Have you ever known of any real satanic cults or people involved with devil worship? – Non-Fiction

Writer: Mark Jones

Subject: Have you ever known of any real satanic cults or people involved with devil worship?

Link: Quora / 28.11.2021

Have you ever known of any real satanic cults or people involved with devil worship?

A question answered by Mark Jones, Former Member Of The Church Of Satan 2017-2019 and now a psychologist

Satanist here.

I founded North West Satanists here in the UK, which eventually spawned into UK Satanists due to there being no other Satanic groups in the UK that others knew about. Strangely enough I get requests from people all over the world asking to join UK Satanists — more than 70% of people contacting me are from India, about 20% from Africa and the remaining 10% from the UK and USA.

We do not worship the devil. In fact, a LaVeyan Satanist doesnt believe the devil even exists. Nor do we believe in the god of the bible, koran etc. We do beleive that we ourselves are God(s). We answer to ourselves and are responsible for our own actions.

Some people who try to join ask about killing, sacrificing, the Illuminati, drinking blood etc. They are promptly shown the door — after a good tongue lashing by me — A Satanist would never ever harm a child in any way. Never harm an animal, unless killing for food, and never bother another human unless they are trying to harm us.

3 thoughts on “Have you ever known of any real satanic cults or people involved with devil worship? – Non-Fiction”

  1. I was brought up in a theistic satanic worshipping family..my mother was the high priestess of the coven.. I stopped all practices when I reached 45

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