Writer: ivortenco-deactivated20151020
Subject: Lord of Cocks
Link: TUMBLR / 06.02.2021 / posted by devilworshiper
Lord of Cocks
With your cock. Expose your sexual nature to HIM and let HIM bless you with HIS semen. HIS cock is your cock and your cock belongs to HIM. Kiss it and caress it. Make it CUM for you, upon you and in you. Let HIM sodomize you. Raise your ass to HIM and allow HIM penetration. It is HIS way. It is your way. It is our way. You and I are the same. We are one with HIM. There is NO distinction. By HIM, we are blessed and inseminated. HIS seed fouls us as we foul each other. Greet our GOD as one in total servitude. Hail HIM and grovel naked before HIM. As brothers, we are slaves to one another. Our cocks, nuts, assholes and mouths are gifts we bestow between us. In HIS name, LORD LUCIFER, accept us as your minions. Accept our cocks, nuts, assholes and mouths as fully and forever indentured to YOU, our SOVEREIGN. Greet SATAN, LORD OF COCKS, with your cock. HAIL SATAN