Satan Is For You by Satanisthebest

Writer: Satanisthebest

Subject: Satan Is For You

Link: Tumblr / 21.08.2023

Satan Is For You

When you were born, He was already there. The very first time you looked for boys, He was there and the first time you had sex with a man, He was there. And yes, now you are here on tumblr surfing around our satanic blogs and what can I tell you? Satan is already there too. And now He is reaching out to you and saying — “Come my Son, come very close to me. I am for you and not against you. And I want to reveal my dark secrets to you.”  — Are you finally ready? Then consecrate your life to Him. Christians and Jews have over six hundred laws and commandments to obey. With Satan they are only: live, love, enjoy and be happy. Everything is allowed as long as you are well — simple and easy, isn’t it? 

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