doll the time for fleeing is already gone. I needed you out before you made a big impact on Sara’s life. However, as we both know that is no longer the case. The first condition — you will stay until Sara gets her smile back.”

Kelvin almost asked if she was joking but then he felt a sharp pain on the back of his head. It was only right then that he had noticed that the grip on his head had tightened. The pain grew as what he could only guess was its claw digging into the back of his head. Without a second thought, he shouted yes multiple times. At that point, he would’ve done anything if the pain would just stop. It had done just that as he opened his eyes to the thing lathering its index finger. Watching as it made its way to his sore cheeks, giving his starfish a poke.

“What’s the second condition?” he stuttered out as her hand gripped one of his cheeks.

“Anytime I’ve felt that you’ve broken the first condition by trying to leave or displeasing Sara you’ll have to experience punishment to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Tonight will be your first little taste of what’s to cum. Do we have a deal?”

It licked its lips after saying that.

Of course, he wants to say no. Of course, he wants to shout for help. Of course, he never wants to risk being used again! Yet in the face of a monster like this, what choice does he have? With much reluctance, he nodded his head in defeat.

“As much as I want to say, you made the right choice. I would never lie to you. By the way, my mercy is me sparing that asshole. That throat however is fair game!”

As it had shown already it isn’t afraid to hurt him to get its way. The last thing he wanted to do was anger it. Slowly he Climbed off its lap making sure not to make any sudden movements. Hesitantly he dropped to his knees with his eyes planted to the ground. It wasn’t a long wait as the raw heat coming from that monster radiated on his scalp.

Looking up he was met with the sight of two engorged tennis balls looking ready to burst. For a moment he wasn’t sure if he was intimidated or amazed. Either way, his trance was broken as he heard a cough and locked eyes with it telling him with an annoyed face.

“Go ahead and give it a taste. You don’t want me to do it for you!”

“Just like they do to me! Just like they do to me!” he told himself.

He dived in its nut-sack with reckless abandon. First mistake thinking that if he did fast he’d be able to endure the smell. Months of unwashed ball-sack don’t disappear that easily. A mistake he is paying for as the taste and smell violate his taste buds. Wanting to end this quickly he threw his pride away by doubling his efforts by suckling up and down on the left nut while squeezing on the right.

Time seemed to move slowly as his slurping sounds filled the air alongside the warped moans. He’d never forget or forgive this creature for having to taste or smell something so foul. Although he was not enjoying the scent, it seemed to be making him a bit dizzy, but he kept his composure. It was long before he was broken out of his haze by a tight grip pulling him up by his hair.

“I see what you’re doing. But trust me I’m going to bust until I get into that throat!” she said with a look of pure determination on her face.

Once he came back to his senses tears welled back up into his eyes. Just as his mouth opened for one last desperate cry, its dick was already trying to hit the back of his throat. It grabbed his head with one hand effectively locking him in place. Way thicker than the tongue, its cock would need a little finesse to fit in. Ever so slowly it pulled out of Kelvin’s mouth till only the tip rested on his tongue.

“Oh, I almost forgot! I never introduced myself, My name has been lost to time due to the power that it holds in your world. I’ve borrowed the name Ali for a couple of decades. Nice to meet you,” she grunts as she shoves two-thirds of her cock down and continues feeding him the rest.

Finally what she had been waiting for. The feeling of her ride worked its way through his throat. Feeling the vibrations as he alternates between breathing and panic. His nose pressed completely against her crotch, was a sight that she would immortalize in her mind.

“I know it’s your first time but, this is a punishment after all.”

Grabbing with both hands she gave him one hard thrust after another. With a steady pace going Kelvin’s face had begun to turn red and his eyes trailed with tears. With the stamina of a horse, she kept with her constant hammering at his throat till his feeble screams died out.

“Yesss … Uh … Yesss. That’s fucking it! Hurt my fucking Sara! Make her into your maid! Think she’s just your bitch huh? No, now you’re my bitch and I’ll show you how to serve!”

Rougher and rougher her pounding got until he was sure she didn’t even realize what she was fucking anymore. His throat had long gone numb. He couldn’t make a noise, even about her nails that had started digging into his scalp.

His energy was almost completely gone, he could feel himself slipping into that strange haze again. In one last ditch effort, he used both his hands to once again try to squeeze her nuts with everything he had left. He saw the look of raw ecstasy on her face and realized he had won.

With an iron-tight grip on his head, she came down his throat with the strength of a hose. She was making sure to leave every drop in his stomach as she kept humping for two minutes straight. With a final sigh of relief, Ali had to yank herself out of his still tight throat. Allowing his body to drop to the ground on his side dribbling cum as he hardly has the energy to swallow. Kelvin could feel her presence as she leaned over him.

“I can already tell we are going to be getting well acquainted, My little toy!”

These words echoed through his head loud enough to be flooded with thoughts of the two of them. So vivid it feels as though he’s watching clips of a life he’s already lived. His throat getting taken like that over and over again. Trying to run and hide, but ultimately being snatched just to endure worse than the last time.

The last image he saw as the darkness engulfed him was her dragging him by the ankle from underneath a bed. Before he knows it she’s already torn his pants off and pinned his head to the ground. The only thing he feels other than the carpet burn he’s giving himself trying to flee. Is the tip of her mushroom head poking at his starfish? she remarked.

“Gonna fit nice and snug in here!”

With a shout that filled the courtyard outside Kelvin shot up in a cold sweat.

