Writer: Hoku Lani
Subject: Hypocritical Celibacy
Link: MEWE / 18.11.2022
Hypocritical Celibacy
Celibacy is seen as one of the most important sacrifices a priest or nun makes for the church. Nuns consider themselves married to Christ. Rather than taking a human spouse, they devote themselves to God. But many nuns face a daily challenge trying to keep their vows and their faith.
According to a study conducted by Margaret Halstead and Lauro Halstead entitled, “A Sexual Intimacy Survey of Former Nuns and Priests,” which was first carried out in 1978 and which has consistently confirmed results, including an update in 2018, more than half of all nuns say they knew of sexual activity going on in their convents. Some 44% of the most recently surveyed say they knew of sex between sisters, while 54% say they knew of sexual relationships between nuns and male members of the clergy. Just over a third say the nuns they knew were fooling around were doing so with lay people, including married men in the congregation.
Fighting sexual desire is made more difficult by the church’s requirement that one must abstain from masturbation. Sister Areola says there have long been nun fetishes and rumors of convents full of vibrators, but the reality is that nuns, like priests, often struggle with their vows of celibacy under which even masturbation is a sin. Even outside the clergy and religious orders, men are not supposed to masturbate because the church believes that such an act amounts to spilled seed that should be used for procreation.
Women are prohibited from masturbating under Catechism rules because the church believes that self-pleasure, “Robs the potential of sex,” from the partner and it often gives way to the potential for, “Adultery of the heart,” if a woman is fantasizing while touching herself.
What could be better than being a bride of Christ and also being an adulterous whore. Each and every congregational cock sucked and fucked, demonstrates his absolute weakness. Ever nun who masturbates demonstrates their allegiance to Mother and Father.
Hail The Beautiful Scribe of Lilith
Hoku Lani
Thank You for sharing your Wisdom
Mmmm love nun’s worshipping Satan we hole fingering there wet tight fuck holes,
I should send a big box of nigger cock dildos to a nunnery and pics of Satan naked with his filthy serpent 🐍 cock covered in sperm dripping wet his hooves his tail his horns his serpent tongue temptations for the unholy sluts stroking the nigger beast bull cock
Hail Satan
Hail Lilith
Hail satanic coupling of nun slut lesbo
Wickr satanlittteboy