Writer: Hoku Lani
Subject: The Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil
Link: MEWE 13.11.2022
The Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil
In the darkness and waning of the Moon she transformed herself into the shape of an owl. She flew into the topmost doughs of the tree in Paradise that is called the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. With shrill screeches she summoned the woman away from her bed before Samael had connected with her. The woman followed her cries to the root of the tree. She wondered much at the beauty. Always in the past it had been hidden behind the wings of an angel.
Lilith said to Eve, “Awaken from the depth of you sleep. Arise from the couch of your intoxication. You are a God who is fallen from your estate. Eat of the fruit of this tree and recognize your nakedness.” She transformed herself into serpent shape and extended the fruit of the tree to the woman between her jaws. Wondering much at her words Eve ate of the fruit. Her eyes were opened to her nakedness…
Hail The Beautiful Scribe of Lilith
Hoku Lani
Thank You for sharing your knowledge
Hail sister Hoku Lani!
Blessed be the High Priestess of THE GREAT WHORE for her wisdom and instructions!
May Thy Holy Of Holiest never dry up and Thy climaxes be endless!
Welcome Dominus Aquensis … XP