Writer: Angelus Mortis
Subject: Confession
Link: MEWE / 09.02.2023
“My dog was always sniffing around my pussy. I at first didn’t even wanna go there but the more he persisted the weaker I got. I had a feeling he wanted to lick me. I’ve seen it done before. So I took my panties off and let him sniff me and he started licking me. OMG, it felt so good he didn’t stop and ever since he loves when I’m taking my panties off. His tongue licks my clit and ass so perfectly well. He loves doing it so why should I stop him. I went to sleep the other night naked with my legs closed woke up to him licking it. Mmmm you can say what you want but it feels good and he loves my pussy.”
While consulting the scrying screen and seeking Gnosis through random searches of the ethereal, I stumbled on a page and quote above. It made me think of the time before I discovered Lilith and Lucifer, when I was a good Christian.
“If a woman has sex with an animal, you must kill both the woman and the animal. They must be put to death. And they are responsible for their deaths.” — Leviticus 20:16 MSG
The old me, the one that lived my life always concerned if the Abrahamic gawd was watching and keeping score. It’s black and white, in the bible. He said kill her and the dog. However that ignorant woman is no more, as like a butterfly, she transformed and emerged confident and wiser.
Lilith reached down and pulled away that which blocked my eyes and mind. Now I see the hate and evil contained in an alleged holy book, the Abrahamic manifesto. It is full of what courts would consider hate speech and full of such instructions that teach how to rape, slaughter, kill anyone who isn’t heterosexual, those who masturbate included.
Why shouldn’t a girl enjoy what the confessor wrote? I for one have enjoyed this for many years — Abrahamic manifesto or compassionate enlightenment?
It’s with great joy that I taught my goddaughter to bathe my beloved dog, “Toy,” without any clothes in the way. Pay particular attention to the underneath parts and suds him up good, while I watch the process. As a reward the three of us will have some fun, like always, only this time you may invite a few friends over.
Like who would not want to sniff your pussy?
Hoku Lani
I agree who doesn’t love to lick pussy? Or suck cocks?
I have had plenty of times let my dog lick my balls cock ass pussy cummmmm dripping 💦💦💦 out of my cock slit
I’ve enjoyed as a child sucking the red rocket 🚀🚀🚀 veined hard and squirting on my face and mouth 👄👄👄
Hail pleasures
Hail Satan
Hail Lilith
Beautiful sexual pleasures 🐶🐅❤️👍