Feature Writer: Masterful_Husband


Published: 12.02.2020

Story Codes: Erotic Horror

Synopsis: An everyday detective runs into an extraordinary crime scene


Demon Detective

Chloe got out of her car and popped a stick of gum in her mouth. She’d passed her detective exam five days ago and quit smoking two days later. As she surveyed the scene in front of her, she was suddenly regretting both those decisions. She tugged at her jacket, still not comfortable wearing street clothes while on duty. The white starched shirt gave her a sense of comfort but the jeans felt wrong on her. On the other hand, the cold, misty night was kept at bay a lot better with a leather jacket then the standard issue police shirt and vest.

She closed the door to her new Tesla. It was a little gift to herself, purchased in celebration of passing her exam and getting her promotion. She loved it already. She told people it was because going electric was better for the planet. Deep down she knew that was only half the reason. The other 50% was because it was just so damn cool. The sleek lines. The near silent acceleration. She’d fallen in love with the car when her last boyfriend had bought his. That had been a year ago. A long, lonely year. She shivered at the thought of Ray’s touch, thinking about how much she’d missed it. Ray had disappeared mysteriously. Just taken off though Chloe was convinced it was worse. She’d thrown herself at the case despite the warnings she’d gotten from her bosses. His disappearance had provided the kick in the ass she’d needed to finally buckle down and go for detective. It was good that it had provided some motivation even if the case had brought no satisfaction to her. He was gone from her life just as mysteriously as he’d come in. Everyone said she should have seen it coming but she refused to accept that he’d just up and left.

That was in the past. Chloe forced herself to focus on the current situation, surveying the scene before her. Blue and red lights were everywhere and it seemed that half the force was here. The 10-53, person down, had changed to a 10-55 as she was driving in. That meant there was a coroner on the way and a body to be examined. None of that explained why 20 cops were here and seemed to be arresting the entire fraternity. Delta Omega Mu’s had always been a problem. Loud house parties, drunken revelry. But the one thing they’d actually been good at is weeding out the underclassmen. It was kind of a running joke at the college and among the local police that busting their parties never lead to citations for underage drinking. Given that, Chloe couldn’t figure out what all the fuss was about over a girl that, reports indicated, had fallen over a balcony.

Chloe made a beeline to the officer in charge, Gerald Bentley. She liked Gerald partly for his unusual history and partly because he wasn’t a jock like a lot of the other guys. He tipped his hat to Chloe as she approached. Two weeks ago, he’d been her superior. Now he was answering to her. The other detectives had warned her that was the hardest part of the transition. All the more reason she was grateful Gerald was the one in charge here. He was finishing a call with Dispatch as Chloe approached. She caught the tail end of the discussion about a search of the campus.

“Hey there, Gerry. What’s with all the arrests? Do we not think this was an accident anymore?” Chloe’s smile faded as she saw the older man’s expression. Gerald had come over on a liaison program from the UK. He’d liked LA so much that he’d asked to stay permanently and eventually joined the force officially. The guys joked that it was because he just enjoyed carrying a gun. But in reality, he loved the weather and, inexplicably to most, the people of Los Angeles. Like a lot of British men, Gerald kept his emotions close to his vest, which is why his nearly ashen face stopped Chloe cold.

“You need to see this,” he said and gestured for her to follow.

“What’s up?” Chloe asked. When Gerald didn’t respond, Chloe reached out and grabbed his shoulder. “Seriously… Gerald… what the hell?”

Gerald gestured to the pavement where a woman’s body was being examined by the ME’s assistant. The woman’s head was busted open and blood was everywhere. It was a horrible, unfortunate sight but it wasn’t anything that they hadn’t seen a dozen times before. “Name’s Addison Jiminez. She’s a sister at Sigma Upsilon Beta. Got drunk, came over the railing and died on impact.”

Chloe looked, watching as Beverly was examining the body. Beverly had only been with the ME’s office for a couple months. Why was she doing the examination? Where was the Medical Examiner? Before she could ask, Chloe noticed the dark woods behind the building. There must have been half a dozen flashlights flicking through the woods. Gerald kept walking, going right past the dead body as if it wasn’t the reason they were there. “The girl that called it in is a pledge for the sorority,” he said as he glanced to his right.

