Writer: Skullmalme
Subject: The Truth About Satan
Link: Tumblr / 28.08.2021 / Reposted by Delicious Blasphemy
The Truth About Satan
Satan is Asexual : neither man nor woman
Satan is non-racial : Satan doesn’t care what race you are.
Satan is Almighty: Satan is the most powerful force in the universe
Satan has a plan for each of us
Satan has a plan for me and I listen very closely to what Satan says. When talking about Satan I try not to use he or she. Satan acknowledges that humans are sometimes unable to escape their vocabulary. In acknowledgment that Satan has a plan for us all. We are all on different missions. There for when someone says they are a Satanist I don’t disparage them.
There are all kinds of Satanist some use Satan as a metaphor some like myself believe Satan is real. I’ve seen him in action. I’ve never felt the Christian god. Most of my life I faked believing in it mostly to please others. Satan hates fakes. The moment I committed to Satan was life changing. Total Acceptance.
I was never accepted by a Dead Christian god. God is fucking DEAD always was. Satan created everything. Why do think Evil is always victorious. Evil doesn’t mean doing something stupid. Some of the so called Evil people blamed Satan for the dumb things they did. They are not believers. I am a very Evil person but I am not a dumb person. Satan won’t make you do something you don’t want to do. Trust Satan listen to Satan be part of Satan’s plan.
Hail Satan
Wise and thoughtful words from Skullmame. He states, rightly, that Satan won’t make you do something you don’t want to do. He does, of course, want you to do anything that you want to do, and He rewards you for your Evil deeds. Hail Saten!!
God is dead. The Gods are our guides.