Writer: Skull Of Satan
Subject: I Am Damned. I Am In Hell.
Link: Tumblr / 18.02.2023
I Am Damed. I Am in Hell.
I make several trips to Hell when Satan invites me. I prefer Hell to any other place, There are no rules. You can do what you want. I love fucking while watching someone get slaughtered. Blood cum and piss. All be damned Hail the entities of Hell. Hail Satan almighty the greatest force in the universe. Commit acts of evil for Satan.
Why Do We Hide?
If you don’t have to hide your Satanic identity, sometimes I applaud you. Satan understands and welcomes our deceit. Lie, cheat, steal our way to Hell. Fuck the holy. Praise the evil. It fun and scary to our enemies and my enemies are Satan’s enemies. Hide and be someone else Satan understands.
Satan Talks To You Everyday — Listen!
Many venues to go too. Rituals, death or black metal, Satanic celebrities. Meditation. Satanic blogs and podcasts. People ask me all the time how do I get closer to Satan. Stop, Look, Listen. Satan is talking to you. Answer the call.
I’m Devoted To Satan
I have 666 burned into my soul. That is a gift you can only get from Satan himself. Now Satan has ask me to create a binding ritual. This ritual will bind you to Satan with mind body and spirit. This makes sense especially for me. Since my soul is Satan’s the rest of my physical and metaphysical body should be Satan’s too. I will be posting this ritual when I’m done and putting it on YouTube and other venues. I am so grateful to Satan for the gifts I’ve been given.
It’s Satan’s World
People are unreal thinking that they have the ability to take over the world. Nothing happens unless Satan allows it. I just read how bots are going to kill is. Be for they ever kill us which they won’t they will go against themselves. The Bots on here are annoying but much more aggressive bots are out there. But they were invented by humans. And humans are fallible. Satan is in control and Satan will win. It’s Satan’s world. Join or die.
Be Mean For Satan
Show no mercy to Satan’s enemies. Bring pain to their lives. Be cruel. Be evil. Destroy their lives. Satan says no safe word. You decide who lives and dies. If they are an enemy of Satan they are enemy mine. Take their tortured souls to Hell. Burn their bodies and piss on their ashes.
I Am God. And So Are You.
We don’t need Jesus Christ. Fuck him. Satan allows us to be our own God. Create our own world. I kill Jesus everyday with my blasphemy. I am an evil mother Ffucker and I choose that with Satan’s help.
Why I Choose Evil
Like Many I chased for the acceptance of others always coming up short. The moment I screamed, “Hail Satan“ it all changed. I realized God has failed me. So fuck him. Satan rewards and Satan has rewarded me. I am evil. And my evil through Satan gets me what I want. Satan gave me the power to inflict revenge on my enemies. And turn whores in to satanic whores and witches. In Hell, whores are queens. I developed deep relationships with demons and respect them as they come and go. I let them possess me and do their bidding. That’s why I chose evil. I chose Satan.