A scantily clad blonde was being tended to by a couple cops. She looked cold and terrified. What the hell had happened here?

“A pledge? Not like the Delta’s to let an underclassmen in. Not a good reason to arrest everyone though, Gerry.” Chloe studied the shaken girl, she didn’t look like a freshmen.

“She’s not. She’s actually a senior, over here on exchange from Oslo. She thought it would be fun to pledge a sorority and she chose the Sigma’s.”

“Sure… tall, blonde, athletic Swede sounds like their type.” That was essentially the opposite description of Chloe who barely topped 5’4″, had dark brown hair and was very top heavy. In a different line of work, those might have been assets, but not for police work. Not that she had a chip on her shoulder or anything.

“Norway, Detective,” Gerald said, correcting her with a shrug. “She called in freaking out. The 911 operator didn’t get much from her.” Gerald led Chloe into the woods, towards the flashlights.

“When we got here, everything seemed fine but our guys noticed that a bunch of the frat members were rummaging in the woods. The brothers tried to distract them, focusing on the dead girl but one of the rooks got curious. Thank God he did I guess, but Jesus what a thing to find.”

Before Chloe could ask, her still forming questioned was answered by her own eyes. The scene was macabre. Body parts were strewn across a small clearing. Multiple arms and legs formed a rough circle. “Holy fuck,” Chloe breathed out, “How… how many?”

“ME’s trying to figure that out. My rough guess is 10 but we won’t know for awhile. Maybe never. Decomp looks pretty bad on some.”

Chloe looked around. She was confused, appalled and horrified all at once. “We think the Deltas did this?” she asked turning back to the Sergeant.

He nodded, “Yeah. Looks like it, love.” It was a testament to how disconcerted Gerald was that he called her that while on duty. He called all the women he worked with that but never while wearing the uniform. Normally he was all business but tonight had really shaken him. Chloe could understand why. She turned her eye towards the grisly scene, trying to figure out what in the world had happened. Gerry continued from behind, “When Jacob, the rookie who found this, called out, the brothers all tried to take off. Our guys tased a couple and there happened to be two units next door breaking up another party. They caught a bunch of other runners. We started rounding up the ones that were too drunk to run and that’s what you see. I figure about 15 took off and I got central to pull every patrol unit in the area to start knocking on doors and searching campus.”

Chloe nodded her head. She couldn’t worry about that right now. She walked over to the ME, a nice, middle aged man named Bob. Chloe had dealt with Bob several times. Every time she’d been left with the impression that he might be the world’s most average person. Average height, average build. Brown hair. Brown Eyes. If you drew a generic white guy, Bob would be what you got. “Sorry this is your night, Bob,” Chloe said as she walked up, “Anything you can tell me?”

“Not much. I heard Gerald say he thought there might be 10 bodies. I think that’s probably right. I’ll know better later but it’s a fair guess right now,” he stood up and gestured around the clearing. “The limbs form an oval around here,” he said indicating the area in front of them, “and they’re in a variety of states of decomp. This one,” he said pointing at a nearly skeletal leg at their feet, “I couldn’t even guess the age of. But the next one over,” he said, pointing now to an arm. It was severed at the shoulder, blood and sinew dangling out. There wasn’t much sign of decay, just some dirt smudges.

“Looks like it’s from today?” Chloe said, aghast.

“I thought so too but it’s definitely not. Too much rigor and the blood has been rain smeared and it hasn’t rained since Tuesday.”

“So… what… it’s three days old?”

“And it’s been sitting here that whole time. See how the leaves underneath it are stained with the runoff of the blood?” he asked as he knelt down again.

“No way. Animals would be all over it,” Chloe protested.

“I don’t know what to tell you. It’s all very ritualistic. Alternate leg, arm, left, right the whole way around. Maybe they had someone out here keeping the animals away.”

“Or maybe something else kept them away. Ghosts or demons maybe?” came a voice from behind her. Chloe stiffened. She knew the mocking tone of her ex-partner. Brett was a real piece of work. A womanizer par-excellence. He was a perfect example of the kind of asshole jock that pervaded the LAPD.