“Oh, my lord! What’s happening?!” Sara yelled as she ran from her room to the living room doorway.

“I—It was nothing. Just congestion I guess felt like I was fighting for a breath in my sleep.”

“Oh no! Then go ahead and just take the time to rest for the day. I’m unfortunately gonna have to start heading to work soon, but if you start feeling bad go ahead and just call me,” Sara said as she slipped her sleeve on her jacket.

Kelvin watched carefully as she stepped out the door giving a big smile before going. As soon as the coast was clear he ran to the bathroom swiftly. There’s no way he could’ve had an encounter like last night with some sort of mark. Face clearer than he had even remembered it. The scalp doesn’t seem to be bleeding or even irritated. Hell if a dick that big had been in his throat he shouldn’t be able to form a clear sentence. Taking a deep breath he decides to take a shower to help get his mind in the right headspace.

“Real or not I’m getting a crazy vibe here anyway. It’s probably better that I just cut my losses and leave already. We had a good run here, right? She got to have a roommate experience. Got to brush up on her wifey skills, Hell, I’ve borderline been a whole companion wrapped up into one. At this point I think it’s safe to say we can cut our losses and go on about our lives,” he said just thinking aloud as he reached for the shampoo bottle

“I overestimated you. I honestly thought you’d at least have a good twenty-four hours under your belt before trying to escape me. Such a shame but this is where mercy gets us right?” Ali asked while leaning down on his shoulder.

In that moment she slammed him into the wall of full force pressing her full body weight against his back. Just as a pained groan left his lips, Ali placed her index finger in after it.

“Suck it. Now!” she commanded as she thrust forward.

The same pole that violated his throat the night before was trying to explore another one of his holes. Without an ounce of hesitation, she aimed, getting a straight shot at his brown eye. With the second stroke, he wouldn’t budge, only making a muffled yep. With the third, she kept him firmly in place slowly applying more pressure as he attempted to struggle fruitlessly,

Kelvin clenched like his life depended on it. Knowing that as strong as she was, his pucker muscles were his last line of defense. He had forgotten her words a couple of hours before. The hope that he is so desperately holding onto hoping that she will give up and let him go, is what she’s thriving on.

In truth, her pole wasn’t just trying to force its way through. But it was pulsating at the sight of him trying so hard to keep her out. Finally, the sound that he never wanted to hear, a sickening pop that echoed off the shower walls.

He screamed a mighty scream biting down on her finger as his struggles increased. Licking her lips she revealed in that moment what they were both thinking.

“This is only the head!”

They both froze as they heard a noise that sounded like keys jingling in the living room. In the moment she was distracted the still-impaled Kelvin swung his arms at the wall pounding for dear life. Ali simply leaned in whispering words he couldn’t understand into his ear. In a flash, the whole bathroom was illuminated with a similar blue glow.

“No! Not this please!” he thought in a panic.

Desperately he shouted for Sara at the top of his lungs. That’s when he made the chilling discovery, his voice was gone. As if silenced no matter how hard he tried to make a sound. Fearfully he turned to see the wicked smile on her face as he knew what his next move would be. Dealing with no more setbacks she gave him one mighty trust and sheathed her entire cock inside his snuggle little ass. Silent screams of pain decorated his face as she grabbed both his wrists like reigns.

“Kelvin? Are you alright? I forgot my wallet and when I came back I thought I heard a loud bump,” Sara said worry in every word.

Ali pointed him toward the door as he continued to attempt to call out for help. The chuckling from behind his head startled him since it eerily sounded familiar. That’s when she opened her mouth and responded with Kelvin’s voice.

“It’s just my stomach probably feels better when I get out. I’m feeling a bit better already. I’ll have the house all clean by the time you get back today.”

“Okay, don’t push yourself! Take breaks if you need to, like I said I’m just a phone call away,” she said followed by the door closing in a hurry.

Ali had slowed down her pace a bit during their back and forth, but the moment she heard that door it immediately picked back up. Sixteen inches of steel-hard cock mercilessly claiming his asshole for her own. Grunting in his ear still using his voice hurt worse than his currently bruised testicles getting crushed underneath hers.

“Get it now? None of what I said last night was a joke or a dream! I can see your every move. If you try to leave, harm, threaten, or even make Sara sad I will be here turning you inside out. I cannot be hurt and I can heal anything that I give you. So before anyone can see what I’m doing you’ll feel good as new. So I ask you one last time. Do we have a deal?!” she asked while gripping his chin and forcing his head between her breasts.

Pain stricken he simply nodded mouthing out yes on his lips. Weakly he felt his voice come back along with something else. Her dick began to massage his prostate, sending volts of confused pleasure through his spine. He hated this and her for making him do it, but this burning going through his body is unbelievable.

It didn’t take long until one powerful thrust made Kelvin’s dicklet spray all over the shower wall. Blinded by the aftermath Kelvin basked in the pleasure thinking that it was over. Just then his face was pressed forward into his fresh cum followed by a stern.

“I didn’t give you permission to cum before me bitch, now lick it up because we’re gonna be at this for a while!”

Without a second thought, he started softly licking it off the wall as Ali’s pounding started all over again more brutal than the last time. Kelvin’s cheeks clapped louder than a round of applause.

Drowning out his sobs, as he licked. He didn’t know when this torment would stop. From what he could feel deep in his guts she was nowhere near close. What he did know was that he would give anything to make this stop. If treating Sara as good as gold was his ticket to not getting ass-blasted anymore then he considered it as good as done.


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