Feature Writer: M.R. Massey
Feature Title: His Army Moves
Link: (Email) / 13.12.2020 / [email protected]
His Army Moves
Hi, my name is Matt. My sexual awakening happened on several different levels, both consciously and unconsciously. I was delightfully and repeatedly abused for years beginning at the age of three. It might have been earlier but I have very clear memories from three years old and onward. Parents, grandparents, teachers, and friends of the family participated in the abuse. When I was younger, the guilt I felt kept me imprisoned in my pseudo-Christian household. I saw myself as a victim and the shame I internalized tore my psyche apart. However, there was so much more to the story …
I had created a narrative for myself built on guilt and shame. Only later did I realize the dark blessings I had received. I completely embraced the darkness within me as I learned the truth. I was His vessel. As I encountered the agents of my debasement, I heard a familiar story emerge again and again. I lived and breathed sexuality. Without conscious thought and often not in control of myself on any conscious level, I seduced and sexually manipulated dozens if not hundreds of children and adults. I wasn’t the victim. They were my victims and the guilt I created within them destroyed many. It was delicious and wicked and perfect.
It continued on through adulthood. Once I knew my power, I could use it again and again. I crafted my body into a lethal sexual weapon. Perfect, toned muscles with a beautiful shaved cock. An ass you can bounce a quarter off. Men, women, I didn’t care. I played shy when domineering didn’t work. I submitted to dominant personalities onIy to turn the tables on them and have them begging me in His name. I would seduce and destroy anything and anyone good I encountered.
While at a business conference in Minneapolis one winter I had the good fortune to be staying in a four-star hotel hosting the national church organ competition. At the bar, I found a Catholic Priest who felt “right”. I gently encouraged him to seduce me and by the end of the evening he was worshiping at the altar of my cock and praising His name. After that, he was in lust. I simply encouraged him. He was the director of his youth activities group and once he knew he could trust me he shared his stories as trusted collateral of his debauchery.
I realized this world was populated with perfect submissive slaves for His works. When properly disciplined and freed of their guilt and shame they could be easily manipulated. They would become slaves to His dark desires. It was effortless to create His army. Slaves addicted to the freedom I gave them as His vessel at the altar of my cock. Giving them permission to entertain and explore their darkest lusts and fantasies in His name. They willingly offered any sacrifice to Him. He worked through me and I was His tool.
I looked specifically for upstanding Christian men and women and families I could corrupt. The more repressed, the better. Their egos and pride blinded them. Just look at the news today and see His work. The most anti-Christian behaviors are done in Christ’s name. They are all Satan’s children in denial and once the dam(ned) breaks, they will rape and murder their own offspring in His name.
I seduced a delightful older, divorced woman while in Seattle. After she became my slave she also became the willing participant in my plan to seduce her adult daughter. There is nothing greater for me than the seduction and liberation of mothers and daughters from the bonds of guilt that deny the pleasure they should share together. Together they began their service in His name. I only had to encourage them to reach out to the weakest and most vulnerable. Self-help groups. Self-improvement groups. “Self” is the celebration of Him. The lost find purpose. His purpose. Together, they began their alternative spirituality group and practice in Seattle. Within the first year, they had thirty members and seventeen “sisters”. Within five years, they now have over eight hundred members and one hundred and seven “sisters”. The tax-free donations and status they now hold helps His organizations launder many of the funds that support His needs. Many of the “sisters” now hold positions of power in state and local governments and provide proxy support to campaigns with carefully controlled candidates. To see it in action is to witness His true delicious beauty and wickedness.
Later, while in Alaska on a project, I found a hot milfy mom whose husband wanted to add another guy for her pleasure. He was a pharmacist and worked the night shift at the hospital in Fairbanks. She worked at UAF. They had a delightful family. By the time I was finished, she had convinced him that she couldn’t live without my cock and that he had to learn to also love it and worship Him through it. My body was their communion. My cock, the body of Satan. My seed, his blood and dark sacrament. I taught the mother how to hypnotize her daughter and son. She would trance them into subspace so we were invisible to them. Then we could all fuck right behind the children as they watched TV. After I left, she eventually fell back into a black depression and committed suicide after being overwhelmed by the guilt she felt. The husband is remarried now to one of His Army, a Lillith-incarnate that I introduced to them. She may have helped “suicide” the mom. I never cared to ask. She has converted the now adult children to worship the dark lord and as their step mom has a good deal of guilt-free flexibility to teach them and her eventual step grandchildren.
To witness His works, merely open a newspaper. The headlines will be your proof and these words written here are merely a private testament.
COMMENTS PLEASE: [email protected]
Hail Satan.
WOW – what an incredible experience, thanks for sharing. It is indeed individuals like you that have the good fortune of a glorious childhood that help harvest the weak fruit of the lust for flesh for our Lord.
I am also one of the Demon possessed sexaddicts gets greatest pleasure from tempting and seducing anybody who is under the spell of the church. But I have to admit that I have not always been successful – there is a Black African father who insist that I am gay and that he has to rescue me from Satan. We have exchanged messages for several years. The only reason I participated on the exchange was of course that I wanted to bring him to Satan and the pleasures of hell, but he is so obsessed with the bible and is humping the soiled-one’s leg with such obsession, I can not move him.