Chloe forced her expression to remain neutral and turned to see the tall, well built man that walked towards her. It would have been easier if he wasn’t so damn good looking. Unfortunately, he knew it. His cocky grin was awfully sexy despite his utter lack of humanity underneath. “Hello, Brett. Hey, weren’t you in Delta Omega Mu?”

Brett actually looked a little surprised but recovered quickly and flashed that annoying smirk, “Yeah. Didn’t realize you were paying so much attention to me, Detective.” He said the last word with all the condescension a person could muster.

“Don’t get your hopes up, Brett. You’ll have to enjoy the scenery from afar from now on,” Chloe said, hands on her hips. Brett had been annoyed when he found out she had made detective before he did. Chloe wasn’t exactly heartbroken.

Brett just smiled and walked away, searching for… “Where’s the rest of the bodies?”

Bob looked solemn, “We haven’t found the torsos. That’s what they’re looking for now.”

“And the heads?” Chloe asked, knowing already that she was going to hate the answer.

Bob simply pointed up. Chloe’s dread heightened as she raised her eyes. Ten feet above her was a skull dangling from a vine. Chloe shrieked and jumped away, “What the fuck, guys?”

Brett’s laugh echoed through the darkness from wherever he’d wandered off to. Even Gerald chuckled behind her. “We all had the same reaction. Only thing about tonight that’s making this bearable,” he said. Gallows humor was one thing. Letting people stand underneath decapitated heads was something else entirely.

Chloe looked up and examined the skull. It was twisting around slightly in the night’s breeze and as it rotated around in her direction, she could see the mouth agape. She also saw that it’s teeth were missing. “The teeth are gone,” she said. She turned and saw Bob’s gaze as tracked to the center of the infernal oval. There was a pile of teeth right in the middle. “What the hell was going on here? Some sort of ritualized murder sight?”

“That’s our guess,” Bob said as he handed Chloe a pair of booties. “Wear these if you’re going to go look,” he said.

Chloe put on the booties and strode over to the pile of mandibles, canines and incisors shining in the dark. As she got close, it only got worse. The teeth weren’t just teeth. They all had little bits of flesh and blood on them and she quickly realized these must have been wrenched from the person’s mouth.

“Anything inside the pile?”

Bob shrugged.

“You already got pictures right?” Chloe asked as she took out a pen from her jacket pocket. The pile was only six inches tall. Hopefully she could check without actually touching anything. Bob flashed her a thumbs up and she poked the pen into the pile. The plastic tip made a slight “clink” sound as it hit something hard.

Suddenly the world seemed to slow around her. A strange, purple haze rose out of the pile of teeth. Chloe tried to jump back but the smoky wisps flew at her before she could even move. Terrified, she tried to scream but no sounds came out. The mist swirled around her, penetrating her clothing and wrapping her. Invading her. That’s when she heard the voice.


“What? Who?,” she mumbled. Her eyes flicked around and she saw Bob still standing there with his thumb out, unmoving. Gerald was to his left, one foot frozen in the air mid stride. The panic that had previously washed over Chloe rose several notches.


The voice came again, seemingly from everywhere and yet nowhere. She realized she wasn’t hearing it but rather feeling it. She also realized that she was, despite all common sense, feeling aroused.

-Call my name, Complete the ritual-

“Who are you?” she said. The mist shifted under her clothes, touching her like no lover had ever done. It was like being teased by the world’s most dextrous and delicate fingers.

-You know me, Say my name-

“I don’t know you. What do you want?” she screamed at the thing invading her.

-Power. Submission. Dominance. Lust.-

The voice’s response sent a shudder down Chloe’s spine. The voice’s touch sent a bolt of lightning to her clit. “I’m sorry. I don’t know you,” Chloe said. She was trying to sound strong but it came out of her mouth like a whimper. Despite her assertion of a lack of knowledge, in the back of her mind she could feel something. Some bit of knowledge seemed to tickle at the something buried deep and long forgotten.

