Writer: Hoku Lani
Subject: Please Suck It Out
Link: New Tumblr / 24.03.2023 / Hoku 2.0
Please Suck It Out
Lani was a forty year old, great looking woman with long legs and black hair. She had a oblivious husband, three girl pals, two beautiful girls and a fairly normal sex life, meaning she enjoyed masturbating daily and occasionally having sex with her husband when not out with her girlfriends. So she was not too interested in the subject of abortion except she was pro choice, as a theological choice.
Recently while viewing some of the latest articles on her phone, where everything from the latest fitness routines and sex tips was the trade of the day. Lani clicked on a self pleasure through sex article and somehow she took some time to have a look at section dealing with abortion.
The different techniques from suction over dilation and curettage, dilation and evacuation or intact extraction, saline abortion and even caesarean abortion were shown in graphic detail and some of the pictures really caught her attention. Although some of the photos of inserted forceps pulling out fetal body parts looked pretty disturbing, a strange fascination made Lani virtually stare at them. Looking around she made sure nobody could see her phone and what she was looking at and started to absorb every detail that she could.
Lani did not know how long she had been reading the intricate and delicate details of the descriptions dealing with abortion experiences from five weeks gestation to thirty-nine. When she stood up to go and check on her daughters she realized she was soaking wet, so wet one could hear her pussy’s lips swish on every step she made, That’s when she decided she must experience this for herself.
That night while fucking her husband, the fantasy of receiving an abortion elevated her sexual feelings and as she orgasmed she could not suppress a whisper saying, “Suck it, please. Suck it out.”
Thirty weeks later Lani was on the table and started to feel the excitement she had experienced when she read the article for the first time. She smiled as she thought, “This is going to be the orgasm of my life.”
When the doctor inserted the speculum into her pussy she felt like being penetrated with a large dildo. Her muscles contracted and she took a deep breath in her shivering arousal. After injecting the Lidocaine the doctor inserted the dilator rods into her cervix and carefully stretched and widened it. The opening in her cervix was soon stretched to two inches. The doctor could now measure the exact size of the uterus and decide which forceps to use for dismembering the fetal tissue.
Lani could hardly stop her pelvic from making circular movements. In her mind she was patient and the doctor at the same time, cutting the fetus into pieces and pulling them out of the open speculum before placing the lacerated limbs into the waste bin under the abortion table. Her pussy started to contract and hold the speculum under tension. She was so excited now she was about to orgasm.
That’s when the nurse told her the good part is about to start when the doctor would start to insert the cannula for the first session of suction curettage she climaxed the first time. As she orgasmed she moaned and her cervix convulsed visibly. The doctor inserted the suction machine and switched it on. He inserted the tongs of a large forceps-scissors and cut of the limbs off the fetus. He than moved the tip of the suction cannula directly to the amputated limbs and sucked them out of the uterus and into the steel bowl between Lani’s legs.
He then cut off the umbilical cord and started opening the fetus body with a pointed pair of scissors to insert the suction tube into the fetus. A few seconds later the intestines were spit into the steel bowl and only the emptied torso, the skull and the placenta were still inside her slightly swollen belly.
Lani knew that most her fetus was now removed from her womb and that in the process it had been exterminated. She asked the nurse not to throw it away as she wanted to see the remains when the procedure was over. After she lay on the table and was granted some privacy, she looked at all the limbs and reached into the bowl. Her fingers closed on what would had been the right leg.
As she laid there with her eyes closed she used a piece of the fetus and rubbed her clit against the piece until achieving her fourth climax of the day.
As Lani tossed the piece back in the steel pan, she heard a woman’s voice inside say, “The only sin is neglecting an opportunity to orgasm.”
Hail Hoku Lani
Lilith’s Warrior Scribe
She is glorious! A true goddess!
Indeed she is Brother Xpanther
Indeed she is
What a powerful story of a woman controlling her body and enjoying the pleasure she received from an abortion. I enjoyed the story as well. What about a series?
Have you been reading my sex dreams from my diary? I thought I was the only one with fantasies like this.
Hoku Lani takes us where few dare to tread. Rmarkable! Thanks for sharing your fantasies so clearly.
Hail Hoku Lani — flying where only eagles dare
She is truly fearless