Writer: Skullmayhem
Subject: Kali Corruption
Link: TUMBLR / 06.02.2021 / posted by devilworshiper
Kali Corruption
Kali says one of the best ways to corrupt someone through porn. Along with Satan brainwash them with porn. They either come to Satan or they kill them selves. Either result is satisfactory. If they do kill them selves be their to take their soul for Satan. You can then torture it for Satan. Then give it to Satan for his pleasure. Women turn to porn for Satanic reward use Abortion for birth control. Kali rewards it. You deserve to be a selfish bitch. Satan and Kali want it to be about you. As I’ve said before dominatrix who use no safe words and are allowed to kill will be rewarded by Satan and Kali. I’m from Hell. So I know what Satan wants. Corrupt with PORN. Hail Kali Hail Satan
Tatiana and I fucking LOVE PORN; Satan is our God, porn is His liberator; it’s our Satanic pleasure and duty to corrupt the mother-fucking holy and innocent, for His Honor and Glory.
HAIL SATAN, the only true God.