Writer: 9thesatanist9-blog Subject: Satanic Porn Blogs Are Not What Satanism Is About Link: Tumblr / 25.02.2023 / 9thesatanist9-blog About Author: For…
Feature Writer: ClubSpade Feature Title: PAINFUL PAST Published: 15.08.2023 Story Codes: Demonic Synopsis: Will she make it out the Demon’s…
Writer: Ray Subject: The Mattress Of Sin Link: Comments LS666 / 28.08.2023 The Mattress Of Sin When I write my…
Writer: Guardianwolff-666 Subject: On Bended Knee Link: Tumblr / 19.03.2023 On Bended Knee I come to you Satan on bended knee.…
Feature Writer: ClubSpade Feature Title: THE ADVENTURES OF THE LITTLE WHORE 1 Published: 18.08.2023 Story Codes: Non-Human Synopsis: Marco punishes Danny…
Writer: XP Subject: Art of “The Dark Mambo’s Curse” Link: LS666 Stories / Uploading Soon Art of “The Dark Mambo’s…
Writer: thegrandbookofsatanicwitchc-blog Subject: The Merging Roots Of Devil Worship Link: Tumblr / 03.03.2023 / ©Malvern 2018 / thegrandbookofsatanicwitchc-blog The Merging…
Feature Writer: BlueMoonWolf Feature Title: PRAYER AFTER DARK Published: 16.08.2023 Story Codes: Demonic Synopsis: A woman jokingly wishes to make…
Writer: XP Subject: The Dark Mambo’s Curse Link: LS666 Stories / Uploading Soon Uploading Soon — The Dark Mambo’s Curse…