Writer: Lucy Az
Subject: Mocking the Crucifixion
Link: MEWE / 11.09.2021 / Blood Line — Dark Goddess
Mocking the Crucifixion
Your sacrifice was in vane.
Your atonement was for nothing.
You can’t even comprehend your own fuck’n scriptures dipshit.
“7 No one can redeem the life of another or give to God a ransom for them …” — Psalms 49:7
I just had to point that shit out.
Hail Lucy Az
Thank You Brother Xpanther
For Sharing The Wisdom of Lucy Az
Lucy Az is Lilith s High Priestess. I serve Her
As do we All
As do we all
As Do we all
We serve The Az
My cock serves Az
She only wants your semen …
Very True Brother
You are Very Wise
Xtianity is based on the execution of a criminal who deserved. He has been tormented in Hell for the past two millennia for his disrespect of Satan.
She takes what is Hers
Give it all to Lilith
The cunt jesus died for his sins, not ours!