Reject. Renounce. Deny. 

Writer: grimmmnighttidesatanworshipper

Subject: Reject. Renounce. Deny.

Link: Tumblr / 20.08.2023

Reject. Renounce. Deny.

I reject, renounce, and deny the fucking Jehovah! I eject, renounce, and deny Jesus Fucking Christ! And I reject, renounce, and deny the Holy fucking Spirit!

I love Satan! Satan is my God! Satan is my Father! Satan is my Savior! Satan sustains me. Satan gives me life. Satan fulfills me! Satan fills my mind. Satan fills my body. Satan fills my heart, and Satan fills my soul!

Ave dominus deus Satanas!

4 thoughts on “Reject. Renounce. Deny. ”

  1. Hail grimmmnighttidesatanworshipper!

    Fucking beautifully said!

    Hail God Satan!

  2. Thank you for the short, but wonderful blog post. Satan means everything to me, while the “Holy Trinity” means absolutely nothing to me at all. It gives me such delight to say “Hail Satan! Fuck God! Fuck Jesus Christ! And Fuck the Holy Spirit!”.

  3. Father Satan by your name and power I deny the xtian god, I deny the fucking jebus idiot and the fucking holy.spirit! Stay the fuck away from me!
    I desire all things that are sensuous and wicked. Pleasures of the flesh. I desire things that pull men away from their Christian God and to their father, Satan. I desire corruption of souls damming them into hell. I desire possession of demons I desire chaos. i desire the will of my sweet Lord Satan!!
    I admire writers who are willing to share their denial of the xtian trinity. I wanted to do the same. Thanks for your inspiration!

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