The Cost Of Magick by Hoku Lani – Non-Fiction

Writer: Hoku Lani

Subject: The Cost Of Magick

Link: Tumblr / 08.08.2023

The Cost Of Magick

Regardless of what you believe, whether there was a moment all was created or humanity was the result of evolution, there was a beginning. The exact origin of existence is something that continues to remain a mystery. Many say it began with a single spark of life.

This spark of life could have been from a powerful force, a Divine source such as The Creator Lilith, or from a chance combination of elements. Whatever it may have been, that is the moment that sparked all other moments. No matter what you believe, we are all connected by this common history.


The first users of Magick channeled energy from the earth and the universe and found they could alter reality and the flow of energy. Magick has always come from within, and it always will. Those first practitioners used what they could find in nature, like herbal remedies and plants, to manipulate the energy around them and create powerful Magick.

In fact, the first Magick practitioners quickly discovered they were so in tune with nature that they could read the vibrations of the earth and the sky, and they drew upon these forces to create Magick. They were able to connect to the power of their own inner self and relied upon their intuition and connection to the forces of nature to create powerful Magick.

Through these techniques, the first magick practitioners often used no more tools than the power of their own minds to create powerful shifts in reality. They could use their raw energy to create and manifest the desired changes they wanted to see, without the need for any objects or ingredients provided by nature. This is proof that magick really does come from within, and it still does today.


This I believe lead to the discovery of Sex Magick, It was a perfect way to manifest their desires. It draws upon the power of our most primal desires and connects us to a deeper level of physical, emotional, and spiritual energy. This ancient practice has been refined and practiced for thousands of years by cultures all around the world and is considered to be one of the most powerful tools for manifesting goals and desires.

Through its rituals and spells, practitioners can tap into the unlimited potential of the universe and connect it to their will, providing them with a direct path to achieve their goals. Additionally, Sex Magick can be used to deepen intimate connections with others, for pleasure, for healing, and for a variety of other reasons. In Sex Magick, sexual energy is a powerful tool that can be used for a variety of purposes, from manifesting something to healing someone.

Through its ritualized structure, practitioners can direct and shape their vital energies, allowing them to focus on their end goal and manifest it more quickly and efficiently. It also has the ability to help open portals to other realms and dimensions, allowing practitioners to access knowledge and power that would otherwise be inaccessible. As a result, Sex Magick can be an incredibly powerful and transformative tool, allowing practitioners to make use of their will and energy to create the life they desire.


You need nothing more than your own will and determination to practice Magick. This is what the Abrahamic god wants to hide from you, as we each are Gods and Goddesses.

1 thought on “The Cost Of Magick by Hoku Lani – Non-Fiction”

  1. Almost literally how my own focus was reset in my own life so far. For me it proved an inspiring idea that the magick initially is based in our selves, in our own mindset. Be it how we consider ourselves and our potential crafts, or how our sex drive can be altered into a more elaborate force to improve what most of us crave for: lust and fulfilment. Thus becoming your own god or goddess.
    Since this realization is the ultimate sin in the eye of almost every religion who claim themselves ‘enlighted’, I prefer myself to have become DARK instead and it really gave me powers and insights beyond my own expectations when I started my ‘endarkment’.

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