Sacred Dance by Lucy Az

Writer: Lucy Az

Subject: Sacred Dance

Link: MEWE / 06.12.2023

Sacred Dance

There is a sacred dance the high priestess does on the eve of the full moon. A dance that reveals her true form. On the eve prior, she will sexually bond with Lilith and surrender her flesh avatar unto the dark goddess in full possession. When she dances on the Lunar eve, she rouses her entire bloodline before her thru her insatiable pheromones.

Her many wives strewn about around her as she periodically mounts their faces to feed them her divine cunt. Her Lycans encircling her sacred space-pumping out, Lycan seed, from their heavy sacks in a ritualistic bukake to honor their queen. Bloodline elders orchestrate a bloodline group fuck. Ensuring every whore is filled. And every sac is discharged.

In this context — the “Whore of Babylon” is greatly pleased. Blessing her bloodline in a demonic roar as she rubs her cunny on her wives. Such is the way of Az. Queen of Lust.

3 thoughts on “Sacred Dance by Lucy Az”

  1. I am an expert in magic, I know the keys of Solomon and I have used them. Specifically I used the Lesser key of Solomon, obviously I don’t say the name of the author or the edition. It is Sacred magic and it’s difficult use it… with this system you command the demon and protect yourself with the sacred names of god. I know the demon Buer, and he told me that Lilith has nothing to do with what you are talking about. He told me that she is not the mother of demons and there is no respect between Samael or Lucifer and Lilith. Az doesn’t exist, she’s not an emanation of her and she doesn’t make people have orgies as I read here. She is not a prostitute.Luckily today Solomonic magic is in great development because here I only see porn images, blasphemy and pregnant women with incitements to abortion. Hallucinating. I think you are full of fake comments. I didn’t think such a site could exist. It’s not even eroticism, it’s just bad taste.I found you by accident and I will never come back here

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