Writer: Kirubber Lust
Subject: Lilith Is Everywhere
Link: MEWE / 05.08.2022 / Blood Line – Dark Goddess
Lilith Is Everywhere
Just a consideration about Lilith, before to go to sleep, and to meet Her once again — Lilith is everywhere, in any time and any place — because She’s the Mother of everything and everyone that belongs to the Blood Line. Many wish to be part of Blood Line, many will never part of it because they are scared by the Abrahamitic evil God.
Many still are on the border and still did not make the correct choice. To those ones I say: Don’t be afraid to leave the false evil God that gave only hate, nightmares and death. Choose the only Divine Source. Lilith!
Ave Lilith nunc et semper.
Hail The Esteemed Mistress of Perversions and Lusts
Kirubber Lust
Who has corrupted many christians
I know
I was one of them
Way back on Tumblr
She was my gateway to Lilith