Writer: Witchypoopoo / © F.Brown/Aaras Dominus
Subject: Praise Of Dark Goddess Allure
Link: Tumblr / 22.06.2023
Praise Of Dark Goddess Allure
Formless true shape the core desire, black devotions coagulate internally, without emotion impassioned inspired, within repressed diabolic inevitable solidarity.
Feminine form, false truths thus burned forlorn, hatred from love thus torn, we are reborn.
Hurt from birth transforming the earth, desolate profundities labyrinthine flow, dissolve metamorphoses endless rebirth, pulchra saevitiam obscurum illluminatio.
Festum nocturnus messis de daemoniorum, irrational insights indomitable will, arise kingdom come dawning ominous aeon, subconscious destruction unrepentant nihilism.
Inspired praise of Dark Goddess Allure, by sorcery method affected begun, mystical rapture spiritual departure, charm of enlightenment strengthening within.
Formless true shape the core desire, black devotions coagulate internally, without emotion impassioned inspired, within repressed diabolic inevitable.