What’s the difference between a spirit guide and an angel? – Non-Fiction

Writer: Richard Martini

Subject: What’s the difference between a spirit guide and an angel?

Link: QUORA / 13.03.2019

What’s the difference between a spirit guide and an angel?

I’ve run across both. In the research in general, I think most see their guides as an individual. However, while interviewing “council members” I’ve met a few “angels.” When I do meet one of those (I’m asking questions while a person is either recalling an event that has allowed them to access their council, or they’re under hypnosis with a hypnotherapist) – I ask questions about the “angel” part of it. “Have you ever incarnated on Earth?” “What’s your role on this council?” “Do you sit on other councils?” “You appear to have wings – what are they really?” “Can we feel them?” “Do they represent transport?” The answers are unusual, but it doesn’t matter who I’m asking the questions to – I get the same answers from “members of their council.” Angels in general are folks who often have never incarnated,the wing part of their get up represents “light travel” – meaning they can move from one place to the next using thought. I know it sounds odd, I’m just reporting.


You must be careful for there are spirit guides who are demonic and then there are God’s angels. Many spirit guides have nothing to do with God but Satan. He is a master deceiver. Be very careful when getting involved with spirit guides. Most are liars from Satan. Angels rarely talk with humans and have their own assignments from God.


Sorry. In the nearly 100 cases I’ve filmed, hearing from 100s of guides, zero, not one could remotely be described as demonic. Sometimes cranky, perhaps dismissive of human ability to understand what is being imparted, but for the most part, when asked they are happy to report “humans are human centric. They tend to treat what they don’t know or understand with fear.” The vast majority claim that they not only deeply care about our journey, but are always “tethered” to us for guidance and assistance. Never in a negative way. Always from a place of unconditional love. Its not an opinion theory or belief; just reporting.


Thank you for speaking truth Sybil! Years ago I went to a therapist who got me into New age spirituality and during meditation I started hearing from a spirit guide I called David, I saw him in dreams and I started doing automatic writing which I thought was from him. He was NOT an Angel despite appearing as a quiet, blonde, fairly handsome man. I was misled to believe I had a past life and I ended up in an affair with a man I thought I had known in a past life. I was given information about where I lived during the Civil war and who that man was, and I called the library of that small Southern town (this was before the internet) and someone by that name did live during that time period and their home is still standing and it’s on the registry of historic homes.

Demons can know things and use information to “steal, kill and destroy “ just like the Bible says. Before it was over I had almost lost my marriage, my two year old son, my business (which was being financed by my father in law) and my sanity. God had never let me go however and my husband took me back 3 months after this man and I split up. It was several years later before I came back to Christ and a Christian counselor showed me scripture that proved that these practices are wrong and I repented of any and everything to do with the occult and I threw away all my journals and books of automatic writing from the so-called spirit guide.

I would urge anyone who has a spirit guide to pray and renounce said guide in the name of Jesus Christ. I am not saying that they are not in some way “real” but I can attest that they do NOT have your best interest at heart and they are very different than true angels! I have once seen an Angel and he was nothing like this! And it was during a time when I was close to God, not during my new age days. The Bible says there will be much deception in the last days, all you have to do is turn on the TV, and see psychics and mediums on talk shows etc. This is idolatry and it grieves the heart of God! If we need help or information we should pray to the one true God—don’t go after wizards, mediums, people who channel or anything else. They may have some facts in with their fictions but there will be consequences in going to gods instead of to GOD!


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