-Yes Chloe. I see the words in your mind. You know my name. Say it and we can complete the bonding-

The touch on her was relentless. She could feel the pleasure affecting her mind. She could feel the… the thing working on her body and soul. Her willpower being drained and replaced with pleasurable supplication.

“B… Bonding?” she asked, focused on the terrifying word. But something deep inside of her wasn’t terrified. That realization made her shiver, but not in fear. The mist seemed to solidify slightly and slip inside of her. Filling her cunt first and then her ass. The invasion should have alarmed her. It should have made her run away in fear. But the sensation was too good. Too perfect. Despite everything telling her to get away, her body’s response was simply to thrust her hips into the air, seeking more.

-Yes Chloe. I know what you like. I can give it to you. I can give it all to you. Say my name. Repeat the pledge and you’ll have all this and more.-

Chloe’s resistance was fading. She tried to hold on to a tiny little spark of anger and fear at her core. She held on for dear life. But as she did that, her subconscious mind was providing the answer she needed. Somewhere deep in the recesses of her brain was a name. A name she’d heard from her grandmother. Or maybe she’d read it in a book? Or a movi?. She didn’t know the source. All she knew was that the voice was right. She did know its name. And she knew that saying it would end her.

-No Chloe Not end Beginning. I see your soul and I will not change it. This is my pledge.-

Chloe gritted her teeth, trying to block out the pleasure that was growing inside of her. It was far beyond anything anyone had ever done to her. It was perfect. Better than perfect. It was heavenly.

The voice seemed to chuckle

-Not heavenly Chloe. But perfect yes. Say my name, Chloe. Say it-

Chloe felt the mist begin to move within her and her resistance crumbled as her first orgasm crashed into her. The mist withdrew instantly, ruining the orgasm and leaving her gasping, “No!” she cried out at the sheer misery of the sudden emptiness. “No… Please… Please.”

-Say my name and I will give you what you crave-

There was no fight left in her after that. “KyriarchoúnDoúlos,” Chloe whispered.


The voice was exultant and the mist returned to Chloe, along with the pleasure. It was even better than before, thrusting into her, teasing her no longer. It touched her in ways more perfect than she thought possible. She felt another orgasm coming and she knew it would be life changing.

-Repeat the pledge Chloe-

Chloe gritted her teeth as the waves of pleasure drove through her. It felt like each one wiped a little bit more of her mind. Each one eroded another bit of willpower. She wanted this orgasm more than she wanted her next breath.

-I will seek pleasure-

Of course she would. That was easy. “I will seek pleasure,” Chloe breathed out. She was rewarded with a new wave of pleasure somehow better than the rest. It took her breath away and she desperately craved more. Flashes of erotic images rifled through her mind’s eye. Of her masturbating. Of her riding a faceless man. Of her having her pussy eaten by a slutty blonde. Of her taking a room full of men one after another. The images made her cunt flood.

-I will dominate all women–

Chloe liked to be in charge and had no problem with women. Another easy one. “I will dominate all women,” Chloe said, this time louder. Despite expecting the pleasure wave this time, it still left her panting. Now the images were of her on top of women. Kissing them. Holding them down. Tying them up. Spanking them. Leading them on leashes. Each image growing more and more depraved and yet more and more pleasurable.

-I will submit to all men-

Something in the back of her mind rebelled. Why should she submit to anyone? But the voice had said it and the pleasure would be so good if she just said it. “I will… I will…”

-You WILL submit to men-

The voice was pressing in on her and she saw sparks fly. She started again, almost involuntarily, “I will submit… to…” But again her mind held together just enough. She could feel the wrongness of the words.

-Chloe, if you want my power you must say the words. You must submit to men. It will be pleasurable. I promise-

She had the horrible, fleeting image of a spiky, demonic mouth licking its teeth with a long, purple tongue. The image repulsed her but a part of her didn’t mind. The part of her that longed for the pleasure and submission.

-I will submit to all men. Say it Chloe-

“I will… I will…,” Chloe’s resolve was crumbling and she knew she wouldn’t last longer. She hung onto that part of her sanity that was repulsed a moment ago. A moment of strength for her? Or a moment of weakness for the demon invading her? It didn’t matter. It was a lifeline.

