Writer: Satanist1963
Subject: Taste It!
Link: TUMBLR 18/01/2021 / Posted by: Satanist1963
Taste it!
A few weeks ago a young girl asked me in a private message if it was true that I was corrupting Christians. I told her that I did, that as long as they were willing.
-I don’t know why, but the idea of blasphemy is so hot.
-It is, the more you get involved in it, the more it excites you…
-Yes, I want to see more. I want you to corrupt me.
-Do you really want that?
-Yes, please. I’ve been a Christian all my life. I still go to church, but I want to know what it feels like to experience freedom from sin.
Since then she’s been experimenting with her body and the power of blasphemy. The delightful pleasure that comes from not only sinning, but consciously doing so while turning your back on your old faith. Although she was a little scared of the idea of rejecting Jesus, she wanted to know if it made her feel good.
After she had said Fuck God, and Fuck the bastard out loud several times while caressing himself, I asked her how she felt about it:
-So dirty an so good. Why does this feel so good?
-Because it is so good.
How much the Christian idea of sin and its punishment, the feeling of guilt, hurts human beings. It condemns us to a false freedom with which we must be satisfied by repressing our most natural instincts, the pleasure that our own body gives us.
But once you taste freedom, there is no turning back. It will take you more or less time to free yourself from the chains of religion, but you will never again be subjugated by the idea of sin.
So try it. Taste it. Dare to blaspheme.
And enjoy the journey.

Love to tasting the whores of this world, filthy cunts after being fucked by multiple cocks all night, the taste of hard fucking cocks after pounding ass pussy all night
Satan loves us to be open and honest about our true sick perversions, I’m a corrupting whore for the master I love finding the most holy, the most honest of souls who love God and pray for his love and forgiveness, once I meet them I can see there perfect for my depravity my God satan I love to trick them thinking I’m like them, my God satan wants me to turn them Into sexually perverted corrupted whores like me, we all have a weakness for something dark and perverted it’s just finding what that is and exploiting it, find there dirty little thoughts, I love the black bulls they love to have a white boi with a faggot little boy cock, there some of the easiest to corrupt, and all the children are so easy now days to corrupt they are following satan in there wildness, porn has brought satan to there perverted souls they love to be very very hotttxxx and naughty, all they think about is sex and pleasure mmmmmm……
Hail Ray — us, cock sucking perverts, love your comments!
Ave Ray, Ave Satanas! Very well posted, bravo! Also thought you might like some acronyms we use in converting the so called xtians, catlicks, etc. to the truth of Satan in all things! Try these when dealing with them …… “slap egg” –> an easy way to remember the so called “seven deadly sins” = sloth,lust,anger,pride + envy,gluttony,greed. Also, uiogd, or to the xtians, “all for the greater honor and glory of God” becomes uiogs, for us meaning “all for the greater honor and Glory of Satan” and “bcpt” –> denotes blasphemy, cursing, profanity, sacrilege and “sins” –> denotes sacraments,incest,novenas,stations of the cross …… You get the idea. These are very useful in helping us to convert (some say corrupt, but what do they know or care!) the new, young or older, seniors to the true Satanic wisdom that we enjoy. The more you understand about Satan, the more you understand about yourself for we are one WITH HIM! {ironically or truthfully, as the “Jesuits”or “Society of Jesus” as they call themselves, will tell you, the more they understand about God or Jesus or The Holy Spirit, the more confused they become! We know better for “It is better to reign in Hell than to serve in heaven” is so true. Would YOU rather kneel to serve God or kneel to serve Yourself? It gets easier with the true bond between Satan and ourselves! UIOGS
Hail Mary
Than you for this … I am re-posting this as a separate posting … HAIL LVST
Hi Ray, love your coments. Start with the children and families,love hearing from, regards Ron.
Thanks Ray for your wonderful comments. I believe that Satan said children are the keys to lust, perversion, and depraved fucking and drinking of cum. Especially from their cocks, cunts, and mouths.
Yum. Who wouldn’t want to eat semen and lick pussy?
Hail Mr Happy — semen and pussy juice — delicious
Ave X, Ave Satanas! Pussy juice and semen aka “fuck” in some quarters is how life begins and therefore is very powerful in taste as well as function as used here! Very nicely written and shared thank you both! We hope this reaches our group and all is well in nomine nostri dei Satanas Luciferi in excelsis ….. MM
Hail MM — This was not mine — this was written by “Satanist1963” — I re-posted from his Tumblr account
Mmmm I was just reading all the great messages here, yummy,
I’m just so amazed at how mankind is so fucking perverted wicked and sick and I love it soooooo much, my true sexual release cummmm’s from watching sexually depraved children perform wicked satanic acts with pedophiles, stroking the thick fat huge cock with both hands till its blows out tons of pedo cum on there faces and down there throats, I just watched a young girl 12yo riding her horse out into an empty field then into so trees were she got off and looked around not to seen or followed, she strips naked fingers her child wet pussy squats down grabbing the horses huge fucking hotttxxx cock starts to mouth fuck the beasts dripping cum cock and strokes it till he shoots load after sweet load of horse cummmm down her slut throat, mmmmmm satan loves for all the children to give themselves to pedophiles and k9 and all the animals for sexual breeding, children are the most sexually perverted of all of us, there soooooo much we can do with them to pleasure ourselves and they love to do it no matter what….
Hail satan
Hail lilith
Hail cock
Hail cunt
Most of all hail the dark wicked unholy predators that walk the earth to corrupt others
Hi Ray,wish I was there with you watching the 12year sucking the horses cum and cock. Would love to see if,and offer my cum to Satan and Lilith. I agree with you about the children. Yummy cunts,cocks, and arse holes. Sucking the your cum out, kissing them,and feeding it to them. Thank you for your wonderful comments.
so agree with what you say ab out children being the most sexually perverted if given the chance Hail Satan
Hi Ray,I believe Satan guided me to you for your guidance to Satanism, lust depraverty and the corruption of families and children. If you don’t mind, could you contact me on my email, for further guidance, especially yummy children. Regards Ron. Hail Satan and Lilith my mother.