Writer: Skullmaime
Subject; Fuck Jesus!
Link: Tumblr / 20.09.2021
Fuck Jesus!
Jesus Christ is a goddamn piece of shit. Fuck him. I blaspheme every day. I am a soldier for Satan. If you are pregnant have an abortion burn the fetus for Satan. Attack the church when ever possible. Piss and cum on anything religious. If you have the word Christian in your moniker like, “Former Christian or pastor get rid of it.”
That’s from Satan. Satan is almighty. I do Satan’s work. I am a tentacle for the beast. I am evil you should be too. Follow the whore of Babylon she will hang the Pope from the Vatican ceiling. Fill the stadium’s to watch them die again. Build factories to strip their skin and grind there flesh and bones. Fuck Jesus Christ. Hail Satan. Hail Satan’s mighty name Hail Satan’s mission. Hail hell on earth hail the satanic revolution. Hail the whores of Satan. Hail the entities of hell. Hail all satanic soldiers. Hail satanic witchcraft. Hail the beast 666. Hail the end of religion. Hail Satan.
ANSWER: Totally-anti-christian
You who still have sentimental memories and feelings about your childhood faith, start by rejecting Jesus. Blaspheme against him. Express your contempt for Jesus. Hate him. Then you can move on with God, the church, and all of Christianity. God can be believed in all possible contexts, but Jesus is the central person in Christianity. Personally, I was never baptized and I have never been a Christian, and I am happy and proud to be pure from Christianity.
Jesus is shit. Rape his worthless ass. Torture him eternally in Hell.
Yahweh is disgusting, a minor hill demon claiming to be an impossible universal creator.
I love every word of that. Fuck religion. I love Blasphemy. I once got a bible as a present. I pissed on that and ripped it off and jerked my cock with the ripped pages. I kicked that piece of shit around, used it as toilet paper and then jerked off while watching it burn. Religion is the biggest piece of shit this world needed. Screw that crap.
AWESOME SEXY KOOL love the way you think sweetie HAIL SEXY SATAN sweetie 💋👅💋
Hell yes kinkyfreakn! HAIL SEXY LUCIFER!!! (kiss)
Goddamn Yes! For 3 years I have been working , enjoying desecrating, blaspheming and defiling every teaching, belief, and trying to commit every sin against 35 years devoted Church of Christ christian. I recently am working on inviting satan into my body, soul to rid, defile and destroy that fucking holy spirit. I want him to stain my body, defile it, make it the most sinful , vile dark place. I want to find away to be totally beyond salvation or rependtence.,
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