Writer: Destiny1961
Subject: Yin & Yang
Link: Email LS666 / 11.09.2022
Yin & Yang
I as kind of talking to my demons and hoping for answers as to who or what I am and since gave half of my soul away it has been like a half and half thing and started to think. The world and even spiritual one is made of balance. I had thoughts about the “Yin and Yang,” effect as I call it.
I started to think about that balance and how it is guided and such as we need someone or something to make sure the balance works. The first thoughts were that the “Yin and Yang,” have collided as was thinking again about who owns my second half of my soul. Then I thought about our shadow self and how it is hidden until we accept that part of us and what happens when we do.
Now I have accepted that side and through demonic energy have asked for it to be my equal there are times I do not even know what it will as her offer to Satan. Then I thought about androgyny as I feel we are a mix of both genders which then led to the light and the dark. We need them both,but do we give equal time and respect. Then of coarse came up sex as we have just sex as in making love by a normal couple as the worlds sees and then we have same-sex sex — then we have pure lust where its no holds barred.
We can have a male who sill use his cock to pleasure a female and then turn around and have another male inside him. And then we talk about those who are classified as transsexual. I am lost somewhere in there as feel like my “Yin and Yang,” have collided and as I lay there and ask about guidance and what I would call true self got this vision or daydream or just hopeful thought.
There I am in a room in between as I have one just a few feminine things.I have on stockings with garter and a pentagram bra harness. Very minimal as am kind of a hybrid. There is a male there who is going to guide me. The room is dark as he lights some candles around a mattress that seems to be inside a sacred circle. It has a sheet with a pentagram on it.
The man tells me that the master wants to help me, if I will give myself. He says the two sides can live as one but it may be time for the other side to lead. He asks if I want this and I nod. He tells me to enter the circle and kneel in the center, for which I do. He then tells me if I want I must call for master and so he has me repeat the “Enn” for Satan.
I am then made to bow and recite a prayer of submission. I again get to knees and call out as he has me light a candle and it flickers and I sit it at his feet. I am then made to lay down as he says something to the effect of allowing the flame of the candle to burn inside him and for Satan to join with him and accept this gift.
I watch as he shakes and the candle flickers but then goes out. I hear Him, say not to worry as the flame now burns inside him, but it is a new voice coming from him as he asks if I called. He then tells me he has the gift inside him he wants to share with me. I must ask him to enter the circle and do and he steps inside and looks down and I know he has been taken over by Satan.
He does not have a huge cock, but is fully erect. He tells me that his seed will bring my new life. He draws a pentagram on his belly and has me do the same.
Again I am asked if I want “Us to be one?”
I ask him to “Merge with me.”
“Our souls will meet through the symbols once our bodies meet,” he says, “Do you want my gift? If you wrap around me — you will feel me. Now, present yourself to me.”
I lift and spread my legs and he lays on top of me. He whispers for me to grasp him and as I wrap my legs around him I feel a warmth from our symbols. He calls for me to merge with him and I feel them warm up as I start to go dizzy.
He says, “We are merged. Do you want my gift to properly?”
He has me look him in the eyes as I can see a darkness and flames.
I say to him, “May I have your gifts master?”
And he says, “Yes,” and pushes into me.
I feel a surge as he enters me and fucks me slowly to feel him. He tells me to embrace him and I wrap my arms around and hold him tight as he is now pounding into me. I hear him almost growl and as he gets closer it is like the symbols are getting hotter and like we are glued together.
Then he tells me to, “Say who owns you — out loud?”
I scream, “I belong to you,” and then added that, “I accept your gift!”
He explodes inside me.
I go half limp while actually holding him tighter as I feel some sort of exchange of power. He slowly grinds inside me in my messy hole as I feel everything change. I no longer feel masculine or even feminine but pure lust and am now simply a vessel for it. He slides off me and tells me it is done and to now go and enjoy the pleasure of the flesh.