Writer: Ninacrowne
Subject: Pushing Limits and Seeking Taboos in Pornography
Link: Ninacrowne.com / 13.09.2020
About the Author: My name comes from the novel Brave New World. When I first started camming I had just finished my senior thesis in college. My thesis was a comparative analysis of the books Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, 1984 by George Orwell, and V for Vendetta by Alan Moore.
Pushing Limits and Seeking Taboos in Pornography
I think one of the few universal ideas that nearly everyone can agree on is that opinions are subjective. Life experience, current emotions, and even things as simple as how well we slept the night before can play a role in how we respond to stimuli and process it. For me, working in pornography has been a lesson in how varied reactions can be to the same stimulus by different viewers. Some people have aggressively negative reactions to seeing or being exposed to things that bother them (hello “trigger warnings”) and instead of trying to work through why it bothers them and heal, they seek to remove it completely from their world. When something is a common trigger, it gains enough traction and censorship happens. This is why all incest related porn on PornHub has to be “step-relation” instead of just being able to be an direct relative incest fantasy video. Porn is an especially difficult industry to work around these reactions because sexuality itself tends to be a place where people hold a lot of trauma. And a place where they bury that trauma deeeeeep down and attack anyone who might threaten them having to bring it to the surface.
As those of you who get my newsletter know, last week I released a new blasphemy video titled Varieties of Blasphemy to my clip sites. The original version of the video is titled Bible Burning & Other Blasphemies. In this video I go over different kinds of blasphemy a person can perform, including Bible burning. When I posted the full version to my clip sites for sale, the video was repeatedly removed without explanation, and when I asked why, I was told the content was “too inflammatory”. In order to sell the video through their platforms, I had to censor out the parts where I burned pages from the Bible. This was extremely frustrating to me, not only because I had put time and effort into making this video, but that in my opinion, it wasn’t the most “inflammatory” of content I’d even made. But, in their eyes, I had crossed the line. I thought about all of the books that Christians have burnt over the years, so many of the books I’ve loved and cherished, and the thought of having to not burn a Bible because seeing it happen might “inflame” them fed my frustration. I had to release the full version somehow, so I’ve done it independently.
Since releasing the video and allowing people to purchase the full uncensored version of the video through me independently, many responses I’ve received after someone views it is “it wasn’t that extreme”. And you’re right, it’s not, at least not in my opinion. But for the clip sites, it was. Blasphemy content itself is extreme for many people and that’s a major draw to it. Because it breaks taboos, because you’re doing something you’ve been told you’re not supposed to, because (if you believe in the things we’re blaspheming against) you’re tempting fate and the possible eternal damnation of your soul by saying and doing these things–you’re risking something. Many of these ideas are also a part of other taboo fantasies that are very popular on porn sites from incest fantasies, to executrix scenarios, to age play, to rape fantasies, and on and on.
I recently had an email conversation with someone about how it seems like we become desensitized to porn and have to seek more extreme scenarios in order to get off. From my experience this is definitely one way people interact with their sexuality. If you’re searching for something taboo to reach your peak, eventually repeated exposure will make what you first thought of as taboo seem more normal and thus the novelty of it fades, so you look for something new that has the same effect. But other people are all at different points in this process. Someone who has just stumbled upon blasphemy porn might feel like it’s extreme to utter the words “fuck God” to themselves while the jerk off and might balk at the sight of the Bible burning in front of them. If you’re further down the path, this might not do anything for you. And that’s okay. This is one of the reasons why I make content at all different levels of “extremity”, because what does it for one person might not for another. So, I’m asking that when you respond to my videos and give me feedback, that you keep this in mind. I’m working against censorship, at many different levels for different people, and still trying to push my own limits in the process…not just in blasphemy porn but in all the different taboos I work with.
As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Let’s have a conversation down below in the comments or send me an email to discuss through the “contact me” link above. What I’ve written here is just a snapshot of my complex feelings about a complex topic.

Sexuality is a complicated, and traumatic, process because from moment we learn to talk we find it surrounded with taboos.
The important part of this his is that the dipshits who create these taboos are afraid of their own feelings, and want to make us afraid too. Blasphemy is one, quite important, way to overcome the negativity of the righteous.
This is one of the reasons why depravity is a taboo, but in my opinion the more prevalent is the craving for power: By controlling what we are allowed to consume, eat, drink, look at, read and even think, power is exerted over everybody. Whats more, definitions of what constitutes a red line are not universal – just looking at a sexy woman will soon be a crime as Cuomo is finding out, and in some places marring a 5 year old is an act of generosity and is revered.
Instead of becoming more enlightened and free, we are racing towards a new dark age of complete control of the self appointed woke lunatics.
Hail APM … we are subject to censorship from everywhere … even Pornhub has clamped down on blasphemy and religious fetishes … they fear the backlash from the credit card companies … that fear the backlash from “righteous” groups saying that they are responsible for financing “abuse” … this ends like “The Handmaiden’s Tale” with religious fundamentalism controlling everything — THIS IS MY GREATEST FEAR …
You aren’t alone in this by any means.
Fundies are an active and continuing danger to all of us on the LHP, not to mention all of us for whom “fuck xrist” is a friendly greeting
Hail George — I have been watching “The Handmaiden’s Tale” — a story about the US controlled by Fundies, where women have not rights, gays are executed, and rape is legalized for the elite
You put your finger right on it.
Hail George — We must UNLEARN … and only then can we ENJOY
This is very true. I think we also need to learn how to be honorably evil.
Hail George — “honorably evil” … I love that!
It’s something Machiavelli said in The Prince.
Hail George … I will try to look this up
Hail George — check out her website … https://ninacrowne.com/
Thanks, Brother.