Writer: Guardianwolf
Subject: What’s Your Superpower?
Link: Tumblr / 10.09.2021 / Guardianwolf
What’s Your Superpower?
In my meditations with Satan’s demons, I find solace in the way they talk with me. They are truly inspirational. They are filled with wisdom that have helped me mature and transform me into a caring person and into a more successful employee. They truly have. Most of you that follow my posts know me as a lustful sex crazed satanic sodomic cock worshiper.
I am those things and nothing wrong with that but I desire more. When I first joined my brotherhood a few years ago I was asked what do I want to accomplish. What do I want to get out of this brotherhood. In a Marvel world, you could say I was being asked what do I want my super power to be? What mental accomplishment would you ask Satan to bestow on you? If I knew then what I know now, I might say to have a dick of death. But that is not a mental achievement … or is it?
I ended up asking for psychic abilities. To develop a sixth sense. Do I want to speak to dead people? I’ve had paranormal activities occur in a home I lived in thirty years ago. I learned that not all spirits are evil. Many lived like you and I have. They have unfinished business. Perhaps they want to bring closer to the living like one spirit that brought comfort to a man who felt guilty about a friend’s death. It was presumed suicide, but it wasn’t.
It was only meant to bring attention to the friend that was not home so he could not have known that his friend tried to get down from the noose and the tree and lost his footing as the friend unsuccessfully swung back and forth as the remaining oxygen left his lifeless body. That spirit reached out to me to tell his friend that he was okay. He needed not feel any guilt that he was not there. It wasn’t his fault what happened to the man.
There have been instances of picking up knowledge of things untold about another person that had not been revealed to me. Such as a man who had scary visions of shadow people that he use to see as a child. Those visions ended up going away the older he became. It was revealed to me that the shadow person he saw most was his Uncle looking out for the little boy. I then told him that even though he can’t sense it now, his uncle still comes to visit him, still checking up on him. He found great relief in this knowledge
A young man once came on here and only said hello.
I said to him, “You just had sex, with a black man, you wanted him to stay the night,” but he said no.
He didn’t want to get attached because of his macho image in maintaining his rough exterior. I told him don’t take it personal. He really enjoyed his time. At another time he will bring down his defenses and reveal his more sensitive side.
The young man could only say, “How do you know these things?”
He then went on to accuse me of sending the guy to have sex with him.
I said, “Yeah right! From Washington DC, I sent a guy to San Diego to have sex with a guy that I did not know where he lived.”
One of my Satanic brothers from my coven, I have sensed him standing next to me as I walked through a Walmart in Northern Va. The guy lives in Michigan. When I got home, I text messaged him.
And asked him,”What were you doing at such and such time this evening?
He said, “Strangely enough, I was on the computer thinking about you and wondering what you were doing.”
During the summer of 2020, Los Angeles had an Earthquake that knocked my coven’s leader and his dogs out of his bed and had knocked out all power including the internet, so he had no way of communicating to let us know that he was alright, except I was receiving mental messages that he was alright. He and his dogs were a little shaken up. When his power came back on a few hours later, he had in fact confirmed everything I had said.
On of my more interesting abilities Ive mentioned already in one of my writings. What is funny is this is something that actually happened. But I wrote about it as a story called, “The Transformation” I posted on 8/31/21. Yes, this is not a fictional story. I actually had a guy see his own cock grow to a twelve inch cock and had him sucking his own cock and shoot a huge load of cum deep in his mouth. This was all something he had never done before as sucking his own dick let alone seeing it grow to twelve inches. This ability was mind control. The truth of the matter is, lust is the most used source of magick and healing, ridding of mental blocks that there is than any other source of energy.
My intention is to use it for good and to bring men to our Lord and Master Satan. There is so much to learn from Satan that man should not be afraid but that he wants so much to bring man in to a new era of knowledge and the next step of man’s evolution of becoming supernatural as described in Dr Joe Dispenza’s Book, “Becoming Supernatural” Man will be able to heal from cancers and other diseases by changing the way we think and have an attitude of gratitude. A Secret that is taking the World by storm.
I’m sorry that this bit of writing was not filled with, cocks, cum,and ass, no sodomy nor fornication, no cock sucking. But perhaps something a bit more important. Hail Satan.