Food For Thought by Lilith Elder – Non-Fiction

Writer: Lilith Elder

Subject: Food For Thought

Link: MEWE / 18.07.2023 / The Left Hand Path. Self Empowerment

Food For Thought

From an article about who the Dark Lord/Lilith is.

I consider the Dark Lord as the personification of the Lord of the Universe, the comprehended God. By that I mean that even those who don’t want to believe in Him comprehend there being someone “out there” and we always have.

Every religion throughout history has engaged with the divine under many names and because it is hard for us to grasp one being “doing it all” we have engaged minions, other gods or semi-gods (angels and demons?) to flesh out our understanding and the divine sees this for what it is.

We have the freedom to see him (or her, the divine is above gender) but one thing that we are aware of is the supreme being is seen in the singular. In turn, every pantheon and every religion has acknowledged that despite there being a supreme god similar to Zeus and Jupiter, there is always one above him.

Witchery and paganism speak of the “Great Horned God” but, then again, from prehistory, there has been the “unknown god”. Christian scripture acknowledges this in the Book of Acts where Paul, in Athens, goes to the pantheon where the Greeks, fearing they have left out some god or the unknown god have a space dedicated to his worship … empty by the way but designated.

Response by John Montone

In other words, they are covering their collective asses by saying if scientists find some sort of omnipotent being, it’s God. Even if it is found to just be a natural repetitive occurrence, they will say God put it all in motion. They have to in order to maintain control over the sheep.

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