Writer: Hoku Lani
Subject: Twelve planes of my awareness to Lilith
Link: MEWE / 18.04.2021 / Hoku Lani
Twelve planes of my awareness to Lilith
As I recently conducted some research I intended to share my view of planes or dimensions. I wanted to share how they related to my perception to Lilith and my own views.
I was distracted by the discovery of a copy of an ancient book, Liber Lilith. This book contains a wealth of information, many believe to be forbidden knowledge. In fact it is suspected that the Apostle Paul had possession of one and used information contained within to fabricate Christianity.
Before I progress too far away from my purpose, I will share more about Liber Lilith in a a future post. This one is somewhat a reflection of my understanding and may not be the same fore you.
Everyone that decided to take the time to read this, has the ability to be a God or Goddess. I believe there exists a chain of command, even amongst divine entities. For me, it is obvious that The Dark Goddess Lilith is someplace at the top. She is the Mother of Creation, older than Yahweh, as well as ten thousand times more authentic than the Christian figurehead.
All of which fit into these twelve planes.
PLANES or Dimensions, beginning from one through twelve, bring a new perspective from each one. Black magic and neutral magic is found in the fourth plane, there is no more duality from fifth and a tenth plane karmic purpose may not make sense when looking from a sixth plane perspective of peace.
Our human science is based on third plane laws with some elements of the fourth plane.
The first plane represents the physical reality, like planets, air, water and all physical elements. Science has studied this extensively. Evidence of Lilith from ancient societies exists as demonstrated by archeological discoveries.
The second plane represents life, like plants and animals. Science has also studied this extensively. Lilith is represented here as well. Guides such as serpents, owls, and cats roam and serve here.
The third plane represents the intellect, which is what makes us humans unique among all animals. Free will starts from the third plane. It gives us the ability to make decisions and increase our knowledge is a legacy Lilith planted in each of us. It is up to each individual to seek out this knowledge. Some do, however many more do not. Philosophers and psychologists have studied this plane extensively. Unfortunately this is also the plane of oppression and tyranny under many false flags and religions.
The fourth plane represents the psychic and astral. As Lilith has the power to awaken each soul’s ability to operate here, it becomes a stepping stone for those who awakened. All psychics tap into here. You also tap into it when you dream. Many do not recognize that dreams are astral. Lucid dreams are a deeper awareness as well as the ability to interact with entities and spirits. This plane represents all spiritual laws that can be used either for good or for bad. The Law of Attraction is is also found here. Plenty of spiritual teachers have been focusing on teaching this knowledge over the past many years. Some say that there is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) entity behind the coronavirus called that seeks to neutralize negative consciousness to implement singularity.
The fifth plane represents Lilith as a guiding Light. Once you introduce a guiding Light, you’re no longer the center of your own creation, and duality dissolves into a higher purpose. Because duality starts to dissolves, there is no longer free will to do good or bad when you operate in the fifth plane. I believe that I successfully progressed to this level of awareness. I do what needs to be done. Spirit Guides and entities operate in here. Less than one percent of spiritual people have access to this plane of consciousness.
The sixth plane represents peace and balance. While Earth is transitioning from the third plane into the fifth plane, the leaders really should aim for the sixth to bring them the much-needed stability. Many who walk the path of Lilith know that the elimination of religions of oppression must be achieved. It is a level of stability beyond the guiding light found in the fifth plane.
The seventh plane represents pure Light. It is a more refined form of Light beyond peace. It is a Light that contains knowledge and codes instead of just guidance. Souls in this plane generally transition into the eighth plane pretty quickly.
The eighth plane represents astrology, numerology and crystal codes, and the currents of energies that regulate the Universe. Lilith definitely is deeply connected here as well. From here and up, the Universe is only information — information that determines the holographic Universe projections.
The ninth plane represents the underlying currents behind astrology and numerology. While there are many astrologists around the world, few accurately understand the science behind it and can tap into its subtleties. With eighth plane astrology, you understand some of the effects and patterns, but in the ninth plane, you actually understand the causes and underlying dynamics as you begin to recognize Lilith’s contributions.
The tenth plane represents the greater cycles and may look like a giant clock of inter-twining spirals. The universe operates with cycles within cycles within cycles, and those cycles serve for the continual expansion and growth of consciousness. One such cycle is approaching on April 30, 2022 with the second New Moon in a calendar month arrives. This Black Moon Lilith is a very important date. Planetary ascension is a tenth plane dynamic. While the coronavirus is a fourth plane entity, its karmic purpose is a tenth plane dynamic.
The eleventh plane represents the axis in the center of those cycles. It is the eye of the hurricane, and the dimension that holds the cycles in place. Without a central axis, a clock cannot hold in place. I contend this axis is actually the Queen of Heaven, Lilith.
The twelfth plane represents oneness with Source. It doesn’t mean everything else is an illusion, but from a this plane it becomes a place of oneness, you are not attached to anything and you can be a pure observer without judgments nor prejudice. Ascended Masters connect back to the twelfth plane and can come back down into eighth through twelfth planes if needed.
What’s important to note is that higher planes do not replace the lower ones. Each layer builds on top of the previous one like a pyramid. You need to have a strong foundation in the first, second, and third to ascend into the fourth and you need a strong foundation in first through fifth to ascend into the sixth.
Hail Hoku Lani
Thank You for sharing your knowledge
You Bring me closer to Our Dark Mother Lilith
Hail Xpanther for spreading the writings of Hoku Lani
Hail Zaman … as you also spread my offering