-Yessssss. Say it, Chloe-

“I will submit to…,” her mind flailed around for an escape. A solution. Or… a loophole? “I will submit to… some men,” she said. Pleasure flooded through her and the response from the voice was instant.


But the words had worked. She got her reward. The orgasm overtook her and seemed to last forever. The horrible images this time were dark and depraved. Her tied up. Her violated and humiliated. Her on her knees begging for worse and worse abuse. Each one more and more arousing to her, however.

-You dumb bitch. You don’t know what you’ve done-

Chloe barely heard the words. She was too busy gasping on her knees. She felt like she’d just run a marathon. Uphill. Through a jungle. Her lungs burned and she didn’t even notice that the purple mist that had swirled around her was part of what she was breathing in. The mist entered her through every hole, in fact. Suffusing her body with its essence. She felt stronger. More… alive. And she felt more aroused. Not like she had been before. Not the overwhelming, mind destroying pleasure. Just a low grade arousal that was intoxicating.

The world started up around her with a whoosh. Nobody seemed to have noticed the erotic fight that she’d just won. But had she won?

-Hardly, Chloe. All you’ve done is prolonged the fight. I will win eventually-

The voice caused her to shudder, “What the hell are you?” she asked.

“What’s that Chloe?” Gerald said from several feet away.

-I’m you now, Chloe. For better or worse. Til death do us part-

Chloe shook her head, trying to ignore the voice. She turned and looked to Gerald and felt her knees go weak. Gerald looked so strong and virile. She thought about kneeling at his feet and taking his cock…

“What the fuck?” Chloe thought, barely keeping the words contained.

-You could have that right now. Think of the pleasure. The submission. The power-

The voice was hungry and Chloe had to literally bite her tongue to force its thoughts away. She turned to Gerald, forcing herself to look him in the eye both to avoid casting her eyes down and to keep her eyes away from his cock. It was probably long, thick and ha… Damn it! “There’s something buried in the teeth,” she managed to say through gritted teeth.

“Really?” came the British man’s deep masculine voice. “What is it?”

Chloe was now practically grinding her teeth together as she said, “I’m not sure. You got some gloves?”

“Right here,” came the soft lilting voice of the ME’s assistant, Beverly. Chloe turned and this time the reaction was completely opposite. Chloe imagined gripping the girl’s light brown hair in her hand and forcing her to her knees.

“I bet her tongue would feel good in my cunt,” Chloe thought. She could picture it vividly. God she was wet.

-That could be yours too, Chloe. That’s easy because you said the words like a good girl-

Chloe tried to will the voice away as she took the gloves from the outstretched hands of the athletic, half-Asian woman. As their fingers touched, she felt something like a shock. Beverley must have felt it too as she let out a little squeak and locked eyes with Chloe. Something unsaid passed between them and Chloe new that she could fuck this girl at will.

-She’s very receptive, Chloe. Almost too easy. A perfect first conquest for you-

Chloe put the gloves on and went over to the pile of teeth. She tried to ignore the grisliness of the small stack and felt inside, trying to disturb the pile as little as possible. At the bottom, she felt the rough edge of something and slowly pulled out an ornate necklace with a large purple gemstone.

-Ahh… my old home. I haven’t thanked you yet for freeing me. Don’t worry, Chloe. I WILL thank you-

The words and the implicit promise of pleasure sent a shiver down Chloe’s spine but she tried to ignore it. “I think the idea that this is some kind of sick, demonic ritual might have some merit, Gerry.”

The older man nodded in agreement as he held out an evidence bag. Chloe dropped the jewelry into the bag and it was sealed away. The ebb and flow of dominance and submission was dizzying. “How many of the runners have our boys caught?” she asked, focusing on business although the brief mention of boys did make a couple images flash through her mind.

“Eight,” Gerald said, “We think there’s another six or seven left.”

