Perversion Is Beautiful by RevJudas – Non-Fiction

Writer: RevJudas

Subject: Perversion Is Beautiful

Link: Tumblr / 21.08.2023 / Jessica Kumz

About Jessica Kumz: I’m here to make you lust and sin — three years ago I renounced my Christianity and became a satanist and I found sissy hypnoporn that led me to gooning — that led me to study satanism. I’ve never been happier more free and more content. Sin is a pleasure and it should be enjoyed. They tell you, lust is wrong, sexuality and immorality is wrong. Drinking is wrong. Drugs are wrong. But if it makes you feel good, you should definitely enjoy it. So I am here to spread the wonderful world of perversion, sex, lust, and freedom.

Perversion Is Beautiful

The more perverse we can get the greater honor it gives our Lord Satan. This is because;

  1. It lets Him know that we are no longer tied to our old ways of Western religious thinking.
  2. It shows him we have accepted his lust into our hearts.
  3. It displays desires for pleasure. Which is what Satanic enlightenment is about.
  4. It helps us cum harder all the time.

To enhance each and every cum, think of the most sinful, vile, perverted, immoral, disgusting thing that you can and it will guarantee you a great cum. Thank Satan for the pleasures he has blessed us with.

3 thoughts on “Perversion Is Beautiful by RevJudas – Non-Fiction”

  1. Indeed, it is Sin that multiplies the Pleasure of the sexual act – the knowledge that we are consciously defying the orthodox christian moral code fills me with gratification and joy. Our Lord Satan is the author and Prince of Sin. Adore Him.

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