Writer: Destiny1961
Subject: The Doorway
Link: Email LS666 / 19.08.2022
The Doorway
I am at the mall ,which has now taken an alternative type direction as are the times. It is adult only though have doubts.There is a christian store and on the other side a satanic one with goth clothing store and even a BDSM store. In the center is some sort of open bar set up so I go and sit and have a drink. Of coarse most the drinks have names that are dark or slutty. The tender brings me a drink that is called the changer. I take a drink and right away its is strong. I hear a voice behind me.
“Mikey, is that you?”
I hadn’t gone by that name in years. I turn to see what seems to be a young to middle aged girl with small pert breasts and nipples trying to escape her top. She is dressed in a mix of goth and satanic wear. She is with another woman who looks like some sort of dominatrix in leather with her breasts pushed up. I look at her confused as she tells me we grew up together. But she looks half my age and she asks if she looks good.
They sit, as she orders us all the special, and we make a cheers. She asks if I am still horny as hell and if I would do her, or let her do me. She then apologizes and tells me her new name is “Agrat” and she is now Jewish and her friend they call “The Collector”. She then starts to recount times we used to talk about going from being boys to girls when younger and about leaving the faith for something new. She brings up a few things and only one person would know — but I heard he died.
We have a few drinks as she tells me she owns the one store that is in the basement of the mall; and starts to tell me it is why she still looks young. Her friend whispers to her and she asks if I would like to have sex with her or at least get a blow job. She tells me if I do, she will tell me, who she used to be. The drinks have me horny for some reason and so I agree.
We go down to her store and I can feel an evil feeling as we go back where the dressing rooms are. We go into one and there is a glory hole and she asks if I remember those, but again only one person knows about that. She has me sit on the bench and lifts her top to show her almost perfect little tits and has me suck them as she pulls my pants open and gets into position.
She asks if I will give her part of me and I am so horny I say yes. She then kisses me as she sits on my erection. She rides me, but only a few seconds. She says something unintelligible — it’s like she is drawing my cum out. Jerking, I fill her with my semen. She appears to be pleased …but for some reason, I begin to feel a little weak. She lifts my shirt off and sees my little moobs. She says that she sees that I have decided to take those hormones and asks if I want to be young again. She sucks on them and I get a chill.
She leans over — as I feel completely drained — she whispers in my ear that my old friend did not die physically. She then tells me, she was in fact “him” until she found the doorway. She says it is there in the store and found we can be anything we want if we just give something. I first realize I just had sex with an old friend who used to be a boy. As she sat there — it was as if, I am cumming in her, over and over — as she draws from me.
She then asks if I remember when we looked into black magick and tells me it is real. She slides off me and I feel this relief, like never before. She lifts her skirt, and for the first time, I see her cock. She says she would love to return the favor and asks to show me around her store. She asks if I would like to play dress up and picks out some stuff for me. Just then, her friend shows up again. I hear her say that she will be waiting.
She then grabs some satanic jewelry as I question it. She says to let go and accept and soon I will be happy like never before. She tells me she has all the sex she can handle plus and I can too. She says we could be sisters and lovers too. She kisses me again and it feels like a drug as I feel so excited. She then slips a necklace around me she says is a talisman and if I open my mind it will free me.
She starts to tell me about her new name and how she got it as someone named “Agrat Bat Mahlat” is with her who is a deity and sacred prostitute. She can tell I am feeling weird as she asks if I want to look better and feel sexy. She tells me the door to the other realm is in the back and it has a mirror that will allow me to see and be my inner beauty.
I realize as she has dressed me we have been walking towards the back. We walk past what looks like bathrooms but instead of saying men and women they say incubi and succubi. She says we are all one or the other as we all have lust inside us. She gives me instructions as to what to do when entering the room with the doorway. She tells me it will seem weird at first.
We get to this door that has writing on it in Jewish, Hebrew and Hindu and some sort of language I could never know. She says it basically says enter at own risk and giggles. I look down at myself and realize I am dressed almost like a goth prostitute and she then puts some make up on me before telling me to go in.
I go in and it is completely dark as I feel for a switch and hit it. What is like some sort of disco ball and strobe lights to room but slightly. I see the mirror across the room with what seems to be some sort of vent in front of it. I then start to walk to the mirror and look at myself. But it is almost like a fun house mirror as it distorts and makes me look like a shemale. It is weird but my thoughts are about the female bathroom that said succubi. I stand there almost paralyzed as a weird cloud comes up from the vent. It has a smell that entrances me as I stare in the mirror, and then hear a voice behind me.
“Sexy, isn’t she. And she is inside you … ready to come out,” and I stare deeper as the voice guides me, “Look into her eyes baby, nice and deep …”
So I look and first see darkness then fire. The voice get closer as the woman who was with my friend is there, she reaches around me and grabs my breasts and tells me I can have her. I feel tingles from her hands and almost like getting high as she tells me to breath in the smoke.
“Imagine that body, and all the sex you could ever want.”
And then she presses against my back as I am pushed against the mirror and it feels like what is in the mirror is connecting with me. Then she tells me to give myself to her and I feel like the reflection is drawing from me. I feel the lust start to build up and she tells me there is just a small price. I am told if I agree I can pay the collector and it will be so. She tells me to think about my friend and kisses my neck. She pushes up against me and I feel her cock between my cheeks and she asks if I want it.
I stand there going limp as I am no longer in control and agree as she reaches around and grabs my dick and slightly bends me over. Then I feel myself cum in her hand and she tells me to spread my cheeks. I look in the mirror as I feel her drip my cum between my cheeks and then press her cock in the mess to lube up and pin me to the mirror. I can almost feel a heartbeat come from my reflection as she asks it if it is ready to join me.
Then she tells me it is time to pay the collector as she grabs my chest and tells me to close my eyes. I feel her as she shoves up into me and then feel her draw from my chest. She tells me it now belongs to them as I give her a part of my soul. I am lifted up as she shoves deep and calls for my reflection and explodes inside me.
I open my eyes and the reflection is gone — but it now becomes me — and I turn as she pulls out and I drop to my knees. I see a shadow through the clouds as she tells me it is my guide succubus. I call her to me and her spirit enters me and I drop. I wake up in Agrat’s arms and am now one of them.
So powerful !!!!!!!!!! I want this…help guide me and enslave me.