Chloe nodded. A cult of demonic mass murders. What had she gotten herself into? The team processed the crime scene quickly and efficiently. Even Brett managed to be professional. The voice remained silent as the team took apart the occult summoning sight while Chloe went back up to the frat house to interview the witnesses. She approached the blonde who’d called in the original fall and pulled out her notebook. “Do you mind if I ask you some questions?”

The girl had looked pretty shaken earlier but now she seemed a lot more composed. She almost towered over Chloe as she turned and shot her a cold, disdainful look. “What do you want,” she said. Her accent wasn’t thick but it was easily identifiable. A sort of sing song that was belied by her words. She brushed her hand through her hair as she looked past the much shorter detective.


“Sahra… S-A-H-R-A, Pedersen,” the sorority girl said as she looked at her fingers.

“Did you see anything unusual after you called in to 911?”

“No,” she said simply.

“Did anyone try to stop you from calling 911?”


“What about after the cops started showing up. What happened?”

The girl looked down at Chloe and took a step forward, “I have answered your questions over and over. I am not the criminal. I will go home now?” she said. She reached up with her hand and started to poke Chloe in the chest. Something welled up within Chloe. It wasn’t anger. Not exactly, at least. She wasn’t going to let this… girl… boss her around. The detective’s hand shot up and grabbed the girl’s finger, twisting it and bringing it low to spin the girl around.

She pinned her hand behind the girl’s back and whispered into Sahra’s ear, “Listen, bitch. Be nice and answer the questions and maybe I won’t arrest you as an accessory to murder.”

-Yessssss the voice said. Show her how powerful we are, Chloe-

Voices came from around the two girls and Chloe let Sahra’s hand go. She rubbed her fingers as several concerned cops gathered around. Chloe realized that she needed to make sure the narrative of what just happened was clear, “Don’t go poking police officers, Sahra. Now do you want to answer the questions?”

Sahra shot her a look but then noticed the hard stares from the cops around them. She nodded, “Ask again, please.”

“Did anyone try to stop you from calling 911?”

The girl was silent for a moment and Chloe thought she might have decided to go back to being difficult. Eventually, she nodded and said, “Yes. They tried to convince me the girl was okay. At first I thought they were… uhmm… drunk. But then it seemed like they were stalling for some reason so I went ahead and called. I’m here on exchange and I wasn’t sure what happens if you don’t call but I knew it wouldn’t be good.”

The other cops dispersed as Chloe nodded and took notes, “Do you know the names of the girls that tried to stop you?”

Sahra shrugged, “It was kind of all of them but so much was going on I’m not really sure which in particular. Sorry.” Chloe looked at the girl, she seemed to be truthful now that she’d been cowed.

“That’s okay. What about after you called?”

“After I called, they all started talking about the cops getting here. The boys and girls were all freaking out. They kept asking if they should ‘clean it up’. I thought they meant the body but…,” she stopped and looked into the forest, “They didn’t mean the body did they?”

Chloe shook her head and kept writing, “Okay, last question. Are you straight, gay or bi?” Where had that come from?

Before Chloe could apologize, Sahra answered, “Bisexual.”

“Sorry, I shouldn’t have asked you that?” Chloe said, aghast at what she’d done.

“Why not, detective. Your job is to ask questions and my job is to answer them, yes?”

Chloe nodded slightly, still confused.

-That is just a taste of the power I can give you, Chloe. That little bit of dominance you showed let me do that to her. I can do much more though-

Chloe shook her head again, trying to repress the voice somehow. “If you think of anything else, call this number,” she said handing the girl her card.

“I will, detective. Thank you and,” she looked at Chloe, “I’m sorry.” The girl’s whole demeanor had changed. What the hell was this thing inside of her?

Chloe took notes from some of the other girls. Each girl was initially hostile but quickly softened when Chloe told them to shape up. The guys weren’t so easy, however.

While most of the male party goers had been members of the fraternity and already taken downtown for questioning, there were a few guys that were there as dates of one of the Sigmas or random friends. They didn’t have enough uniforms to arrest everyone and weren’t really sure on what grounds they even COULD arrest someone who was there for the first time. The first one Chloe tried to question was a tall football player named Heath. He was easily 6’4 and Chloe felt an absolutely insane urge to simply spread her legs for him. He looked at her and Chloe’s whole world became that man and pleasing his cock. Somehow, Chloe knew that, despite his size, he wasn’t packing very much below his beltline and, crazy as it sounds, that helped her tamp down the building pressure inside of her.

