Hail All …
I have been busy working on a new story – I’m now in the ninth chapter of JUSTICE. I mentioned it previously in a number of personal emails and in replies on the blog – sometimes it takes a little longer for the story to reach its natural conclusion. Here’s a comment from a friend about this … thanks Robert for the encouragement.
Hail XP – I wanted to thank you for your reply to my comment concerning the forthcumming Justice story, but such is the speed that folk post on your excellent site, that I could not find the link. Anyway, I am delighted that you have chosen to include death sex and abortion sex in the story, and I look forward to with hot anticipation to reading it!! To be honest, reading of characters, especially women, who brutally rape and torture victims, and then decide to kill makes me rock hard and gives considerable sexual pleasure. Thank you for creating a site that so clearly caters to Satanists and sadists or all persuasions! Hail Satan, Hail Lilith and Hail XP!!!
Hail Robert – thanks for the email – like you I am turned on by extremes and I often masturbate as I write – it keeps me in that zone – that says “this is totally wrong and evil – but I cannot resist it”
Loosely based on one of my favorite stories (The Devil’s Advocate) — Justice was my opportunity to explore the ideas and themes that I thought about whilst watching the 1997 movie; reading the screen play by Jonathan Lemkin and Tony Gilroy; and book by
of the same name. If you haven’t seen it or read it — It is a great story. Justice pays homage in part to all of these — but needs to stand its own ground as a tale of darkness and evil.SYNOPSIS OF JUSTICE
Kevin Swift is a lawyer from Small Town. He very good at his job. In fact he has never lost a case. In the courtroom he has been faultless. After winning an amazing court battle, he becomes sort after by a large multinational law firm. They offer him a job and he and his wife move to Big Town and are soon swept up in the fairy-tale lifestyle of the rich, famous and the powerful. His new employer is Milton Maximus — a legal genius himself — sets Kevin at work to free some of the most evil criminals possible. Not everything is as it seems. Soon Kevin finds he is making choices that impact both his relationship and his conscience. Though Kevin is far from being a boy scout, he is forced to ask what is the true nature of Justice, if not to find the truth? But Justice is blind; and the truth may be more evil and wicked than Kevin ever imagined.
Justice is the eleventh card of the Major Arcana — it represents accountability, objectivity and outcomes — it is in a blind to sentiment and emotions and is focused on purely cause and effect. In sexuality it is about asceticism. The sword aloft is in fact a phallic symbol. Like the donning of the strap-on — it is the equalizer that levels the playing field. Justice is depicted as both male and female. If female, she is depicted in a nun’s habit. As male, Justice has a masculine face with long, feminine hair, rendering an androgynous quality to this symbol. The dual-sexuality of Justice depicts balance and impartiality. Justice sits enthroned between two pillars that represent the finite differences between right and wrong, good and evil, life and death.