Feature Writer: Glaze72 Feature Title: IDLE HANDS 3 Published: 05.04.2020 Story Codes: Erotic Horror Synopsis: Althea explains; Maria and Alex…
Feature Writer: Men Reformed 4 Satan Feature Title: In the name of Satan Link: TUMBLEX / 05.06.2020 / https://www.tumbex.com/sataniclustlover.tumblr/photo?page=12 In…
Feature Writer: Glaze72 Feature Title: IDLE HANDS 2 Published: 11.03.2020 Story Codes: Erotic Horror Synopsis: The Devil’s Playthings: Rachel reunites…
Feature Writer: CORIUM 666 (deactivated) Feature Title: Look Away Link: TUMBEX / 31.05.2020 / Reposted by Sataniclustlover Look Away LOOK…
Feature Writer: Glaze72 Feature Title: IDLE HANDS 1 Published: 09.02.2020 Story Codes: Erotic Horror Synopsis: A frigid woman becomes the…
Feature Writer: XP Feature Title: SP3KTR Links: LS666 / 06.06.2020 / Deviantart / Instagram / Twitter / Instagram2 / …
Feature Writer: Father Thorn Feature Title: Text Link: MEWE / 27.05.2020 / Posted by Father Thorn About the Author: I…
Feature Writer: Serpentine Shadows Feature Title: Glorify Satan Link: MEWE / 22.05.2020 Glorify Satan Light the candles, burn the incense and…