-Just as well. He wouldn’t be a good Master for you. Far too passive-

“No man will ever be my Master,” Chloe whispered. Part of her was worried she was going insane with the voices but she knew that wasn’t the case.

-We’ll see. All women succumb to the pleasure eventually, Chloe-

Chloe shook it off and walked over to the man. Boy, really. “What’s your name?”

“Heath Townsend, ma’am” he said.

“Did you see anything weird?”

“No, ma’am,” he said.

“Anyone say anything you thought was odd?”

“No, ma’am,”

-Lies. A true Master does not lie to his inferior-

The voice seemed genuinely annoyed by this. Chloe was just annoyed at the insinuation that she was an inferior… well… that and that he was lying. She turned back to Heath and lowered her voice, “Want to try that again, Heath. Tell me what you heard. I promise nobody here needs to know you told me.”

The boy looked around and said, “It’s my girlfriend, ma’am. She was weirdly excited about tonight. Kept telling me how things were going to change. I felt like she was going to break up with me tonight for some reasons. It’s like she’s been saying goodbye to me all week. She kept asking me what… uhmm… what I…,” the boy trailed out and blushed.

“Spit it out, Heath,” Chloe said. She was annoyed but somehow couldn’t bring herself to yell at the kid. Her command came out as a soft plea instead.

“Uhmm… like sex stuff. She kept asking me what I wanted to do to her. I mean… I’m pretty ordinary, ma’am. And she kept wanting to do all this… you know… crazy stuff.”

It was all Chloe could do not to ask what kind of stuff. She made a few notes and thanked the boy. “Oh… which one’s your girlfriend?”

The boy looked around, “She’s not here, ma’am. She… she took off when the police showed up.”

Chloe got the girl’s name and made some final notations and went to find Gerald. She told him to add the girl to the BOLO and made her way to her car. It had been a long night and she was emotionally exhausted. She just wanted to go home and…

“Excuse me, detective. I need to show you something.” Beverly called to her from the ambulance at the end of the driveway. Chole sighed and walked down the dark street towards the ambulance. Something about the way Beverly had called to her set her on edge though. As if the girl was in distress. She put her hand on her sidearm and tensed as she approached the back of the vehicle. Beverly had ducked back behind after calling out so Chloe took a wide berth around the back. “I’m inside, detective,” the girl’s voice said. This time Chloe was sure the girl was in trouble. She sounded frantic. Chloe imagined one of the frat guys holding the young assistant hostage. She pulled her gun and stepped around to look in the back of the ambulance.

What she saw shocked her more than anything she’d pictured. Beverly was kneeling on the floor of the ambulance completely naked. She was strumming her clit and had a wild look in her eyes. “Please. I need you, Chloe,” called the girl. Chloe’s eyes drifted to the smooth, slick pussy that Beverley was rapidly strumming. The Asian girl’s small nipples were hard little nubs and her whole body was quivering.

“Beverly, put some clothes on,” Chloe said reflexively as she holstered her weapon.

“If that’s what you want,” she said sullenly but made no attempt to do it.

“Of course it’s…,” Chloe said before trailing off.

-Take her. Claim her. Make her your first thrall. PLEASURE-

The voice was compelling. It made a good point. Beverly obviously needed to submit. Chloe could see how pathetic the girl was. How she knew who her betters were and responded accordingly. Chloe moved on autopilot, hopping into the back of the ambulance and closing the doors. Beverly smiled a happy, dopey grin as Chloe unbuttoned her pants. “Get me off, slut.”

Beverly practically dove in, tonguing Chloe’s clit with abandon. She eagerly worked her tongue all over before finally wrapping her mouth around Chloe’s small little button and applying light suction. She started rapidly flicking her tongue across the little nub driving Chloe close.

