Writer: Darklordworkshipper31
Subject: Satanic Art
Link: Tumblr / 08.07.2021 / Spicy4life
Satanic Art
What is lost among the numerous art and photo portrayals of things satanic is that it is not among the skulls and sketetons, the darkness and even the fire, the shadows and the flickering light of candles is the purpose of why we profess the Dark Lord as our master (for lack of a better more comprehensive expression). For the true follower it is not all the political, theological and anit-this or that rhetoric, it is the simple act of being who I really am and what I earnestly seek for me. The Dark Lord does not dwell in an endless depressive milieu filled with the horrors depicted by Dante et al and many across the pages of the numeous blogs on this and other sites.
Why should I “dwell on the depressive and the dead when that is NOT the goal the Dark Lord wants me to achieve. Intellectually I have to “slog thru the dead and depressive in life” anyway. The Dark Lord wants me to have beoth an inner and an outer smile on my face and to know that it is within discovering and enjoying sexual pleasures I find the “light” midst that darkness. The Darkside is not dark. Realize it! Grasp it! Indulge in it! Enjoy it! Share yourself within it! Act! Both inwardly as you explore the width and breadth and depth of your mind and outwardly by engaging in the pleasures you aspire to. Be proud to be a follower of your desires … Show yourself willing.
Great story
Very well said. Thank you.