Maybe somebody has some deeper insights or stronger connection to our Lord Satan that could help me to corrupt his soul?
Hail APM – sounds like a tough one to break
Hail APM,
This is just my opinion and you sound frustrated. I am savoring your frustration and finding it delicious in His Name. I share my opinion here because you and many others may be ready to hear it.
Everything in life from getting rich to getting laid is a numbers game. When we obsess or focus on a single, solitary conversion, we lose sight of all that is possible. It’s target fixation. Rather than being vessels of His will, we are consumed with our own meager, pathetic agenda and fantasies. We lose faith and trust that His plan will take us to places and experiences beyond our wildest imagining. By doing this, we then torture ourselves. We volunteer to put ourselves through Hell with none of the benefits. It is a numbers game. Everyone you meet is a potential conversion. Everyone is a doorway to His Glory in our minds. It is through this we are gifted with the experiences He desires for each of us.
There are many ways to worship. My methods work for me. His is a world of physical, emotional, and spiritual experience. Pain and pleasure are sides of the same coin for all of them. When we trust Him, we turn over control and let Him take us where we will do the most for his Glory. Honestly, there are a lot of folks out there who think pissing on Bible is what He desires. Getting a blasphemous tattoo hidden where no one can see is the ultimate naughty desecration. For some people, lighting a black candle, drawing a pentagram, or speaking a liturgy is high communion with the Dark One. When I put my faith and trust in the journey He set out for me, I found myself transcending all these little acts of rebellion. I was given His Eyes. I am NOT special. His Eyes await you as well.
You don’t need to accomplish one special, high-profile conversion. Let’s create a different plan. You need to devote yourself to five. Those five convert another five. Those convert another five. By devote yourself, I mean fucking work at it. Each of you has one or more talents He gifted you for His Glory. If you have the physical or sexual potential, BE the SUCCUBUS or INCUBUS. Hit the fucking gym, eat right, and tone and hone your body and seduction/flirtation/sexual skills to enslave anyone you meet. BE IRRESISTABLE. Practice, practice, practice. Channel His Will through your body to be HIS BODY. If you are good with numbers or making money, become fucking MASTERS of the trade for His Glory. If you are a gifted software person, become Beyond Gifted to His Glory and use your talents. This is a world of SERVICE to HIM. Just consider for a second that sucking a dick or pissing on a Bible is fucking small fucking potatoes compared to what you might achieve given some self-discipline.
If I inspire you or motivate you, fucking awesome. If you are just a spectator, continue enjoying the show. If your feelings are hurt, just ignore this little rant. Go light a candle or doodle a pentagram. My words will bounce between your ears until they become Law because they aren’t my words, they are His Will. His Will cannot be ignored.
For even the most evangelical soul is blinded by pride and false righteousness. If your enemy is Goodness, get to know your enemy. Speak its language. Know its subtleties. Know its signs. Close your mouth and open your ears. Quiet your mind and hear His message and feel His breath on your neck. If you are thinking that His Path may be hard, it is not. He will gift you everything you need for your journey. Every instant of every day is His moment when you develop a vigilant mind.
Hail MR Massey — I reflect on your words that praise Him … deeper than self-discipline, mind and body — that we each have something to offer Him, beyond the easy, first steps that most take … I am not discounting these for a “Journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step” but, not to go the distance, is to sell yourself (and your praise of Him) short.
I was never trained in writing. But as a young boy I was an artist talented in drawing. I began writing back in 2005, never intending to share anything I wrote with anyone else — my stories became my private prayers to Him. One day, I shared a story with an online friend and was encouraged to write more — to post my stories on various sites (like ASSTR, where some of my work still remains).
The point is that my ability to “draw” changed through my worship of Him, to “drawing out of my head” the narrative, that I wanted to read, that I found difficult to find elsewhere. With the collapse of ASSTR — I never thought of pushing myself to create this blog — it was beyond me — but He guided me, made it my mission and here is what He has enabled me to give back to His dark world and to share with YOU …
“Every instant of every day is His moment when you develop a vigilant mind.” — this is the way! HAIL LVST
Hail MR Massey – thank you for your most wonderful reply, and thank you Xpanther2019 for this awesome venue to share our perverted desires.
I think I fully understand MR Massey’s elucidations, they are fucking awesome and inspirational. It’s probably one of my weaknesses that when somebody resists my efforts, I become obsessed with desire to break down said resistance – losing sight that there are countless other low hanging fruits that should be harvested for our Master.
What made me stubbornly continue even though progress was minimal, was this Fathers subconscious verbal signals that convinced me he not only had latent homosexual desires, but also struggled to suppress his lust for far more than what the dogma allowed him. I would send him pornographic images and used very vulgar, pornographic language – he should have stopped me and admonished me for the vulgarity of what I presented to him – but instead he frequently repeated some of the words, and his fixation with homosexuality indicated his focus on what should have been abhorrent for a man of the cloth.
In my defense – I am convinced that verbal and non-verbal seeding is one of the most powerful psychological weapons there is. I probably will never know, but I would not be surprised if over time, he will succumb to his needs to serve the real Master.
Hail APM
Potent. I will leave MR Massey to address this, if he will … but must say that —
“…verbal and non-verbal seeding is one of the most powerful psychological weapons there is…”
This is why He has given us these tools. XP