-Make her yours It will be better for us… and we’ll have more power Chloe-

The voice made such good points, Chloe realized. She gripped the girl’s head and shoved it to her cunt, not allowing her a reprieve. Beverely didn’t mind. In fact, her tongue became even more rapid and it quickly drove Chloe to the edge. As she flicked her tongue across Chloe’s swollen button, Chloe got more and more forceful with her. Moving her head and thrusting her hips into the girl’s eager mouth. It didn’t take long for Chloe to feel the release coming. It was the most powerful orgasm anyone had ever given her. She felt incredible, as if she was the queen of the world while it wash happening. Wave after wave of intense pleasure tore through her body, causing her to shake and scream with joy. When the orgasm finally subsided, Chloe looked at the girl beneath her who was panting from near suffocation at Chloe’s hand.

“Beverly, I’m so sorry,” Chloe said. Suddenly, it was like a shock hit her. For the first time, the thing inside her caused pain not pleasure.

-NO Never submit to a woman Chloe-

The voice was powerful. Far more powerful than before. Chloe could tell there was something she didn’t understand but she also could see that arguing with the voice, especially in front of Beverly, was going to prove fruitless. She opted for a different tactic. “Beverly, put your clothes on and get back to work.”

“Yes, Mistress,” the girl said.

Chloe started to object but the word actually sounded right. It made sense. Her inferiors should address her as Mistress. Wait, her inferiors? Chloe zipped up her pants and stumbled out of the ambulance. She was a little light headed and she knew she needed to get home. She headed for her car and climbed in, finally relieved to be alone so she could interrogate the one thing that she really wanted to interrogate. The voice. Chloe started up the car and drove away before saying, “Okay, KyriarchoúnDoúlos. What the hell are you?”

-I’m a demon Chloe A primordial force of passion and lust-

“Uhmm… I’m not really sure what to do with that,” Chloe said. She should have been horrified but for some reason she wasn’t.

-We have bonded Chloe We are one now You cannot hate or fear me anymore than you could hate or fear your left arm-

“But you’re a fucking demon!” Chloe shouted.

-Very true-

The voice responded and seemed to almost chuckle before continuing.

-I’ve never been bonded like this You did not say the words correctly and our bond is… unusual-

Chloe remembered the fight within her. Making that tiny alteration to the words that the demon wanted her to say was the hardest thing she’d ever done in her life. “What do you mean?”

-If you had said the words correctly we would be unstoppable You would already be fulfilling your purpose on earth You would be dominating women and submitting to men willingly and happily-

“But why would I want that?”

-For the pleasure-

The answer was short and simple but Chloe sensed confusion as well.

“But can’t I have pleasure without submitting to ALL men?”

There was silence for a moment before the voice finally answered.

-Yes. But more submission is more pleasure-

“There’s more to life than endless pleasure,” Chloe said. Though even as she said it, a part of her thought the words were ridiculous. What could be better than spending the rest of her life receiving blissful, endless pleasure. “And besides, some men aren’t worthy of submission.”

-All men should be submitted to-

The words thundered through Chloe’s head like a commandment. She mulled them over and realized that, before today, she wouldn’t have even conceded that some men are worthy of submission. The words she’d just spoken would have been anathema to her. But just the image of Gerry towering over her and instructing her. Teaching her. Using her. It got her so hot that she couldn’t fathom it being untruthful. “No, KyriarchoúnDoúlos… and by the way, that’s way too long. I’m just going to call you Kyria, okay?”

-I am you and you are me Call me what you will Chloe-

“Not all men are worthy of submission. Many, many men are awful, terrible people who wouldn’t know what to do with a woman if she hit them over the head.”

-A woman should never hit a man-

Chloe sighed, “Sarcasm isn’t taught in Demon school, huh?”

There was another long pause as the Demon considered its response.

-You spoke the words You are bound to them now-

“Is that why when I apologized to that woman it hurt me?”

-Yes. That’s the way the bond works. Break your vows and you will feel pain. Eventually, unimaginable pain that will break your mind into a million pieces… and I along with it. But fulfill your word. Keep your vows and we will have power and pleasure beyond all comprehension-

Chloe wouldn’t have admitted it out loud, but she liked the sound of that.

-I know Chloe I know-







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