Writer: Hoku Lani
Subject: Darkness Shines Brighter
Link: MEWE / 21.12.2022
Darkness Shines Brighter
The Abrahamic religions were originally formed upon a martial, violent god with a perceptively nasty streak and a tendency towards promoting genocide. There have been developments since and finer impulses have emerged but that nasty God is still there, hovering around like a perplexing bad sore.
Can we not start again and those that require religion to survive life’s fraught circumstances or just to have that warm glow that comes from connectiveness with others sit down and devise a better god to worship, one who, at least, celebrates life not death? One who inculcates joy and laughter, not the miseries people often now worship. One genuinely based upon ethics.
Why not The Dark Goddess? The one you hide within, the original Mother calling you back home to yourself. She will take you deeper and provide you with incomprehensible Lust and feelings of joy! As she takes you deeply into the depths of your darkness, she will reflect back your desires and grant you whoredom and the freedoms which accompanies it.
Lucy AZz
Always and Forever!
The world would be so much better. Make love, not war. Lust is the answer of a better world and I agree 100%, returning to Lilith and Satan, all things will be better.
I am a Christian and can’t bring myself to renounce my faith. But all this is so seductive. I’ve been dabbling in the darkness and it’s thrilling.
Word of testimony: one of our family friends whispered to me the other night after our Christmas party to call her the next time I was in her city. (She knows I call on clients where she lives.) I told her I’d be there next month. She gave me a grin and said, “You need to call me.”
I’m in my 50s and married. She’s 10-12 years older and been divorced for years. We both profess faith in Christ.
I don’t want to misinterpret signals, and I’ve never crossed that line. But the thought of what could be / might be is irresistible.
Is this possibility a coincidence?
[email protected]
Satan is talking to you … act upon it … explore it with her …
Mmm, the thought of exploring with her feels so good … so wrong but irresistibly good.
Yes! Fucking YES!!!