Make Me A Whore For Satan by graysghost666-2

Writer: graysghost666-2

Subject: Make Me A Whore For Satan

Link: Tumblr 23.10.2023

Make Me A Whore For Satan


I can’t believe we actually just snuck out of church, during my father’s sermon, so you can take my virginity in my parents’ bed! I am so excited for you to cum on my cross necklace given to me by my father, not realizing that I now worship Satan!

This girl very much resembles the preacher’s daughter who took my virginity while in Bible college. She didn’t realize it at the time but she was instrumental in my separation from God and leaving Bible college because she kept my cock in her hand, mouth, and holes so much that I could not hear the holy joke (spirit) as well over the sounds of Satan beginning to call me through Lust and my cock.

It was just a rebellious phase for her and she is still a good little Christian with her husband and her working in the church and Christian school. But I will always be grateful to her for the part she played in my early first steps away from god and towards The Dark Lord.

2 thoughts on “Make Me A Whore For Satan by graysghost666-2”

    1. Chris , go to dogging sites or meet strangers in men’s toilets , serve them , let them use and abuse you . Then write it all down here , on LS666

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