The Path Of Satanic Witchcraft – Non-Fiction

Writer: thegrandbookofsatanicwitchc-blog

Subject: The Path Of Satanic Witchcraft

Link: Tumblr / 03.03.2023 / ©Malvern 2018 / thegrandbookofsatanicwitchc-blog

The Path Of Satanic Witchcraft

The path of satanic witchcraft is dark, primal and powerful, there is no other spiritual or magickal journey quite as mysterious or shrouded in legend as this ancient and unholy path. Unlike modern satanism and witchcraft it does not turn from the blasphemous, the dangerous, the dark, the ethically uncertain or the carnal.

It is a Path which embraces the unholy, the evil and the dark with as much passion as it does the natural pleasures of the flesh, magick and nature. Devoted to the infernal Father Satan and the dark Mother Lilith who are upheld as the true king and queen of hell and the true lord and lady of the earth the initiate of satanic witchcraft dedicates their lives to the mastery of the black magick arts to benefit their own lives and further the infernal work of the demons here on the physical realm.

The satanic witch knows of the power held within the forces of death, sex, blood, elemental energies and the influential force of imitative magick and is aware that these facets merged with the power of the demonic is a marriage of great power and ineffable potency. Those who are adept in the arts of satanic witchcraft are feared greatly by the priests of churches of the false god as well as the dwellers of the synagogue and the mosque.

For the most part the initiates of this path have always been women and those who walk the right hand path of the misogynist faiths have always known and have always hidden and repressed the natural occult power that lies within Woman. I have been involved with the dark arts for exactly forty-one years and from vast experience I say without any trepidation that the magickal forces are stronger within women that they are men … this is even more true when it comes to the magickal power of the black arts.

The woman who undertakes the journey of the path of satanic witchcraft and  becomes knowledgeable and powerful in the arts of this form of black witchcraft and demonic sorcery is a formidable adversary and a potent ally. The male who walks this path too can wield great power but the raw primal power of the woman of this path is a wonder to behold.

The oppression of the witches during the dark ages and the oppression of women in general is founded upon this fear, the priests of the churches of light know that a rising of women versed and adept in the ways of satanic witchcraft would be a force that they could not combat … this is a secret they guard and will never admit as is the fact the antichrist spoken of in the, “Book of Revelation,” is destined to be a woman, not a man as it is written.

The oppression of women in a social sense is small in comparison to the oppression and shackling of women in the Spiritual and Occult sense. This is why the recent rising in Wicca and atheistic satanism is tolerated so widely on an outer level for although Wicca bestows power on women in the sense of reverence and the position of the goddess in this spiritual path it robs them of their dark side where their true power (power which the Lightbearers fear intensely) is most potent.

Atheistic satanism while allowing a more openly sexual stronghold for women robs them of their connection to Satan and Lilith as real spiritual entities so again subdues the natural primal dark magickal energy within woman. “The Grand Book Of Satanic Witchcraft,” shall unveil the darkest secrets of this path and of the dark magickal powers which reside within the Satanic Witch and in doing so bring a revival to this truly dark and mysterious realm of infernal occult practice which has been oppressed and driven underground for centuries.

It is time for a powerful revival and uprising in the spiritual and magickal path of satanic witchcraft …. one that will finally tear down the false foundations of the religions of the false gods and not only unleash the true arcane power of woman but the reign of Satan and Lilith as true monarchs of this world!

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