Writer: Seri Michaels / Destiny1961
Subject: New World 1
Author’s Notes: I am getting ready to send a vision that is ongoing right now so have to let it run its course.
Link: Email LS666 / 19.09.2022
New World 1
It’s weird. Over the past few days, I have started to listen to some hypnosis files that deal with shemales and whores. I have felt my body spasm at times, when in the dark room, and swear things have happened. I think the doorway has been opened. This morning went to my mirror and invoked a few demons; like Lucifer and Lilith and the Baphomet — I even asked myself, if have called too many at once. I don’t think I have that much to offer. And then I had this thought of a whore who says, “There is plenty of you to go around.”
I asked for clarity. For a sign, that they were here. And swear my shadow in the dark got bigger. I asked to get to know my Four Queens; once again, referring to myself in the feminine. Such as, “Sister or daughter.”
I then laid down and said a few Enns and then called upon Philotanus; who someone on FetLife; told me he deals with as a Tarot reader, because he has knowledge. But I remember researching him and his Enn starts with, “Liftoach Pandemonium” which is said to open the door to pandemonium. I entered my room and saw something in the corner by my doorway like a shadow or just darkness. It was the north and then felt this urge to kneel. So I did as felt commanded and asked for help and then felt my body quiver and spasm and tighten.
I went with feelings instead of my own instincts and got up when felt guided and laid back down. I looked to the bottom of my bed facing north and looked up and my eyes did the out of focus thing as it was darkness but again unsure. But this was where my mind was taken over and I started to think about my place and some sort of new world. Thought of how the bible talks about the end days and when Satan appears and runs the Earth for a period.
The world that is in shambles and looks disheveled in a sort of dystopian way. Then the thoughts crossed my mind about a cross between dystopia and steampunk and I googled of all things steampunk shemale prostitutes. The outfits that are Victorian with leather corsets and torn stockings and goggles with what looks like stylish gas masks. But then you know how you get like a bright light as you kind of go into some sort of trance and then it was like a door opened and was seeing this POV type things.
It has started as heard a few voices giggle as they say, “She is alive,” but who is she as I feel someone take my hand and lift me up. I am kind of laying back in a bunch of trash bags like reclining in a bean bag chair when a female voice says it must have been good shit. The girl tells me I need to stop doing that stuff as one day master will whip me as we have work to do and must get to the sanctuary.
I feel weird as she reaches over and removes something from what seems to be a mask on my face. I get up as I am fucked up and we start to wall down this alley and I see a broken mirror leaning and look into it. It is me in some sort of steampunk female outfit with a sort of gas mask and goggles with a corset that is lifting what seems to be real tits. They are not real large but tits none the less. I reach down to rub them and am told they are not paid for yet.
I have one torn stockings and skirt a d reach under to feel I still have a penis and she tells me it is still there and I am acting weird. I realize I feel something in my butt and it is a plug with tail attached. I stroke it and the girl tells me I am His, “Little devil,” after all. It is still manifesting and will write it as my alter ego has now become my natural self and my male is now an alter.
Most interesting to read. Any chance there will be a follow-up?